Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:57 AM

Chapter 335

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At noon, in addition to leaving some crew to take care of the film, Xiao Yunhai invited everyone to a very high-grade hotel.

Due to the need to continue shooting in the afternoon, we only had a little wine, meaning it, and did not drink too much.

At the dinner table, Wu Zixu said to Xiao Yunhai, "it's just right that you're here. I'm not sure about one of the roles in it. You can help me to advise."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what role can make Wu director embarrassed?"

Wu Zixu said: "the East is invincible. I don't have a specific image in my mind. You are the original, and I want to hear from you. "

"Asia the invincible?"

Hearing this name, Xiao Yunhai immediately thought of Lin Qingxia, the most impressive and one of the most classic screen images in his mind.

Xiao Yunhai thought about it for a while and said, "director Wu, I think the figure of the invincible needs to be deeply processed. If it is really shot according to the appearance of the novel, I'm afraid it will be scolded by the audience. "

Indeed, the Oriental invincible described by Mr. Jin Yong is described as a clown, which is not commensurate with the reputation of the world's first expert. If the original shot down, not to mention the audience, even their own can not stand.

Wu Zixu said, "I feel the same way. Looking for a 40 year old male artist, shaving his beard and putting on women's clothes, it's really hard to accept this image. However, it's not appropriate to find an actress to play it, and it's hard to perform the domineering power in him

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. If let me choose, I will find a young and handsome young actor and ask the makeup artist to make a serious effort to make him look more feminine. It's better to have a good acting skill, which can not only highlight his prestige as the world's first expert, but also show his taboo love for Yang Lianting. In this way, the character can be flesh and blood, and it won't make the audience feel sick. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Wu Zixu patted his thigh and said, "Yunhai, you're right. It's almost what I thought. Unfortunately, such actors are hard to find. Those young actors with excellent acting skills are all above the top of their eyes. Where can they come to play such a character? Isn't it a slap in the face? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "it's really hard to find."

Taking advantage of Xiao Yunhai's meditation, Wu Zixu winked at Sun Yanjun.

Sun Yanjun met and said, "in fact, I have a suitable candidate here. It's just that this person is not easy to please, and his price is very high. The most important thing is that he himself is very rich, and he doesn't care about the amount of money, and he acts according to his interest. It's hard to attract him to this role. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "who is it? It's a drag. "


Seeing Xiao Yunhai's silly appearance, Zhao Wanqing finally couldn't help laughing.

Other creators also looked at Xiao Yunhai and laughed.

When Xiao Yunhai patted his forehead, he suddenly realized: "director Wu, you don't pay attention to it. Mr. Sun, you are digging a hole for me with director Wu. "

Wu Zixu said: "Yunhai, I really can't find a suitable actor. You are the investor of this play, should you also contribute to the cast? "

When Xiao Yunhai thought of his role as the Asia invincible, he was very excited. He felt chilly below. He quickly shook his head and said, "director Wu, you can let me go. This kind of female role, I really can't play the charm of them

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile and a smile: "I think it's appropriate."

Xiao Yunhai gave Zhao Wanqing a mouthful of food, put it directly into her mouth, and said, "eat your meal well. It's really fun to watch and have nothing to do with it."

Sun Yanjun said: "Yunhai, I think you should really think about it. Throughout the entertainment industry, no one who has acting skills is willing to play this role. We are all ready for the set of black wood cliff, only the actors are missing. If you don't, that's fine. You can help us find a suitable one

Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile: "Mr. Sun, you and director Wu can't find it. Where can I find it?"

Luo Tianxiong said: "Yunhai, isn't it just playing a woman? What's the big deal. At the beginning of practicing martial arts, you shouldered it. Why is it that something so big now has to be pinched. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm afraid that I can't play well and spoil the play."

