Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:42 AM

Chapter 346

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Just when Xiao Yunhai's album was popular all over China, the film competition between Yanjing Film Academy and Shanghai and Mordo Film Academy finally began.

They all chose to be released on October 28 at the same time. Huaxia cinema gave them five percent of the total number of screens, more than 2000 screens.

This is why the three film colleges have such great energy to let the film and Television Bureau make such a decision. If you change to some other entertainment company, ha ha, the film and Television Bureau may regard this as a joke.

The entry film of Mordor film and Television Academy is an inspirational film called "flying dream", which mainly tells a story about the dream of a star.

Shanghai Film Academy chose the theme of love on campus. The film is called "100% first love".

In order to publicize their films, the three film academies tried their best to promote their films. Especially at the premiere ceremony, all the stars graduated from their schools were invited to the platform.

Xiao Yunhai, as one of the most influential figures in the entertainment circle, naturally received an invitation letter from the college. At the same time, there was one for Zhao Wanqing.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the two invitation cards on the table, shook his head slightly, and said in his heart, "can you use it so formally? Just make a phone call. "

Xiao Yunhai thinks about his treatment in Charlotte's troubles, and then looks at others' regret in youth. There are two concepts of school support and no school support.

In fact, with Xiao Yunhai's status and contacts in the entertainment industry, as long as he says it, many artists will be willing to come to the platform for him immediately. Even those big stars of the king and queen class will give him this face.

It's just that Xiao Yunhai doesn't like to owe others, so he didn't inform everyone.

Zhao Wanqing's plane arrived at Yanjing airport at 12:00 on the day of the premiere. Xiao Yunhai took Li Bing to meet her at the airport.

As soon as he arrived at the airport, Xiao Yunhai saw countless reporters standing at the gate of the airport early, and many reporters were rushing here with cameras, cameras and tripods.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the time, and at 11:30, he sighed in his heart, "this is troublesome."

In the crowd, a young reporter wiped the sweat on his face and said, "it's not easy. It's not easy until Zhao Wanqing comes back from the cast of Xiaoao Ao lake."

"Yes. As the saying goes, it's not that a family doesn't enter a house. This couple is just too much. A couple's music albums both broke the 20 million mark, which has never happened in the entertainment industry. I dare not say that there is no one after, but at least it is unprecedented. What a good news story, but the couple are not even in the picture. That's too much. "

"In any case, we must interview Zhao Wanqing today. Even if it is blocked, we should block her here."

"Yes, that's right."

At 12 o'clock sharp, the plane landed at Yanjing airport on time. All the reporters were in full force and their eyes were fixed on the exit for fear that Zhao Wanqing would be mistaken.

Ten minutes later, Zhao Wanqing, dressed in a tight red coat and full of tall stature, stepped out of the airport in the escort of several bodyguards.

Seeing the reporter who came to pick up the plane, Zhao Wanqing didn't seem surprised and went forward.

When it was 20 meters away from the airport exit, the cameras and cameras in the hands of reporters began to crack and start to give off power. The flash lights kept flashing, and the light even covered the brightness of the sun.

After Zhao Wanqing approached, the long guns and short cannons in the hands of reporters attacked Zhao Wanqing crazily.

"Excuse me, Miss Zhao, your music album has sold 20 million yuan. What do you think of it?"

"Why didn't you have an auxiliary for the first film of" Miss CHO, Miss Cho "? Is there something wrong with your relationship

"Do you think that if you didn't have Mr. Xiao's personal hand, could your album still achieve such a result?"

Zhao Wanqing didn't say a word. With the help of four bodyguards, Zhao Wanqing wanted to break out of the encirclement of reporters as soon as possible.

But I didn't expect that these reporters seemed to have negotiated, that is, they would not make way for them.

Zhao Wanqing said helplessly, "Dear journalists, can you give me a break. I want to go back as soon as possible and prepare to attend the premiere of our school film "youth has regrets". Now the time is a little tight, please help me

A reporter in front of him, with a sad face, said, "Miss Zhao, can you also understand us. We journalists eat this bowl of rice. As a couple, you and Mr. Xiao have sold more than 20 million albums one after another. What a big thing. But up to now, none of you has come out to accept the interview, which really makes it impossible for us to go back to hand over the work. "

"Yes, Miss Zhao. Just answer a few questions."

Zhao Wanqing, helpless, was about to speak.

Suddenly, a very familiar voice came from the press group."Ladies and gentlemen, it's not a good habit for you to surround my wife like this?"

A quick response to the reporter, immediately called out: "is the cloud emperor Xiao Yunhai."

"Wow, Mr. Xiao has come to pick up the plane in person."

"Who said the relationship was not good? Isn't that bullshit? "

Xiao Yunhai originally just wanted Li Bing to come and pick up Zhao Wanqing. He didn't plan to come out.

