Published at 11th of May 2022 06:00:25 AM

Chapter 318

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The next day, Zhao Wanqing's album "at least you" was on sale at audio and video stores in major cities across the country.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing's fan groups all went out one after another on this day, competing to buy the album.

Yanjing's largest audio and video store, the new century audio and video store, has a long queue early, roughly estimated that there are at least hundreds of people.

Most of them are fans of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing. They have been looking forward to this album for a long time, especially after listening to the songs sung by Zhao Wanqing. It's not easy to wait until the day when the album is sold, and naturally it won't be missed.

"Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, finally let me look forward to this album, I am waiting at home to die."

Another girl nearby said, "who said it wasn't? I like the bubble in love most. If Xi sing it is really great.

"I love the song" at least you. "

"Well, it's a pity that other songs are still kept secret. I hate it."

"Anyway, the songs written by Emperor Yun will not disappoint us."

"Well, that's right. By the way, do you know that Ruoxi is going to hold a signing party in the square? "

"Of course. I come so early, just want to buy the album quickly, and then quickly go to the square to ask Ruoxi to sign. It would be better if I could have a face-to-face communication with her. "

"Oh, I think so. I have to say, Ruoxi is really overbearing. Other stars should first see whether the album is selling well, and then hold a signing party to avoid embarrassment when too few people come. But if Xi doesn't even look at the results, it's so confident. "

"Of course. The combination of four masters and Ruoxi is absolutely invincible. It's a pity that there is no song for them to sing to each other, otherwise it would be better. "

Due to the same idols, the two little girls soon became good friends.

When it was eight o'clock sharp, the door of the video shop finally opened, and everyone was quiet.

The boss looked at the long line and laughed. He seemed to have expected this situation for a long time.

He took a big loudspeaker and yelled, "I know you are all here to buy Zhao Wanqing's album. So today, I was the general mobilization of the whole family. I invited several relatives to help me. I could receive four guests at one time. So please don't worry. When we are ready, we will start immediately. "

"Cousin, quickly move out the stereo, put on the album of Ms. Zhao Wanqing, let's listen to it first."

"I see."

Soon, a young man moved out of the stereo, put Zhao Wanqing's album on, and a burst of pleasant sound came into everyone's ears.

"The shy rose blooms quietly,

and slowly blooms the feelings she left me.

Spring's hand, reading her waiting,

I was thinking about whether I should pick her gently.

this song is the representative work of Meng Tingwei, a former Taiwanese singer. The melody is very cheerful, the lyrics are also very lingering, coupled with Zhao Wanqing's perfect singing, all of a sudden by everyone's love.

"That sounds good."

"Yes, it's another good song. The cloud emperor's creative ability is too strong."

"Good songs also need good singers to match. Ruoxi's singing is very good, not worse than those heavenly kings and empresses."

"Four master Ruoxi is a perfect combination."

"Big brother, I'm a couple, right?"

When everyone was talking about it, the boss came out again and said, "OK, please come in four or four in order."

The two girls looked at each other and walked into the video shop at the same time. They saw four people sitting behind the counter, so they chose one of them and walked quickly.

"I want to buy six albums of at least you."

"I'm also going to buy eight albums of at least you."

The staff quickly handed the album to two people and paid for it. The two girls held hands and rushed to the square.

At this time, it was working time, and the traffic jam was serious. When they arrived at the square, more than 30 people had already arrived in front of them.

They had no choice but to line up again.

Zhao Wanqing's signing ceremony was very popular. Before 10 o'clock, the number of people had reached more than 400, and there were still many fans coming here in an endless stream.

This situation is definitely a good thing for Zhao Wanqing, which shows the strong support of fans for themselves, and the album sales are certainly no problem.

However, Zhao Wanqing is very tired. Every fan held no less than three albums for her signature, and at the same time, she had to smile and answer some of their questions. After only 20 people signed, Zhao Wanqing felt a little sour in her hands and a little stiff in her smile.Think about the one at home, Zhao Wanqing sighed deeply.

She had to admit that Xiao Yunhai, who is also a star, is much more natural and unrestrained than herself. He can do what he wants to do and what he doesn't want to do.

Stars do this job, compared to those who are king of heaven and queen to be free.

At noon, Zhao Wanqing saw hundreds of people standing in line there, frowning slightly, and sighing in her heart, "it seems that there is no time for lunch."

At 3:30 p.m., Xiao Yunhai and Meng Fang stopped in the van borrowed by Li Bing, not far from the exit of Yanjing airport..

"Gee, why are there so many reporters and fans? Who is this preparing for? "

Looking at the dozens of media and hundreds of fans gathered at the airport exit, Xiao Yunhai could not help but be surprised.

"Seems to be picking up a star named Jiang Yaokun?" Monfang saw a poster in the hands of a fan and said.

"Jiang Yaokun? Isn't the hero of "Hu Xiao Chong"? It looks popular. "

Half an hour later, the plane landed and Meng Fang and Li Bing got out of the car.

Now, Xiao Yunhai dare not go out.

With his fame at that time, as long as he appeared in any public place, I'm afraid it would immediately attract people to watch.

Therefore, it is the best choice for Xiao Yunhai to wait in the car honestly. Anyway, Mengfang knows Xiao Yunling and is not afraid that he can't be picked up.

I thought I would receive ling'er soon, but after waiting for 20 minutes, most of the passengers came out, but Xiao ling'er and her classmates still disappeared.

Xiao Yunhai is a little anxious. What's going on.

Just then, his cell phone rang. Open a look, it is sister Xiao Yunling's phone.

"Ling'er, where are you? Why haven't you come out yet? "

Xiao Yunling said anxiously, "brother, after I got off the plane, I accidentally spilled a bottle of coke on others. His clothes seem to be very expensive. It's worth at least 100000. I don't have so much money to pay for it. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "what clothes are so expensive? I really want to see it. Where are you now? "

"I'm in the airport security department," Xiao Yunling said

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, wait there. I'll be there right away."

Xiao Yunhai finished, and then called Meng Fang. Then he got off the car secretly and rushed to the airport security department. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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