Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:51 AM

Chapter 33

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Wang Guoan said, "you will ride Lv Bu from the Hulao prison stage scene performance."

Xiao Yunhai nodded, closed his eyes and meditated for a while. When he opened his eyes again, he was in a state.

With his right hand, he left Fang Tian's drawing halberd behind his back. He imagined that he had a horse in front of him. His left hand was holding it like a rein. Then he walked from the stage to the judges' bench.

There was not much expression on his face, but the muscles of his face were slightly tightened, which made his originally clear face more rigid and firm.

His eyes are sharp as a sword. When he glances at the illusory army in front of him, he has a sense of contempt for the world. Then his mouth slightly tilts up, and he sends out a look of scorn. At the same time, it does not appear abrupt. Xiao Yunhai holds this micro expression to the right degree, which adds to the momentum of the world's No.1 Military General who regards thousands of troops as nothing.

Wang Guoan's eyes lit up, and he found that Xiao Yunhai, who came slowly, did not express the domineering power of the world's first military general with some exaggerated movements and expressions like some of the actors in front of him. Instead, he expressed Lv Bu's power from some temperament and micro expression. Moreover, it was just like his point. Xiao Yunhai could tell the audience that he was Lv Bu without saying anything.

In the entertainment industry, many old actors look down on the young idols, the main reason is that they like to express themselves with extremely exaggerated expressions and tone of voice when interpreting their roles. And a real actor, all over the body is drama, often a small action, will let people indulge in it.

Xiao Yunhai has already reached this level. In addition, he is a martial arts learner. It can be said that playing the roles of a general and a master is easy to catch, and it doesn't take much effort at all.

Wang said in peace: "this boy is really a monster. He was born for acting. I haven't played a single play, but I have the level of a first-class actor. I'll get it in a few years. I'm afraid that there will be another film emperor class artist in the Chinese entertainment circle. "

Sun Yanjun sighed, stood up and said, "let's call it a day."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned, but he took out all the things he had prepared recently. The performance at this moment has reached the highest level that he can reach now, almost at the top level. Can't this move the movie emperor? It's too strict. Xiao Yunhai is still, just calmly looking at Sun Yanjun.

Sun Yanjun nodded in secret. The reason why he said such ambiguous words was to test Xiao Yunhai's reaction. It is obvious that Xiao Yunhai's performance was far beyond his own expectations, but gave him a feeling of unfathomability.

Hong Tianzao was afraid that Xiao Yunhai would be ruined and his face was not good-looking. He did not expect that his level was far better than most of the young actors nowadays. He was so happy that he was stunned when he heard sun Yanjun's words. He turned his head and looked at Sun Yanjun suspiciously to hear what he said next.

Sun Yanjun continued as like as two peas: "you play Lv Bu almost exactly what I imagined. In the performance just now, you have fully demonstrated the temperament and essence of Lv Bu's role. You don't need to perform it any more. Hehe, Lvbu is yours and must be yours. "

Wang Guoan said with a smile, "Lu Bu is in man and red rabbit is in horse. It's fierce. However, the performance you just performed still has the air of a silk axe and chisel. There is a trace of unnatural, as if... "

Wang Guoan frowned, but could not think of how to express it.

This is how acting is. When you reach a high level of acting skills, some things will only be meaningful and can't be explained in words. It's hard to explain the language. You need to understand and understand it yourself. So there are so few actors in the entertainment circle, such as the emperor of the film and the actor of the movie emperor.

"It seems that there are some subtle thorns, which make the whole performance short of a mellow, not a complete one," Hong said

Wang Guoan patted the table and said with a smile, "yes, it's mellow. A director is a director, and a play is better than an actor. "

"It's easier said than done," Sun said. How many actors and actresses in the entertainment industry are stuck in this layer, and many of the old actors who have played for a lifetime can't break through. "

For Wang Guoan, it's hard for him to think about this problem before he was a genius. Little brother, I look after you

Xiao Yunhai repeatedly said thank you.

Hong Tiancai frowned and said, "there are still two people. Do you want to have a look?"

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "I've seen the plays of two young people, LV Mengbin and he Hucheng. To be honest, they are typical academies. When they play, they have rich expressions. Especially, they are both idols, which makes their acting skills a little boastful. If they don't improve a lot, the role of Lu Bu can't be handed over to them

As a super first-class actor in the film and television industry, his position in the film and television industry can be said to be the same. There is no need to be timid when talking and doing things. Good is good, and bad is bad. No actor dares to get into trouble with him because of his comments, unless he doesn't want to get mixed up in this circle.

Sun Yanjun nodded and resolutely said: "Lu Bu Yu Yun Hai, just like Liu Bei in me, Cao Cao in Lao Wang, Zhuge Liang in Lao he, can not be changed."Xiao Yunhai didn't expect that the two predecessors attached so much importance to themselves that they even connected themselves with the three emperors. This evaluation was really too high. Xiao Yunhai even beat a drum in his heart, not only did he not feel honored, but also felt a pressure like the pressure of Mount Tai.

In a few days, the words of these two teachers will spread in the circle. Xiao Yunhai's name will rise with the tide. The three are already tied together.

If you play Lv Bu well, then the two teachers will get the name of bole. But if you fail, you will not only be sneered at, but the honor of the two teachers will also be damaged. Although no one dares to say it in front of them, there must be many people behind them who will slander secretly. This is the entertainment industry.

Nearby, some staff looked at Xiao Yunhai with envy. He was so lucky that he got the unanimous approval of the two teachers for his first filming. It's really amazing to have such a high evaluation.

Hong Tiancai finally said, "well, Xiao Yunhai has decided to play Lv Bu. As for he Hucheng and LV Mengbin, let's see if they are interested in playing other roles. Yunhai, I will send you a contract tomorrow. Do you have a brokerage company? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "No

Hong Tiancai nodded: "OK, I will tell you when signing the contract."

Xiao Yunhai promised, bowed to the three teachers and said, "thank you, I won't let you down."

To tell you the truth, he was really moved. He found that the actors of the older generation were the real artists. Their broad-minded and noble conduct really impressed people.

People say how dirty and miserable the entertainment industry is, but there are still some older generation artists who always maintain their professional integrity and set an example for the young people below.

Wang Guoan patted Xiao Yunhai on the shoulder and said, "Yunhai, do a good job. There is still half a month to go before we leave. Let's have a closer look. Come on." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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