Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:39 AM

Chapter 348

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At eight o'clock sharp, the film "youth has regrets" was officially screened.

Just looking at the beginning, Xiao Yunhai frowned slightly.

As a director, his appreciation ability is much higher than ordinary people.

The most important word of "regret in youth" is feelings, but Xiao Yunhai doesn't feel this from the color of the picture, background music or other aspects.

Xiao Yunhai sighed in his heart: "bad, Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen feel wrong about the film."

For the director, to make a good play, the feeling is often more important than all the technical links. Especially those literary and artistic films, I feel right. No matter how bad the script is, it can turn the decadent into a miracle. However, once the feeling is wrong, even the best script will be finished.

One side of Yu Yuexian Yi, way: "this film, how I see some awkward ah."

Hearing this, Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "I feel like that. I always feel that there is a sense of disobedience."

Wang Yifu, sitting in the front row, frowned from the first picture and looked very serious.

As one of the most influential critics in China, Wang Yifu's eyesight is much stronger than Xiao Yunhai.

Next to Zhuang bin secretly looked at his notebook, only to see the above said: "the film at the beginning of the painting style is wrong, the use of color is general, the music is worse, can not give people a sense of substitution."

After reading Wang Yifu's evaluation, Zhuang Bin's face is not good-looking.

In fact, Wang Yifu was not invited by Zhuang bin, but Hu Changsheng invited him to come without telling the school.

The purpose is self-evident. I hope Wang Yifu can say a good word for the film.

But how can Zhuang bin not see the quality of the film.

He and the school teachers have already seen the film. Although we didn't say anything, we were very clear that the back of the film was ok, but there were obvious problems in the front.

Hu Changsheng asked Wang Yifu to come over without authorization. Didn't he look for scolding?

Think of here, Zhuang bin ruthlessly glared at Hu Changsheng.

After 40 minutes, the style of the film suddenly changed, the color of the picture became lighter, and the music became a little sad and beautiful, giving people a strong sense of substitution.

Xiao Yunhai secretly said, "what are Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen doing? No one shot the first half, the other took the second half. That's ridiculous. One film has two styles. It's funny. "

Wang Yifu and other film critics also frowned. A bad tempered critic even stood up directly and walked out in such a dignified manner, without giving any face to Yanjing Film Academy.

Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen, who have been observing everyone's expressions, changed their faces at the same time. Is there something wrong with this film?

A flash of anger flashed on Hu Changsheng's face. It happened that he knew the film critic who had gone out, so he immediately followed up. When he came back, his face was covered with frost.

Ninety minutes later, the film was over and the lights were on. Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen took the creators to the stage and bowed deeply.

But it was embarrassing that only a few people in the audience were clapping perfunctorily.

Wang Yifu said to Zhuang bin, "it's getting late. I'll go back first."

Other critics also came to say goodbye.

Zhuang bin didn't even dare to ask their opinions and politely sent them out.

Senior brother Li Xun shook his head and sighed softly, "there are too many problems. They almost made all the mistakes that new directors often make. I don't know how the school will let this film compete. "

Yu Yuexian said: "the biggest failure of this film is that the style is inconsistent. Can't these two directors shoot half of it? Well, it seems that our college will lose this time. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "not necessarily. Although we can see the problem, it doesn't mean the fans can see it. To be honest, the plot of this film is still good. Maybe it can get a good box office

Zhao Wanqing said: "but we can basically be sure that the critics will not give high marks. It is estimated that they will be scolded just like you."

Zhao Wanqing is right. When Wang Yifu walked out of the cinema to discuss with other film critics, people's views on the film were very general.

"It's worse than Charlotte's troubles," one critic chuckled. Although the script of Charlotte's trouble is very bad, at least Xiao Yunhai's shooting is good, and there is no big problem. But this "youth regret" is a good script, bad shooting. What a pity. "

"It's estimated that Yanjing Film Academy will lose face this time. Let me say, it's better to use "Charlotte trouble" to compete. They compare the box office, with the strength of "Charlotte trouble", that is sure to win

"Yanjing Film Academy wanted to make a film with double box office and word-of-mouth, but they misjudged the director's ability to direct."

Wang Yifu sighed: "well, everyone, let's go back and write film reviews. Tomorrow I'll take a look at the works of the other two schools. I hope they won't let us downIn the No.2 projection Hall of Huaxia cinema, a young man of about twenty-three years old looked at the subtitles in a daze.

He has a thin face, messy hair, a pair of black glasses on the bridge of his nose and thick lenses. Obviously, his myopia is very serious. His face was sallow, and he looked a little malnourished.

"Boss Wu, almost everyone has left. Let's go."

A fat man beside patted the young man on the shoulder and said.

"Fat, how much money do we have for our special effects lab?" Wu asked suddenly.

