Published at 11th of May 2022 06:01:19 AM

Chapter 280

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Under the leadership of a staff member, Xiao Yunhai met Hong Tianzao, who was listening to songs in the top recording studio.

He was wearing a headset and listening to a singer in his fifties.

In addition to the two, there is an old acquaintance of Xiao Yunhai, who once cooperated with Meng Fei, a top sound recording engineer.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai come in, Meng Fei's eyes brightened. He quickly put down his earphone and welcomed him. He said, "Yunhai, your boy hasn't come for some days. Now that we have developed, we have forgotten our old friends. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Meng, you really wronged me by saying so. These days, I have been busy with my feet. Don't mention you here, even the school, I have no time to go

Meng Fei said angrily: "I know, you boy when the director, the first play of the fledgling invested 600 million, the whole entertainment circle, you have such a big courage. Alas, you have such a high level of musical accomplishment and creative ability, but you have to do some TV series. It's a pity that you have talent and talent. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile:" you think highly of me. Mr. Meng, who is the singer inside

Meng Fei said: "Teacher Zhao Hong, a famous Chinese bel canto singer. Alas, it's a pity that Mr. Zhao's level is absolutely unknown. The songs that can be collected are really speechless, which is not much different from the situation when the Emperor Kangxi was first published. Do you have a look? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "you just praised me so much. If I can't make out the theme song, I'm not ashamed of you, Mr. Meng."

Meng Fei laughed and said, "what are you waiting for? Let director Hong stop. It's been sung twice. It's not interesting to hear it again. "

Meng Fei goes over and interrupts their singing.

Hong Tianqiao frowned, looked at Meng Fei and said, "Lao Meng, what are you doing?"

Meng Fei said, "our great talent is coming. Don't listen to these songs."

Hong Tiancai saw Xiao Yunhai with a smile on his face.

"You're here. Hurry up. What's the right song?" Hong said.

At this time, Zhao Hong also came out.

Xiao Yunhai quickly extended his hand and said politely, "Hello, Mr. Zhao. I'm Xiao Yunhai. I'm glad to meet you."

Zhao Hongzheng felt that the young man in front of him was a little familiar. When he heard that he called himself Xiao Yunhai, he immediately recognized him, reached out his hand and shook him, saying, "welcome to the emperor."

Xiao Yunhai hastily guest airway: "Zhao teacher is joking."

"Well, I'll talk to you later. Yunhai, hurry up and give me the score. I'll send someone to accompany me. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "director Hong, are you kidding? I ran over as soon as I received your call. Where can I write any music?"

Hong Tiancai said eagerly, "what should I do? Why don't you go in and sing for me

"It's not urgent." Xiao Yunhai said: "let me talk about this song first. To be sure, its lyrics are not written by me, but from a section of Linjiang Xianzhong written by Yang Shen of the Ming Dynasty. I just added music to him

"Yang Shen? Linjiang fairy? "

Hong Tiancai has never heard of it, but vaguely feels that his name seems familiar.

Meng Fei said, "Yunhai, don't sell the key. You do it again and listen to it. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and hummed out the "rolling Yangtze River flowing east" by Yang Hongji, a former teacher.

After singing, a trace of disappointment flashed on Hong Tiancai's face and said bluntly: "this song is not good."

Zhao Hong's eyes were shining beside him, and he said eagerly, "no, this song is absolutely no problem."

Looking at the two people's different reactions, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that Mr. Zhao has heard it. It's good. If this song is matched with majestic music and your bel canto singing method, it will be popular throughout China."

