Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:52 AM

Chapter 339

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Back in Yanjing, Xiao Yunhai had a good night's rest and came to Tianhua film and television media company at 8:00 in the morning the next day.

Wang Lin and Yue Changting have been waiting for him in the office.

Xiao Yunhai laughs and says, "two teachers, long time no see."

For a long time, he said, "it's true that Banyue pavilion has not seen you for a long time. You still remember where the music director's office is. "

Yue Changting is deeply distressed by Xiao Yunhai, who has extraordinary musical talent but always neglects his work. He didn't understand why such a genius could not honestly engage in music. He had to make some movies and TV dramas. In Yue Changting's eyes, such behavior was a gift of music given to him by God.

Xiao Yunhai said: "early in the morning, who made Mr. Yue unhappy. You tell me, I'll help you repair him. "

Wang Lin said with a smile, "in addition to your Xiao Yunhai, there is no one who dares to provoke old Yue."

"Me?" Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said, "it's a great injustice. I've been on my own recently. I haven't done anything to offend teacher Yue?"

Yue Changting snorted and said, "anyone who is not serious about music has offended me."

Xiao Yunhai patted his chest and said, "that's definitely not me. I have always been strict with music, and I dare not be slack. "

Wang Lin said, "you've got it. I'm not afraid to say this, but my tongue is flashing. Come on, no kidding. The accompaniment of your ten new songs has been finished. Let's record it as soon as possible. You should have nothing to do these days? "

Xiao Yunhai was embarrassed and said, "my movie will be released on September 28, so..."

Yue Changting snorted and said, "that is to say, we only have three days."

Xiao Yunhai said: "it seems like this."

Wang Lin frowned and said, "three days is three days. With your singing skills, there should be no problem. Let's go. Let's go straight to the city of music. "

Half an hour later, the three people came to the city of music by car, found the person in charge, asked for a super luxury recording studio, and then plunged into it.

The name of Xiao Yunhai's second album is the same as that of the movie, all of which are called "Charlotte trouble". Six of them have appeared in the film, which are "just once", "sad 1999", "the moon represents my heart", "nunchakus", "the outside world", "once you".

In order to make up for the ten songs, Xiao Yunhai chose four songs from the famous songs of his previous life: "wish for a heart", "the sea", "this is love" and "the smile of Mona Lisa".

It can be said that the whole album is too gorgeous.

It was three days after I came out of the studio again.

With Wang Lin and Yue Changting walking out of the city of music, Xiao Yunhai was surrounded by reporters who had been lurking around.

Wang Lin and Yue Changting, who are not good at things, slip away with no sense of righteousness, leaving Xiao Yunhai alone to deal with these reporters.

"May I ask Mr. Xiao if you look so tired, are you recording songs for your new album?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. All the songs of the new album have been recorded. If there is no accident, we can meet you in mid October

"What's the name of the new album? What songs are there? "

"The name of the album is Charlotte trouble. As for the songs, you can find them in the movie" Charlotte trouble "which is released tonight

"Mr. Xiao, do you not plan to hold the premiere? Do you have no confidence in the box office

"I'm confident at the box office, but let's forget the word-of-mouth. I think the film will be reviled by critics. I'm sorry, friends. If you have any questions, let's talk about it later. I've been recording songs for three days and nights. I'm so sleepy that I need to go home for sleep. I don't know who has a car. Can you give me a ride

Xiao Yunhai's words stunned all the reporters.

Are you kidding? A big star asked a reporter to help him send him home. This is a wonderful thing.

Do you have auditory hallucinations?

A short reporter in front of the fastest reaction, all of a sudden took Xiao Yunhai's hand and said, "I have a car there. Mr. Xiao, I'll take you home."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "thank you very much. I'll see you in the evening

The short reporter and the photographer behind him were very excited. They acted as Xiao Yunhai's bodyguard for free. They escorted him to his van, opened the door, and Xiao Yunhai got into it.

Those reporters who followed me looked at the bus, looked at each other and cried bitterly.

"Why the hell didn't I react? That's the emperor of cloud. What a good opportunity! How can I not grasp it? "

"Is the emperor of cloud too wayward? You, a big star, let the reporter take you back. Who will believe it"Oh, I really regret my gut. At that time, I stood next to the emperor of cloud, listening clearly and clearly, but I thought I had heard it wrong. I forgot how special an artist yunhuang is. He doesn't have to be able to do something other stars can't do. "

When these reporters complained, the short reporter in the car also wanted to cry without tears. He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to talk to Xiao Yunhai well. As a result, Xiao Yunhai just got on the car and fell asleep.

The short reporter and the photographer looked at each other, and sighed.

For their business, the area of the Permian, where xiaoyunhai lives, is naturally a light train and familiar road. It took only 20 minutes to reach the destination.

A short reporter touched xiaoyunhai gently and said, "Mr. Xiao, we are here."

Xiao Yunhai, shaking himself, sat up, rubbed his confused eyes and said, "it's so soon. Thank you, brother. By the way, what's your name? "

The short reporter hurriedly took out a card from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Yunhai, and said excitedly: "I am Wang Dong, an intern journalist who has known for entertainment, just graduated from University, and asked Mr. Xiao to take more care of it."

Xiao Yunhai collected his business card and got down from the car and said, "I remember your name. I will find you if I have any news later."

Wang Dong said, thank you so much

Xiao Yunhai smiled at him, then put his hand in his hand and walked into the villa.

Wang Dong looked at his back and said, "it is my idol, it is different."

The photographer nodded and said, "I have been in business for so many years, and I have seen such a star for the first time. It is a wonderful work to do nothing false, not to act, to follow the nature. Wang Dong, your boy is a lucky hit. This is the first time that the emperor of cloud has accepted a reporter's card. When you send it later, don't forget my brother. "

Wang Dong smiled: "brother Zhang, look at what you said, I will never forget you again." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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