Published at 11th of May 2022 06:00:19 AM

Chapter 322

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While Xiao Yunhai was reading everyone's comments, the mobile phone next to him rang.

After connecting Xiao Yunhai, he said with a smile, "director Chang, is the first day's sales of the album come out?"

Chang Rong couldn't hide his excitement and said, "yes, just came out. Congratulations, Mr. Xiao. At least you are a great success. On the first day of sales, 1.793800 pieces were sold, breaking the 10-year sales record. If you include the pre-sale volume, Wanqing is also the only female singer who broke through eight million on the first day. A miracle. It's just a miracle. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said: "to achieve such a result, we should also thank your company for its vigorous publicity and strong sales channels. In particular, director Chang's support for us in the production of this album has impressed Wan Qing and I deeply

Chang Rong said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao is so polite. I didn't help. To tell you the truth, when you said that the sales target of this album was 20 million, although I didn't say it, I still felt that you were a little whimsical. But now it turns out that you are right. This album is capable of winning the first World War

Xiao Yunhai said: "I hope so."

After that, he wrote a comment with Xiao Ronghai.

"Just received the news, my family leader's" at least you "is a great success, the first day sales of 1.793 million, breaking the highest sales record in 10 years. Thank you for your support. "

Xiao Yunhai finished his post and shut down the computer to sleep.

At five o'clock the next morning, before dawn, Xiao Yunhai's door rang.

Xiao Yunhai opened his eyes and opened the door. He found that Zhao Wanqing was very excited. He said helplessly, "wife, don't forget that you have to hold a signing meeting today. Can't you have a rest for a while?"

Zhao Wanqing closed the door and then came to Xiao Yunhai's bed. She could not hide her excitement and said, "my album has sold nearly 1.8 million copies, do you know?"

Xiao Yunhai yawned, nodded and said, "yes. Director Chang called me last night. What's the matter? "

"What's the matter? I broke the record on the first day of my album. Can't you be happy? " Zhao Wanqing said angrily. She was dissatisfied with Xiao Yunhai's indifferent attitude.

Xiao Yunhai said: "wife, can we attend a little bit? Isn't it 1.8 million sales? What's up. When you win the first World War, shall we be so excited? "

"Xiao Yunhai, you piss me off."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Zhao Wanqing is even more angry.

She rode to Xiao Yunhai, fell down and bit him on the shoulder.

Xiao Yunhai woke up with a sound in his mouth.

Looking at the tooth mark on the shoulder, Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "wife, you belong to a dog?"

Zhao Wanqing complacently said: "who let you just a pair of did not wake up, answer my words are so perfunctory. This is my punishment for you. "

Xiao Yunhai rolled her eyes and was about to speak when she suddenly found that Zhao Wanqing was only wearing a deep V-shaped white pajamas, with a large area of white skin on her chest. Her full and crisp chest held up her clothes, and her gorgeous face showed all kinds of amorous feelings.

In the face of such a peerless beauty, where can Xiao Yunhai resist, the following immediately reacted.

Zhao Wanqing, ah, seems to feel something, a red face, will get up from Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai where will let her escape, a grasp of her arms, color squint said: "wife, want to go is not so easy."

With that, in Zhao Wanqing's exclamation, Xiao Yunhai quickly took off Zhao Wanqing's clothes and jumped up.

An hour later, Zhao Wanqing escaped from Xiao Yunhai's room.

On the morning of that day, Zhao Wanqing went to Yanjing square to hold a signing meeting, while Xiao Yunling and Mu Qingqing followed Li linger to play.

Xiao Yunhai worried about the safety of the three beautiful girls, so he asked Mengfang to protect them all the time.

In this way, Xiao Yunhai is the only one left in the villa.

Just when he was bored, his teacher Yao Wenyuan called and asked him to come to Yanjing Film Academy. He said that the president had something to look for him.

Xiao Yunhai quickly cleared up the school.

Since Xiao Yunhai got the unlimited right to fire, he has been busy with albums, acting and directing. The number of times he has returned to school is very few.

Now it's the summer vacation. All the students in the school have gone home. The campus is empty. Except for a few security guards, Xiao Yunhai doesn't see anyone else.

