Published at 11th of May 2022 06:01:37 AM

Chapter 267

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After full of wine and food, Xiao Yunhai took everyone to the conference room.

Xiao Yunhai, sitting on the main seat, looked at the important members of the crew and said, "first of all, I want to thank you for condescending to come to our" Legend of Zhen Huan "crew. As a new director, it's really exciting for me to get the help of teachers. "

"As you all know, Yunan TV station is now broadcasting the" step by step thriller "written by me. The audience rating yesterday has exceeded 19%, and it is estimated that it will reach 20%, which is what happened in these two days. It can be said that it has created a miracle. It successfully beat last year's TV champion "Emperor Kangxi" in less than one third of the broadcast

"The reason why I tell you this is not to show off my achievements, but to show you something. That is to say, my confidence in legend of Zhen Huan is much stronger than that of step by step. If the highest audience rating of legend of Zhen Huan is less than 20% in the second half of the year, I will regard it as a failure. "

When they heard this, they were all shocked.

20 percent? I'm kidding. Now a TV series can reach 3%, even if it is very good, 20% is really too scary, even some big directors dare not say this.

Yao Wenyuan looked at Xiao Yunhai, who was very proud.

He said to everyone, "I don't think it is impossible to realize what Xiao said. First of all, the two TV plays are written by Xiao, and the script of legend of Zhen Huan is no worse than that of step by step. Secondly, in terms of actors and actresses, it is needless to say that the other actors in "step by step" are mainly young people except Huang Peiqi. No matter their acting skills or fame, they are not at the same level with us. In this respect, we are far better than them. "

Wang Guoan nodded and said: "there is also our working group, whether it is teacher Li Yonggang's shooting team, Zhou Yun's art group, or other production and recording groups, which are much better than each other. Therefore, I think that the achievements that "step by step startle" can achieve, even surpass, our "Legend of Zhen Huan". Do you think so? "

"That's right."

"Hearing the analysis of the two teachers, I also feel that we really have no reason to fail."

"If more than 20 percent of a TV series is made by me, I would probably wake up laughing in my dreams. I didn't say that. I did

Xiao Yunhai is very satisfied with the atmosphere of the conference room. He smiles knowingly at Yao Wenyuan and Wang Guoan.

It turned out that Xiao Yunhai had negotiated with them in advance, in order to give everyone a boost and enhance the enthusiasm and confidence of the crew. Obviously, the effect is very good.

Xiao Yunhai patted the table and said, "please be quiet."

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's words, the meeting room quickly became silent, and the needle could be heard.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "there is nothing wrong with what Mr. Yao and Mr. Wang said. Compared with" step by step, we are better than them in any aspect. ". I am the only director who is far from the director Chen Qingqing. However, since I dare to invest 200 million yuan, it shows that I am quite sure of the play. Therefore, we need not worry about this. After all, I am not stupid enough to play with 200 million yuan. "

"But we have a lot of difficulties. Because it's a court play, the costumes of the actors will be very thick, and now it's only three months before summer. Therefore, I hope that the crew can speed up the progress, improve the efficiency, and compress the shooting time as much as possible within these three months. It's better not to delay it until summer, otherwise our actors will suffer. "

"Of course, it's not a waste of time. I've discussed with the production team that we're going to implement a bonus system in the crew. If any working group does well, I will double their salary. If everyone does well, then all will be added. "

Li Yong, the leader of the lighting group, asked happily, "director Xiao, what you said is true?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course. I will let the financial department settle accounts every day and send cash to you directly. However, let's make a fool of it. It's not easy to get this bonus. You must make sure that your group will not make mistakes. For example, in the makeup group under the jurisdiction of sister Zhou, if a makeup artist has a big problem making up for the actors and the crew has to remake it, I'm sorry, except for the fixed salary, the whole makeup team of sister Zhou can't even get a bonus. The same is true for other groups. "

Zhou Yun was surprised and said, "this is ancient LianZuo."

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "yes, it's even sitting. If one person has a problem, the whole group will take care of him. If you want to do well, be serious. If the team makes two serious mistakes in one day, the next day's bonus will be cancelled. If it's three times, I'm sorry, the team leader can leave now, and I'll change to someone with ability. Do you understand? "

After a long time, they nodded and said, "I understand."

