Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:56 AM

Chapter 336

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At seven o'clock the next morning, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came to the set hand in hand.

Wu Zixu has been here for a long time. He has found a very experienced makeup artist for Xiao Yunhai.

When they came to Zhao Wanqing's dressing room, they began to play tricks.

This is the longest time for Xiao Yunhai to make up, which took two hours to complete.

Looking at a peerless woman in the mirror, Xiao Yunhai was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "Mr. Wang, you really have a pair of wonderful hands. I'm a man of integrity. I'm a beautiful woman. It's amazing. "

Mr. Wang made the final amendment to him and said with a smile: "it's mainly because Mr. Xiao has a good foundation and looks handsome. If you change someone else, I'm afraid it will be out of class."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't say that. I don't have the foundation to be a woman."

Mr. Wang listened and laughed.

After making up, Xiao Yunhai put on a red robe and went out.

At this time, the actors and actresses in the play are all ready to sit and chat. When Xiao Yunhai came out wearing women's clothes, everyone was stunned.

I saw that the people came with red lips and white teeth, and they were valiant and valiant. Although they were slender, they did not lose the bold and unconstrained manner of men.

Charming face with a man born tough, eyes for a moment like a sword, exuding a kind of high prestige, while charming amorous, seems to be able to melt any man in her warmth.

Wu Zixu clapped his hands and called, "this is the Oriental invincible in my heart."

Zhao Chongxu, who plays the role of Laiwu, nodded and said: "the Oriental invincible has both the domineering power of the world's best master and the infatuation of willing to die for Yang Lianting. Yunhai has grasped them perfectly."

Zhao Wanqing went to Xiao Yunhai, looked back and forth, and finally said with a smile, "husband, I can see that you must have been a beautiful woman in your previous life. It's really beautiful."

Xiao Yunhai smile, erect the orchid finger, in a wisp of hair in a circle, posture is very beautiful, way: "Yingying, if I am really a woman, you will have to live few."

He deliberately pressed his voice, his voice was sharp and his tone was the same as that of a woman.

Huang Boqiang endured a smile and said: "third brother, you are too cow. I really believe you."

When others heard Xiao Yunhai speak, their faces were all different. Even Wu Zixu squinted at the sky and his facial muscles tightened and tightened.

Xiao Yunhai restored his original voice and said, "OK, everyone, don't hold back. If you want to laugh, you can laugh."

"Ha ha ha."

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's voice fell, everyone could not help laughing.

After a long time, Wu Zixu said, "Yunhai, I knew that it would be OK to ask you to play the Asia invincible. Just look at your shape, you can make the audience recognize. I believe today's play must be a classic in the whole play. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "guide Wu, don't put a high hat on me. I may be ruined by this character. "

Wu Zixu patted Xiao Yunhai on the shoulder and said, "you are wrong. Maybe you may become the candidate for the best supporting actor in the next golden cup TV Festival."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "director Wu, you are wrong. Should be a candidate for the best supporting actress, right? "

Wu Zixu laughed and said, "yes, Wanqing is right."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and took Zhao Wanqing over. He said in a shrill voice, "sister, do you know that I envy you so much. I just found out now that being a woman That's great. "


"ha ha ha."

"I can't stand it."

All of them were defeated.

After the joke, Wu Zixu took the crew to a garden with red plums and green bamboos, and arranged them with great care.

Xiao Yunhai nodded to himself. From these details, we can see Wu Zixu's meticulousness to the drama.

After all the preparations are finished, Xiao Yunhai sits in a room, dressing in the mirror, and the people stand outside the door carrying Yang Lianting, who is played by Wang Cheng.

Wu Zixu called out: "action"

Xiao Yunhai said in a kind of female voice: "Liandi, who did you bring with you?"

Wang Cheng said, "it's your old friend. He has to see you."

