Published at 11th of May 2022 06:01:20 AM

Chapter 279

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Xiao Yunhai's words were like a starting gun. Zhao Wanqing looked at Wang Guoan with an indescribable look and said, "the emperor looks much better."

Wang Guoan asked weakly, "where is summer mowing?"

Zhao Wanqing pauses for a moment, digs off the topic and says: "the medicine is boiled well, how did the emperor drink ginseng soup first?"

Wang Guoan frowned slightly and said, "summer mowing?"

Zhao Wanqing's eyes flashed a trace of murder, but her mouth was indifferent and said: "Xia Jia can't serve the emperor, but it worries the emperor. My concubine has dealt with him for the emperor."

Xiao Yunhai in front of the monitoring screen nodded with satisfaction.

After more than two months of practice, Zhao Wanqing has made great progress in acting. At first, when he played with Wang Guoan and others, although he did not lose momentum in momentum, he still had some axe cutting spirit. But now she is able to do it with ease and effortlessly. Her tone, expression and micro movement can be described appropriately.

Yu Yuexian whispered: "the most likely actor after the golden cup appeared."

Wang Guoan on the bed also gave play to the strength of the film emperor.

Hearing Zhen Huan's words, his chest heaved violently for two times. His eyes glanced coldly at Zhao Wanqing and asked, "you killed him."

With a cold smile, Zhao Wanqing said, "the emperor has always taught my concubines that useless people do not need to keep them.

Wang Guoan closed his eyes slightly and said," you really know. "

Without any expression on her face, Zhao Wanqing said, "the emperor is blessed by the emperor. I just need to rely on the emperor, and I don't need to know anything else. Take your medicine

Seeing Wang Guoan's questioning eyes, Zhao Wanqing said: "the emperor is afraid of scalding. I'd like to have a drink first."

Zhao Wanqing drank the medicine gracefully, frowned and said, "it's bitter, but the good medicine is bitter. The emperor can drink it at ease."

Wang Guoan still didn't believe her and said, "since the medicine is bitter, put it first."

Zhen Huan nodded.

The scene was quiet when they saw their vivid performance.

Wang Guoan's ears moved slightly and said, "are my concubines crying? They also know that I will soon die. "

With a sad smile, Zhao Wanqing said, "everyone in the palace knows that the emperor is about to die. He cried early. It's not about the emperor, it's about yourself. "

Wang Guoan said, "I always like your honesty. I want to ask you something. Is hung ho my son? "

Wang Guoan looked at Zhao Wanqing with a kind of hope and expectation.

Zhao Wanqing also met his eyes and solemnly said, "of course All the people in the world are your subjects. "

Wang Guoan seemed to have guessed something and said, "good answer, good answer. Yes, this world is mine, but soon it will be yours. "

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "what do I want to do with the world? I haven't got what I want."

Speaking of this, Zhao Wanqing's eyes are full of memories.

Wang Guoan sighed and said, "I may have got what I asked for in my life. However, just like quicksand in the palm of my hand, it is gone. Huan Huan, you haven't called me Silang for a long time. Will you call again

Zhao Wanqing said coldly: "the emperor is tired. Let's have a rest first. My concubine will leave first."

Wang Guoan repeated, "you call me Si Lang again, just like when you first entered the palace."

Zhen Huan looked at Wang Guoan coldly and said, "Zhen Huan, who has just entered the palace, is dead. The emperor, you forget that you killed her yourself. The concubine is Niu Hu Lu Zhen Huan. "

Wang Guoan took a deep breath and said, "I can't go back, I can't go back. Zhen and Huan Huan and Chunyuan couldn't go back at that time. You hate me for the sake of Lao seventeen. "

On hearing this, Zhao Wanqing said, "the emperor is holy, but the emperor can rest assured that my concubine will take good care of Jinghe princess if she hates you again. If sister Mei knew that she and Wen Shichu's children had been cherished by the emperor for many years, she would also be happy.

When Wang Guoan heard the news, he was shocked, excited and unbelievable.

He said maliciously: "you this poisonous woman, I want to kill you."

Zhao Wanqing snorted. At this moment, she seemed to have become a demon. She said in her mouth: "compared with the poison of the emperor's killing hands and feet, my concubine is willing to bow down. I think it's not as good as one of the ten middle schools of the emperor. "

Wang Guoan's chest heaved violently and yelled: "presumptuous, presumptuous, you really have an affair with Yun Li. How dare you You've conspired against me and betrayed me. "

Zhao Wanqing sneered: "you may as well tell the emperor. After returning to the palace, I feel extremely disgusted at every moment and contact with you. It's the same with Ningbin. Somebody. "

Zhao Wanqing sneered? All the guards were sent away by my concubine. I'm here. The emperor ordered me. The emperor has just taken ginseng soup. Being angry is not conducive to the peace of the dragon body. It will only make the emperor's five internal organs stagnate and his heart will be hard to eliminate. The emperor will not be angryWang Guoan opened his eyes and pointed his fingers to Zhao Wanqing. He did not come up and died in bed.

