Published at 11th of May 2022 06:01:34 AM

Chapter 269

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"May I ask Mr. Zhang Hong, why did you agree?.

" may I ask Mr. Yao, after you won the golden cup award as a supporting actor, you just......

one question after another came out of the reporter's mouth. We are all old hands, and naturally those who come here do not refuse, and their answers are perfect.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai said: "the last question, please ask the reporter in black to ask a question?"

The reporter said thank you, then looked at Zhang Xinyi, who was sitting next to him and said, "Miss Zhang, as an actor banned by Hongda entertainment company, what did you get this role by?"

"What? Blocked by Hongda entertainment company? "

"Who is she? Why don't I know her? "

"Zhang Xinyi, I seem to have heard the name vaguely, and I seem to have been nominated for the best actress in the golden cup award."

"I remember, she was blocked for drug abuse, unspoken rules, disobedience to company leaders and so on."

Listening to the whispers of reporters, Zhang Xinyi's face was pale. She bit her teeth and was about to speak, but Xiao Yunhai robbed her.

"The reason why senior Sister Zhang was able to get the role was that she conquered me, Miss Wang, Miss Zhang, Ms. Yu Yuexian and Ms. Zhao Wanqing with her superb acting skills, which was unanimously recognized by us."

"Then why did you use Miss Zhang?" The reporter asked again.

"Then tell me, why can't I use her?" Xiao Yunhai asked.

"It's said that Miss Zhang once had a lot of negative news, such as drug abuse, unspoken rules, abusive language and so on. Such actors will not be reused by the crew."

Listening to this reporter say such words without scruple, Zhang Xinyi's face is more pale, her tears are constantly spinning in her eyes, and her body is gently shaking.

Although Xiao Yunhai did not see Zhang Xinyi's appearance, but guess can also guess that at this time, her heart must feel bad.

"Since the journalist used the word" heard "in front of him, it shows that there is no evidence for these so-called scandals. If you have read my martial arts novels, you will find that all the so-called rumors in the world are false and untrustworthy. Whoever believes in them is a fool. "


"ha ha"

the metaphor of Xiao Yunhai made the reporters laugh, and the tense atmosphere immediately relaxed a lot.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "although I don't have much contact with elder martial Sister Zhang, I have heard about her. Therefore, I did a survey on her and found that she is an optimistic, strong and brave good actress

"Ladies and gentlemen, do you think she is beautiful?"

Most reporters nodded and said, "beautiful."

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes, she is beautiful. If her looks were on the gold diggers, I'm afraid she would have caught some big boss to be a junior. But do you know how she lived when she was blocked by Hongda? "

"I tell you, she lived in a basement of about 20 square meters and has been singing all over the world for seven years. In addition, she has to work hard every day to learn, read a variety of performance books, the basic skills are declining day by day, and now she has the acting skills of movie queen. You tell me, which crew doesn't want such actors. "

The reporter still refused to let go, saying: "Hongda entertainment company said she......"

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said: "don't mention Hongda entertainment company to me. I haven't seen Xia Hongda. It's hard to evaluate. But I'm really familiar with Xia Chengfeng. I can only use "ha ha" as an answer to his character. As for the meaning of "ha ha", you want to go. "

Speaking of this, Xiao Yunhai stood up and said, "my evaluation of elder martial Sister Zhang Xinyi can be summarized in one sentence, that is, with her acting skills and personality, she will become a Golden Queen in five years."

Xiao Yunhai's words are full of confidence in Zhang Xinyi's future.

"Domineering, your man is just too overbearing." Yu Yuexian said softly to Zhao Wanqing.

Zhao Wanqing is also looking at him with radiant eyes. Xiao Yunhai at this moment is really too strong.

And Zhang Xinyi's tears on the edge have already flowed down. All the grievances in the past seven years seem to have poured out with Xiao Yunhai's words.

At this moment, her gratitude to Xiao Yunhai was beyond words. Even if she died for him, she would be willing to.

"Well, this" Legend of Zhen Huan "launch conference is all over, dear journalists, let's see you later."

Xiao Yunhai ignored the reporters' frantic questioning and left the venue with the crew.

It's already 11:30, Xiao Yunhai invited everyone to have lunch in the hotel.

During the meal, Yu Yuexian gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "Yunhai, you look like you've been fooling around all day. I didn't expect to launch Weilai, such a man. That's enough strength and courage. Sister Yu really wants to look at you with a new look. "Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "sister Yu, you continue to boast that it's OK. My brother can stand it."


