Published at 11th of May 2022 06:00:59 AM

Chapter 293

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They have been acting in the film and television circles all their lives, and there are countless fans. As soon as they appear, they immediately set off a landslide.

"Miss Huang, Miss Zhang, look here."

"Mr. Huang, sign my name."

"Miss Zhang, you are the best empress dowager Xiaozhuang."

The organizing committee had prepared three minutes for the show, but the reporters and fans were so enthusiastic. When Xiao Yunhai's car stopped, they only went two-thirds.

A waiter ran over and was about to open the door, but was stopped by Xiao Yunhai.

This is the moment for Huang Peiqi and Zhang Hong. They and Zhao Wanqing get off the train at this time, which is really a bit of a storm.

Half a minute later, seeing Huang Peiqi and Zhang Hong walk through the red carpet, Xiao Yunhai comes out of the car.

"The cloud emperor is out."

"I said. All of a sudden, he won three nominations for the grand prize. How could the emperor not come? It turns out that the Organizing Committee put him on the final stage. "

"Yunhuang is really good. He seems to have been here for a while. In order not to steal the limelight of Mr. Huang Peiqi and Mr. Zhang Hong, I waited for them for a long time before they came out. "

"They are good friends, OK?"

The camera shutter of the reporters roared, and the flash lights made the night as bright as day.

Fans have long been crazy to shout, they shake the hands of the fluorescent stick, the sound of a tsunami from all directions, the atmosphere is hot to the extreme.

Xiao Yunhai bent down and picked up Zhao Wanqing from the car.

"Ruoxi, I love you."

"Ruoxi, you are the best."

"If the shadow is bright, if the shadow is bright."

When the fans saw Zhao Wanqing appear, they enlarged the Yinbei again. Several fans of "step by step" were excited and rushed out. Fortunately, the police stopped them in time.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing smile, and constantly wave to the fans, where they pass, set off a huge sound wave. From time to time, I have to stop for the reporters to take pictures.

The distance of 300 meters is only five minutes, which shows their popularity.

Entering the theater, under the guidance of the two staff, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came to their respective positions.

Next to Xiao Yunhai is his old friend Huang Peiqi.

"How about it? seas of clouds. How does it feel to be nominated for the golden cup award for best actor Huang Peiqi asked with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "I'm here to play soy sauce this time. As a foil, let's feel the atmosphere in advance. Next year's golden cup award is the time for me to make great plans."

"So modest?" Huang said with a smile

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is not called modesty, but self-knowledge. I'm very clear that there is still a distance between my Yongzheng performance and your Kangxi performance. All the teachers on the jury have unique insight and can't not see it. "

"But don't take it lightly. Although I'm not as good at acting as you are, I have tens of millions of fans. Therefore, in the voting of the audience, I think you may not be able to match me. Therefore, I still hope to be able to confer the emperor

Huang Peiqi nodded and said: "the analysis is very pertinent. However, the strength and popularity of the other candidates are also very strong, which can not be underestimated. "

Xiao Yunhai approached Huang Peiqi's ear and said, "I think you have the highest probability of winning the film emperor."

Huang Peiqi, with a smile, said in a soft voice, "don't pour me ecstasy soup. I'm lucky to get it, but I'll lose my life. I'm so old that I don't care about these things. You're still young. You have to work hard. "

They talked for a while, and the golden cup award ceremony officially began.

Looking at the pair of Deng Yue and Dong Lixin walking slowly on the stage, Xiao Yunhai said in surprise: "I didn't expect that Deng Ge was also arrested by the organizing committee."

Huang Peiqi said with a smile: "they have tasted the sweetness of hosting the award ceremony by you and Wanqing. However, compared with your last time, they didn't seem to be too reassured about Xiao Deng, so they took professional CCTV hosts like Dong Lixin to partner with him, so as to avoid problems. "

Indeed, Deng Yue's hosting skills can not completely control the atmosphere of the whole scene like Xiao Yunhai. Thanks to Dong Lixin's frequent interaction with him, there is no problem.

