Published at 11th of May 2022 06:07:01 AM

Chapter 26

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Liu Lefu, retired president of Yanjing Conservatory of music, wrote: "last night, a musical genius was born. Three classic songs established him as a musical genius. "Borrow another 500 years from heaven" and "big man" are vigorous and innovative, but they are not beyond the scope of today's pop music! "

"But the later Orchid Pavilion preface completely broke all music forms today. We should thank him for his music innovation, which provides us with a broader idea."

"I heard that Xiao Yunhai called this new form of music" Huaxia style ", which is a good name. I hope Xiao Yunhai can continue to make efforts to create more Chinese style songs. "

Chen Huan published "on the three ancient and three new Chinese styles" on his home page. He wrote down what he learned from his discussion with Xiao Yunhai yesterday. In less than a day, the passenger flow reached millions in an instant.

With the collective praise of these predecessors, although Xiao Yunhai's fame has not been completely aroused in the outside world, it is well known in the music circle.

Xiao Yunhai is in a good mood, not because he became a celebrity, nor because he made a million yuan from Yao Na, but because his father Xiao Qifeng gave him a phone call and only said a word.

"You did a good job."

It is such a sentence that makes Xiao Yunhai very excited. At the same time, he also felt the importance of his family's support to himself, which was never realized in his previous life.

Xiao Yunhai finished his breakfast outside and didn't go back to the dormitory. His cell phone rang in his pocket. Turn it on. It's teacher Yao Wenyuan's phone.

"Yunhai, come to me for lunch today. I have something to tell you." There was a loud but old voice coming from the mobile phone.

"All right, teacher."

Xiao Yunhai has great respect for Yao Wenyuan. He is a real teacher with both morality and art. He loves him very much and often asks him to eat at home. Sometimes he gives money in a variety of ways, which makes him very moved.

Now that he has money, Xiao Yunhai naturally will not go empty handed. Knowing that Yao Wenyuan loved tea, he went to the tea shop to buy a catty of Biluochun. He went to the fruit store to buy a bag of fruit. He took a taxi and arrived at Yao Wenyuan's home half an hour later.

Xiao Yunhai rings the doorbell, and it is his mother Wang Minzhi who opens the door. She is a professor in the Conservatory of music. She is also very good to Xiao Yunhai and often teaches him music knowledge.

Wang Minzhi saw Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile, "Yunhai, come in quickly."

"Yes, Miss Wang."

In order to distinguish Wang Minzhi from Yao Wenyuan, Xiao Yunhai calls her teacher Wang.

Xiao Yunhai carrying things to the living room, saw the teacher is reading the newspaper of the day, he did not disturb, directly sat on the sofa, also picked up the newspaper on the tea table to read. Xiao Yunzhen doesn't regard himself as a stranger here.

Wang Minzhi saw the appearance of the two masters and apprentices, and then he went to work on his own affairs.

After about 15 minutes, Yao Wenyuan put down his newspaper, took off his reading glasses and took a sip of tea. Then he said, "it's good. The taste hasn't changed."

Naturally, Xiao Yunhai could hear that the teacher was using tea to describe people, so he said: "teacher, no matter where it is, no matter how its external shape changes, its roots will never change or rot away."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Yao Wenyuan laughed, looked at Xiao Yunhai with satisfaction and said, "I hope you remember your own words. I've been teaching in school all my life, and I've seen a lot of talents, but the ones who really come to the end are those who are qualified but determined. You are my favorite student. Don't forget your original intention. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "teacher, I understand what you mean. The entertainment industry is full of bizarre, boastful and fashionable. There are a lot of people who become famous overnight, and more people can fall into mortal world instantly. Although the students are not talented, they also know that their works are the foundation for their foothold in the entertainment industry. "

"Very good, Yunhai. The teacher is very happy that you can see through these. Hehe, you are a student of the film academy, but you are famous for your music. I'm afraid some old scholars in the school will not be able to see it, and you will be in trouble. " Yao Wenyuan said.

"What's wrong with the music? Why can't you see. Don't forget that music is also an important part of film and TV works. How many movie plots are forgotten, but some of the songs are still printed in our minds Said Wang Minzhi, who came out of the kitchen.

Xiao Yunhai's mother has always been gentle and polite, but she can't hear anyone belittle music. This is like her scale, as long as she hears it, she will argue with you endlessly.

Yao Wenyuan waved his hand and said, "go and cook your dishes. I didn't say that music is bad, but Yunhai, as a student of the film academy, can't just engage in music and not play TV series. Yunhai, the teacher has no other skills, but the old people in the film and television circles still know some. "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is going to be filmed. I'll give you a role of Lv Bu in it, but I need to compete with others for audition. Do you want to do it? "

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, his gratitude was beyond words. Two months ago, Yao Wenyuan introduced himself to a play, but Xiao Yunhai begged him to give the opportunity to his girlfriend. At that time, Yao Wenyuan was very unhappy and gave Xiao Yunhai a good scolding, but finally he helped him. I didn't expect to get the betrayal of her girlfriend after she became famous.But now the teacher is looking for a play for himself. What he is looking for is still such an important role. Xiao Yunhai doesn't know how to repay the teacher in the future. He is so moved that he can't speak for a moment.

"Don't get excited. It's not easy to play the role well. If your acting skills are not in place, the director will definitely brush you down and never give me a little face. "

"I know, teacher, I will have a good understanding of this role these two days, and I will never disgrace the film academy."

"Ha ha, it's just a role, not so serious. However, your opponents are very strong. It's said that some famous actors will audition. If you want to get the role, you have to rely on yourself. "

"Teacher, I have confidence in my acting skills."

They talked for a while, and it was noon. Xiao Yunhai finished his lunch and saw that it was two o'clock. He left. He needed to go to ziluo cafe for an appointment.

Ziluo cafe is in the direction of the South Gate of the teacher's community, only one street away.

When he arrived at ziluo cafe, the clock on the wall pointed to 14:50, ten minutes ahead of the appointed time. He refused to be led by the waiter and went straight up to the second floor. At this time, the second floor, except for a few bad tables without guests, was almost full. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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