Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:44 AM

Chapter 345

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At ten o'clock in the morning, Xiao Yuanyang called Xiao Yunhai.

"Director Xiao, I don't know what it's like to be scolded?" Xiao Yuanyang asked, gloating.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's not bad. At least what they say is true, although it's a little ugly. But it's the audience that counts. "

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "not bad, the mentality is OK. Guess, how many box office tickets will your "Charlotte trouble" make last night? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "brother Yuanyang, are you testing my math? All right, give me a minute to do the math. "

There are 43000 screens in Huaxia cinema, accounting for 5% of them, that is, 2150 screens. There are usually 150 to 200 seats per screen.

There were three shows last night, including one at midnight. It is estimated that the attendance rate will not be very high. It would be nice to have 40%.

The ticket price of Charlotte's worry is 30 yuan. If the other two shows are based on 80% attendance, the total box office of "Charlotte worry" should be 22 million yuan.

After Xiao Yunhai told Xiao Yuanyang the number, Xiao Yuanyang burst out laughing: "you're good at math. Congratulations. Charlotte's troubles" box office is 24.2 million. The attendance rate of the first two shows is about 80%, and that of the midnight shows is 46%. Good boy, you only spent 30 million yuan and 40 million yuan including publicity. You didn't expect to earn half of it overnight. It seems that you will make a lot of money again. "

You don't want to be divided into Haiyang cinema. By the way, I've got such good grades. Can I increase the amount of film layout? "

Xiao Yuanyang said: "don't worry. The box office and attendance rate of films are directly proportional to the amount of films arranged. Your film is so good that you can't miss it in the cinema. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "that would be great."

Shortly after their conversation, Huaxia cinema announced the box office of "Charlotte's troubles" on its official homepage, which immediately aroused heated discussion.

With 2150 screens, only three screenings yielded more than 24 million box office receipts, ranking fourth among the films released in the same period in China.

At the top of the list is the American science fiction film star trek.

The film, which was introduced from Hollywood, has been on the air for a week. Yesterday, it won the championship for the eighth consecutive day at the box office of 160 million.

Daqin, a large historical war film, won 120 million at the box office, ranking second.

The action film "dragon in Jiuzhou" won the third place with a box office record of 84 million.

That's how movies are. The stronger the stronger, the weaker.

Xiao Yunhai, the fourth and third place, was a total of 60 million box office.

However, the top three film layout is much higher than Xiao Yunhai's "Charlotte trouble". If you calculate according to the attendance rate, Xiao Yunhai should be in the first place, after all, this is a new film.

On the same day, Huaxia cinema adjusted its film layout, and Xiao Yunhai's "Charlotte trouble" doubled, winning 4300 screens.

The performance of "Charlotte's troubles" did not disappoint the cinemas. The box office grew by geometric multiples. The box office reached 85 million on that day, ranking the third place. It instantly stirred up the entire Chinese film and television circle, and was only 40 million yuan short of the first place star set sail.

We should know that the investment of "star set sail" is more than 20 times of that of "Charlotte trouble", and the film layout is twice that of "Charlotte trouble". That's how much more people's glasses have been broken.

In the audience rating column, the number of people who participated in the scoring of Charlotte's troubles has soared to more than 3 million, and the score has increased from 8.7 to 8.9, ranking first.

In the experts' scores, the score of 2.1 points also ranked first, but it was the penultimate.

Both of them have been criticized by the audience, but they have been criticized by many people.

On the third day, the amount of film layout increased again, and Charlotte's troubles broke through 100 million yuan, with a box office of 120 million yuan. For the first time, it beat the powerful star set sail and won the first prize.

Even though Star Trek has been showing for ten days in a row, it's unbelievable to be defeated by a popcorn movie with an investment of only 20 million yuan.

On the fourth day, "Charlotte worry" continued to go up, with 8000 screens and 160 million box office hits, sweeping all the films of the same period.

The next two days are weekends, all the film box office has a small increase, and the box office of "Charlotte trouble" is even more eye popping.

The box office on Saturday was 190 million, and that on Sunday was more than 200 million.

Everyone was stupid, especially the critics who didn't like the movie. They all felt a little weird.

What's going on?

Isn't it scientific?It's just a joke that a sketch movie can get such a high box office.

Does it mean that the appreciation level of fans has declined?

Just when they were puzzled, the box office ranking of Huaxia film week was released.

