Published at 11th of May 2022 06:01:13 AM

Chapter 285

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"Miss Li, it's just a premiere of the romance of the Three Kingdoms. How come so many people come here?"

Said a photographer who was obviously new.

"What do you know. I tell you, although it's just a premiere ceremony, there are too many stars. There are twenty or thirty movie queens alone, and there are countless third tier, second tier and first tier stars. If you add in the invited performers, even if it's not worse than the golden cup award ceremony, you say we can't come. "

"Yes. "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is the only key TV drama determined by the Ministry of culture this year, mainly to promote Chinese culture. The Ministry of culture, the film and television administration, CCTV and the six major film and television companies gathered together. Which star dares not to give face? It's said that many heavenly kings and empresses have come today. "

During the discussion, the luxury car of the first couple of stars finally appeared in everyone's sight. The fans screamed wildly, and the flash lights in the hands of the reporters also snapped into a piece.

A young waiter immediately ran over and opened the door.

When Xiao Yunhai, wearing a black Haoyu suit, got out of the car, the whole scene suddenly appeared a short and strange pause. Everyone looked at the smiling Xiao Yunhai, as if they could not believe their own eyes.

"What are you doing? The famous emperor Yun was the first to walk on the red carpet. What a joke. "

"It's not that the organizers deliberately make the emperor look ugly."

"It's the first time such a big wrist has been arranged. It's the first time on the red carpet show."

"Big news, this is absolutely big news."

People were shocked for only three seconds, and then the roar of shouts rose and resounded into the sky.

Xiao Yunhai's fans spontaneously called out classic slogans.

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

Under their leadership, fans of other stars also cried out.

Reporters frantically press the shutter of the camera, since Xiao Yunhai appeared, the flash has not stopped for a moment.

Xiao Yunhai waved to everyone, then bent down and took out a white arm very gentlemanly.

"Who is with the emperor? It won't be Ruoxi. "

"It must be her. Emperor Yun plays Lv Bu, and Zhao Wanqing plays Diao Chan, so-called Lu Bu plays Diao Chan. Lu Bu has come out, where can Diao Chan go

"Look, it's coming out."

"Ha ha, yes, it's Ruoxi Zhao Wanqing."

Zhao Wanqing in a long white dress, shoulder slightly exposed, Qiao smile Yan Ran stand out, like a white lotus growing in the secular world, pure and elegant.

"Ruoxi, I love you."

"Ruoxi, you are the best."

"Fourth master, when will you marry Ruoxi?"

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing created a sensation which was absolutely shocking. The atmosphere of the whole venue was completely heated by them.

Arm in arm, they walked on the red carpet with ease.

Xiao Yunhai, smiling, said: "this Hong guide is also, for publicity, need to put us in the first place?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "you were the first one to agree at that time

Xiao Yunhai said: "ah, a mistake has become a perpetual regret. Look, tomorrow's Internet, magazines, newspapers and magazines will definitely say that Lv Bu and Diao Chan are the first to go on the red carpet, and they are suspected to have offended the organizers. "

"Just write it. It doesn't matter. It doesn't hurt us." Zhao Wanqing said.

Soon, they went into the theatre, found their place in the second row and sat down.

With the passage of time, more and more stars have appeared in turn, some of whom know and some who do not.

After a while, Dong Piao came in and saw Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing. Their eyes lit up and they said, "elder martial brother, sister Wanqing, what's going on? Have you really offended the organizers? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head helplessly and said, "No. This is what Hong Dao and we have discussed for a long time, just for one more topic of publicity. By the way, is sister Xue here? "

Dong Piao Piao said: "long time ago, didn't you see her?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "she is there every day now, I'm afraid she has forgotten me."

Dong Piao Piao knew that Xiao Yunhai was joking, so he said: "sister Yingxue said that you are really too powerful, she has little effect on you. Even though she had achieved great achievements, she did not feel the slightest sense of achievement, so she put most of her energy on me. Hee hee. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "Piao Piao, you don't have to say these nice things. Is there another reason why you don't obey the management and go your own way?"Dong Piao was surprised and asked, "sister Wanqing, how do you know?"

Zhao Wanqing complacent smile way: "snow elder sister did not know in front of me said how many times, my ears are tired of listening."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and could only smile bitterly.

