Published at 11th of May 2022 06:01:22 AM

Chapter 278

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As time goes by, the super efficiency of the "Legend of Zhen Huan" crew also makes the shooting speed faster and faster day by day.

Xiao Yunhai is busy and happy every day. In addition to directing, he also plays the role of seventeen Prince Yunli. Fortunately, there are not many parts in this role. All in all, Xiao Yunhai finished shooting in a week.

In addition to Xiao Yunhai, the most tired is Zhao Wanqing, the heroine.

Her opponent is really too strong, every day with the film emperor after the play, her spirit is high tension, dare not have the slightest laxity.

"Wang Wanqing once had acting level

In addition to Zhao Wanqing, Zhang Xinyi, who plays the Chinese imperial concubine, is also full of state. She finally gets this opportunity, and naturally she seizes it tightly and does not want to let go.

She is the first to come and the last to leave every day. Besides acting, she spends almost all her time on the script. The whole play was full of her words.

With such efforts, Zhang Xinyi's performance is naturally very good. She will be domineering, dare to love and hate, but also to the emperor's infatuated Princess Hua.

Xiao Yunhai and others all agreed that the best supporting actress of the golden cup award for TV drama next year will definitely have her place.

In line with the principle of fat water does not flow into the field, Xiao Yunhai asked Zhao Wanqing to sign the future film queen to Hanhai entertainment company.

Zhao Wanqing and Zhang Xinyi have the most rivals. They admire her acting skills very much. Without saying a word, they join Yu Yuexian to persuade her to join Hanhai.

Zhang Xinyi and Yu Yuexian were good sisters. After such a long time of contact, Zhang Xinyi and Zhao Wanqing became intimate friends in the boudoir. So, she agreed without thinking about it.

Zhao Wanqing did not treat her badly. She directly gave her a contract as a first-line actor. The terms of the contract were relatively free. The signing time was only three years. Zhang Xinyi was very grateful.

For two and a half months, Xiao Yunhai didn't have any new works, which disappointed his fans, but he made a lot of profits.

First of all, the second and third round of broadcasting rights of "step by step" and the network video on demand have brought him 300 million yuan of income, which can be said to be full of money.

And Hanhai entertainment company is even more powerful. The profit of this TV play alone has caught up with their total profit last year, which makes Zhao Mingsheng more satisfied with Xiao Yunhai.

Then came Xiao Yunhai's investment in "the voice of China" also broadcast half. "I'm ugly, but I'm very gentle" sung by Xiao Yunhai directly became the propaganda song of the variety show, attracting countless viewers to watch. As soon as I saw it, I immediately fell in love with the program.

With an average audience rating of 14% and the highest ratings of 26%, it broke countless variety show records. At the same time, four tutors and some personality students were also in a mess. Many players were directly valued by major music companies and signed up to become professional singers.

Such a good result, the advertising cost is not low.

As the boss of the local TV station, mango TV station itself has a high advertising fee. Now there is such a program with such a dregs. Under the combination of strong and powerful, the advertising cost is directly raised to 60000 per second.

According to 20 minutes of advertising time, the total revenue of a program is 72 million. Xiao Yunhai accounts for 60% of the total, or 43 million.

Just relying on the six issues of the voice of China, Xiao Yunhai has made 250 million yuan of income. If you add in the other eight periods, ha ha, the net profit will reach at least 600 million yuan.

, meanwhile, the replay of the second day is also very awesome. The advertising cost is twenty thousand seconds, which is two billion.

Zhao Wanqing carefully calculated for Xiao Yunhai. As long as there is no accident, the total sum of zero and zero in "good voice of China" will at least make him more than one billion yuan.

After Zhao Wanqing worked out the result, she was shocked and couldn't say a word.

She knows her family's ability to collect money. But with just one variety show, there will be a billion yuan in profits. Is this money gathering? No, it's a direct robbery.

In order to find out how powerful her boyfriend really is, Zhao Wanqing calculated Xiao Yunhai's total income in less than a year since his official debut.

I don't know. I'm scared.

Xiao Yunhai's novels, music, TV series and variety shows have made him 2 billion yuan, which has already caught up with the annual income of a large entertainment company.

You know, this is just the result of Xiao Yunhai's three-day fishing and two-day drying net. If he is as busy as other artists to shoot advertisements, catch up with announcements, make programs and so on, he will undoubtedly earn more.

After calculating, Zhao Wanqing said tentatively, "how about handing over your money to me, big local tyrant?"

Xiao Yunhai didn't want to think about it. He said casually, "OK."

After that, Xiao Yunhai took out three bank cards from his suitcase and said, "this one is a card that has been paid for by Jiujiu music network. There may be more than one hundred million yuan in it. I can't remember the specific amount. This is the card that the publishing house gave me. I don't know how much money there is now. Finally, this is my personal card. All the money except novels and online music will be paid to this card. It should be hundreds of millions now. "Xiao Yunhai seized Zhao Wanqing's hand and put three bank cards worth hundreds of millions into her hand. He said, "you know that I don't have any concept of money and don't know how to invest. After that, all these things will be in your charge. The password is my birthday."

Looking at the bank card in her hand, it is impossible for Zhao Wanqing not to be moved.

After all, they did not get married, but Xiao Yunhai was able to give all his wealth to himself without reservation. This is how much trust he has in himself.

If such a man is not reliable, what kind of man is reliable.

Zhao Wanqing quietly returned the card to Xiao Yunhai: "after we get married, we will give it to me."

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha ha ha a smile, again gave the stuffing back, way: "sooner or later all the same. Yes? Do you still want to run out of my Wuzhishan? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "don't you regret it?"

"How to write regret? I don't have these two words in my dictionary Xiaoyun Haidao.

Zhao Wanqing definitely looked at Xiao Yunhai with a smile for a while, and suddenly came up to him tightly and said in a soft voice, "Yunhai, love me."

Without saying a word, Xiao Yunhai held her in bed and tossed for hours.

With the passage of time, the last scene of legend of Zhen Huan is finally ushered in, which is the rival drama before the death of Zhen Huan and Yong Zheng.

All departments are ready. Wang Guoan is lying on the bed, dying. Zhao Wanqing is sitting in front of the bed.

Xiao Yunhai called out: "action" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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