Published at 11th of May 2022 06:01:52 AM

Chapter 255

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Xiao Yunhai said: "I understand. So if I don't make the legend of Zhen Huan into a legend, I feel sorry for myself. "

Yu Yuexian suddenly said: "Yunhai, are you sure to let Zhang Xinyi play Princess Hua?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course. She's definitely the right person to play Princess Hua

Yu Yuexian said, "can you let someone sign with her now. I know it's a bit overwhelming, but I'm really afraid of a long night's dream. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what's so hard to do? Early signing and late signing are the same. Well, sister Yu, you call her and ask her not to leave. When we have lunch, I will sign with her on behalf of the crew


Yu Yuexian called Zhang Xinyi and said, "Xinyi, is it convenient for you to talk there?"

At this time, Zhang Xinyi had just finished removing her make-up. When she saw several other people looking at her, she said, "wait a minute."

Out of the dressing room, Zhang Xinyi came to a corner where there was no one. She asked anxiously, "sister Yu, is the role of Princess Hua yellow? I just saw a girl calling the investor of Hanhai entertainment in front of us, saying that the role must be hers. "

Yu Yuexian snorted and said, "that girl is stupid. She was not afraid to break the rules of the circle. Don't worry. Director Xiao has just sent her away. Xinyi, I officially inform you that your acting has been approved by all of us. At noon, the crew will sign a contract with you. If you're all right, don't leave. "

Hearing the good news, Zhang Xinyi cried happily and said, "thank you, sister Yu. Thank you, too. Wu Wu Wu... "

Yu Yuexian was very aware of Zhang Xinyi's grievances over the years, and comforted him:" Xinyi, everything is over now. As long as you play the role of Princess Hua, you will definitely be popular. Come on, I have something to do here, so I won't talk about it

Zhang Xinyi said, "goodbye to sister Yu."

After a long time, Zhang Xinyi calmed down and returned to the dressing room.

The girl named Wang Qi smiles when she sees the tear marks on Zhang Xinyi's face: "this elder sister, I'm really sorry to rob your role. No way, the entertainment industry is so cruel, you must not be too sad. "

Zhang Xinyi looked at her deeply. She didn't say anything. She took her bag and left.

After a while, Wang Qi received a phone call from her brother Li. Before saying a word, her face turned very ugly. She found that she just looked like a clown full of boasting.

At noon, the audition was suspended. Xiao Yunhai and others went to eat in the box on the first floor.

Yu Yuexian called Zhang Xinyi and asked her to come and sign the contract.

Soon, Zhang Xinyi came to the box, bowed to Xiao Yunhai and others, and said, "thank you for giving me this role. I promise I will perform her well."

Xiao Yunhai stood up and said with a smile, "elder martial Sister Zhang, don't be polite. We are absolutely at ease to play Princess Hua with your acting skills. Neck, contract for elder martial sister. "

Huang Bo agreed, took out the two contracts printed in the morning and said, "elder martial Sister Zhang, director Xiao has already signed it. As long as you sign your name again, the contract will come into effect. You can have a good look. This is your pay. Since you haven't acted for eight years, the pay is a little low, only 300000. "

Zhang Xinyi said with a wry smile: "don't say it's 300000. If you don't give me a cent, I'm willing to act."

Because of Yu Yuexian, Zhang Xinyi knew that there would be no problem with the contract, so she didn't even look at it and signed her name on it.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "since Sister Zhang has signed the contract, it is our crew. It's noon. Why don't you come and have dinner

Zhang Xinyi quickly waved her hand and said, "I still have something to do, so I'll go back first."

Yu Yuexian got up and came to her. He pushed her to the seat beside him and said, "you are a princess now. You must have the arrogance and arrogance of the imperial concubine. Don't you just have a meal? There's something I'm sorry about. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "OK, teachers, let's start."

Because we still need to continue the audition in the afternoon, we didn't drink.

Xiao Yunhai, as the king of stomach, is undoubtedly the slowest one to eat. Zhang Xinyi, who doesn't know Xiao Yunhai, was surprised by the huge meal size of three catties of beef and two Jin of steamed bread.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "Sister Zhang, there's no need to make a fuss. He's just a bucket. We're used to it."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and drank a cup of tea.

Just got up, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone on the table suddenly rings, open a look, is Su Yingxue's number.

As soon as Xiao Yunhai got through the phone, Su Yingxue said in a hasty voice, "Yunhai, Cao Huaqiang just called and said that he would let you go back to the company and pick up the hero of an urban drama."

