Published at 11th of May 2022 06:01:29 AM

Chapter 273

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Xia Chengfeng said triumphantly, "director of music, a novel by Emperor yunhuang can be sold for several hundred million yuan. How can it be short of this money. Director Xiao, don't waste your time and sign it quickly, so as not to let everyone say that your words are not true. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at him fiercely, and Huang Bo beside him said in a hurry: "third brother, this contract can't be signed?"

Others also urged.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "our martial arts practitioners always say that one is one and two is two. If I don't admit it, I can't do it. Besides, I don't believe that living people can suffocate their urine. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at the contract carefully. After finding that there was no problem, he signed his name on it. Then he took two million cash from director of music. Suddenly, he had a strange smile on his face and said: "thank you for Mr. Xia's two million. I don't understand. How can you give me two million yuan for nothing just because you are old and don't have brains. It's estimated that you can do it. "

Hum, you don't need to take advantage of the wind to investigate. Director Xiao, you'd better think about how to carry your things. "

The crew of Chu River and Han kingdom all laughed.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I'm Xiao Yunhai. I always make plans and then move. Do you think I don't have a second hand to say that?"

People are surprised at the same time, there is no variable.

Xia Chengfeng frowned and looked at the director of music and said, "you don't have any cars left here?"

Director of music quickly shook his head and said, "no, I dare to use my life as a guarantee, absolutely not."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "director of music, don't make any promises. Yes, there are no old cars, but that doesn't mean you don't have a new one. "

Xiao Yunhai took out his mobile phone and called Liang Hu, saying, "how is it going?"

"No problem. Six big trucks will be there in a minute."

Xiao Yunhai nodded with satisfaction.

It turned out that in order to meet the needs of the major production teams, Hengdian film and Television City ordered 20 new trucks at the beginning of the year. All the procedures had just been completed in the first two days, and it was ready to go online in a few days.

This matter is very confidential, even the music director did not hear a word.

Mr. Liang's nephew has no problem in advance.

Xiao Yunhai put down the phone and said to Lu Pengfei, Huang Bo and Wang Cheng, "move everything down. After a while, the new car will come."

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's words, several people who thought they would suffer a certain loss suddenly became energetic and quickly arranged for people to unload things.

Xia Chengfeng looked at the music director with frowning brows and said, "do you still have a new car here?"

The music director shook his head in doubt and said, "no, I've never heard of a new car."

Xia Chengfeng's eyes narrowed and said, "bluff."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sirens of several vehicles outside. Everyone went along the way and saw six brand-new trucks in turn.

"Yeah, that's great. There's a car."

People in the crew of "Legend of Zhen Huan" cheered.

Xia Chengfeng's face was gloomy and was about to drip.

Walking down from the first car, a young man in his twenties saw Xiao Yunhai. His eyes brightened and he said, "Mr. Xiao, this is the car the boss has prepared for you. If it is not enough, you can send some more."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "these cars are enough for our crew. It's really troublesome for you. Lugo, take some masters to breakfast. Neck, Wang Cheng, let people carry everything to the car. "

Lu Pengfei nodded happily and said, "OK, please follow me."

The man said thank you, called the other drivers, followed Lu Pengfei to have breakfast.

Yu Yuexian looked at Xia Chengfeng's angry face and said to Zhao Wanqing, "your family is really insidious. It's easy to pit Xia Chengfeng with two million yuan. Ah, Xia Chengfeng is about to explode his lungs. "

"Zhao Wanqing said with a smile:" he made it on his own. Who let him find trouble when he has nothing to do. "

Yu Yuexian shook his head and said with a smile, "two million, ha ha, this money is too simple."

Yao Wenyuan on the other side also said with emotion: "the boy's performance is really lifelike, I've been cheated."

Zhang Hong said with a smile: "a play of 2 million yuan, estimated that our director Xiao Da is the whole China, no, is the most valuable actor in the whole world."

Xiao Yunhai glanced at Xia Chengfeng, who was very blue in face. With a smile, he called out to the crew members who were busy with their work: "we should do a good job. As long as we perform well today, I will add 100 yuan to each person on the basis of the original, and we will improve our meals for lunch and dinner."


