Published at 11th of May 2022 06:00:48 AM

Chapter 301

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Zhao Wanqing smiles and sings again, this time as a direct chorus.

"beautiful bubble,

although a little fireworks.

All your promises are too fragile.

AI Ben is a bubble. If

can see through, what is


It's just a part of the chorus. It's so beautiful under Zhao Wanqing's sad and charming voice line.

Both the fans on the spot and in front of the TV set were all excited.

It seems that Xiao Yunhai is right. This album is indeed a classic. It's just two songs that the audience just ordered, and they're all so good. I don't know when this album will be released.

Jiang Qin sighed and said, "that's very nice. It's a pity that it's too much to listen to. When will your album be released? I'll go and buy it then

Xiao Yunhai said: "the preliminary determination is in the middle of August."

At that time, "Legend of Zhen Huan" was no accident. It should have been on fire. This is equivalent to a no money publicity, taking advantage of this east wind, Zhao Wanqing's album is impossible to sell.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Qin saw that he had almost finished. He said, "time flies. It's time for us to say goodbye again. To be honest, you are very lucky today, because at the end of the program, Siye and Ruoxi will join hands to bring you a new song "intimate love". Let's hear how they understand love? Two, please

The audience immediately burst into thunderous applause. Everyone did not expect that there would be two new songs to listen to today.

It's amazing.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing went to the center of the live broadcast hall hand in hand. Under the cover of a dry ice white fog, the two people looked at each other with a smile, just like a couple of gods and fairies, which caused a burst of surprise from the audience.

With the graceful and moving melody, Zhao Wanqing opened her voice and shocked everyone.

"Let my love be with you forever,

do you feel I'm worried about you.

Only in the relative sight can we find out what fate is.

are you waiting for a confidant. "

As soon as it was released, it immediately attracted people's attention, and soon spread in the streets.

In fact, this song is not difficult to sing, the key is whether the singer can sing the song to express the deep feelings, and Zhao Wanqing has undoubtedly done this perfectly.

Xiao Yunhai looked at Zhao Wanqing with a smile and sang, "keep your feelings in mind until forever. I have my unchangeable heart for a long time. When the wind blows, it makes you feel warm. It's hard to have a bosom friend in your life. "

Xiao Yunhai is no exception. His voice is warm and warm, just like the breeze on his face, as if he can get into people's heart.

"Beautiful. It's a great song. It's another classic for men and women

"Ruoxi's song is so sweet, and the emperor's voice is warm. It's really infectious."

As soon as the chorus arrives, Xiao Yunhai immediately raises the tune, but the voice is still warm.

Xiao Yunhai: no matter now

Zhao Wanqing: or in the distant future

together: we all protect our love today, no matter the wind and rain never come again.

Zhao Wanqing: I will never be hurt again

Xiao Yunhai: my dream is not wandering

together: we all keep that love, no matter the wind and rain will never come again.

At the end of the song, Xiao Yunhai gently kisses Zhao Wanqing on the forehead, and the audience immediately burst into deafening applause and cheers.

Also do not know who called such a sentence: "four masters if Xi, a hundred years of love."

All of a sudden, all the people cried out: "four master if Xi, a hundred years of good marriage."

"If the fourth master is bright, he will be happy for a hundred years."

"If the fourth master is bright, he will be happy for a hundred years."

At this moment, Xiao Yunhai knows that their love affair has finally been recognized by all, and the most difficult period has passed.

Many single men and women in front of the TV set look at Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing with envy in their eyes.

Tian Junhao has a black face, eyes like a knife, a pair of gnashing teeth.

Xia Chengfeng, the initiator of another place, was so angry that he directly dropped his beloved tea cup on the ground. He tried his best to find Xiao Yunhai's trouble. He thought that this time he should be able to break his muscles and bones. Unexpectedly, in a short period of three days, Xia Chengfeng was defeated by him and successfully solved the crisis.

Summer Chengfeng cold low voice: "Xiao Yunhai, let's see next."

After "Jiang Qin Hui guest room", Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing took a close group photo with them at the request of the audience.Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing left Yunan TV station and went back to Yanjing by plane with Su Yingxue and them.

