Published at 11th of May 2022 06:00:56 AM

Chapter 295

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Zhao Wanqing took a serious look and said, "I understand. Ms. Su, please state your conditions? "

Su Yingxue said with a smile, "60% of your company's profits."

"No way." Li Chuyan exclaimed, "we will never agree."

Su Yingxue said: "Tianlai only needs to provide sales channels, which can account for 18% of the total profits of the records. I don't know why you don't agree."

Li Chuyan said, "Eighteen percent is too low. Based on the sales volume of this album reaching 10 million and the network download volume reaching 100 million, the profit of our company is only 35 million. Do you think it is appropriate? "

"What if Wan Qing could win the first World War?" Xiao Yunhai suddenly interrupted.

"20 million?" Li Chuyan took a cold breath and said, "Mr. Xiao is not joking?"

Xiao Yunhai solemnly said: "the songs I created for Wanqing are classics in every capital. With the influence of me and her in the fans, the sales volume of 20 million yuan is not as difficult as expected. If Mr. Li doesn't believe it, we can make it clear in the contract that if your company's profit is not 70 million, I can make up for it. "

Chang Rong, who had never spoken, suddenly asked, "is Mr. Xiao really sure?"

Xiao Yunhai said confidently, "of course."

For Zhao Wanqing's album sales exceeded 20 million, Xiao Yunhai's confidence is still very big. If we start from now on, we can make Zhao Wanqing's album in one month, just in time for the broadcast of legend of Zhen Huan.

At that time, "Legend of Zhen Huan" will be on the screen, and Zhao Wanqing will release this super luxurious album, let alone 20 million, even 30 million.

Of course, the premise is that the ratings of the legend of Zhen Huan can burst, otherwise it will not play a role.

Chang Rong said, "Mr. Xiao, I wonder if we can listen to one or two of them. Of course, it's not that we don't trust your talent, it's just that we have to be careful about the matter. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course. It's just that the songs are in my head and haven't been written yet. Miss Chang, do you have a guitar

Chang Rong stood up and said, "wait for me for a moment."

Soon, Chang Rong brought a guitar to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai was not polite. He plucked the strings of his guitar, tried the tone, and then began to sing.

, as long as you finally make the same decision.

I'd like to go with you all over the world,

I know that everything is not easy.

my heart has been studying and persuading myself,

I am afraid that you will suddenly say you want to give up "."

after singing, Xiao Yunhai said: "the name of this song is courage, and the next song is dreamer. "

" let youth blow your long hair, let it lead your dream

unknowingly, the history of this city has already remembered your smile

the blue sky in red heart is the beginning of life

the days when you once slept alone in the spring rain all night long

let the delicate flowers of youth bloom the deep hidden beauty


" the next song "at least there's still you"

"I'm afraid it's too late for me to hold you until I feel that your wrinkles have traces of years

until I'm sure you're real until I lose strength

for you I'm willing to


"Fourth" bubble "

" the foam under the sun is colorful, like cheated me, is happy.

Pursue what is right and wrong, your lies, based on you still love me.

……………… "

there are four consecutive songs of all types. I heard Chang Rong's eyes shining and exclaimed.

Although Li Chuyan is not a professional, but has been in the environment of Teana records company for a long time, the quality of songs can be distinguished clearly.

Xiao Yunhai's songs are absolutely top-level works. Any one of them can become the main songs of other singers.

Zhao Wanqing is also the first time to listen to the songs written by Xiao Yunhai.

After listening to it, she was very excited, such a song is really wonderful. If it had not been for the presence of outsiders, Zhao Wanqing would have rushed to Xiao Yunhai and offered her own kiss.

Su Yingxue smiles and says to Li Chuyan and Chang Rong, "director Chang, Minister Li, what do you think?"

Chang Rong raised his thumb and said, "the product of emperor Yun must be a fine product. What he said is true. The four songs and the first classic are all rare songs in the music circle. It's a waste to just put them on one album

Su Yingxue smelt the speech and said with a smile, "how can we say something between us?"

