Published at 11th of May 2022 06:00:16 AM

Chapter 324

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The next day, Xiao Yunhai got up early and made a big breakfast for Zhao Wanqing. Then he brought her some herbal medicine to soak her hands. He took her on the plane to Suzhou and Hangzhou at 5:30.

Yesterday, Zhao Wanqing's "at least you" sold 1.2 million copies again. In a short period of two days, together with the pre-sale volume, we have almost completed half of the target of 20 million.

Numerous famous music critics have praised this album one after another, and when to be crowned emperor has become a hot topic on the Internet.

In the next few days, Xiao Yunling and Mu Qingqing, under the leadership of Li linger, played all kinds of places in Yanjing.

Every morning at 7 o'clock, back at 11 o'clock, play is crazy. Xiao Yunhai said several times to let them go home early, but they just didn't listen. Xiao Yunhai had no choice but to let them go.

The script of Charlotte's troubles was handed over to the teacher Yao Wenyuan the next afternoon. Yao Wenyuan watched it all night, and finally gave it the evaluation of a no connotation, no feelings of popcorn comedy film, no artistic. But the box office should be good.

In order to save time, Xiao Yunhai did not wait for the approval of the school to build a crew.

In his words, whether the script can pass or not, he will shoot.

He gathered together the students who had made the micro film with him before, and with the help of Yao Wenyuan, he invited many excellent students in the school to form a complete set.

As soon as they heard that Xiao Yunhai, the director of the legend of Zhen Huan, asked them to make a film, they all rushed back to school from home the next day.

I'm kidding. It's definitely a good opportunity for them to learn from Xiao Yunhai's crew, whose ratings have exceeded 20%.

If the film is successful, these crew members also have a thick qualification, after graduation into the film and television industry, people can have a high look.

That night, Xiao Yunhai invited everyone to have a meal and arranged his duties on the wine table. The make-up group gave it to the talented makeup artist Che Yali, who was said to be rare in ten years, and Zhang Xiang, who performed very well in time gate, was assigned by the film crew to Zhang Dabiao, who played an outstanding role in the shooting of time gate...

finally, Xiao Yunhai told them that they would be paid this time. Like the legend of Zhen Huan, Xiao Yunhai made detailed rules of rewards and punishments for them, which greatly increased the pressure on them.

"Charlotte trouble" crew began to be busy, with the funds given by Xiao Yunhai, doing their own things.

Xiao Yunhai is thinking about the role.

Xia Luo, the leading actor, must be played by himself. For Xiao Yunhai, whose acting skills have been superb, this role is simply simple and can't be any more simple. Just need to perform happily, then everything will be done.

The heroine Ma Dongmei and Xiao Yunhai find Zhang Ya, who used to work with him in the sketch. Her acting skills are very good, her sense of humor is full, and her appearance is not particularly beautiful. She is the best choice to play Ma Dongmei.

Another heroine, Qiu ya, Xiao Yunhai finds his junior sister Lin Lu. As a high school flower, Lin Lu can be said to be her true colors.

The headmaster is played by Yao Wenyuan, and teacher Wang of Xialuo's class is played by Zhang Liping, teacher of performance department.

As for important supporting roles such as handsome Yuan Hua, silly big spring and Meng te who likes to play women, Xiao Yunhai has also found suitable candidates.

In the process of his busy working for the crew, his works have also received good news.

"Legend of Zhen Huan" in the 24th episode, the highest ratings for the first time exceeded 30%, although only three minutes, but still caused the entire film and television industry earthquake.

Zhao Wanqing's album "at least you" has been highly praised by fans, and its sales volume has exceeded one million for a consecutive week. Today, the total sales volume has reached 15 million, and the strategic goal of the first World War is a certainty.

Zhao Wanqing was very happy. After the signing meeting in major cities, she came back and invited many friends in the circle to celebrate.

This is to Xiao Yunling and Mu Qingqing to happy bad, looking at before only in the television to see the big star, two people excited can not find north.

In the evening, Zhao Wanqing and Xiao Yunhai will fight for 300 rounds.

