Published at 11th of May 2022 06:02:02 AM

Chapter 248

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Zhang Heng clenched his white fist and said firmly: "sure."

Liu Qingshan's eyes turned red and said: "yes, Fengshui turns around. I'll come to my house this year. We have been silent for so long, it's time to have a legendary TV series. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at the excited, excited and even frightened expressions of several people, and said to himself, "it seems that the southern Henan TV station is really not easy. A TV show can make the high-level people move so much, let alone the people at the bottom. "

With the broadcast of the second episode of "step by step", the audience rating showed a gradual upward trend. By half, the audience rating had reached 9.7%, only one step away from ten points.

One minute

two minutes

five minutes

as the minutes and seconds passed, everyone's hearts were pounding.

When the plot reaches three-quarters of the second episode, the whole monitoring room is boiling.

"Ten percent, legendary TV series."

"We have legendary TV series in southern Henan."

"We made it."

"Ha ha ha."

At this moment, the high-level people of Yunan TV station are no longer calm and excited.

With tears in his eyes, Liu Qingshan looked up to the sky and howled as if he wanted to clean up the depression accumulated over the years.

Zhang Heng is no better. He holds his head and squats in a corner and wails.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the two people's appearance, some gaping, said: "their reaction is not some too big?"

Chen Qingqing was in a good mood at this time. He heard the speech and said with a smile: "if you have been held back for several years, it is estimated that when you vent, it will be more excessive than them."

Speaking of this, Chen Qingqing stopped, his face changed a little solemnly, and said: "the sea of clouds, Wanqing, we have succeeded, step by step startle" has succeeded. "

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing looked at each other and said in unison, "yes, director Chen, we succeeded."

Chen Qingqing looked at the golden couple and said with a smile, "do you know what is the most important thing to do next?"

Xiao Yunhai was puzzled and said, "what else do you want to do?"

Zhao Wanqing gave him a look and said, "haven't you ever heard the saying that the only music is better than the others?"

"Ah." Xiao Yunhai slapped his forehead and said, "yes, they are also in a hurry. Let's inform them."

Xiao Yunhai will "step by step startle" ratings break 10 message with SMS group send function to everyone, less than 10 seconds, Deng Yue's phone call.

"Yunhai, is that true

Just connect the phone, Xiao Yunhai was Deng Yue that excited voice to noisy ear pain.

Chen Qingqing and Zhao Wanqing are no better. They call for half an hour.

After all the people had informed one circle, the second episode had already finished, and Liu Qingshan and others had returned to normal.

Liu Qingshan some embarrassed said: "suppress too long, let the three laugh."

Chen Qingqing said with a smile, "we can understand your feelings."

Xiao Yunhai said: "director Liu and vice director Zhang, it seems that we have won the bet on this contract."

When the initial decision is that if the ratings exceed five points, the advertising expenses will be paid to Hanhai entertainment and Xiao Yunhai according to the proportion of 65%.

Now the first broadcast of the TV series, the audience rating is far more than this number, Henan TV station is lost is crisp.

After hearing this, Liu's face was not afraid at all. He said with a smile, "this is nothing. We Henan TV station is willing to accept defeat."

Even though his interests were hurt, Liu was still in high spirits.

More than 10% of the legendary TV series, the help to the TV station is obvious. Not to mention anything else, just 35% of the advertising cost can give Yunan TV a good sigh of relief.

The original ad was 10000 per second. According to the six minute ads per episode, 50 episodes of TV series will bring 180 million yuan.

Now that the audience rating of "step by step is more than 10%, it is not a matter of 10000 per second. If you don't give a price of 30000 or even 50000 per second, it is estimated that Yunan TV station will not even look at it. If the ratings exceed 15%, it will be even more serious.

This is the reality of TV stations. Everything talks with ratings. Ratings are low, TV stations need to ask those businesses to come over, the price naturally can not be raised.

On the contrary, if the audience rating is high, there is no need for the TV station to say that those businesses will also flock to it.

Liu Taichang seems to see the way those merchants are waving money to negotiate advertising fees tomorrow.

Anyway, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing's step by step thriller is popular, and all the comments on the Internet are about it.

"Step by step is amazing. It's very well made. From the etiquette of the actors to the costumes they wear and the props they use, they obviously use their heart. If the quality is not reduced, I dare say a legendary TV series will appear"I think Zhao Wanqing's role of Ruoxi is really good. She vividly interprets the panic she experienced in the Qing Dynasty. Other actors are also very good, especially the fourth master Yin Zhen played by Emperor Yun. The coldness and ruthlessness revealed from his body is the most impressive. I can't forget him after a glance

"It was just at the beginning of the play that I was fascinated. As a modern man who pursues freedom and fashion, he suddenly enters a feudal dynasty with extremely strict hierarchy. If he does not pay attention to it, it is estimated that there will be big problems. It is no wonder that emperor Yun named the play "startling step by step.". Indeed, as long as Ruoxi takes a wrong step, the abyss awaits her below. "

In the hotel, Xiao Yunhai looked at the comments on the computer, turned to Zhao Wanqing and said, "my wife, the first time I acted as a leading role, I performed a legendary TV series. What do you feel?"

Zhao Wanqing said triumphantly, "of course, I am very happy. To tell you the truth, although I had thought that our play would achieve a good result, I did not expect it to be so successful. Husband, do you think this play can exceed 20%

Xiao Yunhai laughed, turned and gently shaved her Qiong nose, and said: "do you know what is the lack of human heart and the snake swallows the elephant? This is you. "

How difficult it is to get more than 20% of the audience rating in the rise of the Internet today. Such as "Emperor Kangxi" such a large number of stars of the TV series, have not broken through 20 points, let alone their own group of young people.

Zhao Wanqing sighed and complained, "I'm just talking about fun. You don't know how to make me happy."

Xiao Yunhai's face showed a faint expression. He hugged Zhao Wanqing and said with a smile: "wife, it's not easy to be happy. I'll take you to the sky."

Zhao Wanqing hugged Xiao Yunhai's neck tightly, and her eyes were like silk on her face. She said, "turn off the light first."

Xiao Yunhai didn't expect that Zhao Wanqing, who was always shy, would take the initiative this evening. With a cheer, the room quickly fell into darkness.

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