Published at 11th of May 2022 06:01:53 AM

Chapter 254

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At this time, Huang Bo came in and said to the crowd, "the actors who play Hua Fei are all dressed up. Do you want to start audition for this role now?"

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "the role of Princess Hua is really very important. She has too many rival plays with the empress, Zhen Huan and the emperor. If she is not selected well, the whole play will have big problems. Pull a hair and move the whole body. "

Wang Guoan also solemnly said: "yes, this role must choose the actor who can compete with us in acting skills. If you can't find it in here, go outside to find it. You can't be vague. Yuexian, I'm not talking about Zhang Xinyi. Don't be too careful. "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "I understand what Mr. Wang means. If Xinyi's performance doesn't satisfy us, I'll have nothing to say. But I'm sure she can. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "as the saying goes, people die more than people, and goods have to be thrown away. This time, let's have a group audition to see who can stand out from the five actors

Zhang Hong clapped his hands and said, "that's a good idea. Princess Hua was able to compete with the queen in the Imperial Palace and tortured Zhen Huan to death. She must be very powerful in momentum. As long as they come here together, they will immediately show the difference. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "that's it. Neck, you go and get these five actors in. Tell them that when they enter the room, they are not audition actors, but the Chinese concubine in the play. "

"I see," Huang said

A minute later, all five Chinese imperial concubines, dressed in the clothes of the imperial concubines of the Qing Dynasty, came in one after the other.

Take a look, good guy, are all the same tall beauty.

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Wang Guoan and said, "the emperor is here. Do you salute one by one from the left?"

As we all know, this is Xiao Yunhai testing their court etiquette.

as like as two peas, I am not saying that facial expression, movement, expression or even appearance is exactly the same as that of my heart. Xiao Yunhai said.

Wang Guoan also nodded and said: "her acting skills are absolutely above the top performers. She has her own way of acting. I don't worry about it. It's just that there's some trouble with Hongda entertainment. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with indifference, "don't worry about Hongda. They and I have long been at odds. The so-called lice more do not bite, more debt do not worry, let them go. Neck, let the actors who are auditioning for an Lingrong come in and follow the way just now. "

in the dressing room on the second floor, five Chinese concubines came back to remove their make-up after they tried the mirror.

One of the actors enviously said to Zhang Xinyi: "it seems that you are the one who succeeded in this audition. I see that director Xiao is very appreciative of you. "

Zhang Xinyi shook her head and said with a smile, "you are also very good."

Zhang Xinyi is very satisfied with her performance in the audition.

The most important thing is not acting, but the relationship behind it

With that, she proudly took out her mobile phone and dialed a number. She said coquettishly, "brother Li, the audition performance just now seems not so good. Would you please tell me

She said happily, "thank you, brother Li. I'll treat you to dinner tonight. Well, goodbye

After the phone call, the young woman said to several people, "do you know who brother Li is? He is the business owner who has a cooperative relationship with Hanhai entertainment company. Will Hanhai entertainment give him face? Hehe

Looking at her elation, Zhang Xinyi really wanted to slap her in the past. Is it useless to say what you have done this time?

No, I can't give up.

She took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Yu Yuexian. Suddenly, she thought that the other party was auditioning, so she put her mobile phone down again and sighed in her heart: "I'm lucky to get it, but I'm going to lose my life. Let it be. "

But she knew that her chances of getting the role were slim. Investors, no one dares to ignore it.

At the same time, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone suddenly vibrates after an audition. When you open it, it turns out to be his future father-in-law, Zhao Mingsheng.

Xiao Yunhai looked at Zhao Wanqing and quickly picked up the phone.

"Uncle, call me at this time. What can I do for you?"

Zhao Mingsheng said, "excuse me for your audition, don't you?"

"It doesn't matter, you say."

"I just got a call from an investor who has a partnership with my company. He wants to play the role of Princess Hua to a girl named Wang Qi."

"Wang Qi?" Xiao Yunhai frowned, took out Wang Qi's information, and said, "uncle, Wang Qi's performance is the worst of the five audition actors. As you know, the role of Princess Hua is to play with Mr. Wang, Miss Zhang, sister Yu and Wanqing. Her acting skills are not good at all. It's very likely that the whole play will be ruined by her. "Zhao Mingsheng said: "I know you are in a dilemma, but the relationship between that investor and our company is very close. The first time he spoke, I really can't say no

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "well, uncle, you can say that this role was decided by the film masters such as teacher Wang, teacher Zhang and sister Yu together. I, the little director, dare not go against their wishes. If you want that Wang Qi to get the role, unless she can get the approval of the three. What do you think? "

Zhao Mingsheng sighed, "that's the only way."

Xiao Yunhai put down the phone, Zhao Wanqing asked, "is it my father?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "uncle has a partner who wants to take the role of Princess Hua."

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "so you regard us as a shield?"

Xiao Yunhai spread out his hands and said, "no way. If the role of Princess Hua is not human, the play will be finished. So I have to fight the banner of three teachers. "

"Well done." Wang Guoan said: "the reason why the quality of TV dramas is getting worse is that investors often put some actors who are not up to the standard in the production team, and they are also playing some important supporting roles and even leading roles, which makes directors miserable. Yunhai, as the director and investor of the legend of Zhen Huan, your biggest advantage is that you don't need to be restricted by outsiders. You can choose the right actors as you like. You can envy those directors just by this. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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