Published at 11th of May 2022 06:01:55 AM

Chapter 253

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Xiao Yunhai and others turned a deaf ear to the eyes cast by everyone, with solemn faces. In respectful greetings, they walked through the crowd and entered the audition room.

Sitting on the main position of the audition, Xiao Yunhai's heart surged: "the previous life tossed about for a lifetime, even a leading role has not been found, and in this world, less than a year's effort, he has become a director of a 600 million drama. It's really changeable in the world."

As soon as several people sat down, Wang Cheng and Huang Bo came in with a waiter carrying a tea plate.

Wang Cheng put a cup of steaming Longjing tea on the table, waved and let the waiter out.

Yesterday morning, Xiao Yunhai called two people and asked them to come over in advance to arrange the audition venue.

When they heard this, they were overjoyed. They came here before seven o'clock.

Xiao Yunhai had already told each other their names, and after meeting, they soon became friends.

They command the staff of the hotel to finish the arrangement of the venue and wait for the arrival of Xiao Yunhai and others downstairs.

At eight o'clock, Xiao Yunhai and others arrived at the hotel.

In the lounge on the first floor, Xiao Yunhai auditioned for the two.

Huang Bo plays the role of doctor Wen Shichu, while Wang Cheng plays Yongzheng's four sons Hongli.

Huang Bo's acting skills do not really have to say, he has been very hard work, after the "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" shooting, acting more mature.

He played the role of Wen Shichu incisively and vividly, and was praised by all.

What really surprised Xiao Yunhai was Wang Cheng. After a spring festival, he seemed quite different. The role of Qianlong in his interpretation, sharp and brilliant, has been unanimously praised.

Xiao Yunhai said: "your boy is not beaten chicken blood, acting so well."

Wang Cheng said with a bitter smile: "for this role, I practiced the whole Spring Festival, and participated in two super expensive acting training classes, which had some effect."

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "very good. If you had such acting skills when you were in the Three Kingdoms, I would definitely recommend you to play a better role. "

Wang Cheng said happily, "thank you for your praise."

Wang Guoan looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "I didn't expect you to have such a good eye. In terms of acting skills, Huang Bo can almost enter the first line in the performing arts circle. Wang Cheng should be at the top of the second line, and he will soon reach the threshold of the first line. I was worried about the inhumanity of these two characters. Now it seems that I am worried about nothing. The two of them are much better than those second-line and third-line artists. "

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha smile, way: "they can get teacher Wang's praise, I this do elder brother's face all have light."

After the roles of Huang Bo and Wang Cheng were determined, Xiao Yunhai made them serve as the crew.

In the audition room, Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea and said, "neck, are the people outside?"

Huang Bo said, "I've been here for a long time. It's just that Hua Fei, an Lingrong and Shen meizhuang need makeup, so the audition will be later. "

Because these three roles are so important, Xiao Yunhai asked Zhou Yun to bring some makeup artists to dress up the audition actors, so as not to have problems because of the big gap between modern and clean clothes.

Xiao Yunhai said, "let's audition huanbi first."

Huang Bo nodded and said, "OK, I'm going to call someone."

"Good." Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that you are really working hard. But if you don't practice fake tricks, you can play the part of huanbi's marriage. "

Lin Lu has long remembered the script, and she acted out the scene of huanbi's marriage.

Xiao Yunhai asked Zhao Wanqing beside him and said, "Wanqing, she is your servant girl. What do you think?"

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "it has both body and spirit. It's just the posture you need to pay attention to when you walk. "

"I will ask a teacher to train the etiquette of the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty," Xiao said. Lin Lu, you go back first. I'll call you then. "

Lin Lu nodded and bowed again, saying, "thank you teachers."

After Lin Lu left, Zhang Hong said with a smile, "this little girl is a good girl. No stage fright, no affectation, very good

Xiao Yunhai drew a circle on Lin Lu's name and called out, "next one."

The second came in a very beautiful little girl, but compared with Lin Lu, she was much worse. She was nervous and stumbling, and her mental quality was very poor.

Xiao Yunhai has tried to speak to her in a gentle tone, but she is still trembling. Xiao Yunhai shook her head helplessly and said, "you go out first. We will let people inform you of the result of the audition."

The girl bowed deeply and left with a sad face.

With the actors coming in one by one, performing one by one, and then going out one by one, Xiao Yunhai found that the audition was not easy.In the past, when I was auditioning, I was very proud to see the judge teacher, and I still imagined when I could sit in that position.

But when I felt it myself, I didn't think this job was really interesting.

However, it is not without harvest that many supporting roles in the legend of Zhen Huan have found suitable actors.

After a beautiful woman of Fujin Qingying, who was on the side of Hongli audition, left, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "have you found that our" Legend of Zhen Huan "crew is just a beauty concentration camp."

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "no way, the palace is not eunuch, is the maid and concubine, beautiful women can not many?"

Zhao Wanqing said meaningfully: "what? Seeing so many beautiful women, can't director Xiao be moved

"Ha ha ha."

When they heard Zhao Wanqing's hidden threat, they all laughed.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "I dare not kill you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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