No.1 "Charlotte trouble" 983.45 million

No.2 star set sail 744.12 million

No.3 Daqin 658.75 million

No.4 dragon in Jiuzhou (416.58 million)

looking at Charlotte's troubles, the whole entertainment industry was dead, followed by a burst of hot comments.

Experts from all walks of life have finished singing, and I will appear on the stage one by one to express their views on the success of Charlotte's troubles.

Online forums are all occupied by Charlotte's troubles. You can guess its final box office.

On October 5, after a burst of box office blowout, the potential of "Charlotte's troubles" seemed to be exhausted. The box office fell from 200 million to 60 million, with a drop of more than 70 percent, which made the industry shocked.

Critics who speculated that Charlotte's troubles could soar above the two billion mark were once again bruised by the relentless film market.

Although Xiao Yunhai is a little disappointed, it is also within his expectation.

After all, "Charlotte worry" is just a popcorn movie, and the decline is inevitable.

The disadvantage of this kind of movie is that it's hot and cold. It won't let people watch it for the second time or the third time like other classic movies.

However, even so, Xiao Yunhai also made a profit.

Xiao Yunhai accounted for 47% of the first week's box office sales of Charlotte's troubles, according to the distribution with cinemas. Taking into account the cost of shooting and investment, Xiao Yunhai made a profit of 450 million in just one week.

The whole film market was turned upside down by Xiao Yunhai's small investment film.

What is low cost and big benefit? "Charlotte trouble" for everyone to make the best interpretation.

Many entertainment companies, without saying a word, immediately launched a lot of small investment comedy films, hoping to replicate Xiao Yunhai's shocking achievements. Unfortunately, it can only be imitated. In addition to "Charlotte trouble" shocked the entertainment industry, there is another news involving Xiao Yunhai soaring.

Zhao Wanqing's "at least you" album was released in Charlotte's troubles the second day after the first World War, with sales of 20.34 million copies, becoming the best-selling music album in the ten years.

The media are like crazy and want to interview Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing. Unfortunately, one of them is filming in Hengdian, and the other is nervously filming his new album MV. They have no time to pay attention to them.

This has left reporters helpless.

The couple is a wonderful flower in the entertainment industry.

If any singer can get such a result, no matter how busy he is, he will surely come out and make a circle. At least, he will accept some media interviews and participate in some TV interview programs. I'm sorry for such a result if I don't fry for half a month.

However, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing had a good time. They were afraid to avoid it. They all played and disappeared, which made the reporters happy.

In the following week, although Xiao Yunhai's "Charlotte trouble" shrank significantly, the box office was still strong. The score of 420 million yuan ranked third in the list of Chinese films, second only to the newly released "Ye Huo" and "Legend of gambler".

As for America's Star Trek, it has fallen to sixth place, with only 260 million box office receipts.

It has to be said that the competition in the box office of films in this world is really fierce. To get good results, you have to beat at least dozens of films in the same period. It is too difficult.

Even if you can get good results in the early stage of your film, as long as a new film is produced, it will inevitably bring a huge impact on the old film. Once you can't hold on, your film box office will be greatly affected.

Unless your film is good enough to attract fans to come and see it for the second time or the third time, it's almost impossible to win the box office number one for three weeks in a row.

Even if the great master didn't do it at that time, let alone Xiao Yunhai's Popcorn movie.

Since the premiere of "Charlotte troubles", Xiao Yunhai has been busy with his album MV. Xiao Yunhai has already finished the MV script of ten songs.

When recording songs, the company found him an assistant director to prepare for the establishment of the production team and prepare for filming.

Now, Lu Pengfei is no longer working on MV shooting.

Since the legend of Zhen Huan was popular in China, as an associate director, he immediately attracted the attention of the company. Xue Tianhua let people find out the TV plays that LV Pengfei had made before. After watching it, he was promoted to director of TV drama without saying a word.Recently, he received an ancient costume historical drama, which is under intense shooting. It is said that it will be finished soon.

The newly recruited deputy director, Shen Fei, is also a fat man. Compared with Lu Peng Fei, his level is not a little bit worse. Just from the layout of the studio, Xiao Yunhai can see that this man's ability is in order.

Fortunately, Xiao Yunhai has gone through a film and a TV play, which is not what it used to be. Both organizational ability, coordination ability and directing level have been greatly improved.

The MV of ten songs and the photo album, Xiao Yunhai only used two weeks to complete the quality and quantity.

