Published at 11th of May 2022 06:01:30 AM

Chapter 272

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Lu Pengfei asked several questions in succession, and let director Le not know how to answer them.

A muscular man with a curly beard walked up to the two men and said, "there's so much nonsense. Director Le, it's written in their contract that the penalty is ten times the rent. That is to say, as long as they are given two million yuan, the six cars will be free. Our director Du gave us a speech. For the two million yuan, we'll just give us the car. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned at his words.

The crew of "Chu River and Han kingdom" is willing to pay 2 million liquidated damages for their six cars, which is not taking money seriously. Even directors can't have such rights. In the entire cast, only investors can have such rights.

Xiao Yunhai thought about it, then called Huang Bo and said quietly, "neck, help me check the situation of the crew of Chu River and Han Dynasty."

"How do you know about the three big stars?" he said

Recently, Xiao Yunhai has been busy with the preparation of the legend of Zhen Huan. Although he occasionally saw some information about the Han kingdom of Chu River, it was swept by and didn't care.

"Don't talk nonsense. The crew of" Chu River and Han kingdom "are asking us for trouble. I suspect some of them are deliberately targeting US. Don't waste your time and say it quickly."

Huang Bo didn't dare to neglect him and said, "it's not that Xia Chengfeng is doing something again, is it? "Chu River Han Jie" is the joint investment of Hongda and mango station, in which he plays Han Xin. "

"Summer wind?" When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he immediately thought about it and said, "it's him. No wonder he hurt people with this."

Huang Bo said: "third brother, you let the brothers hold on for a while, I'll take people over. It's a shame. I dare to bully our crew. "

Huang Bo finished and hung up.

Xiao Yun Customs on the mobile phone, a smile, heart: "this boy is really long skills."

Since he knows that Xia Chengfeng is playing tricks, Xiao Yunhai will not be polite.

He found Liang Hu's phone number from his mobile phone and dialed it immediately. The phone was connected quickly.

"Elder martial brother, I'm doing an early class. The master is in charge. If you have something to do, please tell me quickly. "

After joining Xingyi Taiji gate, Liang Hu was accepted as a closed disciple by Xiao Yunhai's grandfather within a month.

He not only taught him to practice martial arts, but also taught him to practice writing and calligraphy every day. In a few months, his whole temperament changed greatly. He changed from a dandy who only knew how to eat, drink and play to a promising young man who was capable of writing and martial arts.

Two years ago, when Liang Hu came home, his parents almost couldn't recognize him when they saw him as calm as a mountain.

When they learned that Liang Hu's changes were all due to Chen Jiahong's instruction, the family of three came to Chen Jiahong with rich gifts. They were very grateful to him and gave Chen Jiahong a million red envelopes.

The angry Chen Jiahong got angry on the spot and scolded them as bloody.

In the martial arts world, Liang Hu, as a close disciple, is even closer to Chen Jiahong than his son.

Liang Hu's parents do this, it is to hit his face, do not know people think he is greedy for Liang's money.

Although he was scolded, Liang Hu's parents were very happy because it showed that Chen Jiahong really valued Liang Hu as a disciple, not for his own family.

Therefore, they apologized to Chen Jiahong and said all the good words, which made Chen Jiahong calm down. After the two left, Liang Hu stayed, until now.

Xiao Yunhai said: "you once said that Hengdian film and television city is your territory. I ask you how much power you have here."

Liang Hu said softly: "my uncle is a major shareholder of Hengdian film and television city. How much power do you think I have?"

Xiao Yunhai's eyes brightened and he said in his heart, "it's time for summer to enjoy the wind."

Xiao Yunhai told Liang Hu what happened here.

Liang Hu thought for a while and said, "during the Spring Festival, I heard my uncle say......

Xiao Yunhai immediately thought of a way to let Liang Hu cooperate with him.

After listening to this method, Liang Hu said with a smile, "elder martial brother, this move is really insidious. Don't worry. I'll leave it to me. "

Xiao Yunhai put down the phone and watched the excitement with great interest.

After a while, Huang Bo and Wang Cheng came here with more than 20 students from Yanjing Film Academy and the crew of the legend of Zhen Huan.

There was a constant quarrel between the two sides when they were Marton.

"Oh, isn't this Huang Bo in our class? Yes? If you depend on Xiao Yunhai, you will feel great about yourself. "

A languid voice came from outside the crowd.

Xiao Yunhai can't help but be happy. It's Xia Xiaohu, his enemy, and Xia Chengfeng, who wears sunglasses and pretends to be cool.

Huang Bo Ha ha a smile, way: "you dare to walk in front of Mr. Xia Chengfeng, Xia Xiaohu, you are not afraid that he will beat your butt.""Ha ha ha."

The crew of the legend of Zhen Huan burst into laughter.

