Published at 11th of May 2022 06:01:36 AM

Chapter 268

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When everyone was seated, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I'm very glad that you can attend the launch conference of legend of Zhen Huan. The specific situation of legend of Zhen Huan is on the flyer that the crew sent to you. I will not repeat it here. It is not interesting for you to listen to it. It would be very bad if there were journalists sleeping for that reason. "

"Ha ha ha." There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and even Wang Guoan and others on the stage also laughed.

Xiao Yunhai said, "well, I won't waste any more time. If you have any questions, you can ask them now. "

"The beauty in yellow in the first row, you come first. There's no way, beauty. There's always some welfare, right? "

The beautiful reporter stood up gracefully and said with a smile, "I'm Wang Xia, a journalist who has known about entertainment for a long time. First of all, I'd like to thank director Xiao for his praise of my appearance. Secondly, I would like to ask, your "step by step thrill" is now popular throughout the screen, with the highest ratings breaking through 19%, which can be said to be a miracle. Do you think the legend of Zhen Huan will break its record

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "first of all, thank Ms. Wang Xia for the praise of our" step by step startling ". Secondly, I want to say..."

before Xiao Yunhai finished, the reporters on the stage began to laugh, because Xiao Yunhai's words were similar to those of the reporter. They were all the first to thank each other for their praise, and then to talk about the topic. It was really interesting.

When the laughter stopped, Xiao Yunhai continued: "the legend of Zhen Huan was written with great energy, and the lines in it were very exquisite. All kinds of characters are very different and vivid. I'm also worried that ordinary actors can't play what I want, so I invited teachers with excellent acting skills to come here. If we really want to compare with "step by step", I can only say that the legend of Zhen Huan will never lose to it. It's up to us to break the ratings record created by director Chen. "


Xiao Yunhai's bold and dry words caused an uproar among reporters.

"The emperor of cloud is the emperor of cloud. I dare to say that."

"It's beyond one's ability for a new man to challenge an old director."

"We must interview director Chen Qingqing tomorrow to see what he says?"

After answering the question, Xiao Yunhai pointed to a beautiful reporter, which made the male reporters speechless.

"May I ask Mr. Wang Guoan, in what way did the legend of Zhen Huan move you to play Emperor Yongzheng?"

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "it's very simple. Good scripts add good actors. When director Xiao invited me for the first time, he was at the banquet of killing youth in the romance of the Three Kingdoms. To be honest, at that time, my first thought was to refuse, but later I heard from him that teacher Zhang Hong had agreed and Yu Yuexian was hesitating. I felt that the play was not simple, so I asked to see the script. I was at home to see less than half, I quickly called director Xiao. It's a wonderful play, both in its plot and in its characters. I'm sure it's one of the best plays I've ever seen

When the reporters heard Wang Guoan's words, they were surprised and moved their pens quickly.

A reporter wrote on it: "the shadow emperor Guoan claimed that the legend of Zhen Huan is the best script he has ever seen. Is it hype or is it true?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "in fact, the main reason why Wang Guoan took part in the performance is that good scripts and good actors, and I should be a good director. It may be that Mr. Wang said that he was too impatient and missed the good director behind him. So I had to make up for him


"Ha ha ha."

Xiao Yunhai's words immediately made the scene reporter laugh.

Wang Guoan said: "I have neglected this point. Don't laugh. I'm not praising him. When we filmed the Three Kingdoms, because the deputy director was called back by the company in an emergency, Xiao Yunhai was appointed to take over the post of deputy director. No matter the setting, conductor, make-up or anything else, his performance can be described as perfect, and even director Hong Tianchi can not find any problems. Therefore, I believe that he will be able to direct the play well. Of course, if you don't believe what I said, you can ask Mr. Hong. "

When Wang Guoan's words were digested by the audience, Xiao Yunhai said, "please..." Yelled a middle-aged reporter sitting in the first row.

The reporters under the stage burst into laughter.

Xiao Yunhai said: "well, this reporter has great courage. Just you. If you have any questions, please ask them immediately."

The middle-aged reporter was very happy and said, "thank you, director Xiao. I'd like to ask Ms. Yu Yuexian that it's your action to revenge Miao Xiaoyun on the Internet. Do you have any explanation for this?"

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he frowned and said in his heart: "I knew I wouldn't let him ask questions."

Yu Yuexian had been prepared for this, solemnly said: "I would like to state once again that as an actor who has suffered a lot, I am very angry at this kind of behavior and sympathize with Miss Miao's experience. If it had not been for director Xiao, regardless of personal safety, to block those filthy attacks for me, I was afraid that I would have been as successful as Miss Miao. Therefore, I absolutely do not want this kind of thing to happen again. What's more, you just said that I'm revenge. Can I understand that Miss Miao Xiaoyun was responsible for what happened to me at the beginning? ""Of course not. It's just speculation." The reporter quickly waved his hand and said.

Yu Yuexian nodded and said, "well, since you have asked me here, I will make a formal statement in front of all the reporters. I guarantee with my personality that Yu Yuexian has never organized or participated in the affairs of Miss Miao Xiaoyun. Are you satisfied with this? "

Yu Yuexian only later heard from her father that she did not have any organization or participation. This oath was of no use to her.

Seeing what the reporter wanted to ask, Xiao Yunhai immediately stopped him and said, "OK, this reporter, it's the press conference of the legend of Zhen Huan. If you have any other questions, please ask them below. If I knew you were so unruly, I wouldn't give you a chance. Ladies and gentlemen, I have agreed in advance that any questions unrelated to the legend of Zhen Huan should not be asked at the press conference. All right, next. "

"Miss Zhao Wanqing, do you think there are any differences in playing the heroine Zhen Huan in the legend of Zhen Huan, compared with" step by step "

Zhao Wanqing said: "of course, there are many. Ruoxi is a character who can't get rid of the historical destiny step by step. She can only choose to be patient when dealing with problems. However, Zhen Huan in the legend of Zhen Huan is a gentle and virtuous woman at first. After various persecutions in her own palace, she chooses to fight and successfully controls her own destiny. The difference between the two characters is very big. "

"Moreover, I have a lot of rivalry with the film empresses such as Wang, Zhang, Yao and Yu in the legend of Zhen Huan. The emotional conflicts are also very big and challenging. The pressure is much greater than "step by step." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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