Published at 11th of May 2022 06:01:23 AM

Chapter 277

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At this time, the scene has just calmed down.

The outspoken Yao Na couldn't sit down for the first time. She said excitedly, "did you write this song? Please introduce yourself quickly. I can't wait. "

Xiao Yunhai pretends to be a new brother who has not experienced a big scene. He holds the microphone tightly in his hand and has a trill in his mouth. He says nervously: "my name is Zhao Qinghai. I come from Zhenghai city in southern Henan Province. This song is written by me. I'm sorry, teachers. I've never sung outside. This is my first time singing in front of outsiders, so I'm a little nervous. "

Yao Na quickly comforted: "it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, you are really wonderful. If you come to my team, it won't be a problem. "

Backstage Zhao Wanqing and others have been laughing crazy.

Deng covered his stomach more and more and said with a smile, "the fourth master's performance is so vivid that Mr. Yao certainly didn't recognize him."

Yang Junsheng pointed to Xiao Yunhai on TV and said, "don't talk about Mr. Yao. Even if we go up, we will be cheated."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "don't talk first. Let's see how he is going to make it up."

On the stage, Gong Liang looked at Yao Na and began to flicker. He could not sit still and said, "classmate Zhao, did you write any other songs?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes, a lot."

"What's the quality of this song?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "some are better than this song, some are worse."

Chen Huan was surprised and said, "can you sing two sentences?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. When I was in school, I preferred martial arts novels. I would like to sing a song called "sword like a dream" written at that time

"Sword like a dream? Good name. " Fan Weihong said with her eyes shining: "you start singing, we are all ears."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and moved a few times, which made people feel nervous.

Chen Huan said: "don't be nervous. Take a deep breath and treat it as your own home."

Looking at Xiao Yunhai's affectation, the backstage hosts, Zhao Wanqing and Deng Yue all couldn't help laughing, and Gao Wei couldn't help laughing tears.

Xiao Yunhai is very obedient, he took a deep breath, and then imitated the original singing of Zhou Huajian.

"Where is my sword going? Love and hate are hard to be loved alone.

I cut through the sky with a knife. I don't understand right and wrong.

I am drunk and hazy, en and resentment are illusory or empty.

I wake up a spring dream, life and death are empty.

Come also in a hurry, go also in a hurry, hate can't meet.

Love is in a hurry, hate is in a hurry, everything goes with the wind.

A laugh, a sigh, a happy life,

sad life, who will live and die with me. "

Although Xiao Yunhai is a Qingchang, he still shows the heroism and chivalry of chivalry. Chen Huan and others are nodding.

Xiao Yunhai only sang a paragraph and then stopped and said: "well, the next paragraph of the lyrics changed a little, the rest are almost the same."

Chen Huan gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "what a wonderful song you wrote. You know what? You remind me of another person, the same young, the same brilliant, but also the same love of martial arts novels. It's just that you're looking, and he's writing. "

Yao Na said, "you mean Xiao Yunhai. Don't say they are really similar. Their singing skills are excellent and their creative ability is also very high. "


"ha ha ha."

Zhao Wanqing and others burst into laughter again.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "Mr. Xiao is much better than me. He is a director, an actor, a screenwriter, a writer, a musician and a host, and he does everything well. How dare I compare with him if no one like him can come out for a hundred years. "


Deng Yue pointed to Xiao Yunhai in the TV and said with a smile: "this guy is really thick skinned. This praise is really... Ah, I took it."

Chen Huan said: "you don't have to belittle yourself. When it comes to music literacy, you're no different. It seems that he is more shy and more confident than you

Yao Na said, "can I ask why you are wearing this mask?"

Xiao Yunhai lowered his head and said, "I'm too ugly to meet people."

Fan Weiming said: "then you should be more confident. Appearance is only given by parents, but self-confidence is formed in the later learning life. As long as you are brave and strong, optimistic and cheerful, you will be able to break out of the sky. Zhao Qinghai, take off your mask bravely. "

"Exposing face"

"exposing face"

"exposing face"

audience also yelled.

Backstage host way: "everybody must be ready, it's time for us to appear."

Zhao Wanqing, Deng Yue and others immediately sorted it out, waiting for Xiao Yunhai to expose himself.Xiao Yunhai pretended to think about it for a while, then put his hand gently on the mask and said, "I hope I won't scare you."