"Long live Xiao Dao"As soon as everyone heard this, they immediately cheered.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "you don't need to thank me this time. If you want to thank you, you can go and thank Mr. Xia Chengfeng. They really have high moral integrity. They donated two million yuan to our crew for no reason. "

Huang Bo looked at Wang Cheng and called out, "thank you, Mr. Xia."

"Thank you, Mr. Xia."

At this time, Xia Chengfeng's face was blue and white, and his chest heaved violently. He glared at director le and left quickly.

When Huang Bo saw that he was going to leave, he took the lead and called out, "Mr. Xia, go well."

"Good morning, Mr. Xia," they called out again

Xia Chengfeng at the foot of a stumbling, turning back to see a hard.

Huang Bo and their words are like saying goodbye to the dead. It's strange that Xia Chengfeng is not angry.

After Xia Chengfeng left, Du Hongtai took a deep look at Xiao Yunhai and whispered to Wang Guoan: "you little director is really a man who can't pay for his life."

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "I'm sorry to let your crew lose so much money."

Du Hongtai said: "this is his own business of Xia Chengfeng. What does it have to do with me. What's more, I'm not at a loss. Six big cars plus the remaining two in the studio are enough for me. OK, Lao Wang, let's talk later. If I stay here too long, people will be unhappy

Wang Guoan nodded, looked at Du Hongtai's far away back and murmured: "it seems that old Du seems to be dissatisfied with the summer Chengfeng."

In this way, Xiao Yunhai easily solved the disturbance of the cart. Xia Chengfeng gave Xiao Yunhai two million yuan of rice for nothing, and made himself a laughing stock of the two crew members after dinner. It can be said that he was disgraced.

Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing's "step by step thriller" has all been broadcast in southern Henan, with an average audience rating of 11% and a maximum audience rating of 22%, breaking countless records.

With such good results, Hanhai film and television investment company will naturally hold a celebration banquet.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, as the leading men and women, flew back to Yanjing from Hengdian film and television city that afternoon.

As for the affairs in the crew, Xiao Yunhai gave full authority to the deputy director Lv Pengfei, who almost shed tears in his excitement.

Now, under the management of Xiao Yunhai, the legend of Zhen Huan has entered a fast lane. The number of scenes taken every day is more than twice that of other groups. The speed is incredible.

Although Xiao Yunhai paid a lot of salary to the crew, we all know that the cost can be ignored in front of the achievements.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing had just left the airport when they were blocked by reporters and fans.

If you look at it, there are no less than 100 media coming to pick up the plane, and there are more fans and thousands of people. It can be seen how popular "step by step is".

"Fourth master, Ruoxi, you are the best."

"Ruoxi, Ruoxi, we love you."

"Fourth master, when will you marry Ruoxi?"

When fans saw the idol come out, they all screamed crazily, and the reporters' flash lights also roared.

Under the protection of airport security personnel, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing waved to fans and walked forward to pick up their Great Wall Motors.

"May I ask, Mr. Xiao, are you surprised by the achievements of step by step?"

"May I ask Ms. Zhao, as her first starring TV series, the ratings can break 20%. What do you think?"

"Do you think that the" Legend of Zhen Huan "will surpass the achievements of" step by step "

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing did not listen to many reporters' questions. They got into the car at the fastest speed, and then the car started to rush to the hotel rented by Hanhai film and television.

By the time they got to their destination, it was already 5:30 p.m., and all the crew members had already arrived.

See two people come in, Deng Yue smile way: "look, our four ye and if Xi come."

Gao Wei said with a smile, "I came so late. Do you think you should be punished?"

"Yes, at least three drinks."

"Come on, what's the difference between three glasses of wine and three glasses of water? I think it's about thirty. "

"Ha ha ha."

"Step by step" has achieved such a good result, so that people are very angry. Just like Gao Wei and Yang Junsheng, several actors had been wandering in the second line before the broadcast of "step by step". After the broadcast, they immediately became the first line, and all kinds of announcements were busy.