Xiao Yunhai said, "why did you bring him here? You're the only one in here. I don't like to see anyone but you. "

Wang Cheng sighed and said, "no, he will kill me if I don't bring him. How can I die without seeing you? "

Xiao Yunhai shrieked: "who is so bold and dare to bully you? Is it up to me? You tell him to come in! "

Although Xiao Yunhai spoke, his face was not exposed. He could only hear his voice.

Let me, Linghu Chong and others into the room, Xiao Yunhai just appeared on the monitoring screen.At this time, Xiao Yunhai on the monitoring screen is very amazing. Although many experts came into the room, he still looked leisurely and dressed up in front of the mirror, and looked at people as nothing. The bearing of the world's best master came into being.

When Zhao Chongxu and Xiao Yunhai acted in the opposite drama, he already knew that the acting skills of the other side were not trivial, and they were not comparable to ordinary actors. Therefore, he did not dare to be slack. His momentum suddenly broke out and rushed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "Asia is invincible. Are you pretending to be crazy?"

Xiao Yunhai put down the mirror and looked at Zhao Chongxu, with a smile on his mouth. His expression was still quiet.

His hair was light, and he said in a loud voice: "the heroes of the world come from our generation. When we enter the rivers and lakes, the years urge us. When the prince talks and laughs, he is drunk. Lord Ren, you are here at last

"Why, added lines?"

"Yes, it's a good addition, which shows the invincible power of the East."

Wu Zixu's eyes in front of the monitoring machine are colorful.

At this time, all people's eyes without exception turned to Xiao Yunhai, which is really brilliant.

Seeing Yang Lianting lying on the stretcher, Xiao Yunhai's face flashed a look of worry and compassion, and his figure moved. He took Yang Lianting to the bed and asked with concern: "brother Lian, you You What's up? Did you hurt him? "

After checking Yang Lianting's injury, Xiao Yunhai put his heart down and said: "it's just a broken leg bone. It doesn't matter. Don't worry. I'll connect you right away."

Xiao Yunhai skillfully took off his shoes and socks and pulled the embroidered quilt on his body, just like a virtuous wife serving her husband.

No matter it is the movement, the manner or the expression, are very in place, giving people a kind of originally is such a feeling.

Wu Zixu, who was in front of the monitor, sighed softly, "it's so powerful. The boy's acting skills are much better than when he was a great master. Even if I play a woman now, it's very lifelike. No wonder it's praised by so many people. "

Sun Yanjun nodded his head and said: "to Yang Lianting, his body shape, movement and posture are more feminine than those of women. However, when facing the situation of letting me go and others, he was domineering. Even Lao Zhao was covered up by his performance of lifting heavy weights. The invincible Dongfan really made him live. "

The deepest feeling is a few on the field.

Zhao Wanqing and Xiao Yunhai get along with each other for the longest time in life and work, and they know each other best. But this time she did not seem to know each other, the way of interpretation and the previous court, become more relaxed freehand, with ease.

Jiang Yaokun, who plays Linghu Chong, also feels the strong momentum of Xiao Yunhai. Even he feels the suppression from the other side.

Jiang Yaokun read the script several times from the beginning to the end last night. He was determined to suppress Xiao Yunhai's plays. Fortunately, Zhao Wanqing proved that he was better than Xiao Yunhai.

Unexpectedly, just one face-to-face, his careful thinking was dispelled by Xiao Yunhai's superb acting skills, and his drama became not suppressed by him. The change was so fast that he couldn't even think of it.

Other artists also have their own feelings.

In fact, the momentum of the whole venue has been controlled by Xiao Yunhai, and everyone's eyes can not help looking at Xiao Yunhai.

This is not to say that his acting skills have been able to completely suppress the public, but his role is really too special. In addition, Xiao Yunhai's performance does not give people the slightest sense of disobedience, which makes the role of the Asia invincible bloom with dazzling brilliance.

The next is Xiao Yunhai's Asian invincible, who kills Tong Baixiong with lightning speed, which makes people surprised.


Wu Zixu looked at it again and said happily, "it's over." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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