Xia Chengfeng snorted, took off his sunglasses, looked at Xiao Yunhai, and said, "since Mr. Xiao is here, why do you sneak up to one side?"

Xiao Yunhai smile, through the crowd, came to Xia Chengfeng, and said: "Xia Chengfeng, you are like a dog skin plaster, where I am, you follow where. Since I entered the entertainment industry, almost every step I take has you making trouble. Do you think it's interesting? "

Xia Chengfeng said, "make trouble? You don't even have the right to let me make trouble for you. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's great. You can go away."

Xia Xiaohu snorted and said, "Xiao Yunhai, don't be too arrogant."

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "Xia Xiaohu, have you forgotten the school motto? There are more than 20 students from Yanjing Film Academy. You dare to help Xia Chengfeng. Believe it or not, as long as we go to the college jointly, you will be expelled, and even your father, vice president Xia, will not be able to protect you. "

"Yes, we'll call him tomorrow and ask the academy to ban him."

"Xia Xiaohu dares to help outsiders bully us, that is treason."

Yanjing film academy students, you and I want to sue Xia Xiaohu, Xia Xiaohu scared face white.

I'm afraid that once he gets to school, he really knows it. Think about the future of being blocked by the college, Xia Xiaohu is a little chilly.

"Look, Mr. Wang, Mr. Yao, and many of their classmates are here."

"Well, it seems that the other party has also come. It seems that director Du Hongtai is the leader."

The big troops of the two troupes soon ran into each other. Looking at the starry lineup, the director of music was about to cry.

Du Hongtai frowned and said, "Chengfeng, what's going on?"

Xia Chengfeng briefly introduced the situation, and then said: "people's film and television city has promised to pay them two million liquidated damages. Why do they still occupy these six cars?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if the studio wants to unilaterally tear up the contract, it is also willing to pay liquidated damages. According to the rules, of course, I have no way. But now I don't even see a dollar. With this music director's mouth, I want me to let the car go. I'm kidding

"Xiao director" Lu Pengfei came to him and whispered, "all the cars in the movie city have been rented out. If we let them out, there will be no cars."

"What? There is such a thing Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "director Du, you are the most famous director in China, and also an old man in the performing arts circle. You won't rob our car so blatantly."

"Yes, Lao Du, we are all people in the circle. We can't see each other when we look up. It's not appropriate for you to do so. " Wang Guoan stood up and said.

He and Du Hongtai are of the same generation and in the same circle, so they have a good friendship.

Xia Chengfeng saw Hong Tianqiao's face showing a difficult look. Knowing that things were not good, Xia Chengfeng took a step forward and said, "it's not appropriate for Mr. Wang to say this. You director Xiao has just said that as long as you pay 2 million yuan of liquidated damages to your crew, director Xiao will let the car out. I am not wrong, director Xiao. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "I just said it."

"Director Xiao is really a good man. Director Le, I'll give you two million yuan now. You can send the money to director Xiao, and then withdraw the contract and sign a contract with us. However, the penalty will be 20 million. " Summer Chengfeng said triumphantly.

Director Yue nodded and said nothing. He is an outsider who dare not get involved in the battle between the two sides.

Yao Wenyuan looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "Yunhai, why are you so confused?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "teacher, I don't know that there are so few cars in the movie city."

"You are so clever and confused."

Xiao Yunhai thought about it, turned to Xia Chengfeng and said, "you only have ten minutes. If we don't see the money, my words will be invalid."

Xia Chengfeng saw that Xiao Yunhai was still fighting a trapped animal there. He was very happy and said, "it doesn't take ten minutes, Xiao Li, to give the money to director le."

Xiao Li nodded and gave a bag to director of music. He said, "this is exactly two million yuan."

When Xiao Yunhai saw this situation, he could hardly see the extreme.

He pointed to Xia Cheng's bad mood and said, "it turns out that you have planned this for a long time. You've been planning to beat my crew. "

Xia Chengfeng said with a smile: "I can't help it. You just agreed. Dozens of people have heard that, won't you go back on it? "

"You?" Xiao Yun shivered all over the sea.

Yu Yuexian, not far away, frowned and said, "Wanqing, what's wrong with the sea of clouds today? It's not up to the standard of speaking and doing things. "

Zhao Wanqing really knows Xiao Yunhai very well. Seeing Xiao Yunhai's artificial expression, she knows that she must have a second hand."Sister Yu, don't worry. Look at it. Xia Chengfeng is going to have bad luck." Zhao Wanqing said softly.

Director Le took out the contract that had been prepared for a long time from his pocket and came to Xiao Yunhai. He said cautiously, "director Xiao, you only need to sign on it. Two million yuan is yours."

Xiao Yunhai a listen, airway: "I need this two million?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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