Yao Na said: "classmate Zhao, don't worry, believe in yourself. No matter what you look like, we will support you. "

"Thank you. I'll show you."

Xiao Yunhai said, then fiercely took off the mask.

Looking at this familiar face, everyone seems to be stupid in general.

It was only when Xiao Yunhai's smile on his face became more and more prosperous that everyone responded.

Yao Na screamed, pointing to Xiao Yunhai who was laughing: "Xiao Yunhai, you liar, I'll kill you."

Chen Huan, fan Weiming and Gong Liang all shook their heads and laughed bitterly.

The audience at the scene directly fried the pot.

"I'll tell you? How could a genius of music creation come out without any reason? It turns out that the emperor of cloud has arrived

"It's terrible. He just had too much typhoon and singing than before."

"It's mainly because the emperor of cloud has performed a fledgling singer so well that it's just right."

"The product of emperor Yun must be a fine product. I have to say that the two songs sung by Emperor Yun are really good to listen to. "

Standing on the stage, Xiao Yunhai put his hands together and said with a smile, "teachers and audience friends, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to cheat you. The main reason is that mango TV station has to let me sing with such a mask. I can't help but do it. If you just hurt your fragile heart, I can only express my deepest apology. As for compensation, I'm sorry, No


"ha ha ha."

"The emperor's words are still so interesting."

Yao Na said with a smile: "Xiao Yunhai, you are not timid. You dare to make fun of us."

Chen said with a smile: "I'm still wondering, this young man named Zhao Qinghai is really too good. I didn't expect it would be you. "

Xiao Yunhai explained: "this time I came to participate in the recording of happy Sunday at the invitation of mango TV station. When I got off the plane this morning, the TV station suddenly asked me to come over and sing a song. I couldn't help but promise

Yao Na said: "I heard that the idea of the voice of China comes from you, and you seem to be involved in the investment. Isn't it? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. I see that today's talent shows pay too much attention to the looks of the contestants. Almost every top ten shows are handsome men and beautiful women. So, I was there thinking why we didn't make a music program that only focused on sound but not on appearance, and then "good voice of China" appeared

Fan Weiming gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "I have to say, this idea is really great."

Xiao Yunhai said: "thank you for your praise. In fact, I didn't come alone this time. A group of people followed me

Yao Na said, "then you are still wasting time here. Please ask them to come up."

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said with a smile, "dear friends on the scene, please extend your warm hands and invite the leading actors and actresses of" step by step startled "

With the warm applause and shouting, Zhao Wanqing, Deng Yue, LV Mengbin and other actors stepped onto the stage in turn.

Everyone's appearance will make the audience below shout their names in the play crazily.


"Thirteen masters"

"eight masters"

"nine masters"


after everyone stood up, Xiao Yunhai also returned to the middle of them, and made a deep bow to the audience under the stage, which won the continuous applause of the scene.

The host said, "I don't need to introduce these people."

"No," cried the audience

The host said: "I don't know how many people's tears have been made by a" step by step thriller ". The super high ratings of 22% have broken countless records. Now all the leading actors of this play have come to our scene. Do you want them to leave something to go

"Yes, that's right." The crowd cried out in unison.

The host said: "for the theme song" love's support "of" step by step ", I think everyone should be familiar with it. Why don't you let them sing this song together


"Are you ok?" the host asked

"No problem."

With the sound of the music, people sang the song "love's support", then bowed to everyone and walked off the stage in turn.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing returned to his home with their Uncle Chen Zhan. Because of having to catch the plane, my aunt had prepared the meal early.

After seeing Zhao Wanqing, her aunt seemed very happy. She took Zhao Wanqing's hand and did not let go. She sat on the sofa and chatted endlessly.After dinner, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing didn't stay much and went to catch the plane immediately. It was not until 12 o'clock in the evening that I returned to Hengdian film and television city.

In the following days, Xiao Yunhai did not pay attention to anything from the outside world, and fell in love with the legend of Zhen Huan.

Du Hongtai's "Chu River Han Jie" was shot not far away. The two crew can meet each other almost every day, but the well water does not invade the river. Xia Chengfeng never came to trouble him since he suffered that loss.

Xiao Yunhai has met Xu Qianqian twice. After listening to Huang Bo, she plays Yu Ji in it. If Chu River Han Jie has a good audience rating, then she can be regarded as the first. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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