Published at 11th of May 2022 06:00:57 AM

Chapter 294

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Zhao Wanqing nodded, went to the microphone and said, "I'm very surprised to be awarded the best actress. Because I know very well, compared with the teachers, I still have a big gap. This award is not so much a reward for me as an incentive to work harder. "

"Thank you for giving this award to me. Thank you for all the staff and cast members of the" step by step "crew for their help to me. I also want to thank my fans for their support and love for me. Thank you very much."

"I will definitely work harder to repay you with better works. Thank you."

Zhao Wanqing's speech was applauded.

Just as she was about to leave, she suddenly thought of something. She turned back and said playfully, "the legend of Zhen Huan is really beautiful. You must not miss it."

"Ha ha ha."

"The goddess is bad at learning from Xiao Yunhai."

"I'm advertising Zhenhuan again. I don't want to play like this."

Deng Yue shook his head and sighed: "this year, our golden cup organizing committee has made a lot of money. Just now Ruoxi has sent another 100 million advertising expenses, which is really too fast to make money."

Dong Lixin said with a smile: "beautiful women should have preferential treatment. Wanqing does not charge for this advertisement. Here, I want to tell you good news. Zhao Wanqing is the youngest film queen in the history of Jinzun TV Festival. The original record holder was 24-year-old Yu Yuexian, but now Zhao Wanqing lowered to 21. Let's congratulate her. "

On hearing this, people clapped their hands and her fans screamed with excitement.

Zhao Wanqing did not expect that she would break the record inadvertently. She was a little stunned, then quickly stood up and bowed to everyone.

"Well, here's the best actor award. Let's welcome the distinguished director Du Hongtai and the film emperor sun Yanjun

In everyone's applause, the two stepped onto the center of the stage.

Du Hongtai said bluntly: "old sun, let's stop talking nonsense and come straight."

Sun Yanjun nodded and said, "please look at the big screen."

Xiao Yunhai looked at the performance of several other would-be movie emperors on the big screen, and he admired them very much. He knew that he had a little gap with them in terms of acting skills.

However, the reason why the Organizing Committee of the Golden Cup awards allows the audience to vote for 30% is to balance the gap between the three generations of artists.

After all, if the young generation wants to get ahead, it is almost impossible for them to make it.

No matter how talented the young artist may be, his role will never be better than the older generation who spent their lives on the set. Acting requires talent and experience.

The purpose of introducing the voting mechanism is to give young people a chance to be on top.

Sun Yanjun opened the envelope with a smile. He was about to speak when Du Hongtai, who was next to him, interrupted him.

"Mr. Sun, I have a word to say before opening this award."

On hearing this, sun Yanjun made a gesture of invitation.

Du Hongtai said: "in a month, I'm going to meet you in the golden time of mango station. It's a really good play. Don't miss it. "

"Ha ha ha."

"Director Du even started advertising."

"It was infected by the emperor."

Sun Yanjun looked at Du Hongtai with tears and laughter, and said, "Du director, how can you make a fool of yourself here?"

Du Hongtai said with a smile: "this is not nonsense, it is called the full utilization of platform resources. Right? Director Xiao. "

The camera turns to Xiao Yunhai. Xiao Yunhai thumbs up to Du Hongtai on the stage and shouts, "that's right."

There was more laughter.

Sun Yanjun said: "OK, let's get back to business. The winner of the golden cup TV Festival is "."

SUN Yanjun put the paper in front of Du Hongtai, and Du Hongtai called out: "Huang Peiqi."

If Xiao Yunhai didn't hear his name, it would be impossible if he didn't feel lost. However, he is very good at controlling his emotions, and his look has hardly changed.

He got up with a smile and hugged Huang Peiqi. He said with a smile, "Mr. Huang must treat me and comfort my injured heart."

"Certainly," Huang said with a smile

Huang Peiqi went to the podium, took the trophy from sun Yanjun, and said, "I was very worried just now, because the other several actors are very powerful and excellent. To win the prize from them, I think luck should be a big proportion. Thank you for "Emperor Kangxi"

After Huang Peiqi finished his speech, several singers came on stage to sing several songs.

