Published at 11th of May 2022 06:00:43 AM

Chapter 305

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Shen Minghui nodded his head and said, "I'm quite at ease when you do business. By the way, do you know which guests are invited in addition to the cast of Zhen Huan this evening? "

Song Longqi said with a wry smile: "I have asked director Xiao about this question. Even he can't tell who will come. However, I heard that he sent invitation cards to many big stars, but I don't know if they have time to come

"I hope the more they come, the better. We Hebei TV station has not been so lively for many years. It is time to show our style in front of the national audience. "

Song long nods his head and suddenly hears a commotion of fans in front of him. The scream is booming and resounding through the sky.

Saw a luxury version of the Great Wall car parked on the side of the road, a staff member opened the door, Xiao Yunhai smile from the car stand out.

The next moment, the cameras in the hands of reporters crackled and crackled. The flash light made Xiao Yunhai's eyes white and could not see clearly.

When the fans saw Xiao Yunhai, they immediately burst into a pot.

"It's the cloud emperor."

"No, we should call him director Xiao at this moment."

"Cloud emperor, I love you."

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

Along with the roar of the fans, they walked on the red carpet and screamed.

Soon Xiao Yunhai came to Shen Minghui and others, and said with a smile, "Shen Tai Chang, song vice director and other leaders, there is no need to be so grand."

Shen Minghui said with a smile: "for the sake of the legend of Zhen Huan, it is not too grand to be so grand."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I believe this play will not disappoint you."

Soon, Wang Guoan, Zhang Hong, Yao Wenyuan, Zhao Wanqing, Yu Yuexian, Zhang Xinyi, Huang Bo, Wang Cheng and other cast members of the "Legend of Zhen Huan" appeared on the red carpet one after another, setting off a round of climax. The atmosphere of the whole scene was extremely hot.

After the crew of legend of Zhen Huan finished the red carpet, song Longqi asked, "Mr. Xiao, I don't know which guests you invited this time?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a mysterious smile: "after a while, you will know."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Shen Minghui and song Longqi look at each other, and a glimmer of expectation flashed in their hearts.

At this time, a mountain collapse and tsunami cheering sound on the scene.

Shen Minghui and song Longqi look at the end of the red carpet at the same time. They see Dong Piao and CAI pingya come out of the car one after another, and walk towards the red carpet hand in hand.

The two men obviously agreed. Dong Piao wore a long white dress, floating like an immortal, and descended to the world like a fairy who did not eat the fireworks between human beings; while Cai pingya wore a long red dress with graceful posture, which was like a witch coming out of hell. Every move was full of endless temptation.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

From the moment they got out of the car, the reporters had never heard of the flash, which turned the whole scene into day.

Fans are more crazy, especially those male fans, eyes are about to stare out, mouth issued a huge wolf howl, deafening.

The two beauties, smiling and smiling, soon came to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai and the two hugged each other and said, "sister Cai, Piao Piao, thank you for coming here."

Cai pingyajiao said with a smile, "how can we not come to your first work?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "let me introduce you to..."

the two people politely said hello to Shen Minghui, song Longqi and others, and then walked into the TV station under the leadership of a staff member.

Cai pingya and Dong Piaopiao have just left, and two luxury cars have come one after another. Then, the young actors Deng Yue, LV Mengbin, Gao Wei, Yang Junsheng and Wu xiuhai appeared in front of us one by one.

A reporter called out: "this is a collection of" step by step startling ". Xiao Yunhai's popularity is also very good."

"A generation of drama" step by step startled "all of them into a line, the scenery is unlimited. If they don't come, they will be gossiping

After the young actors of "startled step by step" walked into the TV station, they again sent out a cry of surprise. It turned out that they were he Feng, sun Xiaoyue, Wang Guorong, Chu Keke and Zhu Xiwu, the hosts of happy Sunday of mango TV station.

"The cloud emperor's popularity is also very good, even the enemy units have come to congratulate."

