Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:49 AM

Chapter 341

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At seven fifty-five, the screening hall for Charlotte's troubles was full.

Yu Yuexian looked at Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile, "the attendance rate of your film is good. It's almost full."

Xiao Yunhai complacently said: "that is, don't look who directed it?"

"Come on. I tell you, the people who come to see the film today are all because of your fame. If you don't have a good evaluation, you will be thrown into the dust tomorrow. See, the editors and critics behind you have a very important opinion. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "for me, the view of fans is the most important."

Mordor Huaxia cinema, Li Lei with several of the main creators of the crew into the "Charlotte trouble" studio.

"I said that boss Li, Xiao Yunhai's film won't participate in the competition. What's the use of us running to contribute movie tickets to him?"

Li Lei said: "in my eyes, his film is my real opponent."

At the same time, Zhang Dezhi and his girlfriend also sat in the cinema to watch the "Charlotte trouble.".

At eight o'clock sharp, the big screen of Huaxia cinema was darkened at the same time. When it was lit up again, the title of "Charlotte's troubles" appeared on it, with a line of small characters at the bottom, which was the work of Xiao Yunhai.

"This film is a" three noes "hilarious light comedy, heartless, no moving, no literary and artistic style, just for the fight everyone, please do not spray

When I saw the subtitles on the flower again, all the fans in the cinema laughed.

The editors and critics frowned and said, "is this setting the tone of the film?"

Yao Na, sitting next to Xiao Yunhai, said with a smile: "this is the first time that I have seen someone write these things in their own movies? Yunhai, you are so good at it. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I am giving those experts and film critics a preventive injection. When they scold me, I have something to say."

The film officially began.

In the first few minutes, the content basically appeared in the film. Even so, seeing Xiao Yunhai's appearance and his astonishment in the face of the master of ceremonies still made the fans laugh.

At the banquet, the students gathered around a table and said, "Yuan Hua, you are the monitor of our class, and you have the best literary talent. Can you improvise a poem on the elegant clothes of our Xia Dashi.

Yuan Hua spurned and said, "I'll try. Well When you go to a banquet alone, you're all classmates

The audience in the cinema was also amused by Yuan Hua's poem.

"Xiao Yunhai is really talented."

"You don't say it's quite rhymed. I'll give them the same song when I see those students who have big money at the party."

The fans burst into laughter, and the critics and editors all put down their pens and grinned.

When the film is here, they have found that this film is a funny popcorn like movie. There is nothing to write about. It's better to watch it easily.

Soon, teacher Wang, an important figure in the play, appeared.

The students all stood up and said hello to Mr. Wang. "Teacher, do you remember me? I was the first winter runner that year

"First?" Mr. Wang thought about it carefully, and he laughed awkwardly, but didn't recognize it.

Zhang Yang said again: "that year, my father went to your house to pay New Year's greetings and send you a Sony radio."

As soon as Mr. Wang heard this, he immediately called out, "make it public! Don't forget that teacher. "

Yuan Hua took up his glass and touched him and said, "Mr. Wang, what my father gave me is a TV set."

"Yuan Hua is still such a good-looking talent." Mr. Wang called out his name in one mouthful.

Dachun called out: "teacher, I sent calendar back then."

Wang teacher a listen, facial expression pulled down, way: "that teacher can't remember."


"Ha ha ha."

"Who is the teacher? It's just a wonderful flower. Everyone who has received a gift from a student knows all of them. Forget about the ones who didn't give them. It's so interesting. "

Yao Wenyuan, who was sitting in the front row, said with a smile to Zhang Liping: "the teacher you created is very distinctive. I think it will leave a deep impression on the fans."

Zhang Liping said with a wry smile: "it should be a funny impression. However, don't mention that the box office of your student's work should be very good. How long has it been performed? We have laughed so many times. "

Yao Wen said: "the fans are happy, but those film critics and entertainment editors are expected to start scolding tomorrow."

Zhang Liping said with a smile: "don't worry about this. Our director Xiao has already predicted it. He gave a preventive injection in advance at the beginning of the film. Ha ha, it's a precaution."

Mr. Wang sat on Charlotte's chair and said, "in fact, what impresses me most about you in this class is Charlotte."

Charlotte's face lit up with a smile.He adjusted his clothes and was about to speak when he heard Teacher Wang continue to say, "what are the two idiots doing now?"

Charlotte's smile froze in her face.

Zhang Yang was out of breath and said to Charlotte standing behind Teacher Wang: "come on, two fools, tell the teacher what you are doing now."

