Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:55 AM

Chapter 337

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At this point, it should have been two plays, but Wu Zixu was not willing to call cut in the middle, so we could only continue to perform.

Fortunately, Xiao Yunhai and the old actor who plays the role of Tong Baixiong have been supported. If we had a weaker one, we would have played.

Wu Zixu was naturally very happy with two consecutive games without any mistakes.

The old actor who plays Tong Baixiong is named Ma Guoqiang. He has been working for more than 30 years and almost grew up on the set.

He looked at Xiao Yunhai in shock and murmured: "it's so young, it's too powerful."

Zhao Chongxu came over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "how do you feel?"

Ma Guoqiang said with a wry smile: "I was really brought into the play by him just now, and seeing him, I feel a little scared. I feel that the man in front of me is too evil. You touch it. My back is wet

Zhao Chongxu sighed: "he has made a lot of progress than when he played Lv Bu. Perhaps it is because of the relationship between the director, he pays more attention to the details of the performance of the characters, and the role to achieve real integration. In every move, you can show the demeanor of the film emperor. It's really a monster. "

Ma Guoqiang said: "Lao Zhao, if you change a movie emperor to perform, do you think he can perform Xiao Yunhai at such a level?"

Zhao Chongxu frowned, thought about the whole performing arts circle, and finally said, "it's hard to say. Every movie emperor has his own way of acting. It's hard to imagine without seeing their performance. Well, it's not for no reason that people can call them film emperors, but we can only call them old opera bones. "

Ma Guoqiang said: "the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. After watching Xiao Yunhai's vivid performance, I found that I was in the age of retirement. "

Jiang Yaokun came to the surveillance plane and looked back and forth twice. He found that his eyes were always on Xiao Yunhai. The role of the Asia invincible played by him was so amazing that all the glory seemed to be taken away by him.

That kind of atmosphere does not lose the tenderness, the domineering does not lose the charm performance way, the Asia invincible deduction incisively and vividly.

Jiang Yaokun knew that if he acted himself, he would never be able to perform at such a level even if he gave himself a month's preparation time. Even the old people in the film and television circles he knew could not do it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yaokun no longer has the heart to compete with Xiao Yunhai for Zhao Wanqing. He has lost even his most confident professional field, and the others are even more incomparable.

Wu Zixu looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "you boy, you are so impressive. The Asian invincible is so wonderful. I think the best match for next year should have your place

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "director Wu, you don't have to coax me to be happy. It's also the best male match. I played for half an hour in total, and then I was given Ko by four masters. Have you ever seen the best supporting actor in a TV series so short? "

Wu Zixu said with a smile: "everything has exceptions? Maybe you're the exception. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "I borrow your good words."

"Director Wu, the next scene is ready." Niu Gong came to Wu Zixu and said.

Wu Zixu nodded and said, "very good. Sea of clouds, come on, fight for once. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "make sure to finish the task."

After the actor stood in his place, Wu Zixu himself called out, "action."

Zhao Chongxu took a look at the body of Tong Baixiong, then slowly pulled out his sword. His face was full of fear. He said, "the East is invincible. Congratulations on your training in the martial arts of the sunflower Scripture."

After killing Tong Baixiong, Xiao Yunhai felt as if he had trampled on an ant, and said softly: "master Ren, this sunflower Scripture is passed on to me by you. I've been thinking about your good

Zhao Chongxu showed boundless hatred and attacked Xiao Yunhai like a storm. His face was ferocious and sneered: "is it? So you shut me up at the bottom of the West Lake and taught me not to see the sun. "

Xiao Yunhai smiles and says, "I didn't kill you, did I? Can you last ten days and a half months if I ask the four friends of Jiangnan to give you no water? "

Zhao Chongxu said coldly, "so you treat me well?"

Xiao Yunhai gently massaged Yang Lianting and looked at Zhao Chongxu and said, "yes. As the saying goes, there is heaven on the top and Suzhou and Hangzhou on the bottom. The scenery of the West Lake is famous in the world. "

Zhao Chongxu looked at Xiao Yunhai carefully. He burst out laughing and said, "you let me live in the black prison at the bottom of the West Lake. Thank you very much."

