Published at 11th of May 2022 06:00:30 AM

Chapter 314

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Thinking of what had just happened, a young security guard couldn't hide his excitement and said: "Damn it, Yao Na's man and the movie queen Miao Xiaoyun opened a room and were caught by Yao Na on the spot. Hehe, it's going to be big news. If you poke it into the media, it will definitely make headlines. "

When the chief security guard heard his words, his eyes lit up and said, "Xiao Zhang, don't you have a cousin in the newspaper office? Tell him that we have a video of Yao Na catching adultery here. If you want, let them give a million yuan to the newspaper. Let's divide them equally. "

The young security guard said happily, "boss, that's great. I'll call my cousin right now."

After returning to Xiao Yunhai's room, Yu Yuexian sat down on the chair angrily and said to Yao Na, "sister Na, I'll help you to scold those two adulterers and prostitutes."

Yao Na looked a little trance and said, "what if you scold me? We have only been married for ten years, and our vows and vows have turned out to be like this in a blink of an eye. Why on earth is that? "

Zhao Wanqing held Yao Na's hand and said, "sister Na, don't be too sad. Such a man is not worth your love. You should be strong now, because you have two children. They are the most important people for you

Hearing Zhao Wanqing's words, Yao Na's spirit was shocked and she said in her tears, "yes, I have children. No, I'm going back. I'm going to take care of my children. "

Yao Na finished, immediately got up and went outside.

Yu Yuexian and Zhao Wanqing looked at each other and said, "sister Na, wait a minute. We'll go back with you."

Zhao Wanqing turned to Xiao Yunhai and said, "Yunhai, I'll give you the right to sign the contract tomorrow. We don't worry about sister Na alone."

Yu Yuexian took out a key and said, "tomorrow my assistant will come to clean up my room. Then you can give her the key to the door."

Xiao Yunhai said, "I know. Sister Na is in a state of mind now. You can go and catch up with her later. Remember to be safe. "

After they left, Xiao Yunhai shook his head.

This kind of infidelity happened too much in the previous life. At the beginning, I just took them as a joke to listen to.

When Xiao Yunhai feels that his friend is not a good friend.

"Well, I hope sister Na can come out as soon as possible."

Xiao Yunhai thumbed up the Moon Fairy and said, "sister Yu, you are really smart."

When Yao Na heard Xiao Yunhai's analysis, she took a look at Zhong Wei's expression. She suddenly laughed and said, "Zhong Wei, Zhong Wei, we have lived together for such a long time. You really don't know me at all. No wonder we've come to this point. "

"Anyway, we have been husband and wife for more than ten years. Even if the marriage ends, we still have some affection at least. If you just told me directly how much you want. As long as it's not too much, I'll give it to you. I'm sorry that you used your child to use this method on me. I'll tell you directly now that the child won't give you any more money, and you don't want to take one more dollar. "

"Tomorrow, I will sue for divorce in Yanjing intermediate court. It's up to the court to decide how much you can get. Sea of clouds, see you off for me

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said to Zhong Wei and Miao Xiaoyun, "Mr. Zhong and miss Miao, please get out of here quickly. Ah... No, it should be to leave immediately."

Zhong Wei cast a deep look at Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao had better be careful about other people's private affairs, so as not to get angry."

Hearing Zhong Wei's threat, Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "thank you for reminding me. Recently, the air conditioner has made me cold all over my body, and my internal organs are full of cool air. I'm trying to bake a fire. If Mr. Zhong can do it for you, Xiao Yunhai would really appreciate it. "


Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Chen Huan, Zhao Wanqing, Yu Yuexian and others couldn't help laughing.

Even the two bodyguards next to Miao Xiaoyun are all the corners of their mouths, so they can't bear to laugh.

Zhong Wei took a deep breath and said, "let's see." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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