Published at 11th of May 2022 06:01:46 AM

Chapter 260

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Xiao Yunhai returned to the stage, his face suddenly changed very serious, and said: "the little episode just now is mainly to ease the tense atmosphere here. In my heart, their five female stars are the best. With their boundless love for the film and with their superior acting skills, they have perfectly created a classic screen image that we can never forget. They have been unanimously recognized by hundreds of experts, teachers and tens of millions of fans of the golden cup award jury. "

"It can be said that they performed the best last year, and they won the honor that should belong to them with their own efforts and sweat. The most wonderful moment for all of you is to present the best applause to all of you

"Well said."

Xiao Yunhai's passionate speech made the whole scene boiling. No matter the stars or the audience, we all clapped wildly to the five film candidates.

The five would-be movie queens quickly stood up and bowed in all directions. Xue Lu, the youngest, even shed tears.

Sitting in the center, Mu Lao clapped his hands and cast an appreciative look at Xiao Yunhai. This young man did a good job.

Xiao Yunhai had completely controlled the scene at this time. He raised his arms and pressed down. All the applause disappeared in an instant.

"Now it's almost time. Let's invite King Ye Yongren and queen Yao Na to present awards for our best actress."

In a round of applause, ye Yongren and Yao Na walked to the center of the stage.

"Lao Na, have you noticed that today's award ceremony seems very different from before." Ye Yongren said.

"Yes, I also feel it, mainly because the atmosphere is different. In the past, the whole scene was very tense and depressing, but now I don't have this feeling. If it was me, even if I didn't get the prize later, I would be disappointed, but not too sad Yao Na said.

"Yes, thanks to our two hosts. Their performance today is really impressive. "

"Ye Ge, don't boast. I remember that you are also the candidate for the best actor. If they interview you in the same way later, do you have a good answer?"

Ye Yongren said with a smile: "they dare not. We are not as gentle as a couple of potential movie queens. Who dares to treat us like this? We are not polite to him immediately. Except, of course, the hostess. "

"Wow, so cruel. Yunhai, you should be careful. "

"Well, let's take a look at the wonderful performances of the shortlisted."

After watching the wonderful short film of the five potential movie stars, ye Yongren opened the envelope, took a look, and said, "Lao Na, this movie queen seems to be familiar with us."

Yao Na said with a smile: "it seems that she is going to treat us to a good meal. Ye Ge, you come to announce. "

"Good." Ye Yongren also did not polite, simple and direct said: "Moon Fairy, come on, the best actress is you."


as soon as ye Yongren's voice fell, Yu Yuexian's fans immediately cheered.

The other four would-be movie stars were all smiling and patting their palms, but the pain in their hearts was probably only known to them.

Yu Yuexian's face showed a moving smile. She hugged Liang Hui and others beside her, and then walked onto the podium with a smile.

"Thanks to the golden cup award jury for giving me this award, and for the help of the blue sea and blue sky crew, I will continue to make good films to repay you, thank you."

Yu Yuexian's speech is very short, only half a minute, all finished.

Next to Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "sister Yu, I have your prize winning situation here. Would you like to disclose the number of votes you have won?"

Yu Yuexian thought about it and said, "of course."

Xiao Yunhai said: "the system of 100 points is still used in this selection. 92 of the 261 judges chose you. The number of valid votes for fans is 4.32 million, which is 75.2 points. "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "it's not bad. It's a bit higher than when I won the first prize."

Xiao Yunhai said: "but if I tell you that you are only 1.2 points behind the second place, I don't know what you think of sister Yu?"

Both the stars and the audience were in an uproar.

"Wow, it's so close."

"It was a narrow victory. As long as the other side has two more judges, it will be double yellow eggs, and the gold content of Yu Yuexian's movie queen will be much lower. "

"Yes, according to the rules, the difference is less than 1 point, which is negligible. Ah, the second place is really poor, just 0.2 points short. "

Miao Xiaoyun, one of the four candidates, looks very bad at this moment. She can feel that the second unlucky candidate is herself.

Ha ha, 0.2 points, the movie queen's position then and own miss, Miao Xiaoyun at the moment sad want to hit the wall.

