Published at 11th of May 2022 06:01:45 AM

Chapter 261

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Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "Mr. Ge seems to find it difficult. The next emperor to be, Master Liu Haichuan, a kung fu star. What do you think he's thinking? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Teacher Liu Haichuan can be said to be my idol when I was a child. He can fight and fight, and every time is a fight performance. I think he should be thinking in his heart now that he should fight and fight as well. I've worked so hard. If you don't give me the prize, I won't say anything

Zhao Wanqing said, "it sounds so fierce."

Liu Haichuan timely showed a vicious expression.

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes, he has always been so cool."

Zhao Wanqing said, "well, the next one is your old friend, Mr. Ye Yongren."

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "Mr. Ye's appearance is somewhat unfathomable. But I can also guess what he thinks. What he should think is, Xiao Yunhai, you're finished. Let the awarding guests at the back come out to give awards. Don't waste any more time. "

"Ha ha ha." The scene suddenly laughed and made a group.

Ye Yongchao pointed to him, shaking his head helplessly and smiling bitterly.

Zhao Wanqing sighed and said, "well, I think you are definitely beaten this time. And the last Wu Jun teacher. "

"Mr. Wu, we were very familiar with the Three Kingdoms when we were filming. He is that kind of bold and dry cloud person, in the mind should be that I have worked hard for such a long time, whether it is OK or not, you give a happy word. It's really annoying to linger. "

Wu Jun laughed and nodded.

Zhao Wanqing said: "well, now you have guessed the five movie emperors' minds. I don't sound very reliable, but you can have a good time


"Ha ha ha."

"Ruoxi is also very interesting, you have a good time, ha ha."

The scene laughed again.

Xiao Yunhai said: "in the future, I will never cooperate with you any more. I'm a master at breaking down Taiwan. Now, let's invite the award winners to read out the winners of the film emperor for us. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "they are famous director Wu Zixu and Yu Yuexian, who just won the film. Please welcome them."

Wu Zixu and Yu Yuexian came to the center of the stage and stood. Yu Yuexian directly asked, "director Wu, these would-be film emperors seem to have cooperated with you. Who do you think is more likely to win the prize?"

Wu Zixu said with a smile: "they are the five most outstanding actors in Chinese filmmakers. I won't be surprised who won the prize. Who do you think is most likely

Yu Yuexian said: "I've seen all the five nominated films. I think they all have a common feature, that is, their performances are very infectious and can easily move people's hearts. It's no wonder that the jury will choose them. As for who gets the prize, I think a lot of it depends on luck. "

Wu Zixu nodded and said, "let's have a look at their infectious performance."

After the five films were put out in turn, Yu Yuexian opened the envelope, saw the name on it, and her face changed slightly. She was surprised and said, "I didn't expect this to happen. From this, we can see that the competition is really fierce."

Wu Zixu also looked at it and said, "let's read one by one. Congratulations to Ye Yongren for winning the title of film emperor. "

Yu Yuexian said: "congratulations to brother Liang Hui. That's right. This time it's double yolk. "

"Wow, they are double yellow eggs."

"The acting skills and popularity of the two seem to be the same."

"Yes, they are all king level characters. They are very powerful."

In the audience's applause and shouting, ye Yongren and Liang Hui stepped onto the podium at the same time.

After delivering his acceptance speech in turn, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "two teachers, do you want to know your respective votes?"

Ye Yongren and Liang Hui looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time, saying, "I don't want to."


"Ha ha ha."

"Now, the cloud emperor is in trouble. The two film emperors don't cooperate."

Xiao Yunhai pursed his lips and said, "two teachers, be kind. If you don't play according to the routine, it's hard for me, the host. I know you have a problem with me, but I can't help it. Once again, that was not my idea. If you want to find it, you can go to the organizing committee. "

Anyway, if you don't want to live in Ye Ren, you can say that you don't want to

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that would be great. Do you know why I want to publish your results? Because the score gap between the two is too small. Ye's score is 81.24, while Liang's is 81.21, which is the second place after the decimal point. It can be said that whether it is acting or popularity, the gap between the two is almost zero. "

"Wow, it's only 0.03 points short. It's too close."

"This should be the smallest gap in history."

The audience was whispering.Liang Hui said with a smile: "0.03 points, it seems that the treat will be given to you, ha ha."

Ye Yongren said with a smile, "no problem. I'm more than happy to win you 0.03. "

After the two returned to their seats, Xiao Yunhai said: "the next is the rest time. Now let's give you the warmest applause to welcome the world's most handsome guy and the world's most beautiful lady to bring you a world's best to listen to the song. Tell me, what's the name of that handsome girl? "

This time, the scene abnormal cooperation, whether the stars, or the audience, have yelled: "Xiao Yunhai, Zhao Wanqing."

Xiao Yunhai called out: "the answer is correct, but I'm sorry, no prize."

"Ha ha ha." The whole scene was laughing.

The stage quickly fell into darkness. When it lit up again, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing stood in the middle of the stage with a microphone.

"Love in Hiroshima" that beautiful Prelude sounded, ye Yongchao ears move, secretly: "never heard, it seems to be a new song. Good guy, this boy won't string up two new songs. "

Xiao Yunhai's state at this time is completely different from that when he was hosting. He gently held Zhao Wanqing's hand, and they looked at each other affectionately, and instantly entered the song situation.

The prelude soon passed, and Xiao Yunhai's first lyric was sung.

"You should have rejected me long ago. You should not have allowed my pursuit. Give me the story I long for and leave a name that I can't lose. "

The tune of this song, Xiao Yunhai rise very high, the voice is high, but also with a vicissitudes.

Then came Zhao Wanqing's singing.

"Time is hard to reverse, space is easy to break. Twenty four hours of love is a beautiful memory I will never forget. "

Zhao Wanqing's singing is very different from the past, from the original gorgeous and soft to the simple and heavy, and the sound of Xiao Yunhai complements each other.

Their duet caused applause and cheers. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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