Published at 11th of May 2022 06:00:49 AM

Chapter 300

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Jiang Qin said: "well, let's talk about this matter here. Let's talk about your latest work. It's said that Xiao Yunhai has become a big director, and his "Legend of Zhen Huan" is about to meet with you, isn't it? "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a bitter smile, "don't mention it. I'm worried about death now. Can the legend of Zhen Huan be broadcast or not

Jiang Qin was surprised and asked, "why is this?"

Xiao Yunhai spread his hands and said, "I don't know. Up to now, the film and TV series have not been approved. I wonder if there is any big problem in it. My play belongs to the Hougong opera of the Qing Dynasty. There should be no violation of the regulations. But now it's 267 days. After it's handed in, it's like a stone sinking into the sea. It's really worrying. "

It's a good thing to listen to Jiang Yunqin.

Jiang Qin said with a smile, "you don't need to worry. I remember that the longest time to approve a film and TV play is one month, and there are about four or five days left before you should get a screening license. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed: "I hope so. Ah, the Chu River and Han Kingdom directed by Du Hongtai was finished one month later than me. I went to review it the day before yesterday and passed it yesterday. I don't know why it took so long to get here? "

This sentence of Xiao Yunhai is a bit of a killer.

Many people think about it in their hearts. It's an ancient drama that can be reviewed in one day. Xiao Yunhai has been quiet for almost a month. If there is no problem, it's really strange.

In front of the TV, Li Rong and Tian Junhao are watching the program.

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Li Rong hummed and said, "you deserve it."

Tian Junhao said with a smile: "this guy has a lot of courage. He dare to denounce the film and Television Bureau on TV. Ha ha, he really doesn't know how to live or die."

Li Rong frowned, some worried asked: "he said so without scruple, will not have any impact on us?"

Tian Junhao said, "Mom, don't worry. Everything was done according to the rules. It's useless for anyone to check. Now that "Chu River and Han kingdom" has got the screening license, we don't need to hold the "Legend of Zhen Huan". Ha ha, I don't believe it. With the ability of director Du Hongtai, can "Chu River and Han kingdom" lose to "Legend of Zhen Huan"

Li Rong's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. In this way, I will call those TV station directors with high ratings tomorrow to tell them not to introduce the legend of Zhen Huan. "

When Tian Junhao heard this, he held out his thumb to Li Rong and said, "Mom, you are considerate. In this situation, the ultra-high quality of "Chu River Han Jie" and the super high ratings of mango TV station will surely defeat the legend of Zhen Huan. Zhao Wanqing, I want to show you how Xiao Yunhai you chose was defeated by me? "

Li Rong snorted and said, "what? You still think about Zhao Wanqing. I tell you, for a woman like her who has lived with others, you can play, but don't fantasize about entering the door of our farmhouse. "

"Mom, I understand." Tian Junhao nodded and looked at the charming Zhao Wanqing on TV, and said secretly, "wait, one day, I will let you lie in bed and play with me."

In the studio, Jiang Qin saw that Xiao Yunhai was so direct that she immediately changed the topic and asked Zhao Wanqing: "Wanqing, I heard that you are playing the heroine Zhen Huan in it. Is it our director Xiao who opened the back door for you? You know, it's the movie queen who plays with you. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "it's just because we want to play with the film queen, so we won't have the back door phenomenon you said. Many things are afraid of comparison, so is acting. If you don't pass the standard in acting, you will immediately reveal your true colors when you act against someone. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Qin, you don't know, Wan Qing has been closed for two months for the role of Zhen Huan. Of course, the effect is also very obvious. She didn't lose the slightest bit when she was playing with the film masters such as Wang, Zhang and Yu

Jiang Qin said with a smile, "director Xiao, I want to ask you something. If Wan Qing doesn't have this ability, will you let her play Zhen Huan? "

Zhao Wanqing said, "let me answer this question. When I saw the script of legend of Zhen Huan, I immediately fell in love with the role of Zhen Huan. But he said that I was not good at acting and couldn't give me the role. No way, I can only try to figure out the role of Zhen Huan, until director Xiao said that it was ok, I just let go of my heart. "

Jiang Qin said with a smile, "you are so strict with your girlfriend. Don't you fear that she won't let you go to bed?"

Xiao Yunhai straightened his back and said: "for the sake of art, I'm willing to pay any price."

"Cut." Xiao Yunhai's pompous attitude caused a burst of contempt on the scene.