As time went by, ye Yongren, Chen Huan, Yao Na, Liang Hui, Ge Wuyou and other big names came in, and the red carpet was finally finished.

When acquaintances meet, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing naturally want to be polite.

At eight o'clock sharp, the premiere of romance of the Three Kingdoms officially began.

In the applause and cheers of everyone, a burst of passionate and heroic music began to ring, which is the prelude of the song "rolling Yangtze River flowing east" plagiarized by Xiao Yunhai.

Sure enough, the name of the song appeared on the huge screen, with lyrics, music and composition written below.

The stars and the audience clapped.

Ye Yongren said: "this is the first song of Yunhai. It sounds very heroic."

Yao Na nodded and said, "but it doesn't sound like pop music to me."

Chen Huan said in surprise, "look, sing Zhao Hong. Xiao Yunhai can also write bel canto songs. "

Yao Na said with a bitter smile: "this boy is a demon, except for giving birth to children, he will not."

The prelude of "rolling Yangtze River flowing east" is very long. Fortunately, Hong Tiancai cut out one of the highlights of the romance of the Three Kingdoms and distributed it. Otherwise, some people who don't know music would have to change channels.

After a while, Zhao Hong appeared in the middle of the stage in a suit and a lift.

At this time, accompaniment just ended, Zhao Hong sang out the first line of lyrics.

"The Yangtze River is rolling and the water is flowing away in the East.

the waves have washed away the heroes.

The success or failure of right and wrong turns to be empty,

The Castle Peak is still there,

several sunset red.

... "

just two sentences, Chen Huan's eyes lit up, patted her thigh and said," good words and good music. "

Ye Yongchao nodded his head and said, "the Yangtze River is rolling East and the waves are sweeping away heroes. This word makes people feel really overbearing, but also with a feeling and vicissitudes. Yunhai is a wonderful boy. "

"White haired fishermen and woodcutters live on the riverside,

they are used to watching the autumn moon and spring breeze.

A pot of turbid wine is happy to meet each other, and how many things have happened in ancient and modern times, all of which have been discussed with a smile. "

To say that Zhao Hong is worthy of being the top singer in China. His singing is brilliant, magnificent and full of breath. It is a perfect match for this song, which is not under the teacher Yang Hongji in his previous life.

The audience was ecstatic.

"The product of emperor Yun must be a fine product. It's absolutely right. "

"It's a great song. Although it's not a popular song that I like, its lyrics and music make my heart surge

"After listening to this song, I want to go back to the Three Kingdoms era and have a fight with those heroes."

When the last note of "rolling Yangtze River flows away in the East" falls, there are warm applause and cheers from the audience.

After Zhao Hong stepped down, Xu Jun and Dong Lixin stepped onto the stage together.

"Good evening, everyone. Welcome to the premiere of the romance of the Three Kingdoms. I'm Xu Jun, the host."

"I'm Dong Lixin, the host."

"Li Xin, I want to ask, have you ever seen the Three Kingdoms?"

"Of course. The stories of Liu Guan, Zhang Taoyuan, Zhao Zilong, the Savior on his own, Guan Yunchang's five passes and six generals, Zhang Yide's interpretation of Yan Yan and other stories have long been familiar to us. As long as they are Chinese, there is no one who does not know the romance of the Three Kingdoms. Right? "

"Yes," cried the audience

Xu Jun said with a smile, "don't you girls like to see a dream of Red Mansions? I didn't expect to have some research on the Three Kingdoms. Yes, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" as one of the four classical masterpieces in China, can be said to be a household name. In order to promote our Chinese classical culture, the Ministry of culture, the film and television administration, together with CCTV, introduced the romance of the Three Kingdoms, and then said, "let's invite our director Hong Tiancai, Liu Bei's actor sun Yanjun, Cao Cao's actor Wang Guoan and Sun Quan's Wei Xiaodong Ge Liang's actor..... Lu Bu's actor Xiao Yunhai and Diao Chan's actor Zhao Wanqing made their debut. "


Seeing so many famous stars appear on the stage in turn, the audience immediately burst into a pot and stood up one after another, shouting madly.

The star lineup of the romance of the Three Kingdoms is so powerful that almost everyone can hold up a play. If they had not reduced their pay several times, I'm afraid that the cost of the three countries would have increased by 500 million.

