Published at 11th of May 2022 06:00:45 AM

Chapter 303

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After the crowd left, Xiao Yunhai held out his hand to song Longqi with a smile and said, "with the strong sniping of Chu River and Han Kingdom, song Taichang dare to put the treasure on us. Are you afraid of losing all your money?"

Song Longqi laughed and said: "if even this" Legend of Zhen Huan "is lost to" the Han kingdom of Chu River ", even if we introduce other TV dramas, we will still die. Besides, although I haven't seen Chu River Han Jie, I think it is very difficult to surpass our Zhenhuan biography in quality. As long as the publicity is in place, I think the probability of winning him is very large. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's good that song Taichang said. I just don't know when our Hebei TV station can broadcast this play at the earliest time? "

Song Longqi thought for a moment and said, "our golden theater will be out of service next Monday. If the legend of Zhen Huan can be supplemented, it would be better. "

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, his eyes were bright and his hands clapped. He said, "it seems that our chances of winning Chu River and Han kingdom are much greater."

Song Longqi was surprised and asked, "why is this?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said: "Chu River Han Jie will be broadcast on the next Thursday, and we are three days ahead of it. This is a great advantage. With the quality of our "Legend of Zhen Huan", I am confident that as long as the audience has watched the previous episodes, they will surely be attracted by this play. At that time, unless "Chu River Han Jie" is much better than us, it will be very difficult to grab back this group of audiences. "

"Now there is still a week to go before the broadcast. I'm going to make a film for the legend of Zhen Huan and put it on the front page of Hebei TV station and three major video websites for publicity. At the same time, we employed a large number of water troops to publicize and comment on the famous websites. Finally, we actors went to participate in some programs to build momentum for the legend of Zhen Huan. I don't believe that it is impossible to chew down the hard bone of Chu River and Han kingdom if we work in three ways. "

Zhao Mingsheng frowned and said, "this publicity strategy is good, but the publicity cost is not cheap. It is estimated that the three major video websites alone will need at least 30 million. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "uncle, I can't bear the children, but I can't catch the wolf. Let me tell you the truth. The audience rating target of Zhenhuan is 20%. Even if there is a "Chu River Han boundary" sniping, my goal is still unchanged

"Good." Song Longqi said in a loud voice: "I just like the confidence and boldness of your young people. Mr. Zhao, let's sign the contract now. "

Zhao Mingsheng nodded and said, "no problem. By the way, Yunhai, why didn't Miss Yu come? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Yu has entrusted me to do it all."

Song Longqi asked in a puzzled way: "is the lady in your mouth also an investor?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "Miss Yu is Yu Yuexian, the film queen. She was very optimistic about the play, so she invested two hundred million yuan in it. Because she didn't want to publicize it, we didn't let it out. "

Song long nodded and said, "I see. He he, even Miss Yu looks at this play differently, which makes me more confident. "

After several people signed the contract, Zhao Mingsheng and song Longqi had a good meal.

When Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing go back, it is already ten o'clock in the evening.

On the way back, Xiao Yunhai called all the main creators of the legend of Zhen Huan and told them that the legend of Zhen Huan would be launched on Hebei TV station next Monday, asking them to help promote it.

After returning home, Xiao Yunhai turned on the computer and went into the homepage of everyone. He couldn't help laughing. The speed of this group of people is really fast. The news has been posted on their homepage for a long time.

Xiao Yunhai opened his home page and wrote on it: "brothers and sisters, my first self-made, self directed and self performed TV drama" Legend of Zhen Huan "will meet you in Hebei TV station on August 16. Please support me at that time."

Xiao Yunhai has just sent out this message, and the comment area has exploded.

"Ha ha, the cloud emperor's" Legend of Zhen Huan "has finally started broadcasting. What has not been said is strongly supported."

"As the iron powder of the cloud emperor, we should give full support to it. Just, weakly, how is your play? "

"The product of emperor Yun must be a fine product. Do you still need to ask upstairs? It must look good. Yunhuang, come on. "

"At night, I sent a blessing in advance to see the flowers. I wish emperor Yun's new play" Legend of Zhen Huan "has a huge audience rating."

