Published at 11th of May 2022 06:01:56 AM

Chapter 252

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Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "of course it's a good thing. I found you a play and I need you to audition in two days. "

"What?" Zhang Xinyi said excitedly, "how could a cast ask me for an audition? Don't they know about me? "

Yu Yuexian said, "do you know the emperor?"

"Yes, I can sing his songs in every capital city."

Yu Yuexian said: "it's his" Legend of Zhen Huan "crew that asks you to audition. As for you and Hongda, he doesn't care at all. However, it depends on your ability to get the role. Tomorrow, I'll give you your part of the script. You must have a good understanding. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you. "

Zhang Xinyi heard her tears pouring out. She said with tears: "thank you, sister Yu. I know how Mr. Xiao would have known me but for your recommendation. By the way, how did you get the script for the play? "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "because I will play the queen inside."

Zhang Xinyi was surprised and said, "God, how did you play the TV series?"

Yu Yuexian said: "the script is good, the actor is good, and the director is my brother. Do you think I can not play? Let me tell you one more thing. Now, if you and my teacher Zhang Wanhong are in the film, you and I will have the film. What about? What does it feel like? "

Zhang Xinyi was shocked and speechless at this time. After a long time, she gently said, "how much is the investment in this play?"

Yu Yuexian laughed: "the whole 600 million yuan is not enough. Xiao Yunhai, the boy with great courage, vowed to shoot a legendary TV play. Well, it's late. You can have a good rest. I'll see you tomorrow. "

Hearing the blind voice on the other end of the phone, Zhang Xinyi laughed bitterly in her heart: "don't say it's your own chance, even those first-line actors will not miss it. Sleep? How can I sleep now

The next day, "Legend of Zhen Huan" audition notice was sent to the hands of various film and television companies. When you saw that the play had an investment of 600 million yuan, and the famous actors such as Wang Guoan, Zhang Hong, Yu Yuexian, Zhao Wanqing and other famous actors and actresses joined in, they immediately aroused a huge repercussion in the whole circle.

Numerous self recommendation books came to Xiao Yunhai like snowflakes, most of them were second-line, third-line and some unknown artists.

Because of their identity, first-line artists can't take the initiative to come here.

However, many of them also asked about the crew through their agents, and they all gave up when they learned that all the main characters had been owned.

While Xiao Yunhai was busy preparing for the legend of Zhen Huan, the arrival of an unexpected guest disrupted all Xiao Yunhai's plans.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao. I'm Zhong ren'an, director of the Organizing Committee of the golden cup film festival."

In a box of Linglong tea house, a gentle middle-aged man with glasses and about 40 years old came in under the guidance of Su Yingxue and introduced himself.

Xiao Yunhai, who had been waiting for a long time, got up and shook hands with him and said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Zhong. Please have a seat."

Zhong ren'an nodded, thanks and sat down.

Xiao Yunhai made a cup of tea for him and said, "don't mind, Mr. Zhong. Most people like to go to the coffee shop when they talk about things, but I am not interested in coffee. The better the coffee, the worse I feel. So, after thinking about it, I'll ask you to come here. "

Zhong ren'an took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao's choice is just right for me. How can Western coffee compare with our five thousand year old tea ceremony?"

Xiao Yunhai clapped his hands and said with a smile, "what Mr. Zhong said is good. I feel the same way."

Two people looked at each other, suddenly produced a kind of feeling of mutual pity, and laughed together.

Su Yingxue sees two people's appearance, in the heart curse way: "what is funny, neuropathy."

After laughing, Zhong ren'an said, "Mr. Xiao, I'm..."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "brother Zhong, if you can look up to me, just call me Yunhai. It's very kind of you, Mr. Xiao

"Well, I'll call you Yunhai." Zhong ren'an said, "Yunhai, I think Miss Su should tell you why I came to you?"