In Li Bing's car, Su Yingxue sat on the copilot and looked at Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing and said with a smile, "I don't know how you feel now? Do you feel like you've survived

Zhao Wanqing said, "don't mention it, sister Xue. I was scared at the beginning. Fortunately, there are clouds around me, otherwise I really don't know what to do

Su Yingxue said with a smile: "I have to say that Yunhai did a good job this time. In fact, I was a little flustered at that time. I was discussing with the company about the solution. I didn't expect that there would be such a big turnaround that night. You took control of the situation the next day. It's really amazing. "

"It's not easy to hear praise from sister Xue." Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "now it's sunny after the rain, Wan Qing and I can finally be together without scruple in front of the public. Ha ha, do you believe it or not? I don't know how many people in the circle will envy us now. "

"Yes. They fall in love secretly, for fear of being seen by reporters. And now you can show love in the spotlight. This one alone will make them jealous. But they should also thank you. Your victory has made a good start for them. When this happens again, the resistance will not be so great. " Su Ying snow road.

"I'm going to have a good night's sleep and rest. These days have made me a little tired Zhao Wanqing stretched and said.

The car soon came to Diecui District, Su Yingxue did not go in, but directly followed Li Bing back.

Zhao Wanqing turned on her computer and looked at her home page. She saw that the number of fans had risen again and seemed to be more than before.

In the comment area, there are also words of apology and blessing from fans.

Xiao Yunhai is not so lucky, seven or eight million less than before.

However, as long as the whole line is not collapsed, Xiao Yunhai is confident that his works will be loved by fans in the future.

On that night, they fought against death.

The next morning, in the conference room of the film and Television Bureau, Yang Lihe, the deputy director in charge of the examination and approval of TV plays, directly patted the table at the regular morning meeting.

Xiao Yunhai is staying on the big screen to express his dissatisfaction with the film and Television Bureau when he participates in the guest room of Jiang Qin club.

Yang Lihe pointed to Xiao Yunhai above and said in a loud voice: "it's really bold for a small artist to say this kind of attack on our film and Television Bureau in the live broadcast. Director Zhang, I propose to punish Xiao Yunhai for this kind of behavior. "

Zhang Xinji, director of the film and Television Bureau, slightly narrowed his eyes and asked quietly, "what do you say?"

Deputy director Peng XiMao said: "I agree with Lao Yang. What this young man said is indeed a little too much."

Zhang Xinji nodded and looked at Xiao Yuanyang beside him. With a smile on his face, he said, "ocean, what do you think?"

As the eldest young master of the Xiao family, Xiao Yuanyang's position in the film and Television Bureau is very detached. Sometimes his words are better than Zhang Xinji.

Zhang Xinji is now approaching 60 and is about to retire. Zhang Xinji will never offend Xiao Dashao, who has a deep background.

Fortunately, since Xiao Yuanyang entered the film and Television Bureau, his work is very good, and he has great respect for his predecessors. If he really plays up his temper, Zhang Xinji really has no way.

Xiao Yuanyang said: "director Zhang, colleagues, I don't think it is necessary to make a fuss about this matter. It's just a few complaints that people make in the program, so we'll give them an outline and let the outside world see it. It's really unreasonable. "

"Deputy director Xiao, there is something wrong with what you said. What is a few complaints? I think this is an ideological problem. If we let go of this kind of behavior today, and if other artists follow suit in the future, then what kind of prestige does the film and Television Bureau have? " Yang Li and frowned, a face of anger said.

Yang Lihe's mother is the second daughter of Wang Lao, the top political family, whose status is not under Xiao Yuanyang.

If Xiao Yuanyang did not come, Zhang Xinji would take over as long as there was no accident after his retirement. But now with Xiao Yuanyang, everything is hard to say.

Therefore, Yang Lihe often suppressed Xiao Yuanyang with his seniority. Xiao Yuanyang, who had not been here for a long time and was not familiar with the affairs in the Bureau, generally laughed it off and did not argue with him.

Originally, everyone thought that this time was almost the same as before, but what we didn't expect was that Xiao Yuanyang went straight to the top.