Xiao Yunhai frowned and asked, "sister Xue, didn't you tell him that I want to direct the legend of Zhen Huan?"Su Yingxue said, "I have said that for a long time."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that is, he is deliberately looking for fault. Sister Xue, we don't need to pay attention to him. "

"No, your actor's contract is still in the company. If you don't agree, I'm afraid he will prohibit you from filming the legend of Zhen Huan. "

"This son of a bitch is taking revenge on himself. Sister Xue, what about the money I give to the company

Su Yingxue said helplessly: "let him just return."

It turns out that in the legend of Zhen Huan, although Xiao Yunhai is a director, he also plays Ai Xin Jueluo Yunli.

In order to solve the problem from the company, Xiao Yunhai gave the part of his money to the company according to his value. However, Cao Huaqiang refused to accept it.

That's ridiculous.

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "sister Xue, give me Cao Huaqiang's mobile phone number. I'll talk to him. "

After su Yingxue gave the number to Xiao Yunhai, he told him, "Yunhai, people under the eaves have to bow their heads. At this point, you must not conflict with him

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry, I know it in my mind."

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai face immediately pulled down.

Zhao Wanqing asked anxiously, "what's the matter?"

Xiao Yunhai said something about Cao Huaqiang.

Wang Guoan said: "it's really hard to deal with this matter. Vice President Cao must have a full grasp of the move at this time. You have to be careful. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "it's OK. I just signed my actor contract with the company. The director contract is not in this scope. It's a big deal. I'm not going to perform the ceremony. Isn't it? "Legend of Zhen Huan" cost me so much effort. Anyway, I will finish it. I'll be rude to anyone who dares to stop me. "

Xiao Yunhai dials out according to the telephone number Su Yingxue gives. Cao Huaqiang's voice soon comes over the phone.

"Sea of clouds, what do you think I do to you? The protagonist of an urban drama should thank me well, ha ha. " Cao Huaqiang seems to be very happy, speaking with a sense of pride.

Naturally, Xiao Yunhai could hear his subtext and said with a smile, "Vice President Cao's special care for me has impressed me deeply. I will never forget your great kindness to me in this lifetime, and I will be rewarded in the future. "

Cao Huaqiang laughed and said, "don't be polite. This is what we should do as a leader. I don't know what you're going to do? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "what else can I do? Even if you give me money back, I can only resign the role in the legend of Zhen Huan. "

Cao Huaqiang said, "I see what you mean. But I want to tell you that there is a price to pay for violating the company's decisions. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I'll wait and see."

Xiao Yunhai hung up the phone, took a deep breath and said, "it seems that the role of Yunli needs to find someone again. Let's go on with the audition

In the Deputy General Office of Tianhua film and television media company, Cao Huaqiang hung up the phone contentedly and said with a smile to Lin Yuying, who was sitting on the sofa: "as expected, Xiao Yunhai did not agree to come and play the role in this urban TV drama, and he is not going to play the role in the legend of Zhen Huan. Now he just wants to be his director in peace of mind."

Lin Yuying showed her eyebrows and frowned slightly and said, "how can I do that?"

Cao Huaqiang snorted and said, "since I have thought of it for a long time, I will naturally stay behind. Do you know who invested in this city play? "

Lin Yuying shook her head and said, "isn't it from the company?"

"The company only accounts for 30%, and the remaining 70% is from Yaowei investment company."

Lin Yuying's eyes brightened and said, "is that Yaowei investment company of Li Yaowei? Oh, brother Cao is really good. "

Yaowei investment company, formerly known as Yaowei society, was a little-known underworld gang. In the fight against underworld ten years ago, because their scale was too small compared with other groups, and they didn't do any serious crimes, they were lucky to escape the robbery.

Chen Yaowei, the boss of the company, took stock of the situation and soon established the Yaowei investment company. Those punks changed their minds and became the company's security guards.

A few years ago, seeing the vigorous development of the film and television industry, Chen Yaowei also took part in it with a large amount of money. He invested in shooting several films and TV series, and made a lot of profits.

In the circle, everyone knows the background of Yaowei investment company, so they are not willing to offend them.

Cao Huaqiang said with a smile: "the protagonist of this TV play is Xiao Yunhai, whom I recommended to Chen Yaowei. After reading Xiao Yunhai's information, he immediately agreed and said that Xiao Yunhai would not shoot. You said I would tell Chen Yaowei about his refusal to act. What kind of reaction would he have? "

Lin Yuying said with a smile, "that must be a rage. People like them look at face more than anything else. Xiao Yunhai's refusal to act is tantamount to hitting him in the face. Hehe, there's a good show to watch. "

Cao Huaqiang snorted and said, "isn't Xiao Yunhai good at Kung Fu? Let me see if his kung fu can be compared with the machetes of the underworld? "With that, Cao Huaqiang called Chen Yaowei. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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