Of course, the case of Xiao Yunhai is a special case.

Because the number of people was too large, Xu Jun simply interviewed a few words, and then they all stepped down.Then the singers came on stage one after another, singing their representative songs. Unfortunately, there are few songs related to the Three Kingdoms.

Even if there are one or two, the quality is not very high.

Finally, it's Xiao Yunhai's turn to play.

Xu Jun said to the microphone, "everyone should know who played Lv Bu?"

"Xiao Yunhai." All said with one voice.

"Well, everyone knows. However, our Lv Bu is not only a martial arts master, but also a musical creation genius. For the party, he wrote six songs including the opening song and the ending song, which shocked the whole Chinese music circle. Now, let's welcome him to the stage with the warmest applause, will you


"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

in the applause and cheers of everyone, Xiao Yunhai took a microphone, waved, and went to Xu Jun, hugged Xu Jun, and said, "Miss Xu, long time no see."

"The main reason is that you are too busy this year. Almost all industries in the entertainment industry have done it once, such as making music, shooting TV, acting in movies, writing novels, etc. Actually, I've always wanted to ask you, which of these industries do you think you like best? "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "can I say I like hosting?"

"No. Yes? Did you want to take my job just after we met? "

"Ha ha ha."

The artists and the audience all laughed.

"Just a joke. Yunhai, since you have received the drama of the Three Kingdoms, I think you should have studied the romance of the Three Kingdoms? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "you are right. I have really studied the Three Kingdoms. Mr. Xu, let me ask you a few questions. You know Zhuge Liang in the Three Kingdoms. Do you know who Zhou Yu is? "

Xu Jun shook his head and said with a smile, "do you want to test me on this question? It's too childish. Zhou Yu, named Gongjin, was the governor of Dongwu. He led 50000 Dongwu troops to a big fire in Chibi, and the 830000 troops of Cao Cao were destroyed, right? "

Xiao Yunhai raised his thumb and said, "Mr Xu, you are really good. However, we all know this problem. If you can answer the next question, I will really convince you. "

Xu Jun waved his hand and said, "Yunhai, you may not know. I have watched the romance of the Three Kingdoms more than 100 times. No matter whether he is a major leading role or a minor supporting role, there is basically nothing I don't know."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Xu, don't brag. I ask you, what's Zhou Yu's grandmother's family name, do you know? What is Zhuge Liang's grandmother's family name? What is Zhang Fei's grandmother's family name? Do you know? "


"Ha ha ha."

Looking at Xu Jun's silly look on the stage, they all laughed.

Of course, this is Xu's uniform. In the rehearsal, in order to increase the fun of the party, Xiao Yunhai interposed a cross talk about the Three Kingdoms in his previous life, "study of the Three Kingdoms", so, just had this scene.

Xu Jun pursed his lips and said with a bitter smile, "what's their mother's surname? I really don't know. It doesn't appear in the novel

Xiao Yunhai said: "so, Mr. Xu, we must be modest and don't talk too much."

Xu Jun said: "it sounds like you know it. Then I'll ask you. What are the family names of Zhou Yu, Zhuge Liang and Zhang Fei's grandmothers?"

In fact, the stars and the audience are also very puzzled, waiting for Xiao Yunhai's answer.

Xiao Yunhai said, "listen up, Miss Xu. Zhou Yu's grandmother's family name is Ji; Zhuge Liang's grandmother's family name is he; Zhang Fei's grandmother's family name is Wu."

Xu Jun was surprised and asked, "how do you know that?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "so we should study it well. You see, before he died, Zhou Yu yelled: he Shengliang, he Shengliang. Zhou Yu was born by Ji and Zhuge Liang was born by he. "

"Pooh." Xu Jun turned his head directly.

When the audience heard such a reason, they would have laughed back and forth.

"I knew that as soon as emperor Yun came to power, we would surely die laughing."

"He Shengliang is born of Yu. It's very talented to come to him and explain it like this. "

Xu Jun pointed to Xiao Yunhai and asked, "there is another one, Zhang Fei?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's too simple. Haven't you heard the idiom "nothing makes trouble"? It must be Zhang Fei, born of Wu. "

Xu Jun nodded and gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "I've taken it. What you've studied is really deep enough."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "how about it? Mr. Xu, did you learn from me? "

"You're good," Xu Jun said , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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