Published at 11th of May 2022 06:01:10 AM

Chapter 287

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After singing, Xiao Yunhai stopped Dong Piao, who wanted to leave, and then called out: "the other two beauties will come out together to make a picture. The vast number of male compatriots can't wait. Oh, that brother, wipe the saliva on the corner of your mouth. You have to be careful. Your girlfriend is still sitting next to you. "

"Ha ha ha."

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

After Zhao Wanqing and CAI pingya went on stage hand in hand, the three beauties stood in a row holding hands and smiling. Boy, this is a beautiful scene.

The men in the audience were stunned.

Xiao Yunhai pointed to them and said in a loud voice: "what is a sunken fish falling wild geese, closing the moon to shame flowers? What is a smile, then smile Qing country? What is looking back at a smile hundred beautiful health, six palace powder without color? Look at these three. Do you understand? "

"I see." Under the stage, especially the male audience on the scene, yelled.

Xiao Yunhai said, "keep your voice down. Don't cry out loud."

"Ha ha ha."

"In fact, in many people's minds, I should be the happiest now. But, I tell you, I really don't want to stand next to them. Not to mention anything else, which one of you has just seen me, I guess not. Ah, if it's a little red in the green, everyone will surely look at the only red flower. But when there is a little green among the flowers, it is estimated that no one will see it. At this moment, I have to admit that I, who have always been famous for being handsome and unrestrained, have made their large background board

"Ha ha ha."

"Cloud emperor, we support you."

"The emperor does not cry."

The audience yelled.

Xiao Yunhai said: "what are relatives? This is the family. Three beauties, do you have anything to say? Let's start with Ms. Cai pingya. "

Cai pingya took the microphone from Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile: "first of all, I am very grateful to director Hong for inviting me to participate in the premiere of the romance of the Three Kingdoms, which makes me feel very honored. Secondly, I would like to thank my good sister Wan Qing for taking this song "sun Shangxiang" from someone's hand. Finally, I wish our "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" audience rating soared. Thank you

Cai pingya finished and handed the microphone to Zhao Wanqing.

Zhao Wanqing said: "I'm very happy to be able to stand here and sing songs for you. As the actor of Diao Chan in the romance of the Three Kingdoms, I am very clear that the quality of the play will never disappoint you. Therefore, I hope you can watch this drama on CCTV. Thank you

Then, Dong Piao accepted the microphone and said with a smile, "I'm very, very happy to be able to stand on this stage and sing for you like my two sisters. Thank you for your invitation. At the same time, we also wish that the ratings of the romance of the Three Kingdoms can be as high as sesame blossom

The three people's speech is not meaningful, if other people say, at most, it is just polite clapping hands. But from these three beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful mouth said, immediately got everyone's persistent applause.

Xiao Yunhai pointed to the audience and said, "I don't mean you can have some success? To be honest, if their words came out of my mouth, would you clap like that? "

"No Everyone said with one voice.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and sighed: "you are really forgetful of your righteousness. And these three beauties are the typical representatives of breaking the bridge. I didn't hear anyone say thank me. As the saying goes, never forget to dig a well. I'm so sad that you did it. "

Cai pingya said, "I mentioned it."

Xiao Yunhai said without good breath: "how did you say that. Thanks to Zhao Wanqing for taking this song from someone. First of all, you thank Zhao Wanqing, not me. Secondly, who is this person? Can't you name it? Well, I'm really pissed off. "

"Ha ha ha."

"The cloud emperor is so pitiful."

Zhao Wanqing, Cai pingya and Dong Piao looked at each other. They all stepped back, bowed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "thank you, Miss Xiao."

Xiao Yunhai put on an affectation and waved his hand and said, "you're welcome."

The three beauties once again said in unison: "I wish Miss Xiao good health and long life in the days to come. I wish you a long life and a long life. The more you live, the younger you will be and the more energetic you will be."

Three people finish saying, then hand in hand to leave, leaving only Xiao Yunhai standing there foolishly.

"Ha ha ha."

"The three beauties are talking about him on purpose."