The next day, Zhao Wanqing went back to the company to deal with some things, and then went to report to the cast of Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu.

With the passage of time, only three days left before the beginning of school, most of the students returned to school.

In the president's office, 17 college teachers formed an expert panel to review the three scripts.

In order to avoid suspicion, Yao Wenyuan did not participate. But he came to see the plays of the other two students.

The first one he got was the script submitted by Wang Wei. After reading only a small part of it, Yao Wenyuan shook his head slightly and put it down.

It's too late. It's over a fifth of the time, and the play hasn't started yet, which makes Yao Wenyuan speechless.Picking up the second script named "youth has regrets", Yao Wenyuan suddenly exclaimed that the writers' column actually wrote the names of Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen. Are they going to co direct?

Yao Wenyuan looked at it carefully. This is a love story that happened during the University. The hero used various methods to catch up with the heroine. The two were supposed to go to work together in America after graduation. However, the heroine failed to make it because of the dramatic changes in her family. Finally, they separated.

Most of the content of this play tells about the simple and beautiful love on campus, while the latter describes the helplessness after entering the society. There is a huge contrast between the two, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Yao Wenyuan frowned and said to himself, "is the script with such feelings really written by two college students who have not yet graduated? That's a great writing. Yunhai is in trouble this time. "

After a period of time, all the teachers read all three scripts.

Headmaster Zhuang Bin said: "come on, everybody talk about it. Which one do you like? Lao Hu, you come first. "

Hu Changsheng nodded and said bluntly: "I prefer the play of youth with regret. I feel very sentimental. Xiao Yunhai's "Charlotte trouble" is also good, the lines are very funny, can be regarded as a good campus comedy, but it has no artistic. Even if we win in the end, I'm afraid it won't be well received by the outside world. I'm sorry, Mr. Yao. I'm talking about the matter. "

As the vice president of Yanjing Film Academy, Hu Changsheng has a general mind. Because of his son's relationship, he has a lot of opinions about Xiao Yunhai.

It's just that Xiao Yunhai has always been very disciplined in school. After he became famous, he couldn't see him all the year round, even if he wanted to find trouble. Now it is not easy to have such a good opportunity, Hu Changsheng naturally will not let go.

However, he can be vice president, or very high level. His words didn't sound like revenge.

Yao Wenyuan looked at Hu Changsheng with a little deep meaning. He stood up and said, "it doesn't matter. Mr. Zhuang, teachers, I'm not suitable here, so I'll go out first. "

On hearing this, Hu Changsheng said, "Mr. Yao, don't misunderstand me. I don't mean that."

Director Wu Zhiguo said, "yes, old Yao, Hu..."

Yao Wenyuan waved his hand and said with a smile, "I went out to avoid suspicion. Yunhai is my student. If I were here, we might have some scruples and could not speak freely. This competition is related to the honor of our Yanjing film school. There must be no problem at all. "

Several other teachers advised.

The headmaster Zhuang bin finally said, "well, we all know Mr. Yao's character and temper. Now that he has made up his mind, that's it

Yao Wenyuan nodded and left the office.

In the room, we started talking again.

Wu Zhiguo first said: "I agree with Vice President Hu that this" youth has regrets "is really good, with laughter and tears, I think it should be chosen."

Several other teachers nodded in agreement.

Liao Wuyang, director of the Department of performance, said: "ladies and gentlemen, I have to say that in terms of artistry," youth has regrets "has really shaken off" Charlotte's troubles "by several streets. However, if we take the box office theory, I think" Charlotte's troubles "should have more advantages

"First of all, is the play a comedy, or is it the first film work written and directed by Xiao Yunhai. As long as you put this news out and say nothing else, you can let his tens of millions of fans watch it, and there will be no problem at the box office. "

"Secondly, Xiao Yunhai's directing ability is very mature, which can be seen from his" Legend of Zhen Huan ". It would be more reassuring to be directed by him. "

"In the end, the film is full of laughs, which can make people laugh from the beginning to the end, which is in line with the taste of young people today."

"Based on the above three points, if I were allowed to choose, I would choose Charlotte's troubles"

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