"Yes, the legend of Zhen Huan and the Han kingdom of Chu River are two tigers in one mountain. It's unbelievable that the host of happy Sunday should come here

Xiao Yunhai hugged He Feng and others, and said with a smile, "you are too bold. I only sent you an invitation because of politeness. I didn't think you could come here. I don't think you are really moved now

He Feng said with a smile: "our direct leader is your uncle. Can he not let him come to the premiere of his nephew? What's more, the "voice of China" sponsored by you is still on the air in full swing. Even if we know about it, we can't say anything. Long time no see, Shen Tai Chang and song deputy director. "Shen Minghui laughed and said, "teacher he, you are really getting younger and younger."

A few people simply chatted a few words, he Feng and others walked into the TV station.

At this time, the scene suddenly burst out a burst of thunder like screams, fans crazy shaking the hands of the fluorescent stick, some even excited to rush up, fortunately was stopped by the dutiful police.

Not to mention them, even Shen Minghui, song Longqi and other high-level TV stations were stunned to see the visitors.

If you ask which variety show is the most popular in China recently, at least nine out of ten people will say it's the voice of China.

That's right. It's Chen Huan, Yao Na, Gong Liang and fan Weiming, the four heavenly king and queen level tutors of the good voice of China, as well as several excellent students behind them.

Their arrival made the atmosphere of the scene extremely hot.

"My God, it's a crazy rhythm. Isn't it just a premiere? It's almost time for the golden cup Festival. "

"It's only a short year for yunhuang to enter the entertainment industry, and there's no strong background behind it. Such a person can let so many Queen's days come to give him the platform. His communication ability is really too strong."

"The cloud emperor is really powerful."

When they came to Xiao Yunhai, they were polite to each other. We all know that the time has been a little tight, so we didn't do more stay.

Shen Minghui and song Longqi are excited and flushed.

The ratings of Hebei TV station belong to the middle and lower reaches of the whole China, and their market share is very small. Although they are the directors of the station, they seem to be in high position, but the real stars can't look up to them. Only the top rated TV stations like mango, Jiangsu and Zhejiang satellite TV and Yanjing satellite TV will be respected by them. I can't help it. The entertainment industry is so realistic.

Shen Minghui has been the head of this station for ten years, and has never received so many celebrities at one time. Even if he is more stable, he is bound to have some excitement in his heart.

Looking at Xiao Yunhai standing in front of him, Shen Minghui nodded secretly and said in his heart: "we must be closely linked with him in the future. Maybe, the rise of Hebei TV station is on him."

"Look, it's the romance of the Three Kingdoms."

"It was director Hong Tianqiao, starring Wu Jun, sun Yanjun, Li Xun, Zhao Chongxu, Zhang Guoyang and Chen Shao."

"Boy, the premiere of the legend of Zhen Huan is really starry."

After the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" crew, Chen Qingqing, Wu Zixu, Huang Qiusheng, Huang Peiqi and Han Shilei came out of the car.


the pot was directly exploded at the scene.

Shen Minghui, song Longqi and others have long been numb by the shock, and their faces are full of laughter.

Xiao Yunhai's The Legend of Zhen Huan has received nearly half of the entertainment circle's support, which is really awesome.

The reporters are busy, the camera, the camera has not stopped for a moment.

Fans are also loud, many people are hoarse.

A reporter said, "I don't know who will press the shaft behind it?"

Next to the humanitarian: "it should be these five people. It's impossible to have a more shocking combination than them. "

"No, you see, after these five people went in, the emperor did not leave, which means there should be artists."

"No. Do you really invite those queen of heaven to come here? Don't look at the joke. "

At the same time, three luxury cars appeared in front of the public at the same time.

The whole scene suddenly appeared a strange quiet, we all cast their eyes on the three cars. The reporters aimed their cameras, DVS and cameras at the door, fearing to miss the best shooting time.

Three staff members ran over at the same time and opened the door together.

