Published at 11th of May 2022 06:00:36 AM

Chapter 310

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Xia Chengfeng heard Zheng Quanyou's words, and the whole person was completely stunned.

The mobile phone slipped out of his hand, and with a "bang" sound, it fell to the ground, and the battery fell out.

"How could that be possible? It's just a newcomer. How can you make such a play?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Tian Junhao looked at Xia Chengfeng, who was more and more ferocious on his face, and said in a deep voice: "Xia Shao, is it true that the ratings of legend of Zhen Huan are very high?"

Xia Chengfeng nodded, his voice seemed to squeeze out of his teeth and said, "the average ratings are 6.4%, and the highest ratings are 9.1%."

Hearing this achievement, Tian Junhao took a breath.

After returning home, he did some in-depth research on the Chinese film and television industry. Therefore, he was very clear about what a TV series with a ratings of 9.1% means.

In recent years, there are only a few Chinese films and TV dramas that can become legends. The audience rating of general TV series reaches 3%, which is very good.

For actors, it's a wonderful experience to be able to take part in a legendary drama. However, Xiao Yunhai was so good that he took part in the two TV dramas of "startling step by step" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in succession, and the ratings all exceeded 20%.

Now I'm even more self-made, directed and performed "Legend of Zhen Huan", which can reach 9% of its premiere. No one can say how high the ratings will be next.

"Lost. "Chu River Han boundary" has been defeated before the war. Even if it can bring some impact to the legend of Zhen Huan three days later, the general situation is irreversible. "

Tian Junhao sighed in his heart, then looked at Xia Chengfeng, who had lost his soul, and comforted him: "Xia Shao, don't worry. It's just the first episode. Maybe there's a big reversal in the second rally. "

Even Tian Junhao himself did not believe the words, spread to Xia Chengfeng's ears, but seemed to become his last straw.

"Yes. The second episode after the advertisement is an important indicator to test whether the audience likes it or not, and it is also the key to a TV play. I don't believe that a first-year artist can make a difference. " Summer Chengfeng eyes red, gnashing teeth said.

In the data monitoring room of Hebei TV station, the atmosphere is quite solemn, and everyone is waiting for the moment when the ratings break through 10%.

At this time, the second episode of "Legend of Zhen Huan" has been broadcast for 10 minutes, which has soared from 6% to 9% immediately after the advertisement, and then it tends to be stable, but on the whole it is on the rise.

This made everyone's hearts relaxed.

As long as there is no significant decline in the second episode, it shows that the show is very attractive to the audience, and there will be no problem in general.

The rest is to see how far it can go.

Five minutes later, Xiao Li, the monitor, suddenly stood up, danced excitedly, turned to the crowd and yelled: "legend, legend, legend, we have a legendary TV series."

Hearing Xiao Li's words, Shen Minghui, who had just picked up a teacup and was ready to drink tea, shook his arm, and the hot tea splashed on his leg.

But he turned a deaf ear, as if he had no consciousness. He sat there foolishly and murmured, "we have a legend in Hebei TV station?"

"Ha ha, we also have legendary TV series." Shen Minghui suddenly stood up, stretched out his arms and yelled.

Song Longqi is also excited, the corners of his mouth are unconsciously trembling, after a long time, he roared: "ha ha ha, our TV station has succeeded."

Yu Yuexian was startled by the fact that the two station directors who were just as calm as mountains turned into two shouting madmen at the moment when the audience rating exceeded 10%.

She pulled Xiao Yunhai with a smile on her face, pointed to the two people who were crazy and said, "are they OK?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "don't worry, they are just too excited. At the beginning, the high-level of Yunan TV station was more powerful than them. "

Yu Yuexian nodded and said, "I see. Ha ha, director Xiao, congratulations. The first TV series directed by the director has broken through 10%. You are the first in the film and television circle. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "we are happy together. "Legend of Zhen Huan" can achieve this result, I can finally rest my breath. "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "what? Are you under pressure, too

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "can't you? If it's my own money, it doesn't matter to me to win or lose, and I won't have too much burden. But sister Yu, you believe me so much that you have invested 200 million yuan. If you don't get a good result, how can I explain it to you. I'm afraid I won't have the face to see you

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "you have a little conscience."

