Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:59 AM

Chapter 28

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Taking a taxi back to school, Xiao Yunhai touched the small recorder in his trouser pocket and laughed.

Originally, Xiao Yunhai received a phone call from Xia Chengfeng and asked him to chat in ziluo cafe. Xiao Yunhai was very surprised. Intuition should not be a good thing.

After he learned from sister Na that Xia Chengfeng's character was not so good, Xiao Yunhai left an eye on it and spent more than 2000 to buy such a recorder. At the moment of Xia Chengfeng's desperate encounter, he quietly turned on the recorder and recorded all the conversation between them.

This summer Chengfeng is also too careless. He thinks that it is not easy to deal with a student who has not graduated yet under his own soft and hard work. Who ever thought that under Xiao Yunhai's appearance, there is still a soul who has been in the entertainment industry for decades.

Xiao Yunhai sat in a taxi and chatted with the driver casually. He suddenly found that not far away, an old man walking along the tree lined road felt soft and fainted on the ground. Seeing this, Xiao Yunhai let the driver stop, open the door and run up.

Xiao Yunhai saw the old man's face flushed and his skin was hot and dry. He quickly helped the old man up and said, "old man, old man, are you ok?"

But the old man was in a daze, and some kind-hearted people who passed by said, "young man, don't make trouble for yourself. Don't be fooled by this kind of mean."

At this time, the driver also arrived and said, "brother, listen to my brother's advice. If you can avoid this kind of thing, you should never make do with it. Hello, what do you want? "

Xiao Yunhai took out ten yuan from his pocket and handed it to the driver. Then he picked up the old man and said, "I want to take him to the hospital." With that, he ran forward with the old man in his arms. He saw that the hospital was not far from the front.

Xiao Yunhai's speed is very fast and extremely stable. He holds the old man's upper body almost motionless. He knows that if he is fast for one second, the old man's chances of being rescued will be increased. Soon, Xiao Yunhai carries the old man to the hospital. When he takes the old man to the door of the emergency room, his white shirt is soaked with sweat.

Seeing the doctor and nurse push the old man into the emergency room, he relaxed and sat down on the bench in the corridor. In my heart, I still can't control the closing of pores.

Not long after sitting down, a nurse came up and said, "Sir, are you the family member of the patient just now? The elderly need to stay in the hospital for observation. Please go to help the elderly go through the hospitalization procedures now. " Finish saying, pass a hospitalization notice to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai stood up from the bench, stretched out his hand to take the admission notice from the nurse, and said, "Miss nurse, I'm not the family member of the old man. I'm just a passer-by. Seeing him faint on the ground, I brought him to the hospital. I will go to the hospital now, but I still have to trouble you to see if there are any identification items on the old man, and then contact the family members of the old man. I still have something to do in a moment. "

The nurse smell speech surprised looked at Xiao Yunhai, a faint smile appeared on her face, and her tone was also much more relaxed than before.

"There are not many good people like you now. Thanks to you today, otherwise, the old people's lives will be in danger."

Xiao Yunhai laughed, "nurse, what you said is just a little work. You can't just look at the old man fainting on the ground and ignore it."

When the nurse heard Xiao Yunhai's words, she could not help murmuring. It seems that this guy's mind is very simple. It is estimated that he has just left school for a short time. Otherwise, alas! "

" don't be modest. I believe you must have seen it today. Many people are far away from home. They are afraid to get into trouble. "

"Ha ha, these should be done. It doesn't matter if there is trouble or trouble. I believe there are many good people in the world." Xiao Yunhai is very clear about the meaning of the nurse.

It's similar to the one in the last time when morality has no bottom line. With the change of society, people's mentality also changes. A driver saw an old man hit by a car on the road and sent him to the hospital with good intentions. However, his family members framed the driver in turn. After doing good deeds, the driver became a victim. People said that if you hadn't hit him, you would have sent people to the hospital with good intentions, but what makes people cold is that they were knocked down When the old man wakes up, he knows that he has been saved by a kind-hearted person, but he still chooses to be silent. Of course, there are also some people who deliberately do it. This is the so-called "touching porcelain". What can be said is that the world is in hot water.

After a while, Miss Xiao Yunhai, the nurse, has been in hospital for a while. She has asked her family members to go through the procedures.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and sat in a row of chairs. He can't just go away. His 20000 yuan is still in the hospital. He can't save people. He can't put his money on it.

After about half an hour, a rush of footsteps broke the silence of the corridor. Xiao Yunhai knew it was his family. Looking around, a middle-aged man about 50 years old with extraordinary momentum was running over. When he saw Xiao Yunhai, he asked, "young man, did you save my old father?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "teacher Hong, don't worry. The old man is all right. The doctor said that because of the timely rescue, the old man is no big problem."The middle-aged man took a breath and murmured: "this is good, this is good. Why, do you know me

"My name is Xiao Yunhai. I am a student of Beijing Film Academy. I have heard your speech in the school."

"Xiao Yunhai? It's a familiar name? " Hong said, looking at Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai naturally knows why the other party is familiar with each other, because Hong Tiancai is the director of the romance of the Three Kingdoms. Yao Wenyuan wants a role for him. Naturally, he has to get the approval of the director.

At this time, a doctor came out of the emergency room. Hong Tiancai rushed to meet him and asked, "doctor, how's my father?"

The doctor said, "you are the old man's family. I don't mean you. The old man is so old and has a heart disease. How can you let him come out alone. If this little brother didn't send it in time, I'm afraid you won't have time to regret it. Now the old man is all right, but you'd better not disturb him and come back tomorrow. "

With that, he came and patted Xiao Yunhai on the shoulder, stretched out his thumb, and said approvingly, "young man, good boy, what the society lacks is a person like you."

When Hong Tiancai heard the doctor's words, he could not express his gratitude to Xiao Yunhai. He came to Xiao Yunhai three steps at a time. He held Xiao Yunhai's hand tightly and said, "thank you, little brother. Thank you really. You are a great benefactor of Hong Tianqiao. If I can do anything in the future, I will never refuse. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Hong Dao, your words are heavy. I just did what I thought I should do, and there was nothing to thank for. "

"For you, it's something you think should be done, but for me, it's a great kindness. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I'll regret it all my life."

"Dad, how's granddad?"

At this time, a bell like sound came.

When Xiao Yunhai saw that it was Hong Tiancai's family, he said goodbye to him.

Looking at Xiao Yunhai's back gratefully, Hong Tiancai suddenly patted his head and said to himself, "this is the right student Yao introduced to me. Good boy, know that I am a director, but did not use this matter to approximate, but some proud, good , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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