Zhao Hong said happily, "would you like to give me this song to sing?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I can't sing bel canto, and I don't know bel canto singers. Who are you going to give it to? "

Hearing this, Hong Tiancai said, "what do you mean? I'll tell you first, I didn't agree to use this song. "

Zhao Hong said confidently, "Hong Dao, you will agree later. Now, Mr. Xiao, I need to trouble you to write out the music score, so that we can do accompaniment

After experiencing Xiao Yunhai's unique talent, Zhao Hong immediately promoted Xiao Yunhai's status to several levels.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Miss Zhao, call me Yunhai directly. Is there a pen here? I'll write the score now. "

In Hong Tiancai's suspicious eyes, Xiao Yunhai moved the song of "rolling Yangtze River eastward", and then handed it to Meng Fei.

An hour later, Meng Fei came in with his accompaniment, gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up, and said, "you boy is just a monster. This piece of music is really wonderful."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Meng, I'm flattered."One side of Zhao Hong can't wait to say: "old Meng, hurry up, let's come once, I can't wait."

Meng Fei nodded and said, "OK, this time it will be OK. Hong Dao, the theme song of the romance of the Three Kingdoms appeared immediately

"That's the best," Hong said

Soon, all the preparatory work was done. Zhao Hong enters the studio, adjusts his voice and nods to Meng Fei outside.

A magnificent Prelude quickly spread to Hong Tiancai's ears, which made him feel suddenly enlightened and said in his heart: "good spirit."

"The Yangtze River flows eastward, and the waves wash away

as soon as Zhao HONGNA's open-minded and heroic bel canto came out, Hong Tiancai was shocked, and he felt a strong sense of history and vicissitudes.

At this moment, he finally determined that Meng Fei was right. This is the best theme song of the romance of the Three Kingdoms.

After Zhao Hong finished singing, he came out of it and said, "Lao Hong, how is this time?"

"That's it." Hong Tiancai's face was very excited. He turned his head and looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "you boy is such a jerk. If there is such a good song, I've been looking for it for such a long time. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile, "it's mainly because you didn't ask. However, Hong Dao, we are a villain before a gentleman. How much do you intend to pay for this song? "

Hong Tiancai said with a smile: "you boy is rich now, but I still need this money."

Xiao Yunhai said: "that won't work. If it's for you personally, I don't want any money. I can give it to you for nothing. But it's the big money that really pays, so I'm sorry. If I don't pay my market price, I won't sell it. If you want me to help them in vain, don't mention the door, there are no windows. "

On hearing this, Hong Tiancai laughed and said, "you boy, you have a little conscience. Don't worry. I can't treat you badly. Now that we have the opening song, we have the last song. The so-called one thing does not bother the two masters, it will be left to you. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "Hong Dao, I don't have any inspiration for the last song. Well, you give me two days. I'll think it over and give you a reply. Of course, in these two days, you can also look for other suitable songs. If you find them, please let me know, so as not to do some useless work. "

As a matter of fact, Xiao Yunhai has long thought about it and is ready to move out the last song of the Three Kingdoms in the past life, the sky of history. However, if it is taken out now, it will be too high-profile. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai decided to talk about it in two days.

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's words, Hong Tiancai felt a bit sorry and said, "Yunhai, you are so busy. I asked you to take time to write songs for me. I'm really embarrassed. However, I really have no way. This time, I owe you a favor. If you have something to do in the future, just call me. "

Xiao Yunhai joked: "Hong Dao, what you said makes me feel a little insecure. It's like you're not going to give me money. "

Hong Tiancai patted Xiao Yunhai on the shoulder and laughed: "don't worry, the money thing will make you satisfied."

Xiao Yunhai patted his chest and said, "that's good. OK, I have something else to do there. Hong Dao, Mr. Zhao and Mr. Meng, I will go first. "

After the three sent Xiao Yunhai out of the house, Zhao Hong said, "the cloud emperor is really brilliant, but it's a little too realistic. He always puts money on his lips."