As usual, the first award was the best screenwriter, with Director Chen Qingqing and film Emperor Li Xun.

Li Xun said: "director Chen, long time no see. I haven't come in a hurry. Congratulations. In one year, not only did he produce two good plays with ratings of more than 10 percent, but they also became the hot spots of this golden cup award. It's really amazing. "

Chen Qingqing said with a smile: "this is not my ability. The so-called smart woman can't cook without rice. Without the hard work of Hua Jifeng and Xiao Yunhai, how could these two plays appear in front of everyone. In my opinion, the script is the soul of a play, and the quality of the script determines the success or failure of a film and television play. Without a good script, no matter how good the director is, he can't make a film that is recognized by all. Fortunately, I got two good scripts. "Li Xun said with a smile: "director Chen said well. Let's see which of the best writers has appeared in the past year. Please look at the big screen

The names of six screenwriters including Xiao Yunhai appeared on the big screen, as well as the highlights of their TV plays.

When Xiao Yunhai's "step by step startle" appeared, the audience cheered in unison, which made other writers feel very uncomfortable.

After the short film was played, Chen Qingqing opened the envelope, took a look at it, and said with a smile: "the best screenwriter of this golden cup TV series is "."

"Xiao Yunhai, step by step."

Li Xun said, "congratulations to Xiao Yunhai."

Under the stage warm applause rang, Xiao Yun sea with a smile, walked easily on the podium.

Taking the trophy from Chen Qingqing's hand, Xiao Yunhai hugged them and stood in front of the microphone and said with a smile, "in March this year, the Organizing Committee asked me to host the golden cup film festival. At that time, I was still happy. In fact, I was quite resistant. Because I like the latter better than the host. Now I've got my wish. "

"As the saying goes, a director who can't sing is not a good screenwriter "."


"Ha ha ha."

"I'll tell you, how can the emperor of cloud speak seriously? He's waiting for us here."

"A director who can't sing is not a good screenwriter. This is where and where."

There was a laugh from the audience.

"Thank you for giving me this award, and I hope to be here next year. Because my "Legend of Zhen Huan" will meet you soon, I tell you, this play is really good. Thank you

Xiao Yunhai finished the advertisement for the legend of Zhen Huan in front of hundreds of millions of audience, and then stepped down with the trophy.

Deng looked at Xiao Yunhai more and more and said to Dong Lixin: "although our" step by step startling "won the first prize, I still have to say, should our organizing committee charge Xiao Yunhai's advertising fee. This advertisement is too blatant. "

Dong Lixin said with a smile: "this matter needs our organizing committee to negotiate with him in private. I personally think that in such a high audience rating occasion, an advertisement will cost at least hundreds of millions."

Deng Yue gave Dong Lixin a thumbs up and said, "sister Dong, you are still cruel."

The audience was amused with laughter by their singing and singing, and Deng Yue's host was also released a lot.

After the best editing and dubbing, it was again the turn of Xiao Yunhai's Award for the best TV drama theme song.

For this award, Xiao Yunhai should be the most confident. Two consecutive songs have been nominated. If not, it would be funny.

But sometimes, things are so funny.

When the name of the winner was said from the mouth of the guests, the whole scene seemed to be quiet for a while, and everyone thought that they had heard it wrong.

Even the winner Wang Yang himself was stunned there, showing an incredible expression.

Five seconds later, the audience began to clamor.

"I'm kidding. What is the golden cup award for? "

"That's right. The emperor of cloud has two songs. How can he not win the prize?"

"The black curtain, it must be the black curtain. This is deliberately suppressing the emperor. "

"I didn't expect that even the Golden Cup awards had some hidden rules. It's really hard to accept."

Their voices are so loud that even the artists in the front row can hear them clearly.

In everyone's comments, Wang Yang, the winner, got up in embarrassment and walked to the podium.

When he came to Xiao Yunhai, he suddenly stood up, hugged Wang Yang, who was surprised on his face, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Mr. Wang, I've heard your" thousands of rivers and mountains ", which is indeed a rare song. You deserve the prize. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai took the lead in clapping, followed by Huang Peiqi, Li Xun and other artists.

