Published at 11th of May 2022 06:00:34 AM

Chapter 311

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Tian Junhao looked at him with a slight irony, and hypocritically advised him: "Xia Shao, winning or losing is a common thing in the military family. Why should we pay too much attention to it. This time, he was lucky to put the legend of Zhen Huan in front of the Han kingdom of Chu River. If it was put on the same day, it would be hard to say who would win and who would lose. "

"Xia Shao, this is not a crime of war, but the opponent is too cunning. Don't worry too much. If you lose this time, you will win back next time. "

Xia Chengfeng raised his head and drank a glass of wine. He shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "Tian Shao, you don't understand. It's hard to find such an opportunity."

It turns out that the company is not owned by Xia Hongda himself. He is only one of the major shareholders, accounting for 46% of the shares. There are 48% in the hands of the other three shareholders, and the last 6% is circulated among tens of millions of retail investors.

Since the last three kingdoms incident, the three shareholders have expressed strong dissatisfaction with Xia Hongda, believing that these unnecessary losses are entirely caused by Xia Hongda's improper management and decision-making mistakes. Therefore, Xia Hongda should be responsible for all of them, and they will not give a cent.

Xia Hongda had no choice but to knock down his teeth and swallow blood. Together with the fine and the cost of remake, he paid a total of 300 million yuan.

Although the ratings of the romance of the Three Kingdoms broke through 20%, the profits still could not make up for the huge deficit, and finally lost 200 million yuan.

Xia Chengfeng's own idea was the choice to meet with the legend of Zhen Huan. At that time, his opinions were strongly opposed by many people, even his father Xia Hongda did not agree.

I'm kidding. Although there are numerous stars and a strong lineup, the legend of Zhen Huan is not bad, with an investment of 600 million yuan and a large number of movie queens. By contrast, Chu River Han Kingdom has not much advantage.

As the saying goes, if two tigers fight, one will get hurt.

Although Xia Chengfeng is the prince of Hongda, the company still does not agree with Xia Chengfeng.

Xia Chengfeng went to Tian Junhao and asked him to postpone the audit of the legend of Zhen Huan as much as possible, and pass the Chu River and Han kingdom as quickly as possible. In this way, the two dramas met together, and even the company could not say anything.

When Tian Junhao heard this, he was right in the middle. He deliberately pretended to be very embarrassed, and after thinking for a long time, he agreed to it. He got a favor from Xia Chengfeng in vain.

Originally, Xia Chengfeng thought that it was impossible for a new director like Xiao Yunhai to produce a real good play. However, he did not expect that the legend of Zhen Huan would shine brilliantly, which made him empty.

Not only did not hit the fox, on the contrary, he made a coquettish.

Tian Junhao said with a smile, "you should take it easy. Although "Legend of Zhen Huan" has got the first chance, it is not that "Chu River Han boundary" is not without the power of competition. Maybe three days later, there will be a miracle

Xia Chengfeng nodded and said, "I can only think so."

In a villa in Yanjing, Du Hongtai and his little daughter sat on the sofa and watched the legend of Zhen Huan together.

For Xiao Yunhai, a new director, Du Hongtai still has some contempt in his subconscious.

After all, a person who is only 21 years old and has only participated in two or three plays is going to direct a TV series with an investment of more than 600 million yuan, which is really beyond doubt.

But after watching the first two episodes of the TV series, Du Hongtai's view of Xiao Yunhai changed fundamentally.

This is the first TV series directed by a new director. Are you kidding?

If you don't know who the director is in advance, even if you tell him that this is the work of famous directors such as Hong Tiancai and Chen Qingqing, he will believe it.

I have to say, Xiao Yunhai's shot is really wonderful. No matter from which aspect, Du Hongtai did not find any flaws. Even if you do it yourself, it's at most this level.

As one of the most famous TV drama directors in China, Du Hongtai may be very happy with the emergence of such a young excellent director in Huaxia, but if his play happens to match him, it is another matter.

Thinking of this, Du Hongtai suddenly felt a heavy pressure, for the first time, he had doubts about his "Chu River Han Jie".

He turned his head and asked his daughter who was playing with the computer and said, "Xiaoxue, what do you think of the legend of Zhen Huan?"

Du Xue raised his head and said, "is it worth saying? Yunhuang's products must be excellent. My idol's film must be good. Dad, I advise you to avoid the legend of Zhen Huan. "

Du Hongtai snorted and said, "I admit that the legend of Zhen Huan is really good, but your father's" Chu River and Han kingdom "is not under it. Your dad can't afford to leave without a fight. "

Du Xue said: "Dad, listen to me and give you a good analysis. First of all, this play is earlier than your "Chu River Han Jie" broadcast, three days and six episodes in a row is enough for it to cultivate a large number of loyal. Unless the quality of your film is much higher than that of the legend of Zhen Huan, if you want to bring these loyal people here, it will be like a fool talking about dreams. "

Du Hongtai frowned slightly, trying to refute, but he could not say anything.