Zhao Wanqing looked at the dead emperor with a sense of loss. The scenes of the past seemed to come back to her eyes again.

She sighed softly and said, "Siro, the apricot blossom drizzle that year. You said you were the king of Guojun. Maybe from the beginning, they were all wrong."


Xiao Yunhai sat on the director's chair and checked it carefully again. Suddenly, the whole person stood up and cried, "good, it's great. Now I declare that our "Legend of Zhen Huan" crew has been killed. "


Everyone in the crew jumped up in excitement.

Wang Guoan stood up from the bed and sighed, "it's not easy. Ha ha, two and a half months of shooting, how can I feel like half a year? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "Mr. Wang, that's because the efficiency of the production team is too high. Finally, we successfully catch up with the arrival of the hot summer and complete all the parts."

Yu Yuexian patted Xiao Yunhai on the shoulder and asked, "director Xiao Da, the first time the director's play is finished. I don't know what you feel now?"

"Happy, excited and relieved." Xiao Yunhai suddenly said in a low voice: "sister Yu, give you a chance. Now all the shooting of the legend of Zhen Huan has been completed. If you regret the investment, I can give you a refund. Really, you can't miss a cent of interest. "

"Bah, you think so." Yu Yuexian raised her eyebrows and said, "you are a typical sea bridge. I tell you, if you want to leave me behind, don't even have a window

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "sister Yu is so confident in this play?"

"Of course." Yu Yuexian said decisively.

As a film queen, Yu Yuexian can judge the quality of the play. It can be said that as long as there is no problem in editing, the legend of Zhen Huan can definitely compare with step by step, and it is not impossible to even surpass it.

Xiao Yunhai said: "in this case, I would like to congratulate you in advance. Believe it or not, your two hundred million investment will bring you at least five hundred million profits. "

Yu Yuexian snapped her fingers and said with a smile, "it seems that my future dowry problem has been solved once and for all."

Xiao Yunhai laughed, then picked up a big loudspeaker from the side and said: "brothers and sisters, I Xiao Yunhai, thank you for your great support since you started. A TV series with more than 70 episodes just let us chew it out in more than two months. What is a miracle? This is the miracle. I don't want to say anything. I'll have a good meal and a good drink and a good red envelope for a five-star hotel tonight. "

"Long live Xiao Dao."

Everyone cheered.

"Director Xiao is really good to us. In just two and a half months, I got half a year's salary in other shows. "

"Yes, I don't know when he will make another play. If I have the chance, I will come to his crew."

"You really want something beautiful. It's different whether director Xiao wants you or not."

As they gathered up their things, they discussed enthusiastically.

In the evening, the crew of legend of Zhen Huan had a drink in the hotel. With Xiao Yunhai's super capacity, he almost fainted, let alone others.

The next day, the youth killing conference of legend of Zhen Huan attracted hundreds of media to visit. We are all old people in the performing arts circle. Naturally, we are welcome to the reporters' questions.

When the reporters asked how many ratings the legend of Zhen Huan would have, Xiao Yunhai was full of confidence and gave an amazing preview that "the average audience rating was more than 10%, and the highest audience rating was over 25%. All the reporters were crazy.

For the media, such a mouthpiece is undoubtedly their favorite.

After the press conference, everyone went to different places.

Back in Yanjing, Xiao Yun's seahorse has been involved in the post production of legend of Zhen Huan. Editing, dubbing, picture processing and other trivial work, Xiao Yunhai is busy in the dark.

Just as he was busy with his later stage, Hong Tiancai, director of the romance of the Three Kingdoms, called.

"Yunhai, what are you doing?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I am busy with the post production of the legend of Zhen Huan. Hong Dao, are you looking for me for the romance of the Three Kingdoms

It has been more than three months since the romance of the Three Kingdoms was killed. By right, it should be almost on CCTV now.

Is there any accident?

"The romance of the Three Kingdoms" will be shown on CCTV next week. I'm worried about the theme song. You are a musical genius. Do you have any songs suitable for our Three Kingdoms

Xiao Yunhai asked, "do you have any requirements for the theme song?"

Hong Tianqiao said: "the sense of massiness, vicissitudes and history."

Xiao Yunhai chuckled: "Hong Dao, I understand why you can't find a suitable song. You're asking too much."Don't pull the calf for me. Is it possible?"

Xiao Yunhai pondered for a while, thinking of the old version of the Three Kingdoms in his previous life, he said, "where are you now? I'll find you. "

Hong Tianchi was overjoyed and said, "I'm in the city of music. Come here quickly."

Xiao Yunhai hung up the phone, said to the editor, and let Li Bing drive to the city of music. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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