Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:53 AM

Chapter 32

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Sun Yanjun, gentle and gentle, first saw Xiao Yunhai with a calm face. It was not difficult for an actor who had been acting all his life to see whether a person was as good as what he was. There are a few actors in front of him trying to pretend to be calm. In fact, sun Yanjun can see at a glance that these people are actually strong outside but capable in the middle. Sure enough, those people in the aggressive eyes of Wang Guoan and sun Yanjun, soon defeated and lost ground.

But Xiao Yunhai in front of him seems to be different from the people in front of him. He seems to give people a feeling of calm like water. He is full of self-confidence and seems to be holding the next thing in his hand. Unless it's a movie maker, you can't do it if you want to.

Wang Guoan obviously saw that he took a look at Sun Yanjun and was interested in Xiao Yunhai. And Hong Tianqiao has a glimmer of expectation.

When Wang Guoan saw Xiao Yunhai standing well, he took the lead to speak. He did not ask about the romance of the Three Kingdoms, but asked Xiao Yunhai with great interest.

"Your name is Xiao Yunhai. You are a student of Lao Yao. We are not outsiders. I heard that you are the number one in the college entrance examination. Ha ha, I'm surprised how you think of entering this industry. "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned. He didn't expect Wang Guoan to ask this question, so he said with a smile: "in order to be famous."

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's words, Wang Guoan was stunned. Hong Tiancai just took a sip of tea, but before he could swallow it, he burst out with a whoop.

Sun Yanjun helplessly said with a smile: "why is this answer?"

Xiao Yunhai said, "in fact, there are many elegant answers to this question. In fact, the most essential answer is to be famous. Only if you are famous, you can achieve the above several high sounding answers. I never deny that I want to be famous, because I've always wanted to stand on the stage, stand in front of the spotlight, become the real center, and enjoy the glory of the cheers of tens of thousands of people. For this goal, I will work hard. "

Wang Guoan looked at the young man who was talking with a lot of heart. He could see that this was not Xiao Yunhai's intention to attract people's attention, but the real idea in his heart. He just had the courage to speak out his own ideas.

Wang Guoan said: "I like your statement very much. This is also the most real voice in the heart of an actor I heard in this circle. In fact, we all know that entering the performing arts circle is to be famous, but we won't say it directly, so I admire your courage. But I'm not going to let water out next

Xiao Yunhai nods.

Wang Guoan said: "I think you must know the audition content now. First of all, Xiao Yunhai looks at the Fang Tian Hua halberd lying on the ground beside him. With a slight smile, he goes forward and gently pinches the halberd with his feet. In an instant, Fang Tian's drawing halberd reaches the instep of his feet. Then he raises his leg, and immediately flies to the sky Go ahead.

Xiao Yunhai, holding a long halberd, has become quite different from the previous Xiao Yunhai. If we say that the former Xiao Yunhai was a calm sea, now it is rough and turbid.

Xiao Yunhai's back is straight and his eyes are as sharp as a sword. A strong murderous spirit fills the whole venue. Before he takes action, he is already very sharp. LV Buna's invincible momentum of galloping in the world is displayed incisively and vividly on Xiao Yunhai.

With just a starting gesture, sun Yanjun's gentle eyes shine. He likes Chinese martial arts very much and admires the actors with high Kung Fu. When he was young, he would ask some martial arts masters for advice, and he also had some Kung Fu. In general, he never used a stand in for the general action scenes.

He has been shooting for decades and met many real kung fu masters, so he has a sharp eye. Looking at Xiao Yunhai's appearance and the murderous look in his eyes, he immediately saw that Xiao Yunhai had real Kung Fu and must be an expert.

Hong Tiancai, Wang Guoan and others nearby are also shocked. They look at Xiao Yunhai without blinking. They are afraid to miss any subtle action.

Xiao Yunhai took a deep breath, and suddenly burst into a violent drink. His whole body moved. The eight Jin Fang Tian Hua halberd seemed to have no weight in his hand, and all around Xiao Yunhai, there were thousands of virtual images. All the people in front of him were full of silver, and they could not help but look at each other with horror.

Xiao Yunhai's efforts are not in vain. Fang Tian's Halberd is no longer an ordinary weapon in his hand. It seems to have life and spirituality. It's like a spirit Jiao going out to sea. It's full of weird things. The priorities are right. It makes the layman look very beautiful, just like flowers and snowflakes.

However, if you really let the insiders see it, you can get at most four words, which are unreal. At this level, that is, you can use them in the performance. If you really fight, with Xiao Yunhai's current level of Chinese martial arts, you can sweep out with one stick, at least you can knock down seven or eight.

When Xiao Yunhai finished fighting, Pa Pa Pa Pa, everyone stood up and applauded for Xiao Yunhai. Xiao Yunhai's Fang Tian Hua halberd was so beautiful that people had to be amazed.

After a pause in applause, sun Yanjun couldn't help but say, "Xiao Yunhai, have you ever practiced real Kung Fu?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I have practiced form and meaning and Tai Chi since I was a child, but other things like Baji and Yongchun have also dabbled in it."Sun Yanjun nodded: "that's right. From your actions, I can see that your Kung Fu is very strong. If you have a chance in the future, teach me a few moves. Hehe

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "Lao sun, you are a kung fu fan again. You are an interviewer now. You should pay attention to your current identity. Xiao Yunhai, you have finished the first two passes very well, which can be said to be the best among all the people who come in. Now there is still the third level. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I can start now."

Xiao Yunhai plays a set of long halberds. It looks majestic and dazzling. In fact, he doesn't use much strength. Therefore, his face is not red and his breath is out of breath. He looks as if he has nothing to do. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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