Li Chuyan said: "the conditions are too harsh. I need to report to the leaders face to face. Director Chang, you'd better go with me. You are an expert in music and have a greater say in this field than I am. "Chang Rong nodded and said, "OK. Wait a moment, three. Let's discuss it. "

After they went out, Zhao Wanqing looked at Xiao Yunhai with surprise and said, "have you finished writing all ten songs? Why don't you tell me in advance

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile, "what have you finished writing. The four songs just now are my stock at the bottom of the box, and the other six are still missing. "

Zhao Wanqing confidently said to Xiao Yunhai, "I believe you will have no problem."

Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile, "thank you for your trust. I will live up to your high expectations. For the remaining six songs, I will die."

Su Yingxue chuckled and said, "come on. You can write so many songs for a theme song. Now the theme is unlimited, and six songs are not minutes. By the way, you can help Piao Piao write some songs. She is preparing to release her second album. The songs the company collected for her seem to be of poor quality. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Xue, you will really take advantage of the fire. However, you'd better discuss with the company, never let Piao Piao and Wanqing release albums at the same time. "

Su Yingxue nodded and said, "don't worry, I understand. That song writing thing... "

Xiao Yunhai patted his chest and said, "I try my best, at least I have to write three or four songs. However, we brothers and sisters, clear accounts, the company needs to give me money according to my value. Don't try to take advantage of me. "

Su Yingxue said happily, "no problem. Go back and I'll tell Piao Piao that she will be very happy

Three people have a word without a chat, half an hour later, Chang Rong and Li Chuyan walked in together.

Li Chuyan said with a smile, "I've kept you waiting. After our consultation, 18% is actually a little low. If there's no problem with records, it should be 25 percent. "

Su Yingxue frowned: "Minister Li, to tell you the truth, our bottom line is 20%. Twenty five percent is absolutely impossible. "

"Ms. Su, our company

After two people's verbal battle, half an hour later, the contract was finally confirmed. Tianlai records company accounted for 22% of the total record profit, which was the final result.

After signing the agreement, Su Yingxue leaves with satisfaction, while Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing stay there, directly preparing for the recording of the song.

Xiao Yunhai first wrote down all the four songs and gave them to Zhao Wanqing to familiarize her with them. He made a sample of the songs.

Chang Rong attaches great importance to such a super luxurious album. The recording engineer and band are the best in the company.

In order to get the best recording effect, Chang Rong went to the city of music and rented a super luxury recording studio for Zhao Wanqing. Several people stayed in it for a full week, which was the perfect recording of these four songs.

Xiao Yunhai has already thought about the rest of the six songs. They are Lin Yilian's "falling in love with a person who doesn't go home", Xin Xiaoqi's "forgetting each other" and "taste", Xu Ruyun's "monologue", "if cloud knows" and Meng Tingwei's "shy rose opens quietly". With the four songs that have been recorded, it's just one album.

When Xiao Yunhai took out the six songs, Chang Rong admired Xiao Yunhai's unique talent.

He is 48 years old and has been in the circle for more than 20 years. He is well-informed, but he has never met a musician as powerful as Xiao Yunhai.

Writing a song is as simple as eating and drinking water, and it can guarantee the first classic. There has never been such a man in Chinese music.

In the next few days, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing spent their time in the studio. If they couldn't do it twice, they would do it three times....

both of them are very strict with their works. As long as there is a little problem, even if they can be dealt with by technical means, Zhao Wanqing will not hesitate to ask for a new performance. It's not over until the singing is perfect and flawless.

Chang Rong looked at the pair of extremely harsh golden girls and said in his heart, "it's really not a fluke that they can have fame and status far beyond their peers at this age."

Half a month later, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing finally finished recording all the songs and walked out of the recording studio happily.

