Published at 11th of May 2022 06:00:12 AM

Chapter 326

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Hu Changsheng is famous for his small mind in the school. His son Hu Haitao doesn't deal with him. He must know that it's hard for him to let go of such an opportunity. Maybe it's Charlotte's failure.

Seeing his thoughtful appearance, Zhuang Bin said, "OK, you go back and make your film well. If you have any difficulties, you can call me directly. However, the exception is in terms of funds. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "thank you very much. This afternoon, I'll take something to your house and go through the back door, and try to get you to give me some money as well. "

Zhuang bin pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile: "go away, I don't welcome you there. Lao Yao, I don't understand how a serious person like you can teach such a student. "

Yao Wenyuan stood up, sighed and said, "this question has been asked by many people. It's a mistake that has become a perpetual regret. "

"Ha ha ha."

Zhuang Bin's laughter rang out in the office.

While Xiao Yunhai and others were talking, Wu Zhiguo, Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen were also sitting in Hu Changsheng's office.

Hu Changsheng said with a smile, "Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen, congratulations. "Youth with regret" beat "Charlotte trouble" and won the unanimous praise of most teachers. The headmaster has said that he will allocate 10 million yuan to you. The rest is up to you. I hope you don't waste such a good chance to become famous. "

Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen looked at each other, stood up excitedly, bowed deeply to Hu Changsheng and Wu Zhiguo, and said, "thank you for your help. We will not let you down."

Hu Changsheng nodded with satisfaction.

Wu Zhiguo next to him was worried and asked, "headmaster Hu, is this youth regret really OK? We should know that if we infringe upon the copyright of others, we should be sentenced. "

Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen changed their faces at the same time and looked at Hu Changsheng together.

Hu Changsheng waved his hand and said confidently, "you don't have to worry. This book has been with me for five years. If there is a problem, it will not be able to wait now. "

It turns out that the script of "regret for youth" was not written by Wang Wei and Zhao Zhenhe, but by an old friend of Hu Changsheng before he finished writing it, and asked him to look at it and give some suggestions.

But on his way back, he ran into a car accident. Both of them were killed, leaving only a 17-year-old son in high school.

As a result, the script has been put here by Hu Changsheng.

This time, in order to prevent Xiao Yunhai from shooting the film Charlotte's troubles, Hu Changsheng took out the script and gave it to Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen.

Of course, the script is not for nothing. They should give him a part of the box office they earn in the future.

After hearing Hu Changsheng's words, Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen were obviously relieved.

For them, such a good script can not be found even with lanterns.

Wu Zhiguo sighed: "if it was not for the face of the director department, I would never agree with you to do so. Well, it is said that Xiao Yunhai is a genius. It is really admirable to see that he wrote Charlotte's troubles in only two days. "

Wu Zhiguo is not as stingy as Hu Changsheng, but he thinks too much of the honor of the director department. If Xiao Yunhai of the acting department gets such an opportunity, then the director department will not be laughed at.

Helpless, Wu Zhiguo can only agree to Hu Changsheng's method of occupying the magpie's nest, but he did not ask for a cent.

Out of the headmaster's office, Xiao Yunhai chatted with the teacher for a while and then walked downstairs.

Just met Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen who came out from Hu Changsheng. They saw Xiao Yunhai and were stunned at the same time.

Xiao Yunhai laughed, stretched out his hand and said, "Congratulations, you two can get such a good opportunity. I've read the script you wrote, and it's really excellent. "

When Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen heard Xiao Yunhai talking about the script, their faces changed slightly at the same time, but they still shook hands with Xiao Yunhai.

Wang Wei said with a smile, "elder martial brother Xiao, I'm flattered. The legend of Zhen Huan, which you wrote and photographed, is the best in the industry. We are still far from it. "

Zhao Zhen said: "yes. In the future, I will ask elder martial brother Xiao for more advice. "

When they knew Xiao Yunhai was a competitor, they couldn't see him. But now that they have won Xiao Yunhai, they won't do that again.

After all, Xiao Yunhai's status and contacts in the entertainment industry are far from comparable. If he is annoyed, when he enters the circle in the future, he only needs a word to bring himself great trouble.

So when they saw Xiao Yunhai this time, they not only did not show the winner's face, but also kept their airs very low and spoke carefully.

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "we are all classmates. We should help each other when we enter the circle in the future. Since the school has given you this competition, it shows that your ability is very good. Come on. As long as this film is shot and recognized by fans, it is estimated that entertainment companies will come to you soon, and your chances will be more. ""Thank you, elder martial brother. We understand." They both nodded and said.

Xiao Yunhai smiles and leaves.

Looking at his back, Zhao Zhen said, "this elder martial brother Xiao is really good. Even if lost to us, there is no sense of disappointment. Not only did he not speak ill of us, but he encouraged us so much. It is really a good spirit. "

Wang Wei shook his head and sighed, "people can't compare with each other. For us, this opportunity may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but for this elder martial brother Xiao, people don't pay attention to it at all. Even if we lose, isn't Charlotte upset still filmed? Well, it's very comfortable for rich people to shoot whatever they want. "


When Li Lei, who was filming a film, learned that his opponent was not Xiao Yunhai, he was surprised and said, "how can it be? Is there a director more powerful than Xiao Yunhai in their school? "

Next to the students on the Internet to check, said: "found. There are two students named Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen in Yanjing Film Academy. They are both in the Department of directing and have made one or two films. However, compared with Xiao Yunhai, the difference is a little far. "

Li Lei laughed and said: "Yanjing Film Academy wants to give the title of China first film and Television College to us."

After hearing that the opponent is not Xiao Yunhai, Li Lei is more confident.

Coincidentally, Zhang Dezhi of Shanghai film and Television Institute also took a deep breath after he got the news. The pressure on his shoulder suddenly lightened a lot. He said in his heart, "we must win back our glory for the school this time." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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