Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:59 AM

Chapter 334

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At nine o'clock in the morning, the crew began to shoot the scene where Ren YingYing and Ling Huchong met for the first time.

Jiang Yaokun's mentality at this time coincides with linghuchong, who has just been lovelorn. Three games in a row, all once.

Wu Zixu was very satisfied with this and praised Jiang Yaokun.

At this time, Amy who helps Zhao Wanqing with her mobile phone receives a call from Xiao Yunhai.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao. This is Amy, Wan Qing's agent."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "sister Amy, is Wanqing filming?"

Amy said, "yes. What can I do for you, Mr. Xiao? Do you want me to ask Wanqing to come and answer the phone? "

"That's not necessary. I can't find where your studio is? Sister Amy, can you come and pick me up

"What? Has Mr. Xiao come to Hengdian? I'll send a car to pick you up

Xiao Yunhai told Amy the address. Amy nodded and said, "don't move at that place. I'll go right now."

Amy came to Wu Zixu and whispered, "director Wu, Mr. Xiao Yunhai wants to visit the class, but he can't find the set. You see....

Wu Zixu was surprised and said, "when did this boy come? No advance notice. Niu Gong, you and miss Amy are going to pick up Yunhai

Niu Gong nods and leaves with Amy.

Sun Yanjun nearby said with a smile: "director Wu, such a good actor has come here. If he is not allowed to play a role for our crew, is it too sorry for his outstanding acting skills?"

Wu Zixu nodded and said: "in the whole play, I only have one role, and I haven't found a suitable candidate. That is the best player in the world, the Asia invincible. It's not that it's hard to find actors, but I'm not sure about the role. Now that the original author is here, I happen to explore it with him. If it's appropriate, let him play for me. It's not a lot of play anyway

Sun Yanjun's eyes brightened and he couldn't help laughing: "director Wu, do you want him to play the Asia invincible? It's so imaginative. "

Wu Zixu said: "this is his play. Who does he not play. The frame of black wood cliff was just set up yesterday. It's time for Xiao Yunhai to come. This is fate. It's up to us to decide if there's a chance or not. If it's appropriate, we'll shoot the Asia invincible at noon tomorrow. "

The two were talking about it, and the group of reporters outside the studio suddenly made a noise.

"Damn it, isn't it Xiao Yunhai? He's on a visit. "

"Yes, he is. I must have come to see Zhao Wanqing. "

"Not necessarily. He is the original author and investor of the play, and he may have come to check the progress of the crew

Wu Zixu took the trumpet and yelled: "OK, everyone stop, our investors come to visit. Wan Qing, you are the one to deal with this big man. "

All but Jiang Yaokun laughed.

We all know that the investor of this play is Xiao Yunhai. It is appropriate for Zhao Wanqing to deal with him.

Zhao Wanqing's face turned red. She was wearing a costume and came to Wu Zixu.

After a while, Xiao Yunhai, dressed in casual clothes, came to the set with Niu Gong talking and laughing.

Seeing Zhao Wanqing dressed as a chivalrous woman, Xiao Yunhai's eyes brightened.

Wu Zixu said with a smile: "cloud sea, don't patronize to see daughter-in-law, so many of us are here pestering."

For Wu Zixu's teasing, Xiao Yunhai did not care.

He walked up to Zhao Wanqing, put his arms around her slender waist, and said triumphantly, "the sky is vast and the earth is vast, and the daughter-in-law is the biggest. If you don't look at her, do you want me to see you guys? "

When they heard Xiao Yunhai's counterattack, they couldn't help laughing.

Only Jiang Yaokun has been staring at Zhao Wanqing.

It was the first time that he saw each other's heartfelt smile, but it was just for the man beside her.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yaokun looks gloomy.

Zhang Xiufang, who has been observing his agent, patted him on the shoulder and sighed, "Yao Kun, it's time to wake up."

Jiang Yaokun nodded and said nothing.

Introduced by Wu Zixu, Xiao Yunhai shakes hands with the crew one by one.

When it was Jiang Yaokun's turn, Xiao Yunhai seemed to have forgotten the things in the airport and said with a smile: "Mr. Jiang's acting skills are extraordinary. I'm relieved that linghuchong is handed over to you."

Looking at the smile on Xiao Yunhai's face, Jiang Yaokun said, "Mr. Xiao is really enviable."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and didn't understand what he meant.

Wu Zixu, Luo Tianxiong and others changed their faces. Zhao Wanqing frowned and looked at him.

After greeting, Xiao Yunhai and Jiang Yaokun opened their arms to Luo Tianxiong and hugged each other tightly. They patted each other on the back, but they didn't say anything.

When practicing martial arts in the same school, this feeling is even more intimate than that of a brother. It is a bit far away to say anything polite.Xiao Yunhai looked at Huang Bo and Wang Cheng and smiled, turning to Wu Zixu and said, "Wu guide, my two brothers have not caused you any trouble, have you? If you don't listen, you will try your best to train. "

Wu guide laughed: "Wang Cheng's play started shooting these two days, while Huang Bo performed very well, and he was very expressive in the interpretation of Lin Ping."

Huang Bo smiled proudly: "three brothers, did you hear Wu guide? My acting is still good. Besides, I have a master now. "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "what does it mean?"

Zhao Wanqing smiled at one side: "Mr. Sun has taken Huang Bo as a apprentice."

"Really false?" Xiao Yunhai turned to sun and said, "how can you look at this boy, Mr. Sun?"

"That morning, I saw Huang Bo get up early to practice basic skills. One practice was two hours. In addition, he had a good talent. He had a spirit in acting and was very disciplined in doing things. So I took him as a apprentice."

It is important to know that in the entertainment circle of the world, it is a very important thing for the older generation of artists to accept apprentices, and it is necessary to kowtow and salute. If the master left, the apprentice would even be wearing filial piety for him. It's almost like a parent and a son.

Xiao Yun said: "congratulations to Mr. Sun."

Sun said with a smile: "I am old, and I need you to help him later."

Xiaoyun Haidao: "this is my brother. I will think about him for a good thing."

After a chat with you for a while, Xiao yunhaidao: "I have nothing to bring here? So, I'll invite all the crew of our crew to have a meal. Wu guide, what do you think? "

"Of course," Wu said. With your rich treat, you must have a good meal today. "

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Zhao Wanqing and said, "I have only one mouth, and the financial owner who pays is here."

The crowd laughed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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