Then the best director was won by Chen Qingqing without any suspense. In the competition for the best film and TV series, "Emperor Kangxi" beat "step by step" with a weak advantage.

The golden cup TV Festival is now over.The biggest winner was Emperor Kangxi, which won five awards including the best TV play, the best director, the best actor, the best editing and the best art design.

Secondly, "step by step", won the best screenwriter, best supporting actor, best actress three awards.

On that night, Zhao Wanqing, who won the golden cup award as the film queen, fought with Xiao Yunhai for 300 rounds excitedly. All the postures that could be thought of were used almost once, and it took two hours to wrestle. Finally, Zhao Wanqing was defeated by lack of strength.

The next day, newspapers, periodicals, magazines and the Internet introduced the golden cup TV Festival.

Zhao Wanqing, at the age of 21, has become a movie queen and made their front page headlines.

However, Xiao Yunhai won the best screenwriter, but the news that he lost the best theme song award has aroused people's attention.

His fans have left messages on his homepage, and the posts are very funny.

"It's still yunhuang cattle. You can beat yourself. Ordinary people can't do it."

"Fortunately, Emperor Yun didn't make theme songs for other TV dramas. Otherwise, it would be a big trouble."

"I always think the emperor deserves it. Who let him write so many beautiful songs. In the future, you should learn to be good, and don't behave too much, or it will backfire. "

"Yunhuang, don't be discouraged. You must continue to work hard. After you have completed all the best theme songs, you can see who can steal them."


After breakfast in the morning, Xiao Yunhai looked at the tens of thousands of ridiculed comments that came out overnight. Some of them couldn't laugh or cry. He also got the best screenwriter award, how can not a fan mention it.

Take a look at a string of congratulatory posts on Zhao Wanqing's home page to congratulate her on winning the prize. Xiao Yunhai feels that his whole person is not good, and the poor treatment is too far away.

That afternoon, Xiao Yunhai, Su Yingxue and Zhao Wanqing came to Tianlai records company together.

While Xiao Yunhai was working on the later stage of Zhen Huan, Zhao Wanqing was already preparing her new album.

Xiao Yunhai came here mainly to talk about the copyright fees of songs.

He is going to create a super luxurious music album for Zhao Wanqing, which uses the latest top songs to try to help her win the first World War.

With the relationship between Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, it doesn't matter if you give her all ten songs, but there is a Tianlai record company between them.

Zhao Wanqing signed a record contract. According to the contract, she needs to hand over 45% of her record income to the company.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing are naturally unwilling to make such a loss making business.

As a result, Zhao Wanqing called Chang Rong, the music director of the company, and told him that Xiao Yunhai was willing to take over all his records.

Chang Rong was overjoyed and asked Zhao Wanqing to invite Xiao Yunhai to come and talk in detail.

Three people came to the reception room of Teana records company. At this time, Chang Rong was already waiting here.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Chang Rong's eyes lit up and said, "Hello, Mr. Xiao. I've wanted to know you for a long time, and I've finally got my wish today. "

Chang Rong is not polite.

Xiao Yunhai has been in the music circle for only one year. However, in this year, Xiao Yunhai wrote dozens of first well-known songs, and even created a new genre like Huaxia wind. Such achievements have greatly admired Chang Rong, an orthodox musician.