Wu Zixu said in a hurry: "it doesn't matter. Try it first. If it's really inappropriate, it's not too late for us to change. How about it? "

Seeing everyone's posture, Xiao Yunhai sighed: "what else can we do? Yes, of course. Ah, let's make a fool of it. In front of me, I really don't have any assurance about this role. It's none of my business to play well. "

Wu Zixu said with a smile, "of course, as long as you are willing to act."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's promise to play the role of Asia the invincible, Jiang Yaokun's eyes brightened and he said, "great. I finally got a chance to play against him. At that time, I must prove to Wanqing that I am the best. "Xiao Yun Haidao: "Wu guide, I need some time to figure out the role. You'd better find me a body teacher to train me in all kinds of movements and gestures of women so that they won't be called cards as soon as they appear. "

Since he promised to play the East, Xiao Yunhai would naturally give all his best.

Wu Zixu is very satisfied with xiaoyunhai's dedication and says, "no problem."

After lunch, Xiao followed a body teacher in the film field for four hours, and walked without knowing how many steps, put out the posture he did not know. It was very soft and beautiful to show the appearance and charm of the woman.

Sun Yanjun, who has been staring at xiaoyunhai, sighs to Huang Bo: "see you? It's been four hours of practice and there's no rest for a minute. Ah, many artists in the circle always complain that they have no chance and no background. But when the opportunity comes, they can not grasp it. In the end, they can not take a deep heart to think about their acting skills. Yunhai can have such achievements at the age of 21. Besides his brilliant talents, seriousness and hard work are the most important reasons for his success. "

Huang Bo nodded and said, "teacher, I understand. You are assured that I will never let you down. "

At 7 p.m., the film was closed. Xiao Yunhai invited several acquaintances to go out for a drink.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, Huang Bo can't hold the door.

"Three brothers, I tell you something, that Wang Badan River Yaokun is right..." "

Huang Bo, drink too much, what nonsense is it Sun Yanjun said angrily.

Luo Tianxiong said: "Mr. Sun, don't blame Huang Bo. Even if he doesn't say it, I want to say that it should be known to the clouds. Wan Qing, what do you think? "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "let me say it."

Xiao Yunhai was made by the public in the cloud, saw everyone's solemn expression, and smiled: "what is the matter so difficult for you? What's wrong with jiangyaokun? "

"Cloud sea, before you tell you, you promise me first, don't be impulsive," Zhao said

Xiaoyun Haidao: "OK, you say it."

Next, zhaowanqing will Jiang Yaokun pursue his own things to Xiao Yunhai said.

After that, everyone carefully observed Xiao Yunhai's expression, afraid that he was furious, to find Jiang Yaokun's trouble.

Especially luotianxiong, they are ready to stop him.

He was not worried about jiangyaokun, but was afraid that Xiao Yunhai would take a hand in anger and kill him alive. That would be a problem.

What surprised us was that Xiao Yunhai, after hearing Zhao Wanqing's words, laughed and said, "although this river Yaokun is not very good, his eyes are very good."

Huang Bo said in surprise: "three brothers, aren't you angry?"

"Why am I angry?" Xiao asked

Huang Bo said: "he is pursuing his sister-in-law?"

"What about that? It only means your sister-in-law is excellent. I tell you, there are many people who like your sister-in-law, and Jiang Yaokun is just one of them. If I get angry every time, I will get people to beat them. Can you say I can beat them? "

"But it's too cheap for him," Wang said

Xiao Yunhai smiled: "tomorrow I will ask him to come out and talk about it. If he knows, then it will be. If he still remains dead, ha ha, then I can only sorry him. "

"Don't come to the hooligan," Zhao said worried

Xiao Yunhai smiled and said, "rest assured. Your husband, I am a good people, I will never do anything against the law and discipline. I can't. just let him go. Can't you find a fox trot with so many Chinese actors? "

After drinking and eating, Xiao Yunhai followed Zhao Wanqing back to her hotel room, and naturally there was a snake plate war. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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