Xiao Yunhai, with a bitter smile, nodded and said, "brother Zhong, let me be the host of the golden cup film festival. Is this too childish. I don't understand. There are so many excellent hosts in China. If one of them is better than me, how can they choose me? "

Yes, Zhong ren'an is here to invite Xiao Yunhai to host the golden cup film festival.

When Xiao Yunhai received a call from Su Yingxue last night, he was almost stunned by the news.

The first sentence is sister Xue. Can we not make such a joke?

Su Yingxue explained for a long time that Xiao Yunhai believed it.

When Xiao Yunhai told Zhao Wanqing about this, Zhao Wanqing also looked incredible and said, "is the jinzung organizing committee crazy? I'm looking for a nonprofessional person like you to preside over it. "Xiao Yunhai was also very confused about this, and did not think of any reason for the night.

Zhong Renan smiled and said, "you should also know that in recent years, the ratings of the Golden Cup awards ceremony have fallen from 41% five years ago to 18% last year. Many netizens left a message online saying that the golden bottle Film Festival was dead and fresh, and it made people sleepy. In view of this situation, the organizing committee has made a decision to carry out reform. The first thing is the host's reform. "

When it comes to this point, Zhong Renan drinks tea and continues to say, "as you said, there are many hosts in China, but the host style is fixed, so some routines can not bring fresh feeling to the audience. So the organizing committee decided to have the actors come to the party and see what happened? If good results can be achieved, they will continue in this way in the future. "

"The reason why you are chosen is that your humorous and funny expression in happy Sunday and the guest room of jiangqin meeting has been recognized by the organizing committee. It's a great idea that if you can host in this way, it should have a very good effect. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "how do I feel you are on the shelf."

Indeed, there are only four days left from the ceremony. Xiao Yunhai can not even handle the events of Zhen Huan Zhuan. He goes to host the golden bottle Film Festival. It is really a little nervous in time.

Zhong Renan said: "as an old brother, Yunhai, I think you should promise. The Golden Cup awards ceremony involves many big characters in the film and television industry. Because of the reasons that Mr. Mu was in town, even some important leaders of the Ministry of culture would attend the party. If you can make an impression in their hearts, it will be very good for your future development. "

Xiaoyun Haidao: "brother Zhong, I understand what you said. If I do, I hope the organizing committee will not give me death rules. To achieve a good effect, you can't be dogmatic. If it can't be said, it can't be done, and the whole party will have no meaning at all. "

Zhong Renan nodded: "since we have found you, we will give you the greatest freedom. As long as it's not reactionary, you can play as much as you can. However, I hope you should take a good position. After all, this party is for hundreds of millions of audience. Once there is any problem, it will be a shame. And we hope you can keep it secret and then you can surprise the audience. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I understand that. By the way, is the host the one? "

Zhong Renan shook his head and said, "there is also an actress with you. She was determined this morning. She is your classmate, zhaowanqing."

"Who?" Xiao Yunhai stared at Zhong Renan in shock, even Su Yingxue sat there with a little bit of a dazzle.

Meanwhile, in a cafe, Zhao is talking to a woman officer with a golden bottle award in his mid-30s.

When she learned from her mouth that she was going to host the golden cup film festival party, she asked in surprise, "is there another host Xiao Yunhai?"

The woman officer nodded and said, "yes. It should be very confidential. How do you know it? "

Zhao Wanqing thought to turn to the phone, saying: "when her agent called him, I was right beside him."

"Ah, I almost forgot that you were going to shoot Zhen Huan biography. That matter... "Br >

said zhaowanqing:" no problem. "

The woman officer said, "great. I can make a difference back. "

In the afternoon, when Zhao went home, he saw Xiao Yunhai sitting on the sofa knocking on the computer keyboard.

You look at me, I look at you, and laugh at the same time.

Xiaoyun Haidao: "it is surprising that the Organizing Committee of the golden bottle prize even let us two go to the party."

"Yes, I didn't think of it either."

