Published at 11th of May 2022 06:00:14 AM

Chapter 325

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After listening to Liao Wuyang's words, several teachers also nodded.

One teacher said, "I agree with Mr. Wu. This is the first time that our three film and television schools have launched a formal competition. Since it's measured by the box office, I think we should choose Charlotte worry, which is most likely to win high box office

"Yes, I feel the same way."

Hearing that several teachers agreed with Charlotte's troubles, Wu Zhiguo frowned and said, "ladies and gentlemen, although the three colleges compare the box office this time, I think word-of-mouth is more important. Otherwise, even if we win in the end, the external comments on our school will be very bad

Hu Changsheng said: "if both films can win, the choice of" youth with regret "has won both box office and word-of-mouth, while" Charlotte's worry "is definitely not so good no matter whether it wins or loses. Therefore, I think "youth has regrets" is more representative of the level of our Yanjing Film Academy. "

Hu Changsheng's words, just like the last straw that killed the camel, made the last choice in the heart of the teacher who had been swaying around there.

President Zhuang Bin said with a smile, "OK, that's the discussion. Let's vote by secret ballot. Please note that there can be no abstention. "

Everyone nodded.

In the end, youth with regret defeated Charlotte's troubles by 12 votes.

Hu Changsheng and Wu Zhiguo looked at each other with a glimmer of joy on their faces.

Wu Zhiguo said: "President Zhuang, since we have chosen" youth has regrets ", can we stop Xiao Yunhai's" Charlotte trouble. "

Hu Changsheng also said with a smile: "Xiao Yunhai is a bit impatient. Before the school informs him, he is impatient to set up the crew. It is said that even the actors have been selected. Hehe

Hearing the implied criticism of Xiao Yunhai in Hu Changsheng's words, Zhuang bin narrowed his eyes and waved his hand: "there is no need to pause. Anyway, Xiao Yunhai's "Charlotte trouble" is also a good commercial film. Now that he's ready, let him do it. Our school can provide him with some help within its capacity, but the funds can only be solved by his funds. "

Liao Wu Yang clapped his hands and said with a smile, "I totally agree with the president. In our school of film and television, practice is more important than theory. "Charlotte trouble" crew is composed of students from our school. It is very good for them to participate in the production of a film

Hu Changsheng said in a hurry: "however, the students selected by Xiao Yunhai are outstanding in our school. Where can we find the right crew members for the youth with regret?"

Liao Wuyang said with a smile: "Vice President Hu's words are heavy. As far as I know, the whole cast of Charlotte's annoyance is no more than 20 people, and almost all of them are from his classmates who made the micro film "time gate" last time. There are thousands of students in our school. Not to mention preparing another crew, it's OK to have ten. "

Zhuang Bin said, "well, it's settled. Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen were jointly directed by the school with 10 million yuan. As the competition film of our school, all the resources were given priority to them. Xiao Yunhai's "Charlotte troubles" can continue to be filmed. If the school can support it, we must support it. We should let these excellent students know that our school also encourages them to make movies. Do you have any objection? "

Everyone shook their heads.

With a smile on his face, Zhuang Bin said, "well, let's call it a day. Lao Hu, you and director Wu will be responsible for the affairs of "youth has regrets". Tell them to take good photos and show the elegant demeanor of our college. "

Hu Chang Sheng said: "don't worry, headmaster, this youth regret will never let you and the school disappointed."

Hearing Hu Changsheng's words, Zhuang bin nodded with satisfaction.

After everyone left, Zhuang bin called Yao Wenyuan and asked him to come with Xiao Yunhai.

Soon, they sat in Zhuang Bin's office.

Zhuang bin looked at the calm Xiao Yunhai and said, "Yunhai, I think you should know the result of the selection?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said with a smile: "on the way to our school, my teacher and I just met director Liao. Although he didn't say so clearly, I can still see from his expression that" Charlotte's troubles "should not have been selected."

Zhuang Bin said: "yes, Qingchun no regrets" won the unanimous approval by all with an absolute advantage of 12 votes. However, I hope you don't get discouraged, let alone complain about the school. We are still very optimistic about your script

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "headmaster, you don't need to comfort me. I'm not the kind of person who can't afford to lose. Just, I have a request. Can I have a look at the script of youth with regret? You can rest assured that I will not reveal a word to the outside world. I just want to see what kind of film I lost in Charlotte trouble. "

Zhuang bin, from the desk to see the script

Xiao Yunhai's speed is very fast, in less than five minutes, he has sorted out the general plot.He was surprised to find that the plot of this play is so similar to that of you at the same table in his previous life. All the leading men received the wedding invitation from the heroine. With mixed feelings, they prepared to return home to attend her wedding. On the way to the plane, they recalled their past experiences.

Apart from a slight change in the details, the rest are almost carved out of the same mold. Can't the two of them pass through the earth.

Yao Wenyuan saw Xiao Yunhai's contemplative expression and asked tentatively, "Yunhai, what do you think of this script?"

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "this story is quite interesting. It's quite nostalgic. If it's done well and the publicity is in place, it may be able to get a good box office

Hearing that Xiao Yunhai didn't mean to belittle the script, Yao Wenyuan was very satisfied and said, "you're right. Such a script, in the campus theme, is very excellent

Zhuang bin praised Yao Wenyuan and Xiao Yunhai for their practical and realistic attitude, and said, "you are worthy of being masters and apprentices. You are much more broad-minded than ordinary people. However, I am worried about whether Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen have the ability to make such a sentimental film. Judging from the films they took before, their directing level is not a bit worse than that of Yunhai. If there is no great progress in this period of time, I'm afraid they will screw it up

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't worry about the headmaster. The advantage of the integration of editing and directing is that they have already had pictures in their minds in the process of designing a script. As long as you take these pictures, everything will be fine. "

Zhuang bin sighed: "I hope so. By the way, do you want to continue shooting Charlotte's troubles? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course. I don't have the habit of giving up halfway. By the way, you won't be ready to tear down my crew for the sake of youth regret. Let's start by saying that the crew and they both signed a contract. If you want to use them, you can pay the penalty first. Not much, but tens of millions. "

Looking at Xiao Yunhai's appearance of playing tricks, Zhuang bin laughed and said, "you boy, you're a real stickler. Don't worry, I've told them that your people won't move. "

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai immediately asked, "headmaster, do you mean that someone really wants to do this?"

Vice President Hu bin, but he did not mention a deep mouth

"Vice President Hu? No wonder. " Xiao Yunhai's Secret road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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