"Deputy director Yang, Xiao Yunhai has just raised the problem of low efficiency of our TV series audit. You have to deal with him. Are you trying to establish prestige for our film and Television Bureau? Don't talk about it. This will only make people say that our film and Television Bureau is too small to accept different opinions. What's more, it's true that a costume drama has been reviewed for 278 days, but it hasn't been finished yet. I want to ask, what are the auditors doing all day long? Do you have leisure time? "

Xiao Yuanyang looked at Yang Lihe with great momentum and said: "deputy director Yang, you are in charge of the film and television drama audit. Tell me, is there any problem with the legend of Zhen Huan? If there is a problem, we will directly ask them to go back and rectify it. If there's no problem, give them a license. What's the matter with all this procrastination? "Yang Lihe didn't expect that Xiao Yuanyang would fight against him this time. He was surprised and angry and said, "is deputy director Xiao questioning the work of our audit department? Our audit department is completely in accordance with the rules and procedures, there is no violation of the rules

Xiao Yuanyang said, "I didn't say you violated the rules. I just want to ask, what's the big problem with the legend of Zhen Huan? There should be no reactionary remarks in an ancient costume drama. "

Yang Li and coldly said: "this is the internal affairs of our audit department, deputy director Xiao has no right to ask."

Xiao Yuanyang suddenly laughed and said, "what's going on inside? Deputy director Yang, what internal affairs did you say in front of all the cadres of the film and Television Bureau? I think you have a problem with your mind. You should know that the audit department is only an internal unit of the film and Television Bureau, not the small court. Yes? If something goes wrong, can't we ask? You know, not only do I sit here Xiao Yuanyang, but also director Zhang, deputy director Peng, and leaders of all departments. "

Xiao Yuanyang catches the loopholes in Yang Lihe's words, and after a burst of continuous elimination and fighting, and every sentence is reasonable, directly suppressing yang Lihe's arrogance.

At this time, Yang Lihe already felt the power of Xiao Da Shao, and his mind changed. He said, "deputy director Xiao, don't misinterpret my meaning. I just want to say that the audit department has its own way of working. We can't deny the audit department's work completely because of a play. "

Xiao Yuanyang said: "director Li of the audit department is here. Let's ask him to talk about it. How should a play be reviewed? Why did it take only one day to review a piece of "Chu River Han Jie", and how could the efficiency of "Legend of Zhen Huan" be so low. Minister Li, I'm a new comer. I really don't understand what kind of regulations make the gap between the two plays so big. "

Minister Li felt flustered when he saw that the war was burning on him. He just obeyed Yang Lihe's arrangement. Where are the regulations in the audit regulations.

Seeing the panic of Minister Li, Xiao Yuanyang said coldly, "Minister Li, is my question so difficult to answer? Please stop wasting everyone's time. "

Minister Li faltered and said, "this The story of Zhen Huan . things, I also I don't really know. When I go back to check, I will report to the leader again. "

Yang Lihe said: "that's right. There are hundreds of TV dramas reported to the audit department every month. It is impossible for Minister Li to remember them all. "

"All right." Zhang Xinji took a deep look at Xiao Yuanyang with a calm look and said, "this is the end of the matter. If there is no problem with the legend of Zhen Huan, you should immediately issue a license to others. In the future, the audit department should improve its work efficiency. The original one month audit period was advanced to half a month. If I hear someone say in public that we are inefficient, once it is verified, Li Changlong, you, the director of audit department, will take the blame and resign. "

Li Changlong quickly nodded his head and said, "director Zhang, I understand that I will implement your instructions when I go back."

Zhang Xinji nodded, glanced for a week, and said, "is there anything else we can do? If not, this is the meeting for today. Let's call it a day. "

Zhang Xinji finished, picked up the document on the table and left.

Yang Li and his face was livid. He looked at Xiao Yuanyang fiercely. Without saying anything, he strode to the outside.

Xiao Yuanyang smiles and is about to leave when Li Changlong comes over and says, "director Xiao, this is the story of Zhen Huan..."

Xiao Yuanyang patted him on the shoulder and said, "there is no need to explain. I understand. Some people use their power for personal gain. They really treat others as idiots. Minister Li, we should pay attention to it in the future. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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