Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:35 AM

Chapter 351

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Xiao Yunhai took Wu Hao's car and returned to the villa together.

Two people just walked into the living room with Xiao Yunhai, they were stunned there directly.

Zhao Wanqing heard the news and came out of the kitchen.

At this time, she was wearing an apron and holding a shovel. She looked like an ordinary housewife. She was not a bit of a big star in the entertainment industry.

Zhao Wanhao's brain and chin stopped immediately.

Zhao Wanqing saw the guests at home. Although she was a little surprised, she said with a smile, "please sit down, and I'll pour you tea."

Wu Hao and Li Ke came back to their senses and quickly waved their hands and said, "no, no, we are not thirsty."

Let the goddess in his heart pour tea for himself, where can Wu Hao and Li Ke stand this treatment.

Xiao Yunhai laughed, put his arms around their shoulders, let them on the sofa, and said, "well, since you are at home, you don't have to be too stiff. Our so-called stars look very beautiful on the outside. In fact, there is no difference between the inside and the ordinary people. They are all made of oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. Is it exciting to see my wife

Wu Hao said with a bitter smile: "it's really hard to accept all of a sudden."

Li Ke also nodded and said, "I used to feel that the life of a star is very mysterious, but now it seems that it is no different from us."

Xiao Yunhai said: "in fact, stars prefer the life of ordinary people. Like Wanqing and I, although we live together, we don't have much time to meet. Either I'm busy with the album, or she's busy filming. Ah, it's just two words. It's hard. "

Wu Hao said: "even so, there are still many people who are struggling to climb up. Some of the self hyped entertainment news I see from the Internet are quite incomprehensible. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is what people say. People outside the wall always want to come in, but they don't know that people inside the wall always want to go out. I have my own pain. Well, let's not say that. I haven't asked you why you want to see me

Wu Hao said: "yunhuang, you are a big director in the entertainment industry. What do you think of special effects?"

"Special effects?" As soon as Xiao Yunhai's eyes brightened, he immediately thought of the former Hollywood industrial light and magic company.

The company, founded by George Lucas, is one of the best special effects technology in the world and is known as a synonym for movie magic. Such as "Jurassic Park", "Transformers", "Pirates of the Caribbean", "World War", "Star Wars" and other successful films around the world are made by it.

It can be said that in the earth at that time, as long as it is large, there is no need to make special effects.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai said: "the future of film is the world of special effects. If you want to make a movie that stimulates the audience's visual senses, special effects are essential. I heard you say in the headmaster's office that you have set up a special effects software research lab. is that what you do

Wu Hao nodded and said, "yes. We are studying the special effects software, we have already got the target, but we are short of funds. Yunhuang, we have spent so much time looking for you, just to ask you to inject capital into our studio. You can rest assured that as long as we have enough funds, we are sure to make the special effects software perfect within half a year. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed and said, "I want to know if this software is made, what kind of scene can it make?"

When Wu Hao heard that Xiao Yunhai seemed to be very interested in his software, he was overjoyed and said, "the software is very powerful. According to my imagination, it can make many amazing scenes and effects. For example, various lifelike animals, mysterious space, various palaces in fantasy novels and so on

Xiao Yunhai asked, "can you also make these things through this software, such as the overwhelming floods, the collapsed skyscrapers, and the transformers in American comics?"

Wu Hao said confidently, "of course, no problem. It's just that it takes a long time and effort, and a lot of staff. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "what can you do? For example, a gorilla, can you be exactly the same as the reality? Every hair, every facial expression. "

Wu Hao said: "as long as you give me time, I can achieve more than 95% fidelity."

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said, "you are not bragging. I've heard that the best special effects companies in Hollywood can achieve at most 80% fidelity, and you can achieve 95% fidelity. Isn't that a bit overblown? "

After hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Li Ke, who has been silent, was in a hurry and said, "emperor Yun, boss Wu is a computer software genius. The methods he uses are full of fantastic ideas, which are not comparable to those of foreign devils."

Wu Haochong waved Li Ke's hand and said, "emperor Yun, do you have time in the afternoon? I'd like to invite you to my studio

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course, there is time. If you can really prove that everything you say is true, then I can inject money into your studio. ""That's great," said Wu

At this time, zhaowanqing said to the three, "the food is ready, come to eat."

Wu Hao and Li Ke said with some embarrassment: "how much trouble are you?"

Zhao Wanqing smiled: "what is the trouble? Even if you don't come, I have to do so much. Otherwise, I can't feed you the big bucket next to you. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "big bucket is big one. Come on, you'll have a good drink with me. "

Wu Hao blushed: "I won't, let fat accompany you to drink."

Li Ke smiled: "boss Wu is a famous cup of pour, so we never ask him to drink together, so we don't have to carry him home."

A few people laughed.

On the table, Xiao Yunhai found that the two people were a little restrained, and they deliberately talked and laughed. Two people see xiaoyunhai and zhaowanqing have no half a star shelf, the heart also let go, not much time, elder sister short to cry.

Li Ke even joined xiaoyunhai with wine, and it turned out to be a dream.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai, with the unconscious Li Ke, who was already drunk, rushed to his studio with Wu Hao.

Wu Hao's studio is in an old building in the Fifth Ring Road of Yanjing. The conditions are not so good, and the working environment is also very bad.

The staff were all young people in their twenties, almost twenty, each with a computer in front of each, and even several, all banging the keyboard.

It may be because they stay at the computer for a long time, the radiation is so severe that they are a little dark yellow, but their mental state is very good, and they work very seriously.

When Wu Hao came here with xiaoyunhai, everyone seemed to be unable to believe their eyes.

"Boss Wu, you are too cow, and you can bring the emperor of cloud to me."

"My God, I finally see the living cloud emperor."

As the crowd was in a loud voice, a young man with yellow hair reacted the fastest. He quickly took three books and two music albums out of the drawer and ran to xiaoyunhai and said, "cloud emperor, I am your loyal fan, sign me a name."

"By the way, little plum, you boy is too fast."

"Oh, my albums and novels are at home."

"You are stupid, have you diary, let cloud emperor sign again first."

"Yes, I have several copies here."

Others quickly turned over the box and went to the cabinet to find things.

Wu Hao airway: "little Li, you roll me back. Can you make a little bit of a difference. I have important things to talk with yunhuang, and I will talk about it after we have finished. "

Xiao Yunhai smiled: "thank you for your support. Let's see you later." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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