"Secondly, your" Chu River Han Jie "is a war drama, which may be very attractive to those hot-blooded men. On the contrary," Legend of Zhen Huan "is a palace opera of the Qing Dynasty, which is very attractive to us women. If you choose, it's men who watch Chu River and Han Kingdom, and women watch legend of Zhen Huan. But you have to know, in a family of three, the children are the first to master the remote control, followed by women, and finally by men. This is undoubtedly the most fatal to Chu River and Han kingdom. "To this point, Du Hongtai agrees very much. When his wife had not passed away, he never robbed his wife of the remote control no matter how much he liked a TV play. It is estimated that more than 90 of the 100 families are in this situation.

That is to say, the men who don't understand will make conflicts with their wives for the sake of TV series.

"Finally, Dad, you don't have any chance in Chu River and Han kingdom. The ratings of legend of Zhen Huan were announced, with an average of 7% and a maximum of 15%. On the network now a good review, tomorrow's ratings will certainly be higher. How many audiences do you think Chu River Han Jie can capture from the legend of Zhen Huan

Hearing the achievements of the legend of Zhen Huan, Du Hongtai stood up in shock. He knew that the play was well shot, but the ratings were far beyond his expectation.

Du Hongtai said, "is this rating true?"

Du Xue nodded and said, "of course it is true. All the actors of "Legend of Zhen Huan" have published the news on their home pages. Now the online discussion of this play is crazy, and my analysis just summarized the comments of netizens. "

Hearing his daughter's words, Du Hongtai gave a bitter smile, sat down on the sofa, and said, "it's really a genius. The 21-year-old legendary director, ha ha, is just hard to accept. "

Seeing his father's loss, Du Xue quickly came to him, handed him a glass of water and said, "Dad, you don't need to compare with him. Emperor Yun is a demon. In the literary world, his three martial arts novels have sold hundreds of millions, and all the writers in China are not his rivals. In the music industry, his first classic songs were fired by those musicians to a sky high price of 5 million, but still there is no market. It's too early to be called a master of music. But now he attacks the director world, certainly also is running for the best director. Look at it. With the talent and talent of emperor Yun, one day, he will defeat all directors and dominate the film and television industry. "

Du Hongtai looked at his daughter's adoration and infatuation. He was angry and said, "when did you learn to pursue stars. I once told you that the so-called handsome men and women in the circle have a dignified appearance on the surface, and there are few clean ones behind. You're just disobedient and chasing stars. "

Du Xue snorted and said, "Dad, I'm the idol of Xiao Yunhai. If you can tell what's wrong with him, I won't recognize him at once

"He..." Du Hongtai thought about what Xiao Yunhai had done since he entered the circle. There was nothing wrong with him.

Du Xue said triumphantly, "No. In addition to his brilliant talent, he never makes a scandal, never goes to a bar, and even dares to admit his love in public at the risk of fans leaving when he has a girlfriend. Do you dare to say that people are not clean

Hearing his daughter's words, Du Hongtai recalled the evaluation of Xiao Yunhai by his old friends, sighed and said, "this boy is really good, but you should know that enough is enough to stop learning."

Du Xue played a ring finger and said with a smile, "don't worry, I have discretion. Dad, can I ask you something

"What's the matter?" Du asked

Du Xue giggled, took Du Hongtai's arm and said, "when you see the emperor in the future, can you ask for a signature for me?"

Du Hongtai glared at his eyes and said, "no way."

"Dad, please. Next year, people will take part in the college entrance examination. Are you not satisfied with such a wish? " Du Xue gently shakes Du Hongtai's arm, while doodling mouth coquetry way.

Du Hongtai was helpless to his daughter and said, "OK, as long as you are in the top ten of the school in the next monthly examination, I will help you to sign your name, OK?"

Du Xue, without saying a word, immediately reached out his hand and patted Du Hongtai, saying: "deal. Isn't it the top ten? It's not easy for your daughter to be a bully. "

With that, Du Xue took his notebook and went to the second floor.

Du Hongtai said: "it's not like you to have a rest so early."

Du Xue turned her head and said, "there will be a week for the monthly exam. Now I'm going to review my lessons. I did it for my idol's signature

Hearing Du Xue's words, Du Hongtai smiles and feels that his daughter has an idol for the first time.

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