Published at 11th of May 2022 06:00:28 AM

Chapter 316

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During this period, the ratings of Xiao Yunhai's "Legend of Zhen Huan" also increased. In the fifth episode, it finally exceeded 20%, which made Hebei TV station ecstatic.

Director Shen Minghui thanks Xiao Yunhai on the phone, and even chokes with emotion. Xiao Yunhai is helpless.

On the fourth day of the broadcast of legend of Zhen Huan, Chu River and Han kingdom was broadcast on Mango station. However, it was broadcast from 10:00 to 12:00 p.m., avoiding the aggressive "Legend of Zhen Huan".

To this end, the entertainment industry in an uproar. The media, in particular, are particularly disappointed.

Originally, I wanted to hype the story of Zhen Huan in Chu River and Han Kingdom, but as a result, Chu River and Han Kingdom retreated without fighting. Without such a good news material, how can the media be happy.

In a public place, a reporter asked the director Du Hongtai: "director Du, the broadcast time of your" Chu River Han Jie "was originally set at the golden time of mango station. Why was it suddenly delayed? Is it because they are afraid of the legend of Zhen Huan that they make such a helpless choice. "

This reporter is very impolite to ask. If an ordinary director faces this kind of problem, he must find various reasons to cover it up, and will never admit that it is because of his opponent.

However, Du Hongtai said bluntly: "the reason why we chose such a time is that the super high ratings of legend of Zhen Huan have brought us great pressure. There's nothing to admit about that. Yesterday, one fifth of the audience in China were watching the legend of Zhen Huan. In the face of this unfavorable situation, if we still choose to play hard against hard, it is just a matter of mind. "

"Although Xiao Yunhai, the director of the legend of Zhen Huan, is a newcomer, his directing skills are very deep. No matter in terms of picture, style, editing or any other aspect, he is not inferior to any director in China. In terms of quality, although I can guarantee that my "Chu River Han Jie" is not under the "Legend of Zhen Huan", my first opportunity has been lost and there is almost no hope of winning. So we had to take the second place and chose to broadcast at 10 p.m

After seeing this interview video, Xiao Yunhai admired him and said, "no wonder Du Hongtai can become a famous director in China. His bearing and mind are really incomparable to ordinary people."

After watching the first two episodes of Chu River and Han Kingdom, Xiao Yunhai commented on his home page. He highly appreciated the play, and his words were very precise, without any exaggeration.

The style of the two directors, one old and one young, has been highly praised by people in the circle.

Although there is still some gap between "Legend of Zhen Huan" and "Chu he Han Jie", the audience rating of its first broadcast has reached 9%.

Two consecutive legendary TV dramas have made the Chinese audience feast their eyes on Zhen Huan from 8:00 to 10:00 and Liu Bang Xiang Yu from 10:00 to 12:00, which has formed a consensus among many people.

After Yao Na's affairs were handled, Xiao Yunhai returned home and wrote "love apartment" again. In just three days, it was all done.

After all, the play is only 20 episodes in total, and it's nothing to do with Xiao Yunhai's typing speed.

Zhao Wanqing has been very busy with her album these days. Because the two songs she sang at the premiere of legend of Zhen Huan were so beautiful, many people were waiting for it. Her fans, in particular, have been waiting for it.

Before the official sale of the album, Teana records began to pre-sell "at least you" online. In a short period of three days, the pre-sale volume reached more than 5 million copies, breaking the highest pre-sale record, which shocked the industry.

Although it has not been officially launched, but through the results of pre-sale, it has been concluded that Xiao Yunhai's strategy is very successful. With the fire of "Legend of Zhen Huan" and the super high quality of the album, breaking through 20 million is no longer on paper.

In addition to the hard work of promoting the album, Zhao Wanqing takes time to practice every day. Luo Tianxiong, Xiao Yunhai's senior brother, found him a 32 year old, very ordinary looking middle-aged woman to work as Zhao Wanqing's bodyguard and martial arts teacher.

Xiao Yunhai is very satisfied with this. The woman's name is Wang Shujuan. She practices Yongchun boxing, and has reached the point of Mingjin. She has been in luojiaban for six years, and has been a stand in for many big stars. She plays all kinds of martial arts routines perfectly.

With her in, Zhao Wanqing is at ease in terms of learning and safety.

Time flies, and it's the day of Zhao Wanqing's album release.

Because the pre-sale results were so good, Teana Records Company attached great importance to this conference. It not only invited more than 100 media, but also asked many famous artists of its own company to support her.

As the music producer of Zhao Wanqing's album, Xiao Yunhai naturally came to attend the conference.

When he saw Chang Rong again backstage, Xiao Yunhai was a little embarrassed.

At the beginning, in order to put pressure on Tianlai records, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing deliberately signed an agreement to express Zhao Wanqing's determination to invite Xiao Yunhai.

But not long after, the two people's love broke out, which made Xiao Yunhai very embarrassed.But Chang Rong is indifferent. To him, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing are not married now. They can only represent individuals. Signing a contract is naturally a normal thing.

At Zhao Wanqing's press conference, the focus of reporters' inquiry was Xiao Yunhai, in addition to Zhao Wanqing.

"Mr. Xiao, I heard that the target of this kind of album is 20 million. Do you still have this confidence now?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course. The pre-sale volume is nearly six million, which shows that fans are still looking forward to this album

"What do you think of Miss Zhao Wanqing's performance in the studio and shooting the MV?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "of course, it's very good. My leader's singing skills are well-known both inside and outside the circle, recording songs very smoothly. As for MV, ha ha, do you think that after a golden cup award movie, you can't shoot several MV? "

"Excuse me, Mr. Xiao, now that you are the music producer of Miss Zhao Wanqing, will you also make albums for other singers in the future?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "definitely not. I am the most afraid of trouble. I made an album for Wanqing because she was forced to do it at home. That's why I managed to make such an album. As for others, I won't do it even if I'm given more money. "

"Mr. Xiao, one of your songs has already sold for a sky high price of five million yuan in the circle. Now you have ten songs. I don't know what price Tianlai has offered you? Can you tell me? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "it's a trade secret. I'm sure I won't tell you."

With that, Xiao Yunhai took a look at the host of the conference.

The host agreed and said to everyone, "dear friends, this is the question and answer session at our press conference. The following is the performance time of Ms. Zhao Wanqing. Although a lot of publicity has been done, it seems that everyone hasn't heard the main song of this album yet

"Yes." The fans yelled in unison.

"In this case, at today's press conference, let's ask Ms. Zhao Wanqing to sing the main song" at least you "once, let's listen to it first, OK


the host said with a smile, "the voice is too small for Ms. Zhao Wanqing to hear?"


The fans yelled at their throats in a deafening voice.

The host gave a thumbs up to the audience, then said with a smile to Zhao Wanqing who came by: "Miss Zhao, seeing that the fans are so enthusiastic, should you also satisfy this wish?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "of course."

The host said, "well, let's welcome Miss Zhao Wanqing to bring the album's main song" at least you "with the warmest applause

In the applause and cheers of the fans, Zhao Wanqing bowed to the audience first, and then nodded to the staff. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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