"ha ha ha"

the crew at the dinner table all laughed.

Wang Guoan just drank a mouthful of water. Before he could swallow it, he couldn't help but turn his head and spray it out.

Yao Wenyuan said, "you are a little poor boy. Everyone is still eating here."

Wang Guoan calmed down, pointed to Xia Yunhai, and then said to Yao Wenyuan, "how can a serious person like you teach such a student?"

Yao Wen said: "well, I can only say that my vision is wrong."

Xiao Yunhai shrugged and said nothing.

At this time, Zhang Xinyi came to Xiao Yunhai with a cup of tea and said, "thank you, Xiao director. You not only gave me such an important role, but also said so much for me in front of the media. I will never forget your kindness in my life. "

Before she finished, Zhang Xinyi was in tears.

Xiao Yunhai quickly took over the tea cup and drank it off. Then he said, "elder martial Sister Zhang, don't do this. I have never admired a few people in my life. You are one of them. "

Zhang Hong nodded and said, "it's not easy for you to be a child. It's hard for most men to wait seven years in a 20 square basement. You can come to me if you need anything

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang. Thank you, Mr. Xiao." Zhang Xinyi choked.

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai and others went to the studio. At this time, the scenery of Jingren palace, where Zhen Huan and the empress perform the opposite drama, have been set up.

Since last night, Xiao Yunhai promulgated the reward and punishment system, all the groups have been very nervous. In particular, the makeup group, the field team and the props group, the work is the most cumbersome, want to get a bonus, it is really not an easy thing.

The setting of Jingren palace took more than a dozen theatrical chores to build up in the morning. Every tiny place was not let go, which was really achieved without leaving dead corners.

Xiao Yunhai checked it, pointed to two seats and said, "replace the chair with some paint off. No matter how bad the place where the queen lives, it is impossible to have this problem. "

Props group leader Zang Jun quickly nodded and said, "Xiao Li, hurry to change it with the fastest speed."

"Other places are good, that's it."

After finishing talking with Zang Jun, Xiao Yunhai turned to Li Yonggang and said, "Mr. Li, I need to put four cameras in this room to wrap the queen and Zhen Huan in an all-round way. This is a contest of acting skills. Emotion is very important. I have to shoot every expression and every action clearly. "

Li Yonggang nodded and said, "no problem."

After a while, Yu Yuexian, Zhao Wanqing and Liu Fa, who plays Yun Gonggong, come in with Zhou Yun.

"Director Xiao, have a look. How about their make-up? Do you need to modify it? "

Xiao Yunhai looked at the three men, looked up and down carefully, and said, "father-in-law Yun has no problem. Sister Yu's face should be pale. Don't make up too much. The emperor is dead, and he is trapped, where there is leisure to dress up for himself. The canthus of Wan Qing's eyes should be well handled to show her superior momentum. She's a winner, and she's going to have to look like she's on top. "

Yu Yuexian said: "OK, no problem. I'll take them back to fix it."

Half an hour later, all the work is ready. Xiao Yunhai looks at Yu Yuexian and Zhao Wanqing, who are adjusting their emotions. They say to Lu Pengfei, "are the actors all here?"

Lu Pengfei nodded and said, "all the important roles have come."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I hope their performances can set a standard for everyone, so that every actor in the crew dare not relax when they act. In this way, it will save us a lot of things. "

Lu Pengfei said: "I think it can work. When I was just talking about the play, they were in a very good state. There was a kind of domineering in their bodies. Once it breaks out, it must be a surprise. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I hope so."

Xiao Yunhai sat in front of the monitoring screen and said, "are you all ready?"

"The lights are OK."

"No problem with the camera group."

"Radio's OK."

"Good, cast in place"

"episode 76, scene 12, action."

The whole scene suddenly changed into a quiet, all the actors stood behind Xiao Yunhai and watched the performance of the two people in front.

Yu Yuexian, the queen, sat in a chair with her eyes closed and her expression of exhaustion seemed to be in a shallow sleep.

"Here you are."

With the help of eunuch Yun, Zhao Wanqing, Zhen Huan, said, "the queen is still hearing and seeing."

Yu Yuexian opened her eyes, and her eyes were grim, as if with a trace of madness.

With a slight sarcasm in her tone, she said, "today is the grand ceremony of the accession to the throne. Besides you, who else will have leisure and leisure to come to see this palace?"After that, she looked hard at Zhao Wanqing and said, "you really haven't changed at all. There's no difference between you and this palace's disgusting appearance." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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