Xiao Yunhai held out his hand and Chang Rong and said, "Teacher Chang, you are welcome. You are an elder in the music industry. I still have a lot to learn from you. "

Chang Rong appreciated Xiao Yunhai's modesty. After he asked several people to sit down, he said, "the ancients who have reached the cloud first. Mr. Xiao's works have fully proved that in today's music world, you are worthy of the first. Now you can do it in person for Wanqing. Our company is very grateful. "

Su Yingxue said with a smile: "director Chang, although our family Yunhai and Miss Zhao are very good friends and have reached a cooperation intention with each other, many things still need to be said in advance. After all, Yunhai's works have no price in today's music world. Now it's a whole album of ten new songs. Not to mention anything else, this invisible advertising cost is not a decimal, let alone the price of songs. Sorry, I said a little straight, please forgive me

Chang Rong said with a smile, "Ms. Su is right. Mr. Xiao's one song has now reached four or five million, let alone ten songs in a row. As for Mr. Xiao's remuneration, our company will send special personnel to discuss with Ms. su. It is estimated that we should come here soon. "

Chang Rong's voice just fell, a smart and capable, powerful middle-aged woman opened the door and walked in.

Chang Rong was surprised and said, "I didn't expect that Minister Li came here in person. It's really surprising. Come on, Mr. Xiao and Ms. su. I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Li Chuyan, director of the Finance Department of our company. "

Li Chuyan said with a smile: "I'm glad to meet you. I'm the plenipotentiary representative of Wanqing's album negotiation. I'd like to ask you to be lenientSu Yingxue said with a smile: "Minister Li is joking. The value of our cloud sea songs has been spread to the outside world, where there is any merciless saying. In fact, we Tianhua entertainment company is very dissatisfied with the practice of this cloud sea. I believe you can guess why. "

"Fortunately, the relationship between Tianhua and Tianlai has always been very good. In addition, Yunhai and Miss Zhao are classmates, and they have also made several plays together. Only then can we get the consent of the company and come to negotiate with you. We definitely have sincerity, but whether we can succeed or not depends on your company. "

When Xiao Yunhai heard Su Yingxue's words on the side, he laughed in his heart: "sister Xue deserves to be an excellent agent. Her eloquence is really good. The true and false, false, false and real, all of a sudden stood in a favorable position in the negotiation and seized the initiative. It's amazing. "

Li Chuyan also felt that Su Yingxue was not easy to deal with, and said with a smile: "Ms. Su, I know that the reason why Mr. Xiao agreed to make an album for Wanqing is totally in the face of his friends. Well, let's not waste any more time. Our bottom line is 50 million. How does Ms. Su feel about a song of five million? "

According to the market of the entertainment industry, a song of 500 million yuan has been regarded as a sky high price. If it is put on any music producer, it is estimated that he will immediately agree to it.

However, there are exceptions to everything, and Su Yingxue is one of them.

"Minister Li, you have misunderstood me. What we want is a revenue share of records, not the price of songs. "

"Revenue sharing?" Li Chuyan narrowed her eyes and turned to Xiao Yunhai and said, "it seems that Mr. Xiao is very confident in Wanqing's album."

Xiao Yunhai nods and smiles, but he doesn't say anything.

As the saying goes, many words must be lost. It is better to leave the negotiation to Su Yingxue, an expert. It is better to keep silent. In order to avoid wrong words, the other party caught the loophole, that is not good.

Su Yingxue was very satisfied with Xiao Yunhai's attitude. She said to Li Chuyan, "Minister Li, do you know if Ms. Zhao has told you the price she paid for asking Yunhai to write songs for him?"

Li Chuyan looked at Zhao Wanqing, shook her head and said, "No

Su Yingxue took out a contract from her bag and handed it to Li Chuyan. She said, "you can have a look."

Li Chuyan looked at it and said in surprise, "Wanqing, you are willing to give 50% of your income to Mr. Xiao. Don't you think the cost is too high?"

Before coming, Xiao Yunhai and his three people got together to discuss. In order to be able to show Zhao Wanqing's potential for the album, and then create a strong pressure on the company, she signed such a contract with Xiao Yunhai.

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said to Li Chuyan, "Sister Li, although there are a lot of song resources in our company, they are often in short supply when they are evenly distributed to each singer. On the last album, if it wasn't for Yunhai's help, I'm afraid I couldn't get that result. Sister Li, I have tens of millions of fans now. I don't want to disappoint them. Therefore, I will never allow some bad songs to be added to my album, and I will do whatever it takes. I hope the company will support my decision. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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