Published at 11th of May 2022 06:07:00 AM

Chapter 27

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He looked at the cafe and saw a man in a duck cap and sun visor facing the coffee in front of him. Dressed up like this, you don't have to think about it. It must be Xia Chengfeng who meets him. Stars like this must dress up when they go out. Otherwise, they will encounter the danger of fans watching.

"Sorry to have kept Miss Xia waiting." Xiao Yunhai came to her opposite, opened his chair and sat down. Although he doesn't like each other's behavior, Xia Chengfeng is after all an elder singer, and proper respect is still necessary.

"No, I'm early. In fact, I'm just here." Xia Chengfeng returns to his mind and smiles gently. This is the first time Xiao Yunhai saw Xia Chengfeng's smile. Last night, the whole premiere, he was a cool look, no expression.

However, Xiao Yunhai found that Xia Chengfeng's rare smile did not bring a warm feeling to people, but a little chilly, which made people feel a little chilly.

"By the way, what would you like to drink?" Xia Chengfeng asked.

"I wonder if there is any tea here? I'm not really interested in coffee. I like tea Xiao Yunhai has a little gratitude for coffee in his past life and this life.

"Tea?" Xia Chengfeng said with a smile: "it's really a pity that you can think of it, but come to the coffee shop for a cup of tea. Hehe, it's interesting. Your habit is really special. "

Xia Chengfeng said with a smile: "sometimes, I really think you are a weirdo. You are a student of Beijing Film Academy. You must want to be a star in the future, but you are very low-key. Today, reporters and paparazzi are crazy looking for you, you are good, as if the world evaporated in general. Perhaps, as others say, there are some quirks in every genius. "

"Miss Xia, I'm flattered. I'm not a genius, just a mortal. " Xiao Yunhai said with a smile

"if you are not a genius, then the entire entertainment industry, I am afraid there will be no genius. Borrowing 500 years from heaven again, the big man, the preface to Lanting, and the legend written for sister Na are not all kinds of cat and dog. Now, almost all the people in the circle have given you the name of genius. Even Chen Huan, a singer at the king level, praises your talent. If you're not a genius, how can you create these classics? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "listen to teacher Xia said so, I seem to be really a genius."

"Of course, it is universally acknowledged."

They talked and laughed, but the atmosphere was still very harmonious.

Seeing that coffee and tea were about to be finished, Xia Chengfeng finally said his purpose.

"I want to buy out the copyright of all your songs. What do you think?" Xia Chengfeng took a sip of coffee and asked calmly.

Xiao Yunhai's heart is shocked, the drama meat finally came up. Xia Chengfeng's ultimate goal of this series of soft means is his own song copyright, which really surprised him. Unfortunately, he came late. When Xiao Yunhai got home last night, he received a phone call from Yang Bin of and agreed to upload the song to

Xiao Yunhai and are very happy to cooperate. Up to now, Xiao Yunhai's three online songs have brought him more than 8 million yuan of income. At the same time, also signed a contract with him.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai said: "may let Xia teacher disappointed, these songs I have promised a music website to them to operate, I am sorry, can not give you."

Xia Chengfeng's face changed and his cruel eyes flashed away, but he didn't escape Xiao Yunhai's eyes. He was not a good man indeed.

"So you signed up?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "no, it's just a verbal agreement."

Xia Chengfeng's eyes brightened and said, "as long as there is no contract, it will be easy. I'll pay 300000 yuan to buy the copyright of "preface to Lanting" and "big man", and introduce you to Hongda entertainment company. What do you think? "

"300000 people want to buy their own copyright. Are you kidding. Any song that has been on the Internet for a long time can bring him millions of wealth, which is only 300000. It's really not sincere at all. "

Xiao Yunhai scoffed at Xia Chengfeng's words, but his face was still. He shook his head and said with a smile, "since I have promised others, I will never say nothing. However, thank you very much for your attention to me and my songs. Thank you. "

Seeing Xiao Yunhai's refusal so simply, Xia Chengfeng felt angry and frowned and said, "what conditions do you want?"

"Miss Xia, you misunderstood me. It's not a matter of conditions, but a matter of principle. Since I have promised others, even if it is to give me a golden and silver mountain, I will never break the appointment. "

Xia Chengfeng was infuriated by Xiao Yunhai's words. In his eyes, Xiao Yunhai clearly refused himself with such a ridiculous reason. He said that what the principle of being a man was and what to talk about. Who else in the entertainment circle talked about this thing. How many people finally fall into disrepute, are not their own people to do it.

Xia Chengfeng held back his anger and asked, "is there no room for flexibility?"

Xiao Yunhai shakes his head.Xia Chengfeng saw the development of things to this point, knowing that it was impossible to achieve his goal, so he finally tore off his mask of hypocrisy and said coldly, "although you are a genius, many geniuses have fallen before they have made a fortune. People should be aware of current affairs. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't even enter the circle. "

Xiao Yunhai saw Xia Chengfeng's poverty and Dagger's view, but his heart was loose. It seems that this hypocrite didn't practice at home. If he can get up and leave quietly, Xiao Yunhai can still give him a high look. The talent hidden in the city hall is the most terrible.

But this guy showed his true face because he was in trouble. Xiao Yunhai's danger level to him was also reduced to the lowest. The real villain is always easier to deal with than a hypocrite.

In order to infuriate Xia Chengfeng, Xiao Yunhai pretended to be angry and said: "are you threatening me? People in the circle say that Xia Chengfeng is not a good thing. I thought it was fake. I didn't expect you to be such a person. Aren't you afraid I'll tell the press what you said? "

Xia Chengfeng chuckled and said, "brother, don't be silly. Who will listen to you. You are just what we say. Who do you think they will believe? I dare say that if you spread the news, my stupid fans will be able to beat you to pieces the next day

"Stupid fans? Mr. Xia, is that what you do to your fans? "

"In this world, star fans are all idiots. They have no idea of right and wrong. As long as they are coaxed together, they will immediately rush forward like a fool. I'm not afraid, you know, as the crown prince of Hongda, Xia Chengfeng has nothing I can't do these years. Wake up, brother. Sell me the copyright. I'll help you get a foothold in the entertainment industry. Otherwise, it is very simple for me to ban a young man. "

Xiao Yunhai disdained to say: "just look at your villain's face, don't think I'll sell you the song. If you can, you can kill me. If you can, I will not sing to film. Our film school students are not afraid of people like you. "

Xiao Yunhai's words are not true. As a senior brother in the second year of the film academy, his name has been listed in the key support list of the college. In the future, the college will certainly help when he enters the entertainment industry. You know, in the past few decades, Beijing Film Academy's mixed stars account for almost 30% of the total entertainment industry. If you want to ban Xiao Yunhai, you are joking.

Xia Chengfeng didn't expect that his words didn't play any role. At that time, he felt a kind of shame in his heart. He stood up and said in a low voice to Xiao Yunhai: "Xiao Yunhai, I've done my best today. Don't regret it. "

Xiao Yunhai firmly said: "I never regret doing things. Xia Chengfeng, I also advise you a word, many lines of injustice will die. For those fans who like you, do it yourself. "

Xia Chengfeng was so angry by Xiao Yunhai's words that he almost didn't carry his breath. He said, "OK, OK, OK. I've been taught by Xia Chengfeng today. Let's see."

Xiao Yunhai snorted and strode out of the cafe. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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