Yu Yuexian was surprised and said: "that I won is really a little lucky, thank you again for the judges and teachers look at me differently, also want to thank my fans for voting for me, thank you."After the Moon Fairy returned to his seat with the cup, Xiao Yunhai said, "the shadow queen is coming out, and the following will be the film emperor."

Zhao Wanqing said, "what are you going to do? Just now Mr. Ye said that if you dare to interview them, they will be rude to you. "

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said, "do you think I look like a person who is afraid of threats?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "I can help you to ask the friends at the scene. Do you think he looks like it?"

"Like." The audience and the artists all cried out with one voice.

Zhao Wanqing spread out her hand and said, "no way. In your words, the eyes of the masses are bright."

"But sometimes it's blinded." Xiao Yunhai said: "however, this time I really didn't plan to interview them. Just now I have received the latest instruction from the organizing committee, and the interview has been cancelled. The five film stars can breathe a sigh of relief. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "is it possible for us to invite the awardees out directly?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the beauty of thinking. As the saying goes, you have a good plan, I have a ladder. Since this road is not available, I'll take another one. "

"What way?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "the right way. Wan Qing, I tell you, although I have not been nominated by the film emperor, I watch the award ceremony every year, and I can vaguely feel the tension in the hearts of the five potential film emperors

"As we all know, they are famous actors in the whole Chinese film industry, but I tell you, no matter how powerful their acting skills are, they also have their flaws. Especially in the current situation, it's really difficult for actors to perform. "

"Believe it or not, you can aim at the face of a film emperor at will, and you can see the mystery in a minute."

"So, based on this, I came up with a move, ah, no, the organizing committee came up with a move..."

"ha ha ha." The audience laughed.

Zhao Wanqing shook his head and said, "what is self inflicted crime? You can't live."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I explained that it was a slip of the tongue just now. I can't even think of such a Yin move."

Zhao Wanqing pretended to be impatient and said, "OK, there is no need to explain. What are you going to do

Xiao Yunhai said mysteriously, "you will know in a moment. Are you ready, photography teachers? "

"Number one is ready."

"No problem with number two."

"Three OK."

"Four OK."

"No problem with number five."

"Big screen OK."

Xiao Yunhai snapped his fingers and said, "it's perfect. Please point the camera at the faces of the five movie stars and cast them all on the big screen

Soon, five different faces appeared in front of everyone.

Suddenly, there was an uproar on the scene.

"Wow, no, it's so hard."

"The emperor of cloud is the emperor of cloud. He is extraordinary."

"It's just amazing. I don't know if the five Movie Masters will be angry?"

"Not so stingy."

Xiao Yunhai said: "five teachers, let me state once again that this method is really not my idea. If you want to find it, you can go to the golden cup award organizing committee. Don't come to me. I'm actually a victim. "

Ye Yongren snorted on purpose, and then pointed to Xiao Yunhai with his right hand in a threatening manner. Other would-be movie emperors also learned from ye Yongren.

Good guy, five Movie Masters point to one person at the same time. This kind of scene has never appeared in the entertainment industry.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "Xiao Yunhai, you are finished this time. You have offended all the five film emperors. What do you say?"

Xiao Yunhai swallowed his mouth and spit on purpose and said, "if you have more lice, you will not bite, if you have more debts, you will not worry. Anyway, it's all to this point, and I've done it. In order to get the audience rating of our golden cup award, I'm going all out this time. "

Zhao Wanqing raised her thumb and said, "OK, I support you spiritually. In the northeast dialect of sister Na, it's a man. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "come on. It's about people like you. Come on, let's get back to business. I'm going to start. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "OK, so you can start with Mr. Liang Hui?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "no problem. Look, Mr. Liang is sitting there, smiling and relaxed. I guess he must be thinking in his heart that Liang Hui has won three golden cup awards and his acting skills are universally recognized. Do I still need this award to affirm me? unwanted. I don't care who you like to take this prize. "

"Really? I don't think what you said seems to be very unreliable. Come and see the next Mr. Ge Wuyou. " Zhao Wanqing said.

Xiao Yunhai said: "this year, Mr. Ge Wuyou won the double nomination for best supporting actor and best actor. I think his idea now is that the supporting actor just didn't give it to me, so the hero should be mineGe Wuyou shook his head and sighed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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