Zhao Wanqing finished, eyes turned, suddenly came to Xiao Yunhai in front of.

In xiaoyunhai surprised eyes, he patted his head and said, "rest assured, little ghost. Then, my sister will cover you. "

Xiaoyunhai was stunned, and then Zhao Wanqing, who was about to fork in his smile, put her on her leg, and beat her buttocks for a while, and said angrily: "dare to talk to your husband like this, so much courage is very big. How can I punish you? "

Zhao Wanqing was hit red by him and struggled to stand up and said wrongly: "people just see that you have no experience trying to help you. Is that what you can do? "

Xiao Yunhai hum and says, "the idea is worth affirming, but the attitude is not good. Besides, I am xiaoyunhai. Let alone such a small award ceremony, I will go to New York to preside over the United Nations General Assembly, and I will also give you a complete conclusion. "

"Yes, you are Xiao. But what I don't understand is that you are so good that you still write the moderator in this way? "

Zhao asked, pointing to the computer.

Xiao Yunhai said with a straight and strong voice: "I am not afraid you can't keep up with me? Look, how did I write? It's absolutely going to make you laugh. ""True or false?" Zhao Wanqing looks at Xiao Yunhai suspiciously and looks at the host words written by him.

After just looking at the two lines, Zhao Wanqing chuckled and laughed.

It's a very interesting word.

After the host word is to exaggerate this kind of humor to the extreme, Zhao Wanqing finally laugh all stomachache.

After a long time, Zhao Wanqing recovered and said, "are you sure you want to say this at the party?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "can the organizing committee agree?"

"They come to me to preside over this style. Do you think it's not good?"

"That's not true. It's just that I feel like a sketch. It's just a burden. What's more, I found that the funny host words seemed to be all from you. At best, I was one of your laughs. Xiao Yunhai, you are a bit of a bad heart. " Zhao Wanqing deliberately teased him.

Xiao Yunhai grinned: "it doesn't matter. If you don't think it's suitable, we can change it. You make fun of it. I'll hold it. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "forget it. If you say that, we girls can't come. "

The two people fight and quarrel, and soon the whole host speech is finished.

Two days later, Fenghua Hotel welcomed hundreds of actors who came to participate in the audition of legend of Zhen Huan, including many famous artists.

"Legend of Zhen Huan" has invested a total of 600 million yuan, and the film emperors and empresses gather together, which is very attractive to the actors.

Xiao Yunhai contracted the whole second floor of Fenghua hotel in advance and put the audition site in one of the conference rooms with a large area.

The slightly well-known artists have been placed in some of the lounges upstairs, and they will be the first to audition.

As for the artists who have not yet made their debut, they can only stand in the corridor.

No way. That's the rule of the entertainment industry.

"You see, isn't that Hua Minglun who just performed Lavender? He came to argue with us

"Can't you come? Wang Guoan, Zhang Hong, Yu Yuexian, which one is not higher than the top. Now that they can be cast, the play must have its own uniqueness. "

"Yes. Besides, the works of emperor Yun are also very attractive. What do you think of his self-made and self-made "startling step by step"? Some people say that its ratings are likely to surpass last year's Emperor Kangxi and reach 20 percent. "

"Yes, it's the emperor of cloud. It's so powerful."

"Look, another second-line star has arrived. It seems to be Zhu Ming."

"Yes, it's him."

In the corridor on the second floor, the crowd is surging. Everyone is talking and talking, which is very lively.

At 8:50, Xiao Yunhai led Wang Guoan, Zhang Hong, Yu Yuexian and Zhao Wanqing to the second floor.

Just out of the elevator, the noisy scene immediately stopped, everyone with a kind of awe looked at Xiao Yunhai and others.

An old man who has been in the circle for ten years sighed: "look at others. In less than a year, we have come to this point. But I wasted ten years, but I didn't achieve anything. The gap is too big. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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