Seeing this in the cinema, I immediately laughed and made a group. A fan who was drinking coke couldn't help but spray it out directly.

Fortunately, the hair should be fast, did not spray to the front of the couple, otherwise it is estimated that get a beating is inevitable.

The plot continues, Qiu Ya brings her husband to toast. Everyone stood up and unanimously recommended Charlotte to speak.

At this time, Charlotte had been drinking too much. She was staring at Qiu Ya and said, "Qiu ya, congratulations. You didn't let me down. It's no exaggeration to say that you look as beautiful as Guanyin Bodhisattva in journey to the west, but I never thought you would marry Marshal Tianpeng in the end

It was only a minute, and the fans in the cinema burst into laughter again.

"Oh, no, no, I'm laughing."

"It's a very interesting description."

"The goddess of mercy married Marshal Tianpeng, but thanks to the cloud emperor can think of it."

Yao Na, who is sitting in the front row, has been sullen recently, but her tears of laughter are flowing out.

Next to Yu Yuexian, seeing that her best friend could laugh, she was also very happy. She whispered to Xiao Yunhai, "your film can make sister Na laugh like this. It's not in vain."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I will take this as a compliment to me."

When Charlotte was making a big scene at the wedding, Ma Dongmei, the heroine, came in dressed in rags.

Qiu Ya took Ma Dongmei's hand and said, "Dongmei, you just came. I'm married today. Charlotte has drunk too much."

Ma Dongmei said: "Oh, Qiu ya, I don't know about your marriage. You said I came here dressed like this. Congratulations! Congratulations! Uncle

Qiu Ya said, "this is my husband."

Ma Dongmei was stunned and said in a hurry and embarrassment: "Oh! I'm sorry! I'm sorry, uncle

At this time, Ma Dongmei saw Mr. Wang and said happily, "Oh, Mr. Wang, you are also here. You are still alive."

The smile on Mr. Wang's face was stagnant.

Heroine Ma Dongmei's hilarious appearance makes everyone have a discussion.

"Oh, I'll go. Ma Dongmei is more funny than Charlotte."

"Ordinary words come out of her mouth like knives. Ha ha. "

"It's so funny. I can't stand it."

When Li Lei of Mordo Huaxia cinema heard the average laugh every half minute in the cinema, he sighed: "Xiao Yunhai's comedy is a success. Alas, fortunately, the opponent is not him, otherwise "

at Shanghai Huaxia cinema, Zhang Dezhi hugged his smiling girlfriend, looking gloomy.

"One hundred percent of my first love" is a joke, but it's not as good as Charlotte's worry. "

Next, the burden layer in the film is endless, with one smile after another, half a minute's smile and one minute's laugh. The whole studio of Charlotte's troubles has turned into a sea of joy, and many fans can't stand up.

In particular, when Charlotte just returned to 1999, it made everyone laugh.

Charlotte across to the class, the whole person a little confused, teacher Wang felt that he was there pretending, then said: "how? What about the amnesia? Xia Luo lost his memory, ha ha, do you know your last name? "

Charlotte ignored him, foolishly went to his seat, looked at Ma Dongmei, pinched the face of his future wife Ma Dongmei.

Ma Dongmei said angrily, "what are you doing?"

Teacher Wang was so angry that he patted the table and yelled: "Charlotte, did I let you go back? How do you fart with the teacher's words?


"ha ha"

there was a burst of laughter in the cinema.

"The teacher's words are so classic."

"It's killing me."

"No, I can't stand it. My stomach is going to explode."

Mr. Wang raised a stack of love letters in her hand and said, "you can solve what you have done by yourself, and recite it aloud to the students with emotion. Come on! Miss, dear who? Tell us who is your dear

Ma Dongmei thought it was written for herself. Her face turned red. She covered her face and rushed out of the class.

Mr. Wang said, "how many people have you harmed virtually? Read! Let's read it to the students, and see how the second biggest fool in our class is being cheap? "

Da Chun, who is being punished, holds his schoolbag and laughs loudly.

Teacher Wang knocked Da Chun's head with a fan and said, "you still have a face to smile! First, are you proud? "

There was another burst of laughter from the cinema.The role of Dachun was played by Allen in his previous life. He became popular on the stage with the image of a big fool. In the film, he played the role to the extreme.

The actor Xiao Yunhai is looking for is Hu Xin. He is 1.92 meters tall, and he is a little precocious. He was recruited by the academy as a special type actor. Xiao Yunhai happens to like him.

Sure enough, Hu Xin from the stage to now, the performance is very good, so that the fans are not only laughing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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