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "Ren, I will always remember all the benefits you have done to me. Wu Zixu didn't make much changes in the lines I wrote in the sun and moon cult......

Wu Zixu almost directly moved the original words from the novel, but the effect was very good.

In particular, Zhao Chongxu and Xiao Yunhai played against each other. Their lines, movements and expressions were perfect, which made him very happy.Zhao Xuqing and I were envious for a few years

Zhao Wanqing thought about it and said, "you treat me very well."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said bitterly, "it's very good, but I always envy you. A person born as a woman, has been a hundred times luckier than a smelly man, not to mention you are so charming and young. If I have to change places with you, let alone be the leader of the sun moon cult, I will not do it even if I am the emperor and Laozi. "

Jiang Yaokun, who plays Linghu Chong, laughs: "if you change places with Miss Ren, it's not easy for me to like you, an old monster."

As soon as Jiang Yaokun's voice fell, Wu Zixu focused his camera on Xiao Yunhai. He knew that in this place, Xiao Yunhai must have a fierce reaction. As for other people's expressions, it would be better if they were photographed by other cameras.

Sure enough, when Xiao Yunhai heard Jiang Yaokun's words, he suddenly turned his head. His eyes were like electricity, and he looked at Jiang Yaokun fiercely. The momentum of his body surged out like a storm, and the air around him seemed to solidify.

"Good, good."

Wu Zixu was overjoyed, as if he had seen a baby, without blinking.

Sun Yanjun next to him sighed: "this expression, momentum is absolutely amazing."

Pointing to Jiang Yaokun, Xiao Yunhai angrily said, "who are you? How dare you speak to me like that, I'm not afraid. "

This is the first time that Jiang Yaokun and Xiao Yunhai have a real confrontation. The conflicts are also very big. It is not too much to use tit for tat.

Originally, he should have no fear, smile and answer, then the play will be perfect.

It's a pity that he seems to be frightened by Xiao Yunhai's murderous eyes. His face turns pale and his breath is not smooth. He can't even utter a word of the lines that have come to his mouth.


Wu Zixu did not hesitate to call card, then suddenly stood up, kicked the chair to one side, pointed to Jiang Yaokun and roared: "Jiang Yaokun, what are you doing? Why don't you say your lines? "

Wu Zixu was really angry this time. What a wonderful play was ruined by Jiang Yaokun's forgetting CI.

It's a strange thing for him to resist this kind of low-level mistake that should never happen.

Jiang Yaokun quickly apologized to Wu Zixu: "I'm really sorry, director Wu. I didn't forget the words just now, but my brain was suddenly blank, as if I couldn't remember anything. I'm so sorry. "

Wu Zixu frowned, looked at Jiang Yaokun and said, "for once, we will never do it again. Miss Zhao, Yunhai, please come down and have a rest. We'll do it again later. "

People came down to have a rest, and the staff quickly brought them chairs.

Luo Tianxiong looks at Xiao Yunhai in doubt. Xiao Yunhai immediately feels his eyes and turns his head to smile at him.

Xiao Yunhai is very clear about what Luo Tianxiong is thinking.

Indeed, Xiao Yunhai has just used the witnessing skill of Chinese martial arts. He also used it when dealing with action star Xue Ming.

Coincidentally, both of them were in Wu Zixu's crew.

It's just Xue Ming's time that Xiao Yunhai's Kung Fu has not been accomplished. Zhang Jingxuan, the director of the movement, can see it at a glance. But now, his kung fu has been cultivated and used again without any trace. Even his senior brother Luo Tianxiong doesn't see it.

The reason why Xiao Yunhai dealt with Jiang Yaokun like this is just to give him a warning.

He is so crazy in pursuit of his girlfriend, although Xiao Yunhai said he didn't care, how could he have no resentment in his heart.

Jiang Yaokun was absent-minded with the script. He just felt the cold killing opportunity shot by Xiao Yunhai. He is just a star. Even Xue Ming can't stand the witnessing skill. How can he bear it.

Jiang Yaokun looks at Xiao Yunhai with a lingering fear. It happens that Xiao Yunhai also looks at him and smiles at him, revealing his snow-white teeth. Jiang Yaokun quickly takes back his eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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