At this time, Shen Minghui and song Longqi recover from the extreme excitement, thinking of the gaffe just now, they both feel embarrassed.

Shen Minghui said: "let's make you laugh. It has been ten years since Hebei TV station has seen no programs with ratings above 10, so it is a little too excited. "Xiao Yunhai said: "I can understand the feelings of chairman Shen and vice director Song. Hehe, it seems that we have won the contract

Song long nodded and said, "yes. If the audience rating exceeds 10%, 80% of the advertising expenses will be given to you. Tomorrow, our TV station will invite some advertisers to come over and negotiate. How about forty or fifty thousand advertisements per second. This "Legend of Zhen Huan" has a total of 76 episodes. Based on an episode of 10 minutes of advertising, the first round of broadcast alone can bring several people 1.6 billion in revenue. It's really a huge profit. "

On hearing this, Yu Yuexian said in surprise, "so many."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "this is only the first round, and there will be the second round, the third round and the network video revenue. It is estimated that nearly one billion yuan will be collected. Sister Yu, you have invested 200 million yuan, accounting for 30% of the income share. That is to say, if you take the investment, you can earn at least 600 million yuan. "

Yu Yuexian changed her face and said in disbelief: "I heard Yunhai say that the play made me earn five hundred million yuan. I thought he was bragging, but I didn't expect it was true. No wonder there are so many film and television companies now. It's very profitable. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "sister Yu, TV dramas like the legend of Zhen Huan are very rare. It's very good to have such a one a year. What's more, this time we use a counter bet contract to settle the account with advertising expenses, so we have such an amazing profit. Other TV series, even with the same ratings, will not have so much revenue. Speaking of it, we should have taken advantage of Shen Tai Chang. "

Shen Minghui laughed and said, "we are very willing to let you take advantage of such a cheap price. We are not afraid to laugh at you. Although we have only got 20% of the share, it is already comparable to the total revenue of the past six months. So we should thank you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "well, please don't be polite. This is a real win-win situation for us. When the episode is over, how about we celebrate together? "

Shen Minghui said, "OK, no problem. I'm going to do the East tonight. Please try our special snacks in northern Hebei. "

Soon, the second episode of legend of Zhen Huan was played.

The average audience rating is 7.8%, and the highest rating is 15.1%. This is the answer given by Legend of Zhen Huan.

Xiao Yunhai just got the ratings statistics in hand, Wang Guoan called him.

"Yunhai, how about the ratings? I read your homepage and said that the first episode broke nine points. Now, has the ratings broken ten? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Wang, please remove the last one."

Wang Guoan laughed and said, "great. The first broadcast can break 10, and then it is really possible to break your ratings of "step by step."

Xiao Yunhai joked: "Mr. Wang, can we be a little bit more ambitious? My goal now is to get 30 percent of the audience, not "step by step."

Wang Guoan said with a smile, "really? Don't make a fool of yourself. By the way, if you say the ratings have broken through 10, what is the specific number? "

"The average ratings are 7.8% and the highest ratings are 15.1%. It's not too far from 30%

Wang Guoan said in disbelief, "what? The first two episodes have passed 15 points. That's amazing. If that's the case, it's 30 percent possible. Great, Yunhai, you have created a miracle. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "no, we have created a miracle together."

After talking to Wang Guoan on the phone, Xiao Yunhai received calls from Yao Wenyuan, Liu Guohua, LV Pengfei, Zhou Yun, Huang Bo, Wang Cheng and others. When they heard the ratings of the legend of Zhen Huan, they all laughed.

In particular, Lu Pengfei was the most excited, crying on the phone with a snot and tears. He could not help but thank Xiao Yunhai.

As the deputy director of the legend of Zhen Huan, Lu Pengfei has fought a beautiful battle this time. Maybe the audience only know Xiao Yunhai and don't know who Lu Pengfei is, but that's not the case in the industry.

With such an invincible resume, Lu Pengfei's way of directing can be said to be unimpeded, even if Tianhua entertainment company wants to press, it can't be suppressed.