"The people in the dream sent their blessing, and I wish the audience rating of emperor Yun's new drama" Legend of Zhen Huan "rising

"Golden 100 brings blessings..."

"feline meow sends blessings..."

looking at the greetings from everyone, Xiao Yunhai is very happy. These fans are really lovely.

The next afternoon, Xiao Yunhai, who was busy cutting flowers in the editing room, received a phone call from Zhao Mingsheng saying that he had signed a contract with Youshi, sweet potato and Changxiang.Starting from 8:00 tomorrow morning, they will publish the flowers of the legend of Zhen Huan on their home page for three minutes, 1.5 million each day.

There are still six days to go before the "Legend of Zhen Huan" starts. That is to say, Xiao Yunhai needs to pay them 27 million yuan, which is indeed a big price.

However, in order to promote the legend of Zhen Huan, Xiao Yunhai thinks it is worth it. Xiao Yunhai was busy until ten o'clock in the evening to finish editing the film.

After the legend of legend of Xiao Huan, the fans will finally be excited to see the 600 million TV series back home.

Cheng Hui is a junior at Northwestern Polytechnic University. Since hearing Xiao Yunhai's online songs, she has become Xiao Yunhai's iron powder. She is a treasure to all Xiao Yunhai's works. She bought all the martial arts novels that most girls didn't like and read them many times.

When she learned about Xiao Yunhai's love affair with Zhao Wanqing, although Cheng Hui felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, she did not carry out fierce opposition, but quietly accepted the reality and sent her own blessing.

Today, Xiao Yunhai's "Legend of Zhen Huan" is published on three major video websites, and Cheng Hui, as an iron powder, will not miss it.

Before eight o'clock, Cheng Hui was already waiting.

Soon, the propaganda video of legend of Zhen Huan appeared, and Cheng Hui downloaded it without saying a word.

After opening the video, Cheng Hui watched it carefully.

At the beginning of the flower is the majestic Forbidden City. When the gate of the Forbidden City is opened, Wang Guoan, wearing a Dragon Robe, is sitting on a dragon chair with a cold face, overlooking the officials below.

Cheng Hui's eyes brightened and she said to her heart, "Teacher Wang Guoan is a very powerful emperor. It seems that he is not under teacher Huang Peiqi."

Then Zhen Huan and others entered the palace. A magnetic baritone said, "in the first year of Yongzheng, a girl named Zhen Huan was ignorant of entering the palace. When she was in love, she monopolized her favorite."

The picture shows the beautiful scene of Yongzheng getting along with Zhen Huan, which makes Cheng Hui feel warm.

All of a sudden, when the painting style changed, the empress, Princess Hua and others appeared one after another. Cheng Hui was frightened by their high prestige and cruel and vicious look, and could not help worrying about Zhen Huan.

Sure enough, Zhen Huan was persecuted by them, and the emperor misunderstood her, and the suffering came.

After a while, Cheng Hui suddenly saw the figure of idol Xiao Yunhai. She knew that emperor Yun was the king of Guo in the legend of Zhen Huan, but she had no idea what the character was like.

Only the narrator said: "Zhen Huan was forced to become a nun, but he met the prince of Guo he loved all his life. For love, the king of Guojun is willing to drink poisonous wine to die. "

Cheng Hui knew that Guo Jun Wang was Zhen Huan's lover. Unfortunately, she could not get together.

When she talks about it, Zhen Huan's face turns cold as if she was wearing a knife.

When judging a person's life and death, there is no pity on her face, just like a vicious imperial concubine.

"God, how could Zhen Huan become like this. The contrast is too big. " Cheng Hui said secretly.

At the end of the film is a group of stills of the empress dowager, the emperor, the queen, Zhen Huan, Princess Hua, and the king of Guojun.

After watching it again, Cheng Hui can't wait to go to Xiao Yunhai's home page.