Xiao Yunhai arranged some other work, and the meeting was over.

After they left in a dignified mood, Yu Yuexian gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "good boy, you are so insidious that you can even think of this way to sit down together. It's amazing. "Wang Guoan nodded and said, "yes, they are miserable. Everyone is expected to be careful when they are working. Once something goes wrong, everyone will not get the bonus. Ha ha, I'm afraid he will be drowned by people's spitting. A little bit of money can improve the efficiency of the whole crew several times. It's worth the money. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I'm all for your good. If the shooting time extended to summer, ha ha, the high temperature of more than 30 degrees, you wear thick clothes, not hot heatstroke. I was really forced to think of such a way. I didn't expect my kindness, but I got a insidious comment from sister Yu. It's so sad. "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "come on, I'm afraid you are afraid to heat up your daughter-in-law. Is it Wan Qing

Because only Wang Guoan, Yu Yuexian and Yao Wenyuan were left in the conference room, Yu Yuexian did not have any scruples.

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "sister Yu, he won't take care of me. Even this role, I also through unremitting efforts to get. If I have any problems in acting, I don't even have the qualification to audition for Zhen Huan. Xiao Yunhai, do you think so? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "OK, you've talked about it for more than 20 times. There's so much resentment. What's more, you're playing against Mr. Wang and sister Yu. If you can't make a good impression by them, the legend of Zhen Huan should be changed to the harem of the Qing Dynasty. "

It was the first time that Wang Guoan, Yao Wenyuan, Yu Yuexian and others heard about this incident and appreciated Xiao Yunhai's strict control.

Yao Wen said: "Yunhai, how did you choose Yuexian and Wanqing in your first scene? It's too risky."

Wang Guo An also said, "yes, that play is really important. It can be called the essence of the whole drama. Yuexian and Wanqing have never cooperated. I'm afraid they will have problems in cooperation. "

It turns out that Xiao Yunhai announced in the meeting that after the press conference of "step by step" will be held tomorrow morning, Xiao Yunhai's first scene will shoot the ultimate confrontation between the queen and Zhen Huan.

Wang Guoan and Yao Wenyuan got all the scripts, so they were very aware of the difficulty of the play, which made them very worried.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the reason why I chose this play is to set a benchmark for the actors to see what acting is, to give them a sense of tension and urgency, so as not to take filming seriously. As for the effect, it depends on the performance of the two beauties. Let me tell you in advance, if there are too many cards, I will not be polite. At that time, don't blame me for being ruthless. "

Yu Yuexian and Zhao Wanqing looked at each other and said confidently, "you will not have this opportunity."

Wang Guoan saw that they were full of confidence and said with a smile to Yao Wenyuan: "it seems that we are a little worried."

Yao Wen said: "I haven't filmed for several years. Tomorrow's pinprick to Mai mang just let me feel the atmosphere of filming."

Several people chatted for a while, and then everyone dispersed.

At ten o'clock the next day, the press conference of legend of Zhen Huan was held on time, and hundreds of media, large and small, came.

Under the leadership of Xiao Yunhai, the actors, dressed in costumes, stepped onto the rostrum in turn.

The super strong cast and gorgeous costumes immediately caused a burst of exclamations from reporters. The flash lamp did not stop for a moment, making the whole venue a vast expanse of white.

While taking photos, a reporter said: "I've heard people say in private that Yu Yuexian, the film queen, wants to return to the small screen. I thought it was a joke. I didn't expect that she really appeared in the crew of" Legend of Zhen Huan. "

"Yes, the cloud emperor is really big enough. It's estimated that Yu Yuexian's salary can't come down to 100 million yuan. It's a big deal."

"There are also teachers Wang Guoan, Zhang Hong and Ruoxi Zhao Wanqing. No wonder it needs $600 million. "

"Well, who is the middle-aged man sitting next to Mr. Wang Guoan? Why is he sitting in front of Zhang Hong and Yu Yuexian

"His name is Yao Wenyuan, and he is a teacher of Yanjing Film Academy. The film Emperor Li Xun and cloud emperor Xiao Yunhai are all from his family. He has also won the golden cup film best supporting actor award. It is said that the film academy does not know how many students are struggling to become his entry-level disciples. Do you think he's good enough

"Enough, absolutely qualified." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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