"A long life is as good as the East China Sea. It's really fun to use this word to describe the old man in yunhuang

"Now the emperor is stupid."

Xiao Yunhai pursed his lips and whispered, "how can I feel that I am more and more virtuous and respectable when they say so."

"Highly respected, ha ha, thanks to his thought."

"When you are twenty years old, you will have a high reputation. What is thirty years old?""What the emperor said is very talented."

Xiao Yunhai said: "from what they just said, we can draw such a conclusion. Beautiful women's eyes are generally not easy to use. Such a big handsome man stands here and says that the more he lives, the younger he will be. What kind of eyes do you say? "

"I remember that I saw a very handsome man from afar. I quickly went to the past, only to find that it was a mirror. I was on fire and broke the mirror immediately. There are so many handsome people. I feel inferior to him. "

"Ha ha ha."

"Emperor Yun, can we have a little bit of integrity?"

"Have to say, cloud emperor boast oneself all boast level, boast realm."

Xiao Yunhai pointed to them and said, "what? Don't you believe it? I'll tell you a true story

"Once I went to the street, a group of beautiful women stopped me and said that I was handsome. If I didn't admit it, they beat me and called me hypocritical."

"Then the second time I went to the street, another group of beautiful women stopped and said that I was handsome. I had no choice but to admit it. Unexpectedly, they beat me again and scolded me for being modest."

"The third time I went to the street, I was stopped by a group of beautiful women again and said that I was handsome. I didn't admit it or deny it. I thought it was the head office. However, they still beat me and said that I was handsome, but I was still so drag! "

" in the end, I dare not go out again. "

These are two very popular jokes on the network in the previous life. Xiao Yunhai moved them here and immediately caused the whole audience to burst into laughter. Many people covered their stomachs and wept with laughter.

Yao Na, sitting in the front row, was out of breath and said intermittently: "Xiao... Yunhai... Ha ha, this... Asshole... Is so... Funny... I can't stand it."

Chen Huan directly burst into tears with a smile. He took off his glasses and wiped them well. But he couldn't stop smiling and said, "I can't stand it either."

In Zhao Mingsheng's home, Yan Piaoyun, who has always been dignified and elegant, leans on her husband's shoulder and smiles. What is shown on TV is the live broadcast of the premiere of the romance of the Three Kingdoms.

After a while, Yan Piaoyun recovered and said, "Lao Zhao, Yunhai is too humorous. Is that what he usually is? "

Zhao Mingsheng nodded and said, "yes. Yunhai is very fond of making friends in the circle. All the actors who have shot with him, except for a few others, are basically full of praise for him. Among them, his humor is a very important reason

Yan Piaoyun looked at Zhao Wanqing, who was laughing on the screen, and said: "I hope he can use this skill in life, so that our daughter will not be bored."

Standing on the stage, Xiao Yunhai waited until everyone had finished laughing, sighed and said, "from the above story, we can draw such a conclusion."

"If handsome is a kind of crime, I am afraid I have already committed heinous crimes; if I say that handsome is a kind of mistake, then I have been wrong again and again; if handsome is to be punished, ah, I'm afraid I have been cut by thousands of knives for a long time. So people must not look like me, or you will be miserable. "

The scene, which had just been rehabilitated, could not help laughing again after hearing Xiao Yunhai's words.

At this time, the netizens who were watching the live broadcast could no longer sit still, and they went online to Xiao Yunhai's home page to make comments.

"Cloud emperor, please don't say anything more. I'm almost bursting with laughter. "

"Yunhuang, please be the host in the future. No matter what program you host, I will watch it. "

"Those so-called storytellers on the Internet, please clean your eyes and have a look. The real master of the storytellers has appeared, which is the cloud emperor Xiao Yunhai."

"It's so funny to ask emperor Yun to have a cross talk."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand on the stage and said, "OK, everyone, just made a little joke. It's time for us to get down to business. Next comes the sixth song, the sky of history, which is also the theme song of the romance of the Three Kingdoms. The singer is the so-called pear flower pressure Begonia, love killer ghost see worry of me... "

" ha ha ha. "

"A pear flower pressure Begonia, love killer ghost see worry, how to think out this time."