At this time, there have been many comments in Xiao Yunhai's comment area.

"Boy, I knew it must be a drama of conscience after just watching a movie. I didn't say that. Support. "

"Have you found that this TV series seems to be much clearer than other TV series? Even the emperor's Dragon Robe, I can see clearly. What kind of camera is this? "

"I don't know upstairs. I heard that in order to get the best picture, the cloud emperor rented the new camera with the highest definition in America. Hehe, don't say it's the emperor's robe. It's the hair of an actor. If he wants to, he can show you the details. "

"The emperor of cloud is a real blood donor. Have you noticed that the actors in the play are so lifelike, especially Zhen Huan. The contrast between the former and the latter startles me. "

"Not only Zhen Huan, but also the empress dowager, the emperor, the queen, the prince of Guojun and the princess Hua are all very good. This play is definitely a competition of acting skills. I must see it anyway. "

seeing that everyone had said almost all of their feelings, Cheng Hui only sent out a sentence: "the products made by Emperor Yun must be excellent products. I wish "Legend of Zhen Huan" a big fire. "

Xiao Yunhai, who has been staring at the computer at home, is finally relieved to see the fans supporting his "Legend of Zhen Huan".At this time, Zhao Wanqing suddenly came in angrily and said to Xiao Yunhai, "you can open Chen shangqun's home page and have a look at his comments. What he said is really terrible. You almost point to your nose and scold you."

I was surprised to see the location of Mr. Xiao Zhenhai when he opened his home page. Artists who have just entered the entertainment industry for just a year dare to use 600 million yuan to make TV dramas. I don't know whether to say that he is beyond his means or that he is not afraid of tigers

"It's very difficult for directors to produce good plays without working in the production team for several years. Even if he is a genius, even if it is the movie emperor behind the crowd, it can not let me have any expectations. Because it is impossible for a lion to gallop on the grassland under the leadership of sheep

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "Chen shangqun is very polite. At least, there is no scolding from his grandparents."

Zhao Wanqing gave him a look and said, "you can bear it all. Do you have any man's blood?"

Xiao Yunhai laughs playfully: "have you still can not know?"

Zhao Wanqing flashed a blush on her pretty face. She raised her fist and hit Xiao Yunhai. She said in a coquettish and angry way: "let's talk nonsense."

Xiao Yunhai laughed, grasped Zhao Wanqing's Pink fist, gently pulled her into his arms, and said, "wife, Wang shangqun is just a pioneer sent by Hongda. We don't need to care too much. Look, the real attack is still ahead. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai directly threw Zhao Wanqing onto the bed. In Zhao Wanqing's exclamation, Xiao Yunhai threw herself up.

Zhao Wanqing struggled to say: "you bastard, this is broad daylight, what do you want to do?"

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, climbed up to Zhao Wanqing and said softly in her ear, "have you ever heard these idioms, such as full of warmth, lust for lust and lust in the daytime?"? Come on, wife

After a while, Xiao Yunhai's big bed creaked.

Two hours later, Zhao Wanqing, a contented face, said to Xiao Yunhai: "you are a lecher. Do you do this in broad daylight? It's a real loss. "

Xiao Yunhai rightfully said: "who let you grow so beautiful, where can I bear to live. Besides, my wife and I are intimate. Who can say anything? "

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "you are so unreasonable."

Two people are flirting, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone suddenly rings. It's Li linger calling.

"Mr. Xiao, the film and television king of Hongda entertainment company, Tan Yong told the story of Zhen Huan hard when he was asked by a reporter. Now the video is out? Your fans and his fans are fighting online

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "I know. Linger, you can keep an eye on me

Hang up the phone, one side of Zhao Wanqing asked: "what's the matter?"

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said with a sneer, "what else? Xiang Yu of Chu River and Han kingdom said something, and I was probably scolded. Oh, didn't you see that? I'll just say that Chen shangqun is just a front runner. The real big names are going to be on the stage one after another. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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