Xiao Yunhai picked up a glass of wine from the side and said, "I'll make it clear that I want to drink. But every time I drink, everyone's red envelope will be reduced by 100000. How about that? "

On hearing this, Deng Yue immediately grabbed the glass from his hand and said flatteringly, "fourth brother, drinking too much is not good for your health. Now you have to direct the legend of Zhen Huan. Your body is delicate and the flesh is expensive. I don't think you should drink it.""Yes, I was just joking with you. Fourth brother, you can't drink alcohol tonight, no matter what. I can't help but go out and buy you a drink Gao Wei immediately changed his tone.

Xiao Yunhai pointed to two people and said with a smile: "for money, you are really thick skinned."

One side of Yang Junsheng, with a smile, said: "or that sentence, the face is worth a few money? Fourth brother, we have broken through 20 points in "step by step". I wonder how many red envelopes you are going to give us? Do you really give it as you said before? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you now have an advertisement of tens of millions. Do you still need to pay attention to this red envelope?"

Gao Wei sighed, "no matter how small a mosquito is, it's meat."

Zhao Wanqing chuckled and said, "if you are close to the ink, you will be red. If you are close to the ink, you will be black. How can I listen to you? Your tone is the same as Xiao Yunhai

Gao Wei said with a smile, "we are brothers. Of course, it's almost the same."

Xiao Yunhai said: "don't be poor. You can't miss the red envelope. Have director Chen and Mr. Huang come? "

Eight elder brother Lu Mengbin said: "they have already arrived and are playing mahjong upstairs."

Xiao Yunhai said, "let's go up first and say hello."

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came to the room where Chen Qingqing and others played mahjong. As soon as they entered, they heard Huang Peiqi shouting, "Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry, Hu."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "as soon as Wan Qing and I came in, Mr. Huang was in a huff. Should we share half of the money we won?"

After Xiao Yunhai finished, he said hello to Chen Qingqing, Zhao Mingsheng and Gu huaidong, vice president of Hanhai.

Huang Peiqi laughed and said, "don't talk about the door. There are no windows."

Chen Qingqing said with a smile: "director Xiao Da, the audience rating of our" step by step thrill "has exceeded 22%, setting a new record in the past ten years. I don't know if you, the director, still have the confidence to let the legend of Zhen Huan surpass the step-by-step thrill. "

Xiao Yunhai grinned and said, "Chen, don't worry. Your record won't last long. For our "Legend of Zhen Huan", the audience rating of 22% can be broken. Maybe we can create a miracle of 30 percent of the audience

On hearing this, Chen Qingqing asked Huang Peiqi beside him and said, "Lao Huang, how did I see a cow flying in the sky just now?"

Huang Peiqi nodded and said, "because someone is blowing on the ground, and the wind is very strong, the cattle will soon be blown into outer space."

"Ha ha ha."

Zhao Mingsheng and Gu huaidong had never heard of the stem, and they all laughed.

Xiao Yunhai didn't care about their sarcasm and said with a smile, "it seems that you two don't believe it."

"I must believe you. It is very rare that we can break 20% of our "step by step". How could 30 percent be possible? " Huang Peiqi said.

"Yes, with the increasing popularity of the Internet, it is estimated that even 20% of the ratings will be out of reach." Chen Qingqing nodded and sighed.

"Two teachers, I don't believe it. Let's make a bet. If my "Legend of Zhen Huan" ratings can exceed 30%, you two will make a free guest show for my future plays. "

Chen Qingqing and Huang Peiqi looked at each other and said, "no problem. What if you lose? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "if I lose, I will write a script for Mr. Chen with Mr. Huang as the protagonist, which is not under the" step by step thrill ". How about it

Huang Peiqi said with a smile: "it seems that you have confidence in the legend of Zhen Huan. I can't refuse such a good thing. "

Chen Qingqing said: "no, I bet."

Zhao Mingsheng said: "Lao Gu and I will be witnesses for you. At that time, no matter who starts shooting, we will invest for you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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