Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:32 AM

Chapter 353

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Hearing the applause, Xiao Yunhai pointed to them and said with a smile, "you guys, you really don't give me any face. When you knew I was the boss, none of you clapped your hands. When you know that Wu is still your boss, you start to applaud. It makes my heart pull out the cool


"ha ha ha."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, everyone laughed.

I didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai, as a big star, had no airs at all and was as humorous as hosting the program. In the future, it should be good to work under his hands.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "the so-called new officials take office three fires. My first fire started with your salary. I heard that you haven't been paid for three months. I'm surprised and I admire you all. This shows that you really like this research. "

"Mr. Xiao, are you going to make up for our salary?" Asked a young man with a sharp face.

Xiao Yunhai said, "wrong. To be precise, it should be a rise in wages. From today on, your monthly salary will double. All of the previous three months will be compensated according to the current salary standard. In the future, there will be absolutely no arrears of pay. "


"Ha ha, that's great."

"The emperor of cloud is the emperor of cloud, and his hand is really generous."

"Worthy of being my idol, I love him to death."

Xiao Yunhai stretched out two fingers and continued: "the second fire, change our work place. You should remember that our future goal is to be the world's first special effects company. Such a working environment is absolutely impossible. Look at your current state, almost all of you are in sub-health state. I don't want to see you fall one by one before I spend so much money. Therefore, I am going to rent a building as the office of the company. There must be a gym, enough rest rooms and special dining rooms. In short, everything should be carried out according to the standards of modern company. "


"Long live the emperor."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, everyone cheered.

Xiao Yunhai stretched out his third finger, and the room was suddenly quiet. He looked at Xiao Yunhai with his eyes shining, as if to swallow him directly.

"The third fire, recruit people. The number of our team is too small. It is a very complicated thing to do special effects for movies and TV programs. Even if our software development is successful, we can't do without enough people to take on the outside work. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. You are all computer experts. Among the people I want to know, there must be many powerful computer experts. As long as you think he's good at it, recruit him right away. The probation period is three months. Once qualified, the salary will be paid according to the current standard. The best way is to make up a hundred people, if not enough, go to the society to recruit. This matter will be handed over to Mr. Wu. Remember, our company doesn't want waste. "

Wu Hao said: "boss Xiao, you can rest assured that all the people I recruit are masters who can be one to ten."

"Great. In this way, we don't have to be so tired."

"That's right. I feel refreshed now."

Xiao Yunhai stretched out his fourth finger and said, "the fourth fire, I will replace your computer. According to Wu, your computers are old. As the saying goes, if a worker wants to do a good job, he must first use his tools. Tomorrow, you can go to the computer city with boss Wu. As long as it is conducive to the work, no matter what the configuration is and no matter how much money is spent, we don't need any hesitation to take it away. It is best to buy all the computers and equipment at one time, including the computers and equipment of more than 70 colleagues in the future. Do you understand? "


"That's great. I wanted to change it a long time ago."

"Happiness comes so suddenly that I'm going crazy."

Xiao Yunhai once again held out his fifth finger and said with a smile, "at seven o'clock tomorrow evening, I'll invite you to eat, drink and have fun. Mr. Wu, you can book a hotel. I have only one requirement. The hotel must be five-star. If married, you can bring your wife and children. Well, if you have any other requirements, you can talk to Mr. Wu. Remember, anything that money can solve is not a problem for us. As long as you do a good job, not to mention the bonus, even the shares of the company will be rewarded to you. "

Wu Hao cut in: "let's tell you the good news. Mr. Xiao will take out 10% of the shares to reward the employees who have made great contributions. If you want, show your skills."

"Wow, how much is ten percent?"

"Once the company is developed in the future, 10% is estimated to be worth hundreds of millions, even billions."

"Laohei, you pinch my face. How can I feel like I'm dreaming?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "OK, everyone, let's call it a day. I'm going to go back with my wife. I'll see you tomorrow evening

"Long live the emperor."

In the cheers of the crowd, Xiao Yunhai waved to everyone and followed Wu Hao out.

On the bus, Wu Hao looked very lonely. He sighed: "boss Xiao, seeing that they are full of energy and full of confidence, I feel that I have failed before."Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you are wrong. With your ability of Wu Hao, your success is only a matter of time. I'm just playing a catalytic role in it. The real soul character can only be you. Wu Hao, come on. Once the software is made, you should tell me immediately that I will not only apply for a patent in the Huaxia patent office, but also go to the United Nations patent office. If our company wants to go out of China, your research results are the most important. "

Wu Hao spirit of a shock, said: "your goal is really the world's first?"

Xiao Yunhai said, "you think what I said is for fun. I'm telling you, don't think about this goal too hard. As long as we have the technology ahead of others, it's just a piece of cake to be number one in the world. Hehe hehe, after all, as the old saying goes, technology is the key. "

Wu Hao was excited by Xiao Yunhai and said in his heart: "the world is the first, I must be the first in the world."

Back at the villa, Xiao Yunhai talked about it with Zhao Wanqing.

Zhao Wanqing said: "are you so optimistic about special effects?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said confidently, "yes. I'm sure the future will be the world of special effects. As soon as Wu Hao's software is made, I will immediately start shooting a mythical movie to promote the company's special effects technology. "

"What kind of movie?" Zhao asked curiously

Xiao Yunhai showed a look of memory and said, "this film is called... Killing immortals."

In the previous life, Xiao Ding's masterpiece Zhu Xian has moved countless people with its fantastic imagination, grand momentum and sentimental love, and is praised as a love story in the guise of immortal knight errant.

Unfortunately, due to the limitation of capital and technology, Zhuxian has not been made into a film in the previous life. Later, he made a TV series, and the special effects were also top-notch in similar TV dramas. However, in Xiao Yunhai's opinion, compared with the original work, the difference was still too far.

However, there is no ready-made template for this novel to refer to. Even Xiao Yunhai has to compile the script himself. Therefore, it is a great challenge for Xiao Yunhai.

Zhao Wanqing asked, "is there a role suitable for me?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said with a smile, "of course. There are two heroines in this play. One is a human spirit who dares to love and hate. Unfortunately, in the first fight between the devil and the devil, she fought hard to kill the immortal sword for her lover. The other is the cold fairy who lived to the end, but she stayed together with her beloved, and finally failed to get together. Which one do you want to play? "

Zhao Wanqing didn't think about it and said, "the first one."

Xiao Yunhai shaved her nose and said, "I knew you would choose this one. However, whether this film can be made or not depends on whether Wu Hao's technology can reach the standard. I hope we can start shooting next year. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded, then took out a bank card from her bag and gave it to Xiao Yunhai. She said, "this card has more than one billion Chinese dollars. A few days ago, mango station gave you the money from" the voice of China ", which seems to be 1.2 billion yuan. Yunhai, you are so good that you can make so much money just by coming up with any idea. "

Xiao Yunhai took over the bank card and said with a proud smile, "that's it. I don't want to see who your husband is. By the way, how come they don't talk to me about landing on video websites? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "Mango station has not finished broadcasting itself. You know what? They played it four times, and the ratings were still high. If you don't squeeze the last bit of its value, the mango stand will not let it go. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "wait, for the second season of the good voice of China, I think they will soon find me. Hehe, it's a lot of money. Wife, how can I be so good

Zhao Wanqing said, "you are proud."

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai put Zhao Wanqing on the plane to Hengdian. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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