Besides, with the video in Xiao Yunhai's hand, even if Cao Huaqiang had ten courage, he would not dare to wear shoes to Lu Pengfei.

Perhaps, Lu Pengfei will receive the company's notice immediately.

After answering the phone call, Xiao Yunhai breathed deeply. Seeing Zhao Wanqing and Yu Yuexian still busy there, he couldn't help but feel a little happy.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai suddenly remembered that his future father-in-law did not seem to notice it.

Xiao Yunhai didn't dare to neglect, so he called Wang Mingsheng. I'm kidding. That's my future father-in-law. I must flatter you.

"What's the matter? Why are the lines between you and Wanqing busy? " Wang Mingsheng asked.

It's late, uncle. I've just answered a lot of calls, and they're all in line. No, I just finished a paragraph here, and I called you. Wanqing has the most actresses there. I guess I can't finish it for a while and a half. "Wang Mingsheng said, "is it all about the ratings of legend of Zhen Huan?"? Your aunt just looked at it and gave a very good evaluation. What about? Is the ratings good? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's OK. The average audience rating was 7.8%, and the highest rating was 15.1%, which was the lowest expected goal. "

Wang Mingsheng laughed and said, "15% of the audience rating is the lowest expected target. How much do you set the highest target?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "30 percent."

Wang Mingsheng said with a smile, "I'll wait and see."

After calling Wang Mingsheng, Xiao Yunhai announced the ratings of legend of Zhen Huan on his home page.

Suddenly, Xiao Yunhai's fans broke out completely.

"I'll tell you," the legend of Zhen Huan "will become a legend tonight. It's not out of my expectation."

"Yunhuang is so amazing that the audience rating of the director's first play can break 10%, which is simply a miracle."

"I have to say," Legend of Zhen Huan "is really very good-looking. After only two episodes, I was fascinated by it. What I didn't say, strong support. "

"The actors in the legend of Zhen Huan are really wonderful. Those movie queen don't say, even the general supporting roles are very good. That's amazing. "

"Ha ha, 15.1% of the ratings are really good. I want to interview Tan Dabao most now. I don't know what he will say now. "

"Let's go and have a look at his homepage and tell him that the audience rating of" Legend of Zhen Huan "by Emperor Yun is 15%. What does he say? "

Xiao Yunhai has nothing to do with his leisure. He opens Tan Yong's home page and looks at it.

At a glance, Xiao Yunhai couldn't help laughing.

Originally, in Tan Yong's comment area, Xiao Yunhai's fans have released tens of thousands of congratulatory posts.

"Congratulations on the audience rating of emperor Yun's first Trinity TV play" Legend of Zhen Huan "with a rating of 15%. I hope to receive more qualifications and get good results again."

"Warmly congratulate the legend of Zhen Huan on becoming a legendary TV series. Cheer on the emperor and be invincible."

"Congratulations on the audience rating of legend of Zhen Huan has reached 15%, which has successfully broken through the 1% of teacher Tan said."

"Warmly celebrate the emperor of cloud......

this is perhaps the most special way of congratulation in the film and television industry.

It is Xiao Yunhai who directed the TV series, which has a huge audience rating, but his fans celebrate on other people's home pages. This has never happened in the circle.

It is estimated that Tan Yong saw it, and he must be very angry.

In the box of the hotel, when Xia Chengfeng learned the ratings of the second episode of the legend of Zhen Huan from Zheng Quanyou, the whole person jumped up like a needle and snapped, "how many?"

After Zheng Quanyou said it again, Xia Chengfeng was strangely quiet for a moment. Then, with all his strength, he smashed his mobile phone on the wall and smashed it to pieces.

then the whole person seemed to lose all his strength and spread himself on the chair.

Looking at Tian Junhao, who was calm like water, he said to himself, "Tian Shao, do you think I'm stupid and even want to snipe at a legendary TV series. Hehe, it's better now, not only did not defeat others, but also trapped myself in the pit. It's really self inflicted. You can't live. "

"Ha ha, if the premiere of a legend of Zhen Huan can exceed 15%, will the audience rating be higher? twenty percent? 25 percent? It's still the daunting 30 percent. "Chu River Han boundary" is over, and before it is broadcasted, it will be defeated. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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