"Yunhuang is too good."

While everyone was laughing, the whole stage suddenly darkened, and a piece of sad and desolate music was introduced into everyone's ears.

This music seems to have some magic, so that the laughter of the scene quickly disappeared, as if we entered a different world.

After a while, the stage lit up again, and a bleak scene appeared on the big screen after the war.

Xiao Yunhai is dressed in an ancient costume. His face is full of vicissitudes. His eyes contain a trace of yearning and memory.

His state is very different from that when he tells jokes. Many people can't even believe their eyes. Xiao Yunhai's temperament changes too fast, which makes people feel a little hard to accept.At this time, Xiao Yunhai finally sang the first paragraph.

"The light of the sword is dim, and the sound of the drum horn is far away.

There are fresh faces flying in front of me.

Annihilation of the yellow dust Road, desolate the beacon fire border city.

Years, you can't take that string of familiar names.

Who will decide the rise and fall? There is no basis for the rise and fall.

A page of wind and cloud scattered, changed time and space.

Gathering and dispersing are fate, separation and separation are always related.

Be responsible for the past, what is the plan behind the review!

after Xiao Yunhai's first song, no one in the whole scene could laugh.

Xiao Yunhai's expression is desolate, and his voice has a sense of sadness. With the historical figures appearing on the big screen, they seem to be brought back to the heroic era hundreds of years ago by Xiao Yunhai's singing. It seems that after the war, bones are exposed in the wild and there is no chicken crow in thousands of miles. It seems that they have heard a long sigh brought by history.

Chen Huan sighed: "it's a top-level work full of historical flavor"

Ye Yongren nodded and said, "it's really stirring. It's a combination of history and vicissitudes. It's memorable. "

After the main singing, Xiao Yunhai's chorus directly raised a key, and there was a cry in his voice, as if it were the cry of those heroes buried in the loess.

"The Yangtze River intentionally turns into tears,

the Yangtze River has a feeling for singing.

Several stars twinkle in the sky of history,

a hero in the world is galloping

At the end of the last word, various characters of the Three Kingdoms appeared on the screen, including Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan, Dong Zhuo, Zhuge Liang, Lu Bu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and so on. All of a sudden, the screen was filled with shapes, and finally it was fixed there.

After a song was sung, the whole scene was quiet. No one spoke or clapped. They don't seem to be free from the mood of the song.

Xiao Yunhai sighed deeply and bowed to the audience.


"Pa Pa Pa Pa"

I don't know who brought it first. Applause and cheers swept in like a flood.

Both the audience and the stars stood up at this moment and applauded the talented young man on the stage.

The classic slogan of "cloud emperor, cloud emperor, unparalleled in the world" resounded through the whole scene again.

Wang Guoan clapped his hands and sighed: "the boy in the sea of clouds is really powerful. The song" the sky of history "really sings the historical changes and changes of the situation."

Liu Bei and sun Yanjun said: "yes, the hero himself is not left with a cup of loess and becomes a spray in the long river of history."

After singing, Xiao Yunhai stepped off the stage.

It's really long enough for me to stay here. I've already had a sense of being the host and the guest. If we don't go on, it will be inappropriate.

Xu Jun and Dong Lixin return to the stage.

Xu Jun said to Dong Lixin, "Lixin, do you see what a genius is? This is the one who just went down. A week, six songs of the same type, the first classic, such creative ability is simply speechless

Dong Lixin said with a smile: "in fact, I am a little lucky now. Fortunately, he took the road of music, film and television. If he came to our hosting industry, I think we would be robbed of our jobs by him. "

The audience burst into laughter.

Ladies and gentlemen, the opening ceremony of "Three Kingdoms" is over. Thank you for coming. Let's wish the audience rating of the romance of the Three Kingdoms rise constantly. "

"Good night, everyone."

The premiere of the Three Kingdoms lasted for two hours, and finally came to an end with the song "the sky of history".

However, as we all know, this is just a warm-up before the war. The real battle will start from tomorrow.

The audience rating of the romance of the Three Kingdoms can only be decided by the audience friends in front of the TV. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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