Big fat's face darkened and sighed: "there's only twenty or thirty thousand. Mr. Wu, if there is no capital injection from the company, our people will probably break up. "

It turns out that this young man named Wu Hao is a top computer software genius. With his own efforts and the help of a group of like-minded friends, he has set up a special effects software research lab to specially design computer special effects software.

Now a small part of the project has been completed, but the research laboratory has no money.

Wu Hao Ran many entertainment companies and investment companies. Unfortunately, no one is willing to inject capital.

Under the irritable mood, Wu Hao and fat came to the cinema.

Originally, they wanted to see the idol Xiao Yunhai's "Charlotte trouble", but when Wu Hao saw the title of "youth has regrets", he suddenly felt a little familiar and seemed to have seen the name there.

Therefore, Wu Hao ignored the strong opposition of fat, with him to see this "youth has regrets.".

Wu Hao, with a trace of doubt in his eyes, said, "big fat, do you know? It's like my father wrote it before he died

Wu Hao's father, Wu Minzhi, was once a very famous screenwriter. Unfortunately, when Wu Hao was in high school, he had a car accident with Wu Hao's mother.

When Wu Hao was cleaning up his father's relics, he saw a notebook in which was the last play written by Wu Minzhi.

Wu Hao thought it was very commemorative, so he read it and put it away.

Because of a long time, although Wu Hao's memory is a little vague, he still remembers the name of the play "youth has regrets".

"What? You're not sick, boss. This is written by two students of Yanjing Film Academy. What does it have to do with Uncle Wu? "

Wu Hao pursed his lips and said, "go to my house."

They took a taxi back to Wu Hao's home, opened the door, and Wu went straight to his bedroom.

From a cupboard, find out a box, which contains the remains of Wu Hao's parents.

Wu Hao picked up a notebook from inside and looked at it.

Big fat looked at him in surprise and said in his heart, "can't it be true?"

Therefore, he also stood behind Wu Hao and looked at the notebook.

Although the words above are scribbled, it seems to be the first draft, but big fat still saw the name of the hero and heroine.

as like as two peas in the five minutes later, chubby finally recognized that the story of "youth regrets" and the story written on the book just looked at are almost the same.

Big fat was furious and said, "Yanjing Film Academy is really shameless. It's an infringement of copyright to take what your father wrote as his own. Once brought to court, the two student directors will be sentenced. "

Wu Hao's eyes flashed a little struggle, hesitated for a long time, then said: "fat, I want to use this book to make a deal with them. Despicable as it may be, this is what I have to do for our studio. "

After hearing this, fat understood immediately and said, "boss, it's useless. Even if you can get a sum of money from them, compared with our software design, it is just a drop in the bucket. Apart from other things, we can't afford to support the more than 20 programmers alone. Oh, boss, I can't hold on to it. I'll just dissolve it. "

"No way." Wu Hao firmly said: "the special effects software studio took me five years to build up, I finally had the results, how can I dissolve it."

"But even if you want all their box office tickets, it's not enough. They are not the emperor of clouds. They can't get the result of "Charlotte trouble"

"Cloud emperor?" As soon as Wu Hao's eyes brightened, he patted his thigh and said, "yes, I didn't think of it. The music, novels, movies and TV series of emperor Yun are so popular that if he is willing to inject capital, there will be no problem. "

Big fat said with a bitter smile: "boss, who is the emperor of cloud? That's a top star. It's hard to say whether you can see him or not

Wu Hao shook the book in his hand and said, "before, I may not see him, but now with it, there is no problem. Big fat, let's go to Yanjing Film Academy tomorrow to find their president. "

Big fat nodded and said, "OK."

The next day, the box office of three films, youth regret, flying dream and first love 100%, were posted on the official website of Huaxia cinema.

Among them, "100% of first love" by Shanghai Film Academy has the highest box office, with 16.9345 million, ranking 12th in the same period."Youth with regret" by Yanjing Film Academy was closely followed, with a box office of 156.6881 million, ranking 14th in the same period.

"Dream of flying" of Mordo film and Television Academy won 15.2432 million box office, ranking 15th.

The most important thing is that the box office gap is not big in the second day.

In the audience rating column, the score of "100% first love" was 6.1, ranking first.

"Dream of flying" scored 5.7, ranking second.

"Youth with regret" scored 5.6, ranking third.

Among the experts' scores, 4.4 points were for flying dream, 5.6 points for 100% first love, and 3.7 points for youth regret. All three films failed.

However, in their comments, Wang Yifu and others pointed out their shortcomings and shortcomings without politeness, but their words were far less incisive than those in Charlotte's troubles, and finally encouraged them for the first time.

After all, the main creators of the three films are all students. It is quite good to have this level. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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