Jiang Qin also sneered and said: "I would rather believe that there are ghosts in this world than believe in this broken mouth of men. This kind of big talk can be so justified, what lies can't you say. Wan Qing, you should be careful of him in the future. "Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. I have all the financial power in my hands. He can't turn over my five finger mountain. "

Jiang Qin was surprised and said, "really? Xiao Yunhai, you hand in the money now. You are a good man

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "can we not talk about money? It's too vulgar. "

The crowd burst into laughter.

Jiang Qin said with a smile: "OK, we are vulgar, you are elegant. Let's continue with the legend of Zhen Huan. How did you get Mr. Wang and others to agree to play these roles

Xiao Yunhai said: "the script. I showed them the script, and then they all came. That's it. "

Jiang Qin said, "in other words, your script is very good."

Xiao Yunhai said: "there is no match in the world. I dare not say that, but at least it is also the dominant place in the region."


"ha ha ha."

The scene was happy again.

"Can we be modest?" Jiang Qin said

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it was a little exaggeration just now. It is estimated that there will be media writing about me tomorrow. In fact, I mainly want to tell you that this play is really very good. Otherwise, Mr. Wang and Mr. Zhang will not act at all, and sister Yu will not turn from the big screen to the small screen. "

Jiang Qin said, "this is true. Mr. Wang Guoan and Mr. Zhang Hong have always been very selective in their plays. If they didn't have a good script, even if they were given a golden mountain, they would not have acted. It seems that this "Legend of Zhen Huan" is really worth looking forward to. "

Xiao Yunhai farted and said: "the production of Yunhai must be a high-quality product. I guarantee that this play will not let you down. We will be informed when the specific TV station is broadcast. "

Jiang Qin said with a smile: "besides this play, you seem to have made an album for our heroine Zhen Huan, right?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's right."


"Finally I can hear the music album made by Emperor Yun himself."

In fact, we have seen this news from the Internet, but I can't believe it.

After all, Xiao Yunhai is famous for his laziness. He just made an album. How could he make an album for others.

Now, after hearing the news from him, we can finally relax. At the same time, I also understand that the reason why this guy is so interested is entirely for his girlfriend.

Jiang Qin asked Zhao Wanqing, "what's the name of this album? Do you have any special songs to recommend? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "the name of this album is at least you. As for the special recommended songs, there is no such song. Because all the songs inside are new songs and have never appeared outside. Moreover, the first classic is as good as the three inch paradise and understanding that I sang before. I dare say it's a classic album that can still be called after decades. "

"Wow, really?"

"The goddess doesn't cheat, does she?"

"I think it's possible. Let's think about it. Yan Piaoyun, the emperor of the cloud, was shocked to hear her husband's analysis and couldn't say a word.

In the data monitoring room of Yunan TV station, Xiao Wang suddenly stood up excitedly with an incredible expression on his face.

Zhang Heng frowned and said, "what's the matter?"

Xiao Wang said happily, "director Zhang, the audience rating has broken through 20%. My God, it's incredible. "

Zhang Heng doubted whether he had heard wrong, and confirmed again: "how much did you just say?"

"Twenty percent, twenty percent."

Zhang Heng listened and burst out laughing: "I knew, I knew that they must be able to do it."

In the studio, in the face of the strong dissatisfaction of the public, Xiao Yunhai said: "if Wan Qing sings all of them, what else can we sell?"

Jiang Qin said, "but you are too mean. It's a part of the main song just now. It's too urgent to finish it. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and showed that a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water. He said, "anyway, this is it. Do you like to listen to it?"

"Xiao Yunhai, do you know how many people want to beat you now? I tell you, at least it has to be tens of millions. Wan Qing, don't listen to him. Let's have another song. Which song do you want to listen to, the classmate with glasses

glasses man stood up and said, "I'll choose a bubble. Yunhuang, please shut up when Ruoxi sings later. Thank you


"Well done."

Everyone clapped their hands in unison, cheering for the brother.

Xiao Yunhai looked at him and asked Jiang Qin, "is this classmate plugged in by your TV station?"

"Don't talk nonsense," Jiang Qin said. You just made a public anger. You didn't see everyone staring at youXiao Yunhai said, "well, can't I stop talking? Wanqing, you should have a sense of propriety in your heart. We still need to sell money? "

JIANG Qin said," that's right. Please shut up. Wanqing, don't worry about him. You can start singing. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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