Hong Tianhao shook his head and said, "Lao Zhao, this is because you don't know him. He just said that, but he didn't want to be polite to me. This guy came into the circle last year. Less than a year ago, he has been playing in the entertainment industry with tens of millions of fans. According to a conservative estimate, he is worth at least one billion. "

Zhao Hong widened his eyes and said in surprise: "in less than a year, have you made a billion? It's amazing. "

At least one billion yuan is "Heaven raised". It's said that the boy invested in the variety show "the voice of China" which is half popular now. Do you think a rich man like him will take this money seriously? "

Zhao Hong said with a wry smile: "I was wrong. Well, the young people are really good now. Compared with him, how can I find that I have lived on dogs for decades. "

"I feel the same way," Hong sighed. It looks like it's time to retire. "


in Yanjing, the villa of Zhao Mingsheng, the boss of Hanhai film and television investment company, Zhao Wanqing's mother, Yan Piaoyun, is chatting with a woman in her forties who is very fashionable. Beside her is a young man in her twenties, with glasses and a gentle face.

"Piaoyun, you are more and more beautiful after so long absence." Said the lady.

Yan Piaoyun said with a smile, "Sister Li, don't be kidding. How old I am, and more and more beautiful, that's not a monster. "

Next to the young man said: "aunt Yan, my mother is right. Junhao hasn't seen you for several years. Today, I find you look younger. "

Yan Piaoyun said: "Junhao, you are more and more able to speak. You study in America for four years. It's said that I studied directing major. It seems that there will be another big director in Huaxia in two years. "The Sister Li said, "don't praise him any more. The director is not everyone can do, also don't know if he has learned the real skill outside? It's Wanqing. It's been two years. She has not only become an excellent female singer, but also starred in a TV series "step by step startled" with a ratings of 22%. To be honest, I have been chasing this play. Tears are blazing. Now there are no people in China who don't know her. "

Hearing his mother mention Zhao Wanqing, the young man named Junhao brightened his eyes and said, "aunt Yan, I don't know where Wan Qing has gone? I really want to see her after all these years of absence. "

Yan Piaoyun said with a smile: "the child is very busy now, flying from place to place, and the frequency of going home is less and less. Seriously, I don't know when she'll be back

Sister Li said with a smile, "this shows that Wanqing is popular. Some stars can't get busy even if they want to be busy. By the way, Wanqing has 21 this year. Do you have a boyfriend? "

Yan Piaoyun a listen, heart cluttered for a moment, then understand.

It turns out that the wife of the Vice Minister of culture came here for her daughter Wanqing.

Yes, this lady's name is Li Rong. She and Zhao Wanqing's mother, Yan Piaoyun, were college students. After graduation, they married Tian Jishang, the current Vice Minister of culture. Later, they had a son, Tian Junhao.

When Zhao Mingsheng's Hanhai film and television investment company did not make a fortune, he also received the help of Tian Jishang. But later, Zhao Mingsheng found that Tian Jishang seemed to have some problems, and there was little contact between the two families.

Yan Piaoyun said with a smile: "I really don't know this. As the children grow up, they have their own privacy, so we parents are not easy to manage. Mingsheng and I have also discussed the child's marriage, as she wishes. As long as she likes it. "

Speaking of this, Yan Piaoyun has clearly told Li Rong that she is in charge of her daughter's affairs, and told me that it is of no use.

Li Rong, however, pretended not to understand, and said, "Piaoyun, since I have talked about Wanqing, I will not give up. I came here today to ask for your opinion. Our two families are also close friends. You and I are college students. Ji Shang and Mingsheng have a good relationship. If we can get married, I think it will be a happy scene for everyone

"To tell you the truth, we Junhao always like Wanqing very much. The reason why I went to America to study directing was because Wanqing wanted to be an actor. He wanted to help her. What do you think of Piaoyun

"Aunt Yan, if Wan Qing can marry me, I promise I will treat her well for the rest of my life," said Tian Junhao

Although muchun is very appreciative of you, it's very kind of you to appreciate it. It's just that I don't dare to make any promises about it. I can only say that as long as Wan Qing agrees, Mingsheng and I will never object. "

In other words, if Zhao Wanqing disagrees, it means that they will not agree. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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