Driven by them, the audience burst into warm applause.

Wang Yang looked at Xiao Yunhai gratefully and said, "thank you."

Taking the trophy from the winners, Wang Yang said, "can I know why this award is not Mr. Xiao's?"

All of a sudden quiet down, a staff member to Deng Yue a list, Deng more a look, immediately bitter smile.

"The answer to Mr. Wang's question is on this piece of paper." Speaking of this, he looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "Yunhai, you are really unlucky. Your "three inch heaven" and "borrow me from heaven for a hundred years" got 72.5 points and 73.2 points respectively, while Mr. Wang Yang's "thousands of rivers and mountains" got 74.5 points

"You are not so much defeated by Mr. Wang Yang as by yourself. Because you have two songs shortlisted at the same time, the judges and the audience who support you have a diversion, resulting in the score of your two songs being somewhat average. If you only have one song, this problem will not happen. You are the only one to blame for your talent. "Hearing the reason for this wonderful flower, the scene directly exploded.

"Brother, I voted for three inch heaven. What did you vote for?"

"I voted for" borrow me another hundred years from heaven. "

"Well, that's what happened. It's too bad for HuangYun. "

The camera lens was given to Xiao Yunhai in time. Xiao Yunhai shook his head and gave a bitter smile. He leaned directly on the back of his chair, looking as if he could not love him.

"Ha ha ha."

The scene was amused by his expression and laughed.

Wang Yang said to himself, "it turns out that I have picked up a leak, which can only show that I have good luck. Thank you for giving me this award. I have been nominated three times, but I have not. This time because of the existence of the cloud emperor, I thought it was the most hopeless, but things are always so strange, let me accidentally get this award. This fully shows that one thing, too talented, is not a good thing

"Ha ha ha."

After Wang Yang came down, he hugged Xiao Yunhai again, and their artiste character won the applause of the audience for a long time.

The awards were awarded one by one, and the best supporting actor was won by Huang Peiqi and the best supporting actress by Xue Wen.

Soon came to the best actress, and the winners were Hong Tianzao and Huang Peiqi.

After watching the highlights of the six candidates, Hong opened his envelope and said with a smile: "Gee, this year is really special. There are two film masters in jinzung Film Festival. We have two movie queens in Jinzun TV Festival. We have encountered all the things that we haven't met for several years this year. That's interesting. "

"Wow, there are two movie queens."

"I think one of them must be teacher Zhang Hong. Her role of Xiaozhuang is really overbearing."

"I think it should be our Ruoxi. She is also very good at portraying a modern woman's helpless return to ancient times. I have cried for many times."

"No, I think it should be

When the audience heard Hong's words, they began to whisper.

Huang Peiqi took a look at the name of the winner, and said with a smile: "we have all cooperated with me. Hong Dao, let's talk about each other. "

"Good, congratulations to empress dowager Zhang Hong."

Huang Peiqi said with a smile: "the same congratulations to Ruoxi Zhao Wanqing."

There was a burst of applause from the audience.

Zhao Wanqing and Zhang Hong stepped onto the podium in surprise. After taking the trophy and certificate from Hong Tianqiao and Huang Peiqi, Zhao Wanqing made a gesture of invitation to Zhang Hong.

Zhang Hong nodded to her slightly, but was not polite. He took the lead in making a speech. Finally, he said, "a few years ago, we old people in the film and television industry were worried about the lack of actors. But now, we found that at that time, we were a little worried. It is said that the talented people of Jiangshan generation have been leading the way for hundreds of years. We are very happy to see that a group of young people in their twenties and thirties are growing up at an astonishing speed. Their acting skills are no longer under our group of old people, and their conduct is the best choice. With them, I believe our film and television industry will have a bright future. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

Zhang Hong's emotional speech won applause and applause from all the audience.

Zhang Hong bowed deeply to the audience, then went to embrace Zhao Wanqing and said softly, "come on." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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