Zhang Xuedong, vice president of Tianhua media, ordered the company's printing plant to put aside all the work in hand and concentrate on Printing Xiao Yunhai's album of the same name in order to make the album catch up with the last bus of the film Charlotte's worry.

At the same time, the company immediately launched the album pre-sale. In a short period of three days, the pre-sale volume of "Charlotte trouble" reached more than 7 million, breaking the record just set by Zhao Wanqing.

Many singers who want to release a new album this month have changed the date immediately. I'm kidding. Who dares to touch with him.

"Charlotte trouble" in the third week was not very good, the decline was very serious, only got 88 million box office, ranked 11th, completely dropped out of the top 10.

The box office sales of "Charlotte's troubles" also set the actors on fire.

In order to help them completely open their fame, Xiao Yunhai took them to a happy Sunday recording. At first, everyone was still a little restrained, but under the guidance of He Feng and Xiao Yunhai, they soon got together.

After the program was broadcast, the response was very good.

Of course, at the box office, Xiao Yunhai did not forget the creators of Charlotte's troubles. Always generous, he not only invited people to a five-star hotel to have a good meal, but also gave everyone a big red envelope.

This makes those students who take part in "youth regret" are envious.

Fortunately, their films are about to be released. I hope they can get good results.

After a week of online pre-sale, the pre-sale volume of Xiao Yunhai's "Charlotte trouble" album reached 9.36 million, that is to say, before his album was officially put on the shelves, he had won the first World War.

At the same time, audio and video stores in major cities in China have called to order Xiao Yunhai's albums, which add up to nearly five million.

On the same day, China media announced on its official website that Xiao Yunhai's pre-sale volume of 9.36 million albums and an order of 5.27 million copies. The whole music circle was shocked and could not say a word.

What's up? Before it was released, it sold 14 million copies, and it was not allowed to live.

When Chen Huan, an old friend of Xiao Yunhai, was asked what he thought of this matter when he participated in an interview program, he said helplessly: "it is undoubtedly a misfortune for a musician to be born at the same time as Xiao Yunhai. Because in his bright light, no one can compete with him. But at the same time, it is a kind of luck. Because you can enjoy his beautiful music, which will open your ears and multiply your inspiration. "

"Maybe the music festival will be held for another month."

When Zhao Wanqing's album broke through 10 million yuan, some netizens once said the same thing as Chen Huan, but they didn't pay attention to them.

However, after Chen Huan, the godfather of Chinese music, said this, the effect was not the same. We all calculated in their hearts, and were horrified to find that, in addition to the golden cup award for the best newcomer, almost all the awards are likely to be occupied by Xiao Yunhai.

It's terrible. Can't Xiao Yunhai want to win a Grand Slam at the Golden Cup Music Festival.

At the time of everyone's discussion on the Internet, Xiao Yunhai's album "Charlotte trouble" was finally put on sale on October 21.

This time, Xiao Yunhai was very low-key. He did not hold an album release conference, nor did he make any publicity. He just talked about it on the official website of Tianhua media and his home page, and directly landed in audio and video stores in major cities of China for sale.

Even so, it still did not stop the fans' enthusiasm for the album. The first day's sales reached 2.32 million, which shocked the whole music industry once again.

All the well-known networks, magazines and newspapers all published this information on their front page headlines.

"The king of music was born, and Charlotte's troubles" miracle continued

"Yunhuang with the latest album" Charlotte trouble "low-key landing in the major audio and video stores, the first day sales shocked music circle."

"The music album" Charlotte trouble "of the same name was sold on the shelves and was robbed by millions of fans

On the Internet, those fans who bought Xiao Yunhai's album jumped out one after another and published numerous posts on the major forums.

"The product of emperor Yun must be a fine product. Xiao Yunhai once again proved this with his album Charlotte's troubles. What I didn't say is just two words. "

"Today, I queued up for two hours and finally got the latest music album" Charlotte worry "by idol cloud emperor. After I got home, I listened to it immediately. I can only say that the two hours of waiting is definitely worth it. ""You ask me how much I love you, and how much I love you. My love is true, so is my love. The moon represents my heart. This song is really wonderful. I will support you forever. "

Under the high public praise of fans, the sales volume of Charlotte worry has exceeded 2 million for three consecutive days, with 11 million copies in a week. In addition, with the pre-sale volume of more than 9 million, Xiao Yunhai won the first World War in just one week. At the same time, it also showed that the publicity strategy of Xiao Yunhai's film and music was a complete success. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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