Zhao Wanqing looked at Xiao Yunhai gratefully and said, "Yunhai, thank you."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and laughed. He approached her ear and said, "if you really want to thank me, you will have a good fight with me tonight. I'm suffocating these days. "

Zhao Wanqing's face red, charming white his eyes, quietly scolded: "you this big hooligan."

After recording the album, the next step is to shoot MV.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing had a good day's rest. The next day, they found Chang Rong and told him that they were going to shoot MV for their new album.

If we want to say that the Teana record company can become the king of the music field, it does have its strong points.When recording songs, Xiao Yunhai wrote the MV script of ten songs and handed it to Chang Rong. In a short week, all the scenes have been arranged by them. Compared with Tianhua, the work efficiency is much better.

They are both a professional director and a professional actor. They can complete more than 70 episodes of TV series, let alone this small MV.

In just ten days, the recording of MV was completed.

Xiao Yunhai didn't make any mistakes, and Zhao Wanqing almost did it again, which impressed the crew members who worked with them for the first time.

The last program is a photo album. Tianlai company sent an experienced photographer to Zhao Wanqing, and it finished in two days.

At this point, Zhao Wanqing's album is finished, and the rest is waiting for the finished product to appear.

That night, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing held a big banquet and invited the staff of the album production to have a meal to show their thanks.

After full of wine and food, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing took Li Bing's car back to Diecui villa.

After getting off the bus, he saw off Li Bing. Xiao Yunhai felt vaguely that there was a gaze at himself in the dark.

He looked around and found nothing.

Zhao Wanqing saw Xiao Yunhai's abnormality and asked, "what's the matter?"

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "I don't know why? I always feel like we're being watched. "

Zhao Wanqing looked around, except for a few cars that had been parked there, there was nothing around.

Zhao Wanqing smiles, hugs Xiao Yunhai's neck, raises her toes, kisses him heavily on his face, and says, "you are too tired these days."

Xiao Yunhai smiles and walks into the villa with Zhao Wanqing in his arms.

After a while, in a white Great Wall car, a 30-year-old man with glasses, who was somewhat obscene, straightened up and breathed a deep breath, and said, "Damn, the cloud emperor's vigilance is too high, so you can find me. But, fortunately, my friend still has a few brushes. Hee hee, it's a good harvest this time. I didn't expect that the fourth master and Ruoxi lived together. Ha ha, it's an absolute big event. "

In front of the glasses man, it seems that he saw a lot of money coming towards him.

He picked up his mobile phone, dialed out a phone number, and said, "Mr. Xia, it's taken. You are right. They are really in love, and they live together. "


"thank you very much, Mr. Xia. You can rest assured that I will give you the picture when I go back. I guarantee that the card will never reveal a word to the public. "

Hang up the mobile phone, glasses man happily played a ring finger, 100000 yuan to hand, did not waste himself to stay here for so many days.

"Well, the emperor is so blessed. If a goddess like Zhao Wanqing can accompany me for one night, it will make me die immediately

Looking at the villa in front of him, the man with glasses made a violent masturbation and drove away.

In the villa, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing took a hot bath together, and then they fought against death for two hours.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai finished morning exercise, bought some breakfast and returned to the villa. Maybe it was Xiao Yunhai who had a bad time last night. It was eight o'clock. Zhao Wanqing still stayed in bed and couldn't get up.

Xiao Yunhai didn't call her. After dinner, he turned on the computer and knocked it. Four words "love apartment" appeared on the screen.

Yes, what Xiao Yunhai wrote is the script of love apartment, an urban drama that was popular all over the country in the past life and had a huge audience rating.

Since the shooting of legend of Zhen Huan, Xiao Yunhai has been busy with Zhao Wanqing's album, but when he is free, he often thinks about what he should shoot next.

There are many TV dramas about niucha in the past, such as gongsuoxin jade, Liangjian, Yongzheng Dynasty, huaqiangu, Xianjian, langyabang, lurking, etc.

But Xiao Yunhai felt too tired during this period. He wanted to find a TV play that was easier to shoot, so "love apartment" appeared in his mind. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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