But I didn't expect that this group of reporters even blocked Zhao Wanqing. Xiao yunhaisheng was afraid that you would hurt Zhao Wanqing if you pushed me down, so he rushed out of the car.

Xiao Yunhai hugged Zhao Wanqing, who was pleasantly surprised, and said to the reporters, "ladies and gentlemen, let's not block the door here. Many passengers are unable to pass. In this way, it's quite spacious on the left. Let's have an interview there. How about that? "


Reporters came to one side with Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing.

A reporter asked, "Mr. Xiao and Ms. Zhao, what do you think of your albums, which have both exceeded 20 million sales?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "happy, excited and grateful. Wan Qing and I can get such a result, all rely on the support and love of the majority of fans. We are somewhat guilty of this. So we made a decision, that is......

at this point, Xiao Yunhai suddenly gasped and said, "Wanqing, you'd better talk about it."


"I don't want to play like this."

"What a gasp."

Reporters began to complain.

Zhao Wanqing glanced at Xiao Yunhai and said, "Dear journalists, Yunhai and I have decided to take half of our income from music albums now and in the future, and set up a charity fund for Qinghai students in the Red Cross Society of China. It is mainly to build schools in poor areas, improve the learning environment there, and help children with difficulties go to school. It can also be regarded as our modest contribution to social progress. "

When Xiao Yunhai went to visit the troupe of "Xiaoao Huhu", he made an appointment with Zhao Wanqing.

Originally, he was going to hold a special press conference with the Red Cross Society to release the news. But now that he saw so many reporters, Xiao Yunhai temporarily changed his mind and asked Zhao Wanqing to tell the story out. It was propaganda in advance.


Zhao Wanqing's words, like a bomb, broke out among reporters.

"True or false?"

"Half of the album's income is not measured in billions."

"It seems that no star has ever donated so much money."

"You have to understand that half of the album income will also be donated. God, how much is it

"Be quiet, everyone." Xiao Yunhai raised his hand and pressed it down. After the crowd quieted down, he said, "the reason why we publicize this matter is not to get everyone's praise and affirmation. It's about getting as many good-natured people as possible to join in and bring hope and future to those poor children


Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, many reporters clapped their hands one after another.

They know very well that if other stars say that, they may think that this guy is there to advertise and promote himself.

But for Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, they are completely convinced that they are sincere in doing things for the children. They don't suffer from the low-key propaganda in their usual way.

A reporter asked, "will you take out half of your two albums? You know, they sell more than 20 million. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "even if the sales volume is 200 million, the donation is correct. Well, that's all for the topic. When my album income is put on the account, we will contact the Red Cross Society of China, and we will talk about it all the time. Do you have any questions to ask? "

"Miss Zhao, why didn't you attend the premiere of Mr. Xiao's" Charlotte trouble "? You know, this is the first time that Mr. Xiao directed the film. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "I originally wanted to ask for leave, but I'm needed every day by the cast of Xiaoao Ao lake.". In order not to delay the shooting, I have to be absent. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "even if she wants to come, I won't let her come. You know, I invested in Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu. If she is short of one day's work, I may lose a lot of money. Besides, I didn't have a decent premiere. Even if she came, it would not have much effect on the box office

In this way, after they answered many questions, the reporters let them go.

When Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing returned to the villa, it was already 13:30 at noon.

Zhao Wanqing was OK. She ate something on the plane, but Xiao Yunhai was hungry for a long time.

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai received a call from his teacher, Yao Wenyuan.

"Yunhai, the school wants you to sing a song at the premiere of youth with regrets. What do you think?"

Xiao Yunhai immediately frowned and said, "teacher, it's better to forget about it."I'm kidding. Anyway, my own "Charlotte troubles" is a loser in front of "youth with regrets". It's a great honor for the school to attend the premiere of the other party. If you go up and sing a song, it will become a joke.

Xiao Yunhai's face is not so thick.

Yao Wenyuan also felt that it was not right. He called to ask, but just to deal with the school.

Yao Wen said, "OK, I'll tell them."

Xiao Yunhai asked: "teacher, won't bring you any trouble?"

Yao Wenyuan laughed: "what's the trouble. Don't worry. No problem. "

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai's face pulled down.

"What's the matter with Mr. Yao?" asked Zhao Wanqing

Xiao Yunhai said: "the school should ask me to sing on stage. It's unreasonable."

Zhao Wanqing frowned and said, "are you kidding? Isn't it hitting you in the face? "

Xiao Yunhai hugged Zhao Wanqing's Qian waist and asked her to sit on her leg and said with a smile, "whatever you want, I just won't go up. Wife, we haven't been intimate for a long time, you see... "

just after the words were finished, Zhao Wanqing immediately stood up and said," sorry, I'm here. "

On the sofa, I fainted.

Zhao Wanqing's laughter rang out in the villa. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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