When the people inside appeared, the whole scene was like boiling water, "boom" burst open.

The flash turned into a sea of thunder in a flash, and the fans tried their best to scream wildly.

Shen Minghui widened his eyes and looked at the three people who had just come out of the car and asked, "old song, I'm not wrong. How can they come here?"

Song Longqi was no better at this time. His eyes were about to stare out. He murmured, "I'm not dreaming, are you? We'll have it today. "

Shen Minghui said excitedly: "our TV station wants fire. Old song, go and ask someone to rearrange the banquet after the premiere, and make sure I have a good face. How much will I spend? The TV station will give him reimbursement tomorrow. "

Song long nodded oddly and said, "head, you can rest assured."

Xiao Yunhai is also happy to bloom at this time. It is his good friend Ge Wuyou, Liang Hui and ye Yongren.

They are three of the best performing artists in the entertainment industry, and they have almost become the memory of a generation. It is conceivable that such three celebrities together have caused a great sensation."My God, is this the premiere of a new director's TV series? Am I in the wrong place? "

"I wonder, too. When a TV show can invite them together, it seems that it has never been

"Yunhuang's popularity in the entertainment industry is really abnormal. I feel a little high blood pressure and dizziness now."

When they were ten meters away, Xiao Yunhai met them, hugged them respectively, and said with a smile, "if the three teachers can come, my careful liver will jump out of my body with excitement. If the audience rating of legend of Zhen Huan is less than 20%, I would be embarrassed to see you in the future. "

Ge Wuyou said with a smile: "you boy, don't come with us. I ask you, how are you going to thank us? "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a while and said, "is it OK to make use of your body?"

"Ha ha ha."

The three of them laughed at the same time. Ye Yongren pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said to ge Wuyou and Liang Hui, "I'll tell you. It's not easy to get a bargain from him."

Liang Hui said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. I'll go to his leader and make sure that he is obedient."

"That's right."

"Ha ha ha."

Xiao Yunhai introduced Shen Minghui, song Longqi and others, and then walked into the TV station chatting and laughing.

In a luxury villa in Yanjing.

Xia Chengfeng saw the red carpet live broadcast of "Legend of Zhen Huan" on TV. His face was covered with iron and blue. At the same time, with an incredible look in his eyes, he murmured: "how can it be? I must be dreaming. He's just a freshman. How can he make friends with so many Heavenly Queen

Strong envy, jealousy and hatred made Xia Chengfeng's face extremely ferocious: "no, this boy is really too evil, we must get him down as soon as possible. I'm afraid he won't live for a few years. "

Just then, his cell phone rang.

Xia Chengfeng saw the caller ID and took a deep breath. The expression on his face quickly eased down.

After connecting the phone, Xia Chengfeng said with a smile, "Hello, Tian Shao."

Tian Junhao asked bluntly, "Xia Shao, did you just watch the red carpet show of legend of Zhen Huan?"

Xia Chengfeng took a puff on his face and said, "I saw it. It's very lively."

Tian Junhao said: "I didn't expect this guy to have such a strong network. With the support of these people, I'm afraid the ratings of the legend of Zhen Huan will not be worse? "

Xia Chengfeng said confidently: "don't worry, Tian Shao. What we need to see is the quality of TV dramas. In this respect, we "Chu River and Han kingdom" far surpass "Legend of Zhen Huan."

In fact, although Xia Chengfeng's words are loud, his heart is empty.

He had seen the flowers in the legend of Zhen Huan and had to admit that it was really excellent. I don't have the slightest grasp of conquering the legend of Zhen Huan.

What he said just now was just hard work. He didn't want to show his timidity in front of Tian Junhao.

Tian Junhao said: "it's good to have confidence. When the premiere of Chu River Han Jie is held, I will try my best to invite my father and some officials from the Ministry of culture to cheer on your platform. At that time, the number of famous stars must not be too few. At the same time, you should also do a good job in welcoming them. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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