When I came to the headmaster's office, I found that the door was open. Inside were principal Zhuang bin, vice principal Hu Changsheng, director Wu Zhiguo, director of performance department Liao Wuyang and his teacher Yao Wenyuan. In addition, there were two students sitting on the sofa.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Zhuang bin waved to him and said with a smile, "here comes the master of old Yao."

Xiao Yunhai bowed to them and called respectfully, "Hello, teachers."Seeing that Xiao Yunhai didn't have the pride of a big star, Zhuang bin couldn't help showing appreciation on his face. He pointed to the vacant seat on the sofa and said, "Yunhai, sit down quickly."

Xiao Yunhai said, "thank you, headmaster."

Xiao Yunhai came to the sofa, nodded to the two students, but found that although the other party also said hello, but looking at his eyes is full of hostility.

Xiao Yunhai secretly said, "what's going on? Did you not offend them? "

Zhuangbin laughed and said, "Yunhai, you should know why we came to you?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Zhuang bin asked Yao Wenyuan, "didn't you talk to Yunhai?"

Yao Wen said in a distant way: "didn't the meeting say we should keep it secret?"

Hearing Yao Wenyuan's words, Vice President Hu Changsheng and director Wu Zhiguo felt embarrassed.

Zhuang bin pointed to Yao Wenyuan and said with a smile, "you are too rigid. At this time, where can I hide it? Yunhai, I want you to come here this time. I want you to take part in a competition. Originally, it was a matter for the director department, but since we saw your "Legend of Zhen Huan", we feel that you are very good at directing, so we put you in the list after the school research. "

Xiao Yunhai asked in a puzzled way: "what competition will our school have?"

Zhuang bin shook his head and said, "if it's something inside the school, we won't look for you."

It turns out that a few days ago, the presidents of Mordo and Shanghai film and television colleges called Zhuang bin to hold a film competition together with Yanjing film and Television College.

The rules of the competition are very strict. Students must be responsible for writing, directing and starring. No foreign aid is allowed. No famous artist in the circle is allowed to participate in the performance, even if it is a minor supporting role. School teachers can participate, but not more than five.

The investment in films can be up to 10 million yuan, and the rest will be in the charge of the students themselves. The three universities will contact Huaxia cinema to show the film. No matter the artistry of the competition, only the box office, the higher the winner.

Zhuang bin pointed to two people beside Xiao Yunhai and said: "this is Zhao Zhen, a sophomore in the Directing Department. His grades have been ranked first in the class. He shot a documentary a while ago and got very good results on the video website."

"Next to this is Wang Wei, a junior director. Last year, he independently shot a 20 episode Urban TV series, which won 2% of the audience rating."

"You are the best director in our school. This competition is selected from the three of you. It's two weeks before the school starts, and you have to write a script for the school to review. If we pass the examination, we can participate on behalf of our school. "

Hu Changsheng said: "three students, you should understand that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Once your films get a good box office, your future will be bright. Come on. "

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai understood why the two alumni associations were hostile to themselves. It turns out that they are competing with each other.

"Do you have any questions? You can bring it up now. " Zhuang Bin said with a smile.

Zhao Zhen next to him stood up and said, "dear teachers, you know yourself and know your enemy. You are invincible in a hundred battles. I want to know who the other two colleges will send to play? "

Wu Zhiguo, director of the director department, said: "we have also conducted an investigation into their situation. The director selected by Shanghai film and Television Academy is Zhang Dezhi, who is known as the best student in the school for ten years. He is a very powerful young man. At the age of 20, he made a real big film "falling flowers in a hurry", which made 130 million box office receipts

"The player of Mordo film and Television Academy is Li Lei, the first person in the Department of director in his junior year. He has made three micro films for two consecutive years, with a total of 70 million hits."

Speaking of this, several teachers looked at the three students opposite at the same time.

Although Zhao Zhen and Wang Wei disguised themselves well, they could see that their faces had changed slightly. They seemed to be afraid of the enemy.

Only Xiao Yunhai is still light, a pair of indifferent appearance. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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